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Use THIS Instead of Social Warfare | Novashare Social Sharing Buttons

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Introduction [00:00]

In today’s digital age, social media sharing has become an integral part of content distribution and audience engagement. While many WordPress users are familiar with popular plugins like Social Warfare, there’s a new contender in the market that promises to deliver social sharing capabilities at lightning speed. This article delves into Novashare, a lightweight WordPress plugin designed to enhance your website’s social sharing functionality without compromising on performance.

We’ll explore the features, setup process, and benefits of Novashare, comparing it to established alternatives like Social Warfare. Whether you’re a blogger, content creator, or website owner looking to boost your social media presence, this comprehensive guide will help you understand why Novashare might be the solution you’ve been searching for. From inline content sharing to floating bars and click-to-tweet functionality, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this exciting new tool in the WordPress ecosystem.

About Novashare [00:56]

Novashare is a newcomer to the WordPress social sharing scene, developed by the same team behind Perfmatters, a well-known performance optimization plugin. This pedigree suggests that Novashare is built with speed and efficiency in mind, living up to its tagline: “WordPress social sharing at the speed of light.”

Key Features of Novashare:

  • Lightweight design for improved website performance
  • Inline content sharing buttons
  • Floating share bar
  • Click-to-tweet functionality
  • Customizable button styles and positions
  • Mobile-responsive design
  • Share count display options
  • Integration with major social networks

Comparison with Social Warfare:

  • Novashare aims to be a more lightweight alternative
  • Potentially more cost-effective solution
  • Focuses on essential sharing features without bloat

Why Consider Novashare:

  • Speed-optimized for fast-loading websites
  • Easy setup and configuration
  • Seamless integration with WordPress
  • Developed by a team with expertise in WordPress performance

Plugin Setup [01:26]

Setting up Novashare is a straightforward process that allows you to quickly implement social sharing functionality on your WordPress site. Let’s walk through the setup process step-by-step.

Installing Novashare:

  1. Download the Novashare plugin from the official website or WordPress repository
  2. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  3. Navigate to Plugins > Add New
  4. Click “Upload Plugin” and select the Novashare zip file
  5. Install and activate the plugin

Configuring Inline Content Sharing:

  1. Go to Settings > Novashare in your WordPress dashboard
  2. Toggle on the “Inline Content” option
  3. Choose which post types to display sharing buttons on (e.g., posts, pages, custom post types)
  4. Select desired social networks (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit)
  5. Arrange the order of social buttons by dragging and dropping
  6. Set button position (above content, below content, or both)
  7. Configure mobile breakpoint settings for responsive display
  8. Customize button size, shape, and colors
  9. Enable total share count and network share count if desired

Setting Up the Floating Bar:

  1. In the Novashare settings, navigate to the “Floating Bar” tab
  2. Toggle on the floating bar feature
  3. Select post types for display (e.g., pages, posts)
  4. Choose social networks to include in the floating bar
  5. Customize appearance (size, shape, colors)
  6. Set mobile breakpoint and visibility options

Implementing Click-to-Tweet Functionality:

  1. Go to the “Click to Tweet” tab in Novashare settings
  2. Choose styling options (theme default, simple, or simple alternative)
  3. Set call-to-action text and position
  4. Use the Novashare block or shortcode in your content editor to add click-to-tweet boxes

Additional Configuration Options:

  • Set minimum share count to display
  • Configure Google Analytics UTM parameters for tracking
  • Enable Bitly integration for link shortening
  • Customize Open Graph information for better social sharing appearance

Click to Tweet [05:26]

The Click to Tweet feature in Novashare allows you to create eye-catching, shareable quotes within your content. This functionality encourages readers to engage with your content and share it on Twitter, potentially increasing your reach and driving more traffic to your site.

How to Use Click to Tweet:

  1. Open a post or page in the WordPress editor
  2. Add a new block and search for “Nova Tweet” or “Click to Tweet”
  3. Insert the desired text for the tweet
  4. Customize the appearance and options

Customization Options:

  • Theme selection (default, simple, simple alternative)
  • Call-to-action text modification
  • Position of the call-to-action (left or right)
  • Option to remove URL from the tweet
  • Ability to hide username and hashtags

Benefits of Using Click to Tweet:

  • Increases social engagement
  • Highlights key points or quotes from your content
  • Provides an easy way for readers to share your content
  • Customizable to match your site’s design
  • Can be used strategically to boost traffic and visibility

Best Practices for Click to Tweet:

  • Use compelling, concise quotes that summarize key points
  • Include relevant hashtags to increase discoverability
  • Place click-to-tweet boxes at strategic points in your content
  • Test different styles and positions to see what resonates with your audience
  • Monitor engagement and adjust your strategy accordingly

Configuration [10:55]

Novashare offers a range of configuration options to fine-tune your social sharing experience. These settings allow you to optimize the plugin’s performance, integrate with other tools, and customize the sharing experience for your visitors.

Share Count Configuration:

  • Set minimum share count to display
  • Configure refresh rate for share counts
  • Option to purge existing share counts

Analytics Integration:

  • Google Analytics UTM campaign creation
  • Customize source, medium, and campaign name
  • Track social sharing performance in your analytics dashboard

Link Shortening:

  • Bitly integration for creating shortened links
  • Add your Bitly access token in the settings

Open Graph Information:

  • Customize social media titles and descriptions
  • Set dedicated images for social sharing (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest)
  • Ensure your content looks great when shared on social platforms

Performance Optimization:

  • Lightweight design minimizes impact on site speed
  • Options to disable features on specific posts or pages

Mobile Responsiveness:

  • Set mobile breakpoints for responsive display
  • Hide or show buttons based on screen size

Advanced Options:

  • API integrations for accurate share counts
  • Custom CSS options for further styling

Conclusion [12:56]

Novashare presents itself as a compelling alternative to established social sharing plugins like Social Warfare. Its focus on performance, ease of use, and essential features makes it an attractive option for WordPress users looking to enhance their social media presence without compromising site speed.

Key Advantages of Novashare:

  • Lightweight and performance-oriented design
  • User-friendly setup and configuration
  • Flexible customization options
  • Integration with major social networks
  • Click to Tweet functionality for increased engagement


  • New plugin in the market, may lack some advanced features of established alternatives
  • May require some setup time to fully optimize for your site

Final Thoughts:

While page builders like Elementor Pro offer social sharing capabilities, using a dedicated plugin like Novashare can provide a more streamlined and optimized experience. The plugin’s focus on simplicity and performance makes it a worthy contender in the social sharing plugin space.

For those looking to improve their website’s social sharing capabilities without sacrificing speed, Novashare offers a compelling solution. As with any plugin, it’s recommended to test it on a staging site before implementing it on your live website to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

By leveraging Novashare’s features and following best practices for social sharing, you can enhance your content’s visibility, increase engagement, and potentially drive more traffic to your WordPress site.

For more information on Novashare and other tools to grow your online presence, visit ClientAmp or join the discussion in our Facebook group. You can also follow updates on Twitter for the latest tips and insights on WordPress and digital marketing.

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