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WPFunnels First Look (Geru + ClickFunnels In WP?)

5 min read
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In this detailed review, we’ll take a first look at WPFunnels, a new sales funnel builder for WordPress that promises to combine the best features of popular tools like Geru and ClickFunnels. As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, WordPress users are constantly seeking efficient and cost-effective solutions to create high-converting sales funnels. WPFunnels aims to fill this gap by offering a unique canvas builder, pre-made templates, and various customization options, all within the familiar WordPress environment. This article will explore the plugin’s features, installation process, funnel creation capabilities, and overall performance to help you decide if it’s the right tool for your business needs.

What’s Different? [00:35]

WPFunnels sets itself apart from competitors like CartFlows and WooFunnels with its innovative canvas builder. This feature allows users to plan and visualize their entire funnel within WordPress, eliminating the need for third-party tools.

Key Differentiators

  • Canvas builder for visual funnel planning
  • Drag-and-drop functionality within WordPress
  • Seamless integration with existing WordPress setups

Pricing Structure

  • Annual plan: $94 for unlimited sites
  • Lifetime plan: $189 for unlimited sites (limited-time offer)

Competitive Edge

  • Unlimited site licenses, unlike most competitors
  • Potential cost savings for agencies and multi-site owners

User Benefits

  • Streamlined workflow for funnel creation
  • Reduced learning curve for WordPress users
  • Potential for increased productivity and efficiency

Features [01:51]

WPFunnels boasts a range of features designed to enhance the funnel-building experience for WordPress users.

Canvas Drag-and-Drop Funnel Builder

  • Intuitive visual representation of funnel steps
  • Easy rearrangement and connection of funnel elements
  • Real-time preview of funnel structure

Pre-made Templates

  • Variety of industry-specific funnel templates
  • Customizable designs for quick deployment
  • Options for both free and pro users

Order Bumps

  • Customizable checkbox for additional offers
  • Flexible positioning within the checkout process
  • Potential for increasing average order value

Custom Checkout Pages

  • Full control over checkout page design
  • Integration with popular page builders
  • Optimized for conversion and user experience

One-Click Upsells and Downsells

  • Seamless post-purchase offer presentation
  • Customizable templates for offer pages
  • Easy setup within the funnel flow

Compatibility with Popular Page Builders

  • Support for Gutenberg editor
  • Full integration with Elementor
  • Flexibility for users with different preferences

Installing WP Funnels [02:46]

The installation process for WPFunnels involves a few key steps to ensure proper setup and functionality.

Installation Steps

  • Navigate to the WordPress plugin repository
  • Search for “WPFunnels” and locate the free version
  • Install and activate the free plugin
  • Purchase and install the pro version (if desired)

Initial Setup Considerations

  • Free version required before pro activation
  • Potential for streamlined installation process in future updates
  • Importance of having both versions for full functionality

Plugin Location in WordPress Dashboard

  • Placement between Posts, Media, and Pages sections
  • Potential for user confusion due to unexpected location
  • Suggestion for improved menu positioning in future updates

Configuration Options

  • WooCommerce integration for e-commerce functionality
  • Choice between Elementor and Gutenberg for page building
  • Permalink structure customization for funnel pages

Creating a Funnel [04:55]

WPFunnels offers a straightforward process for creating and customizing sales funnels within WordPress.

Template Selection

  • Range of pre-designed funnel templates available
  • Options for various industries and products
  • Difference between free and pro template offerings

Canvas Builder Usage

  • Adding and connecting funnel steps visually
  • Setting up conditions for upsells and downsells
  • Customizing page names and slugs directly in the canvas

Page Editing

  • Integration with Elementor for detailed page customization
  • Specific widgets for funnel elements (e.g., checkout, offer buttons)
  • Potential for minor glitches during initial editing attempts

Product Configuration

  • Adding products to funnel steps
  • Setting up order bumps with customizable designs
  • Configuring upsells and downsells with discount options

Analytics Integration

  • Built-in stats toggle for funnel performance tracking
  • Visual representation of visitor flow through the funnel
  • Potential for more detailed analytics in future updates

Payment Methods [09:59]

WPFunnels currently supports a limited range of payment processing options, which may impact its suitability for some users.

Supported Payment Gateways

  • Stripe integration for credit card processing
  • Standard PayPal integration available

PayPal Limitations

  • Lack of support for PayPal card processing
  • Potential impact on checkout flexibility for some merchants

Configuration Tips

  • Disabling unsupported PayPal features in WooCommerce settings
  • Focusing on Stripe for seamless credit card transactions
  • Consideration of payment method variety for customer preferences

Future Payment Integration Possibilities

  • Potential for expanded payment gateway support
  • Importance of monitoring updates for new payment options
  • Consideration of user feedback for prioritizing integrations

WP Funnels Settings [11:15]

The WPFunnels settings panel provides various options for customizing the plugin’s behavior and integration with WordPress.

General Settings

  • WooCommerce integration toggle
  • Page builder selection (Elementor or Gutenberg)
  • Funnel base and step permalink structure customization

Offer Settings

  • Choice between adding upsells to main order or creating child orders
  • Implications for customer billing statements
  • Consideration of user experience when configuring multiple charges

Analytics Configuration

  • Options for enabling or disabling built-in analytics
  • Potential for integration with third-party analytics tools
  • Importance of data-driven decision making in funnel optimization

Performance Considerations

  • Caching recommendations for different page types
  • Potential need for manual cache exclusions for dynamic pages
  • Balance between site speed and funnel functionality

Canvas Feature [12:47]

The canvas feature is a standout element of WPFunnels, offering a visual approach to funnel building within WordPress.

Visual Funnel Planning

  • Drag-and-drop interface for arranging funnel steps
  • Easy visualization of customer journey through the funnel
  • Ability to quickly identify and fix funnel flow issues

Conditional Logic

  • Setting up conditions for different funnel paths
  • Visual representation of upsell and downsell flows
  • Flexibility in creating complex, multi-step funnels

Real-time Analytics Overlay

  • Toggle for displaying visitor stats directly on the canvas
  • Quick identification of high-performing and problematic steps
  • Potential for data-driven funnel optimization

Comparison to Competitors

  • Similarity to recently announced CartFlows feature
  • Unique integration of analytics within the canvas view
  • Potential for WPFunnels to lead in visual funnel building

Editing with Elementor [18:09]

WPFunnels integrates with Elementor to provide a familiar and powerful page editing experience for funnel pages.

Funnel-specific Widgets

  • Custom checkout widget for easy placement and styling
  • Offer buttons for seamless funnel navigation
  • Next step buttons for guiding users through the funnel

Template Customization

  • Ability to modify pre-designed templates with Elementor
  • Full access to Elementor’s design capabilities
  • Potential for creating unique, brand-specific funnel pages

Responsive Design Considerations

  • Importance of mobile-friendly funnel pages
  • Elementor’s responsive editing features for optimal display
  • Potential challenges with some pre-designed templates

Widget Restrictions

  • Specific widgets available only on relevant funnel pages
  • Prevention of user errors in funnel setup
  • Balance between flexibility and guided user experience

Testing the Funnel [20:38]

Thorough testing is crucial to ensure the smooth operation of a WPFunnels sales funnel.

Test Purchase Process

  • Simulating customer journey through the funnel
  • Identifying and addressing design issues in templates
  • Verifying functionality of order bumps, upsells, and downsells

Payment Gateway Testing

  • Using Stripe test mode for simulated transactions
  • Verifying proper handling of different payment scenarios
  • Ensuring seamless integration with WooCommerce

User Experience Evaluation

  • Assessing loading times and transitions between funnel steps
  • Identifying potential friction points in the checkout process
  • Gathering feedback on overall funnel flow and design

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Addressing template layout problems
  • Ensuring proper connection of funnel steps in the canvas
  • Verifying correct product and offer configurations

Final Thoughts [25:00]

WPFunnels shows promise as a WordPress-native funnel builder but still has room for improvement.

Potential Strengths

  • Innovative canvas builder with integrated analytics
  • Cost-effective pricing model for agencies and multi-site owners
  • Native WordPress integration for seamless workflow

Areas for Improvement

  • Refinement of pre-designed templates
  • Enhanced stability and user interface responsiveness
  • Expanded payment gateway support


  • Suitable for early adopters willing to work through initial challenges
  • Potential for significant value as the plugin matures
  • Consideration of existing funnel solutions for immediate, critical needs

Future Outlook

  • Expectation of continued development and feature enhancements
  • Potential to become a strong competitor in the WordPress funnel builder market
  • Importance of user feedback in shaping the plugin’s evolution

In conclusion, WPFunnels offers an intriguing new option for WordPress users looking to create sales funnels within their existing website ecosystem. While it shows promise with its innovative canvas builder and cost-effective pricing, the plugin is still in its early stages and may require some patience from users. As development continues and features are refined, WPFunnels has the potential to become a valuable tool for digital marketers and e-commerce businesses using WordPress. For those interested in staying updated on WPFunnels and other WordPress tools, consider joining the Facebook group at or following updates on Twitter at

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