Improve Your Email
Deliverability & Reduce Costs
with Our Fully Managed Email
Server Solution

Improve Your Email Deliverability & Reduce Costs with Our Fully Managed Email Server Solution

Say Goodbye to Spam Folders and

Hello to Increased ROI

Are you tired of your emails ending up in spam folders or getting bounced by major email service providers?

Do you struggle to understand email authentication protocols like SPF, DMARC, and DKIM? You’re not alone. Setting up email to consistently hit the inbox is a massive pain point for many businesses.

With your own managed email server, you can send marketing emails, transactional emails and person to person emails without limitations!


Self-Hosted Email with Client Amp

At Client Amp, we understand the challenges businesses face when it comes to email deliverability. That’s why we offer a fully managed email server solution that puts you in control of your email communications.

By self-hosting your email, you can avoid the risks associated with commercial bulk-email providers and ensure your messages reach your subscribers’ inboxes.

Benefit 1

Increased Deliverability

Our clients have seen deliverability rates increase by up to 50% after switching from services like Amazon SES to our self-hosted email solution.

We take care of email authentication protocols and monitor your IP reputation to ensure optimal deliverability.

Benefit 2

Avoid Service Provider Shutdowns

With our self-hosted email service, you no longer have to worry about unexpected account suspensions or warnings from third-party providers.

You’re in control of your email communications, and our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Benefit 3

Tailored to Your Industry

We understand that certain industries face unique challenges when it comes to email deliverability.

Our team has experience working with businesses in various niches, and we know how to navigate the complexities of email compliance to ensure your messages reach your subscribers.

Why Choose Client Amp?

At Client Amp, we’re dedicated to helping our clients succeed in their email marketing efforts. What sets us apart is our:

Proven track record of increasing deliverability rates for our clients

Expert team with deep knowledge of email authentication and compliance

Tailored solutions for businesses in challenging industries

Commitment to working only with established, legitimate businesses

Common Objections

“Isn’t self-hosting email more trouble than it’s worth?”

Not with Client Amp. Our fully managed service takes care of all the technical aspects of self-hosting your email, so you can focus on crafting compelling messages and growing your business.

“How do I know if your service is right for my business?”

We offer a free consultation to assess your email needs and determine if our service is the best fit for your business. Our team will provide honest recommendations based on your unique situation.

Get Started with a
Free Consultation

Ready to take control of your email deliverability and boost your ROI? Schedule a free consultation with our team today.

We’ll assess your current email setup, discuss your goals, and provide tailored recommendations for your business.

Please note that due to the bespoke nature of our service, we can only take on a limited number of new clients each day to ensure the highest quality of service.

Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your email performance – book your consultation now!

Frequently Asked Questions

With your own email server, you can use it however you’d like.

You can send person-to-person emails, replacing the need for Google Workspace our outlook. Add as many users as you’d like, there is no additional cost per user.

You can also send marketing emails or transactional emails to keep in touch with your customers.

Your server will work with any application that can send SMTP email, including Apple Mail, Windows Mail, Freescout, Mautic, WordPress, and thousands more!

The setup time for self-hosted email varies depending on the complexity of your current email infrastructure and the volume of emails you send. Typically, our team can have your new email server up and running within 1-2 weeks.

This includes the time needed for planning, configuration, testing, and any necessary migrations.

Yes, our team can assist you with migrating your existing email lists and templates to your new self-hosted email server. We understand that continuity is essential, and we’ll work closely with you to ensure a smooth transition.

However, please note that there may be an additional fee for migration services, depending on the complexity and volume of data being transferred.

At Client Amp, we provide ongoing support and maintenance for your self-hosted email server. Our team is available to answer any questions, troubleshoot issues, and provide guidance on best practices for email deliverability.

We also monitor your server’s performance and IP reputation, proactively addressing any potential issues that may arise.

Our goal is to ensure that your email communications remain reliable and effective long after the initial setup.

We understand that businesses in regulated industries, such as finance or healthcare, have strict requirements for email compliance.

Our team stays up-to-date with the latest regulations and best practices to ensure that your email communications meet these standards.

We can help you implement the necessary safeguards, such as proper consent management, data privacy measures, and opt-out mechanisms. Additionally, we’ll work with you to create email templates and content that comply with industry-specific guidelines.

After switching to our self-hosted email service, you can expect to see improvements in several key metrics:

  • Deliverability Rate: The percentage of your emails that successfully reach your subscribers’ inboxes should increase, as we optimize your email authentication and IP reputation.
  • Open Rate: With better deliverability, more of your subscribers will see your emails in their inboxes, potentially leading to higher open rates.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): As your emails become more likely to reach the inbox and be seen by your subscribers, you may notice an increase in CTR, as more people engage with your content.
  • Conversion Rate: Ultimately, improved deliverability and engagement can lead to higher conversion rates, whether that means more sales, sign-ups, or other desired actions.
  • Bounce Rate: With our expert management and proactive monitoring, you should see a decrease in your bounce rate, as fewer of your emails will be rejected by recipients’ servers.