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New To WordPress? Start Here! Complete Step-by-Step Course for 2020

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WordPress has become the backbone of the modern web, powering over 36% of all websites and nearly 63% of those using a content management system (CMS). This comprehensive guide is designed to take you from a complete beginner to a confident WordPress user, covering everything from initial setup to advanced features and best practices. Whether you’re looking to start a blog, build an e-commerce site, or create a professional business website, this step-by-step course will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the world of WordPress.

Throughout this guide, we’ll explore essential topics such as choosing the right hosting, understanding the WordPress interface, working with themes and page builders, customizing your site’s appearance, and implementing crucial security measures. By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid foundation in WordPress and be well-prepared to create and manage your own stunning website. Let’s dive in and unlock the full potential of WordPress for your online projects!

Getting Started – Why choose WordPress [00:00]

WordPress has become the go-to platform for website creation, and for good reason. Its popularity stems from its versatility, ease of use, and extensive ecosystem of themes and plugins. Here’s why WordPress stands out as the top choice for both beginners and experienced web developers:

  • Open Source and Free
  • Extensibility and Customization
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • SEO-Friendly
  • Large and Supportive Community
  • Regular Updates and Security

By choosing WordPress, you’re not just selecting a website builder; you’re joining a thriving ecosystem that provides the tools and support needed to create a successful online presence. As we progress through this course, you’ll discover how to harness the full power of WordPress to bring your web projects to life.

WordPress Hosting Recommendations – Avoid cheap & shared hosts! [01:52]

Selecting the right hosting provider is crucial for the success and performance of your WordPress website. While it might be tempting to opt for the cheapest option available, investing in quality hosting can save you time, frustration, and potential security issues in the long run. Here’s why you should avoid cheap and shared hosting, along with some recommendations for business-class hosting options:

  • The Pitfalls of Cheap and Shared Hosting
  • Business-Class Hosting Recommendations
  • Key Benefits of Business-Class Hosting
  • Choosing the Right Host for Your Needs

By investing in reliable, business-class hosting, you’re laying a strong foundation for your WordPress website. Quality hosting ensures better performance, security, and peace of mind, allowing you to focus on creating great content and growing your online presence. As we progress through this course, you’ll see how a solid hosting environment complements the power and flexibility of WordPress.

The Anatomy Of A WordPress Page [10:25]

Understanding the structure of a WordPress page is essential for effective website design and content management. By familiarizing yourself with the various components that make up a typical WordPress page, you’ll be better equipped to customize your site and create a cohesive user experience. Let’s break down the anatomy of a WordPress page:

  • Header
  • Body Content
  • Footer
  • Sidebar (Optional)
  • Navigation Menu
  • Featured Image
  • Comments Section (for Posts)
  • Widgets

Understanding these components allows you to effectively plan and structure your WordPress pages. As you progress through this course, you’ll learn how to customize each of these elements to create a unique and engaging website that meets your specific needs. Remember that while these components are typical, the exact layout and presence of each element can vary depending on your chosen theme and customizations.

Add A New Page – When to choose a page vs. a post! [13:08]

Adding new content to your WordPress site is a fundamental task, and understanding when to use a page versus a post is crucial for effective content organization. Let’s explore the process of adding a new page and discuss the key differences between pages and posts:

  • How to Add a New Page in WordPress
  • Key Characteristics of Pages
  • When to Choose a Page
  • Key Differences Between Pages and Posts
  • Best Practices for Creating Pages
  • SEO Considerations for Pages

By understanding the differences between pages and posts, you can make informed decisions about how to structure your WordPress site’s content. Pages are ideal for evergreen, foundational content that forms the core of your website, while posts are better suited for timely, chronological content like blog articles or news updates. As you continue to build your WordPress site, you’ll become more adept at choosing the right format for your content, ensuring a well-organized and user-friendly website.

Add A New Post – When to choose a post vs. a page! [15:39]

Adding new posts is a crucial part of maintaining an active and engaging WordPress website, especially for blogs, news sites, or any platform that regularly publishes content. Let’s explore the process of adding a new post and delve deeper into when to choose a post over a page:

  • How to Add a New Post in WordPress
  • Key Characteristics of Posts
  • When to Choose a Post
  • Key Advantages of Using Posts
  • Best Practices for Creating Posts
  • SEO Considerations for Posts
  • Leveraging Posts for Different Content Types

By understanding the unique benefits of posts, you can effectively use them to create a dynamic and engaging WordPress site. Posts are perfect for regularly updated content that benefits from chronological organization and reader interaction. As you continue to develop your WordPress skills, you’ll find that a combination of well-crafted pages and strategically published posts will help you create a comprehensive and user-friendly website that keeps visitors coming back for more.

Recommend WordPress Settings – What I do with every new site [17:30]

When setting up a new WordPress site, it’s crucial to configure the basic settings correctly to ensure optimal performance, security, and user experience. Here are the recommended WordPress settings that should be applied to every new site:

  • General Settings
  • Reading Settings
  • Permalink Settings
  • Discussion Settings
  • Media Settings
  • Privacy Settings
  • User Registration
  • Additional Recommended Settings
  • Key Considerations When Configuring Settings
  • Best Practices for WordPress Settings

By carefully configuring these recommended WordPress settings, you’ll create a solid foundation for your new site. These settings help improve security, optimize performance, and enhance the overall user experience. Remember that as your site grows and evolves, you may need to revisit and adjust these settings to ensure they continue to meet your needs and those of your audience.

WordPress Themes Explained – Do you even need a theme? [20:03]

WordPress themes play a crucial role in determining the look, feel, and functionality of your website. Understanding what themes are, how they work, and whether you need one is essential for creating an effective WordPress site. Let’s dive into the world of WordPress themes:

  • What is a WordPress Theme?
  • Key Functions of a WordPress Theme
  • Types of WordPress Themes
  • Do You Need a Theme?
  • Choosing the Right Theme
  • Popular WordPress Themes
  • Best Practices for Using WordPress Themes

In conclusion, while every WordPress site needs a theme, the type of theme you choose should align with your specific needs, design preferences, and technical capabilities. Whether you opt for a simple free theme, a feature-rich premium theme, or a custom-built solution, your theme plays a crucial role in creating an effective and visually appealing WordPress website. As you progress in your WordPress journey, you’ll likely find that your theme needs evolve, and you may choose to switch or customize your theme to better meet your site’s growing requirements.

Page Builders Explained Featuring Elementor [24:16]

Page builders have revolutionized the way WordPress websites are created, allowing users to design complex layouts without extensive coding knowledge. Among the various page builders available, Elementor stands out as one of the most popular and feature-rich options. Let’s explore page builders and take a closer look at Elementor:

  • What is a Page Builder?
  • Benefits of Using a Page Builder
  • Introduction to Elementor
  • Key Features of Elementor
  • Using Elementor: Step-by-Step
  • Best Practices for Using Elementor
  • Potential Drawbacks of Page Builders

Page builders like Elementor have made it possible for users of all skill levels to create professional-looking WordPress websites. By understanding the capabilities and best practices of using Elementor, you can leverage its power to create stunning, functional websites without extensive coding knowledge. As you become more proficient with Elementor, you’ll find that it opens up a world of design possibilities, allowing you to bring your creative visions to life on your WordPress site.

How To Modify Your Header & Footer (2 Ways Explained!) [36:10]

Customizing your WordPress site’s header and footer is crucial for creating a unique brand identity and improving user experience. There are two primary methods to modify these elements: using theme customization options and utilizing a page builder like Elementor. Let’s explore both approaches in detail:

  • Method 1: Using Theme Customization Options
  • Method 2: Using Elementor’s Theme Builder
  • Best Practices for Header and Footer Modification
  • Advanced Customization Techniques
  • Troubleshooting Common Issues

By mastering these two methods of header and footer customization, you can create a unique and professional look for your WordPress site. Whether you choose to use your theme’s built-in options or leverage the power of Elementor’s Theme Builder, the key is to create headers and footers that enhance your site’s functionality and reflect your brand identity. Remember to always test your customizations thoroughly and consider the impact on both desktop and mobile users to ensure a seamless experience across all devices.

Sidebars, Widgets, and Page Layout [54:48]

Sidebars, widgets, and page layouts are crucial elements in WordPress that help organize content and enhance user experience. Understanding how to effectively use these components can significantly improve your site’s functionality and appearance. Let’s explore each of these elements in detail:

  • Sidebars in WordPress
  • Widgets in WordPress
  • Page Layouts in WordPress
  • Best Practices for Sidebars, Widgets, and Layouts
  • Advanced Techniques for Layouts and Sidebars
  • Troubleshooting Common Issues

By mastering the use of sidebars, widgets, and page layouts, you can create a more engaging and user-friendly WordPress site. These elements allow you to structure your content effectively, provide easy navigation, and highlight important information. Remember to always consider the user experience when implementing these features, and regularly review and update your layouts and widget content to keep your site fresh and relevant. With practice and experimentation, you’ll be able to create sophisticated, professional-looking layouts that enhance your WordPress site’s functionality and appeal.

My Essential Plugins (I install these on every site) [1:04:11]

Plugins are crucial components that extend the functionality of WordPress, allowing you to add features and improve your site’s performance. Here’s a list of essential plugins that are recommended for installation on every WordPress site, along with their key features and benefits:

  • Anti-Spam Bee
  • SEO Press
  • WP Mail SMTP
  • Elementor (Page Builder)
  • ShortPixel Image Optimizer
  • UpdraftPlus
  • WordFence Security
  • Best Practices for Plugin Usage

By installing and properly configuring these essential plugins, you can significantly enhance your WordPress site’s functionality, security, and performance. Remember that while plugins are powerful tools, it’s important to use them judiciously and keep them updated to maintain a fast, secure, and efficient WordPress site. As your site grows and evolves, you may find the need for additional specialized plugins, but this core set provides a solid foundation for most WordPress websites.

The WordPress Media Library [1:20:27]

The WordPress Media Library is a powerful tool for managing all the media files on your website, including images, videos, audio files, and documents. Understanding how to effectively use and optimize the Media Library is crucial for maintaining an organized and efficient WordPress site. Let’s explore the key aspects of the WordPress Media Library:

  • Overview of the Media Library
  • Uploading Media
  • Organizing Media
  • Editing and Managing Media
  • Optimizing Media for WordPress
  • Best Practices for Media Management
  • Advanced Media Library Techniques
  • Troubleshooting Common Media Issues
  • Enhancing the Media Library with Plugins

By mastering the WordPress Media Library, you can efficiently manage your site’s media content, improve your workflow, and ensure your site remains well-organized and optimized. Remember that proper media management not only helps in keeping your site organized but also plays a crucial role in site performance and user experience. Regularly reviewing and optimizing your Media Library should be part of your WordPress maintenance routine to keep your site running smoothly and efficiently.

Categories & Tags. Taxonomy Explained! [1:35:55]

Categories and tags are essential components of WordPress taxonomy, helping to organize and structure your content for both users and search engines. Understanding how to effectively use these taxonomies can significantly improve your site’s navigation and SEO. Let’s delve into the world of WordPress categories and tags:

  • Understanding WordPress Taxonomy
  • Categories in WordPress
  • Tags in WordPress
  • Differences Between Categories and Tags
  • SEO Considerations for Categories and Tags
  • Best Practices for Using Categories and Tags
  • Advanced Taxonomy Techniques
  • Troubleshooting Common Taxonomy Issues
  • Enhancing Taxonomy with Plugins

By mastering the use of categories and tags, you can create a well-organized and easily navigable WordPress site. These taxonomies not only help users find relevant content but also contribute to better SEO performance. Remember to regularly review and update your taxonomy structure to ensure it remains relevant and effective as your site grows and evolves.

Understanding User Roles – Editor vs Author?! [1:41:30]

User roles in WordPress are crucial for managing access and permissions on your site. Understanding the different roles and their capabilities is essential for maintaining security and efficient workflow. Let’s explore the various user roles in WordPress and their specific permissions:

  • Default WordPress User Roles
  • Custom User Roles
  • Best Practices for Managing User Roles
  • User Role Management Plugins
  • Security Considerations for User Roles
  • Troubleshooting Common User Role Issues

By understanding and properly implementing user roles, you can maintain a secure and well-organized WordPress site. This system allows you to delegate responsibilities effectively while maintaining control over sensitive areas of your site. Remember to regularly review user roles and permissions, especially as your site grows and your team changes, to ensure optimal security and efficiency.

WordPress Security & Backups – Best Practices Explained [1:47:00]

Ensuring the security of your WordPress site and implementing a robust backup strategy are crucial for protecting your online presence. Let’s explore best practices for WordPress security and backups:

  • Essential Security Measures
  • Backup Strategies
  • Security Plugins
  • Backup Plugins
  • Best Practices for Maintaining Security
  • Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Troubleshooting Common Security Issues

By implementing these security measures and backup strategies, you can significantly reduce the risk of data loss and security breaches on your WordPress site. Remember that security is an ongoing process, not a one-time setup. Regularly update your security measures, perform backups, and stay informed about the latest WordPress security best practices to keep your site safe and secure.

What’s Next? – Advanced Plugins [2:03:39]

As you become more comfortable with WordPress, you may want to explore advanced plugins that can take your site to the next level. Here are some categories of advanced plugins to consider:

  • E-commerce Plugins
  • Membership and User Management Plugins
  • Learning Management System (LMS) Plugins
  • Advanced SEO Plugins
  • Performance Optimization Plugins
  • Analytics and Tracking Plugins
  • Multilingual Plugins
  • Custom Post Type and Field Plugins

Exploring these advanced plugins can help you expand the functionality of your WordPress site and create more sophisticated online experiences for your users. Remember to thoroughly research and test any new plugins before implementing them on your live site, and always keep your plugins updated for optimal performance and security.

Key Takeaways

Throughout this comprehensive WordPress course, we’ve covered a wide range of topics essential for building and managing a successful WordPress website. Here are the key takeaways:

  • WordPress is a versatile and powerful platform suitable for various types of websites
  • Choosing the right hosting and theme is crucial for your site’s performance and appearance
  • Understanding the difference between pages and posts helps in organizing your content effectively
  • Proper use of categories and tags improves site navigation and SEO
  • Customizing headers, footers, and layouts helps create a unique brand identity
  • Essential plugins can significantly enhance your site’s functionality and security
  • Regular backups and security measures are vital for protecting your WordPress site
  • User roles help manage access and maintain site security
  • The Media Library is a powerful tool for organizing and optimizing your site’s media content
  • Advanced plugins can expand your site’s capabilities as your needs grow

Remember that mastering WordPress is an ongoing journey. As you continue to work with the platform, you’ll discover new techniques and best practices. Stay curious, keep learning, and don’t hesitate to experiment with new features and plugins to create the best possible website for your needs.

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