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Marketing Automation For WooCommerce – FunnelKit Automations Review & Tutorial

21 min read
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In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, having a robust marketing automation system is crucial for success. This comprehensive review and tutorial delves into FunnelKit Automations (formerly known as Autonami), a powerful WordPress-based email autoresponder designed specifically for WooCommerce users. As businesses seek more efficient ways to manage their marketing efforts, FunnelKit Automations emerges as a compelling solution that promises to streamline operations and boost profitability.

Throughout this article, we’ll explore the key features of FunnelKit Automations, its benefits compared to other popular marketing automation tools, and provide a detailed walkthrough of its setup and usage. From configuring email sending capabilities to creating sophisticated automation workflows, we’ll cover everything you need to know to leverage this tool effectively for your WooCommerce store.

Whether you’re a seasoned e-commerce professional or just starting your online business journey, this guide will offer valuable insights into how FunnelKit Automations can revolutionize your marketing strategy. We’ll examine its integration with WooCommerce, discuss its user interface, and highlight the standout features that set it apart from competitors. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of whether FunnelKit Automations is the right choice for your business needs and how to make the most of its capabilities.

Whimsical Intro [00:00]

The video begins with a lighthearted introduction, setting the tone for an informative yet engaging review of FunnelKit Automations. This approach helps to capture the viewer’s attention and prepares them for the detailed information to follow.

  • The presenter, Dave, introduces himself and the topic at hand, creating a personal connection with the audience.
  • The whimsical intro serves to make the technical subject matter more approachable and less intimidating for viewers.
  • By starting with a friendly and informal tone, the video encourages viewers to stick around for the in-depth content that follows.
  • This style of introduction is characteristic of many tutorial videos, helping to break the ice and establish rapport with the audience.

What is Autonami? [00:23]

FunnelKit Automations, previously known as Autonami, is a WordPress-based email autoresponder and marketing automation tool designed specifically for WooCommerce users. This section provides an overview of the product and its core functionality.

Key Features of FunnelKit Automations:

  • WordPress Integration: Seamlessly integrates with WordPress, making it an ideal choice for WooCommerce store owners.
  • Email Autoresponder: Offers advanced email automation capabilities to engage with customers effectively.
  • WooCommerce Focus: Specifically tailored for WooCommerce, providing deep integration with the popular e-commerce platform.
  • Marketing Automation: Goes beyond simple email sending, offering comprehensive marketing automation features.
  • Self-Hosted Solution: Allows users to keep their data on their own servers, offering more control and potentially better privacy.

Comparison with Other Tools:

  • Fluent CRM and Groundhog: FunnelKit Automations is often grouped with these WordPress-based marketing automation tools.
  • Active Campaign and Other SaaS Solutions: Offers a self-hosted alternative to popular cloud-based marketing automation platforms.

Ideal Use Case:

  • WooCommerce Integration: FunnelKit Automations is particularly well-suited for businesses using WooCommerce as their e-commerce platform.
  • E-commerce Focus: While it can be used for other purposes, its strengths lie in e-commerce marketing automation.
  • Data Control: Ideal for businesses that prefer to keep their customer data on their own servers for privacy or compliance reasons.

By understanding what FunnelKit Automations is and its primary focus, businesses can better determine if it aligns with their marketing automation needs, especially those heavily invested in the WordPress and WooCommerce ecosystem.

Main Benefits of Using Autonami [02:12]

FunnelKit Automations offers several significant advantages for WooCommerce store owners looking to enhance their marketing efforts. This section explores the primary benefits of choosing this tool over other marketing automation solutions.

Self-Hosting Advantages:

  • Data Privacy: By self-hosting, all customer data remains on your own server, reducing the risk of data breaches from third-party providers.
  • Control: You have complete control over your data and the system, allowing for customization and integration with other self-hosted tools.
  • Compliance: Self-hosting can help with certain regulatory compliance requirements, as you’re not sharing data with external services.


  • Reduced Expenses: Compared to SaaS solutions like Active Campaign, self-hosting can significantly reduce ongoing costs, especially for businesses with large subscriber lists.
  • Scalability: As your list grows, your costs don’t necessarily increase at the same rate as with subscription-based services.
  • Transactional Email Savings: Using a transactional email provider for sending can be much more cost-effective than all-in-one SaaS solutions.

WooCommerce Integration:

  • Deep Integration: FunnelKit Automations is built specifically for WooCommerce, offering seamless integration and powerful e-commerce features.
  • Order Tracking: Advanced order tracking capabilities allow for more sophisticated segmentation and targeting.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Robust features for recovering abandoned carts, including personalized coupon codes.

Flexibility and Customization:

  • WordPress Ecosystem: Being part of the WordPress ecosystem allows for easy integration with other WordPress plugins and themes.
  • Customizable Workflows: Create complex automation workflows tailored to your specific business needs.
  • API Access: Potential for deeper customization and integration through API access, if needed.

By leveraging these benefits, WooCommerce store owners can create more effective, personalized, and cost-efficient marketing automation strategies. The self-hosted nature of FunnelKit Automations provides a level of control and potential cost savings that can be particularly attractive to growing e-commerce businesses.

My Top 3 Autonami Features [03:32]

In this section, we’ll dive into the presenter’s top three favorite features of FunnelKit Automations, highlighting the unique capabilities that set it apart from other marketing automation tools.

1. Abandoned Cart Tracking with Custom Coupon Codes:

  • Personalized Recovery: FunnelKit Automations allows you to create and send personalized coupon codes in abandoned cart emails.
  • Unique Integration: This feature is uniquely integrated with WooCommerce, offering a seamless experience for both merchants and customers.
  • Conversion Boost: Personalized coupons can significantly increase the chances of recovering abandoned carts and completing sales.
  • Flexibility: Customize coupon values, expiration dates, and usage limits based on cart value or customer segments.

2. Advanced Order Tracking in WooCommerce:

  • Detailed Segmentation: Segment users based on their order history, including frequency and average order value.
  • Customer Value Insights: Identify and target high-value customers or “whales” with specialized offers.
  • Behavioral Targeting: Create targeted campaigns based on purchase behavior and preferences.
  • WooCommerce Data Utilization: Leverage the rich data from WooCommerce to create more effective marketing strategies.

3. A/B Testing for Broadcast Emails:

  • Sophisticated Testing: Similar to ConvertKit’s approach, FunnelKit Automations offers robust A/B testing capabilities for broadcast emails.
  • Granular Control: Specify the percentage of your audience to include in the test, allowing for more precise testing.
  • Automated Optimization: The system can automatically send the winning variant to the remaining audience based on open rates.
  • Performance Insights: Gain valuable insights into what resonates with your audience, improving overall email marketing effectiveness.

These top features demonstrate FunnelKit Automations’ focus on e-commerce-specific functionalities and data-driven marketing approaches. By leveraging these capabilities, WooCommerce store owners can create more targeted, effective, and conversion-focused marketing campaigns.

Configuring Amazon SES on WordPress [06:00]

Setting up a reliable email sending system is crucial for any marketing automation tool. This section walks through the process of configuring Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) with FunnelKit Automations on WordPress.

Why Use Amazon SES:

  • Cost-Effective: Amazon SES offers very competitive pricing, especially for high-volume senders.
  • Reliable Delivery: Known for its high deliverability rates and robust infrastructure.
  • Scalability: Can easily handle growing email volumes as your business expands.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other AWS services if needed.

Step-by-Step Configuration Process:

Install Fluent SMTP Plugin:

  • Navigate to WordPress Plugins > Add New.
  • Search for and install the Fluent SMTP plugin.
  • Activate the plugin after installation.

Configure Fluent SMTP:

  • Click on the configuration link after activation.
  • Choose Amazon SES as your email provider.
  • Set up sender settings, including your “From” email and name.

Set Up AWS Account:

  • If you don’t have an AWS account, create one (it’s free to sign up).
  • Navigate to the AWS Management Console.

Create IAM User for SES Access:

  • Go to the IAM (Identity and Access Management) service in AWS.
  • Create a new user with programmatic access.
  • Attach the “AmazonSESFullAccess” policy to this user.

Configure SES in Fluent SMTP:

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret Key from AWS to Fluent SMTP.
  • Select your AWS region (e.g., US West Oregon).
  • Save the connection settings.

Test Email Sending:

  • Use the test email feature in Fluent SMTP to ensure everything is working correctly.

Additional Configuration:

  • Bounce Handling: Set up SNS (Simple Notification Service) topics for handling bounces and complaints.
  • Sending Limits: Configure sending limits in FunnelKit Automations based on your SES account limits.
  • Domain Verification: Ensure your domain is verified in Amazon SES for better deliverability.

By following these steps, you’ll have a robust, scalable, and cost-effective email sending solution integrated with FunnelKit Automations. This setup provides a solid foundation for your email marketing efforts, ensuring reliable delivery of your automated emails and campaigns.

Setting Up Bounce Management [10:40]

Proper bounce management is crucial for maintaining a healthy email list and ensuring good deliverability rates. This section covers the process of setting up bounce management in FunnelKit Automations using Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS).

Importance of Bounce Management:

  • List Hygiene: Automatically remove or flag email addresses that consistently bounce.
  • Deliverability: Improve overall deliverability by promptly addressing bounced emails.
  • Reputation Protection: Prevent damage to your sender reputation by not repeatedly sending to invalid addresses.
  • Compliance: Stay compliant with email regulations by honoring bounce notifications.

Step-by-Step Bounce Management Setup:

Access FunnelKit Automations Settings:

  • Navigate to the FunnelKit Automations dashboard in WordPress.
  • Go to Settings > Email.

Configure Bounce Tracking:

  • Enable bounce tracking in the settings.
  • Select Amazon SES as your email service.

Set Up Amazon SNS:

  • Log into your AWS Management Console.
  • Navigate to the Simple Notification Service (SNS).

Create an SNS Topic:

  • Click on “Create topic” and select “Standard.”
  • Name your topic (e.g., “funnelkit-bounce-notifications”).
  • Create the topic.

Create a Subscription:

  • In the newly created topic, click “Create subscription.”
  • Choose HTTPS as the protocol.
  • Paste the webhook URL provided by FunnelKit Automations as the endpoint.

Connect SNS to SES:

  • Go to the SES dashboard in AWS.
  • Find your verified domain and click on “Notifications.”
  • Edit the configuration and select your SNS topic for bounces and complaints.
  • Disable email feedback forwarding to avoid duplicate notifications.

Test the Setup:

  • Send a test email to a known invalid address.
  • Verify that the bounce is recorded in FunnelKit Automations.

Best Practices for Bounce Management:

  • Regular Monitoring: Regularly review bounce reports in FunnelKit Automations.
  • Segmentation: Create segments of users with bounce history for targeted re-engagement campaigns.
  • Automation: Set up automated workflows to handle soft bounces differently from hard bounces.
  • Documentation: Keep a record of your bounce management setup for future reference or troubleshooting.

By implementing proper bounce management, you ensure that your email marketing efforts remain effective and compliant. This setup helps maintain a clean email list, improves deliverability, and protects your sender reputation, all of which are crucial for successful email marketing campaigns.

Building an Email in Autonami [17:16]

Creating effective emails is at the heart of any successful email marketing campaign. FunnelKit Automations offers a robust email builder that combines ease of use with powerful features. This section explores the process and capabilities of building emails within the platform.

Email Builder Overview:

  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: User-friendly interface for creating visually appealing emails without coding knowledge.
  • Responsive Design: Emails automatically adjust for optimal viewing on various devices and screen sizes.
  • Template Library: Access to pre-designed templates for quick email creation.
  • Customization Options: Extensive options for personalizing colors, fonts, and layouts.

Step-by-Step Email Creation Process:

Access the Email Builder:

  • Navigate to Campaigns > Broadcasts in FunnelKit Automations.
  • Click “Add New” to start creating a new email.

Choose Email Type:

  • Select between standard email or A/B tested email.
  • For A/B testing, set up variants and testing parameters.

Set Email Details:

  • Enter the email subject line and preview text.
  • Customize “From” name and reply-to address if needed.

Select Layout:

  • Choose between plain text, HTML, or drag-and-drop editor.
  • For drag-and-drop, select a pre-designed template or start from scratch.

Add Content Elements:

  • Drag content blocks like text, images, buttons, and dividers into your email.
  • Customize each element’s appearance and settings.


  • Use merge tags to add personalized elements like recipient’s name or custom fields.
  • Set up dynamic content based on user segments or behaviors.

Mobile Optimization:

  • Preview and adjust your email for mobile devices.
  • Use responsive design features to ensure proper display across all screen sizes.

Add UTM Parameters:

  • Set up UTM parameters for better tracking in Google Analytics.
  • Customize source, medium, and campaign names for accurate attribution.

Advanced Email Building Features:

  • Conditional Content: Create sections that only appear for specific segments or based on user data.
  • Product Recommendations: Easily insert personalized product recommendations from WooCommerce.
  • A/B Testing: Set up and manage A/B tests directly within the email builder.
  • Spam Score Check: Built-in tools to assess and improve email deliverability.

Best Practices for Email Design in FunnelKit Automations:

  • Keep it Simple: Focus on clean, straightforward designs that load quickly.
  • Consistent Branding: Maintain consistent colors, fonts, and styling with your website.
  • Clear Call-to-Action: Ensure your CTA buttons are prominent and compelling.
  • Test Thoroughly: Use the preview and test send features to check your email across different devices and email clients.

By mastering the email builder in FunnelKit Automations, you can create professional, engaging, and effective email campaigns that drive results for your WooCommerce store. The combination of ease of use and advanced features makes it possible to create sophisticated email marketing strategies without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

Getting Contacts Into Autonami with Forms [29:06]

Effectively populating your contact list is crucial for the success of your email marketing efforts. FunnelKit Automations offers seamless integration with various form plugins, making it easy to capture and manage contacts. This section explores how to set up and use forms to grow your contact list within FunnelKit Automations.

Form Integration Options:

  • Native Form Builder: FunnelKit Automations provides a basic form builder for simple opt-ins.
  • Third-Party Form Plugins: Integrates with popular WordPress form plugins like Elementor Forms, Gravity Forms, WPForms, and Fluent Forms.
  • WooFunnels Opt-ins: Seamless integration with WooFunnels for creating opt-in forms within your sales funnels.

Setting Up Form Integration:

Access Form Settings:

  • Navigate to FunnelKit Automations dashboard.
  • Go to Forms > Add New.

Choose Form Source:

  • Select your preferred form plugin from the available options.
  • If using the native form builder, start creating your form directly.

Map Form Fields:

  • Match form fields with corresponding FunnelKit Automations fields.
  • Ensure essential fields like name and email are correctly mapped.

Configure Tagging and Segmentation:

  • Set up automatic tagging based on form submissions.
  • Add contacts to specific lists or segments upon form completion.

Set Up Double Opt-in (Optional):

  • Enable double opt-in for GDPR compliance and list quality.
  • Customize the confirmation email and thank you page.

Configure Form Actions:

  • Set up automated actions to trigger upon form submission (e.g., send welcome email, start automation sequence).
  • Integrate with other WordPress plugins or external services if needed.

Best Practices for Form Integration:

  • Keep Forms Simple: Minimize required fields to increase conversion rates.
  • Use Clear CTAs: Make your form’s purpose and benefits obvious to visitors.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure forms are easily accessible and fillable on mobile devices.
  • A/B Test Forms: Experiment with different layouts, copy, and CTAs to optimize conversion rates.

Leveraging Forms for Segmentation:

  • Use Custom Fields: Collect additional information to enhance segmentation capabilities.
  • Interest-Based Tagging: Use checkbox fields or dropdown menus to tag subscribers based on their interests.
  • Source Tracking: Implement hidden fields to track where subscribers are coming from (e.g., specific landing pages or campaigns).

By effectively setting up and utilizing forms with FunnelKit Automations, you can consistently grow your contact list while gathering valuable data for segmentation and personalization. This integration forms the foundation of your email marketing strategy, enabling you to target the right audience with the right message at the right time.

How Segmenting Works with Autonami [30:31]

Effective segmentation is key to delivering personalized and relevant content to your subscribers. FunnelKit Automations offers robust segmentation capabilities that allow you to target your audience with precision. This section explores the segmentation features and best practices within the platform.

Segmentation Options in FunnelKit Automations:

  • Tags: Use tags to categorize contacts based on behaviors, interests, or any custom criteria.
  • Lists: Create static lists of contacts for specific purposes (though the presenter recommends minimizing their use).
  • Audiences (Dynamic Segments): Build dynamic segments based on various criteria that update automatically.
  • Custom Fields: Utilize custom fields to store additional data about contacts for advanced segmentation.

Creating and Managing Segments:

Access Segmentation Tools:

  • Navigate to Contacts > Audiences in FunnelKit Automations.

Create a New Audience (Segment):

  • Click “Add New Audience” and give it a descriptive name.
  • Set up filters to define the segment criteria.

Define Segment Criteria:

  • Use combinations of tags, custom fields, and behavioral data to create targeted segments.
  • Employ AND/OR logic to create complex segmentation rules.

Test and Refine Segments:

  • Preview the contacts in each segment to ensure accuracy.
  • Adjust criteria as needed to fine-tune your segments.

Advanced Segmentation Strategies:

  • Behavioral Segmentation: Create segments based on user actions like purchases, email opens, or website visits.
  • Purchase History Segmentation: Utilize WooCommerce data to segment based on order value, frequency, or specific product purchases.
  • Engagement-Based Segmentation: Group subscribers based on their level of engagement with your emails or website.
  • Lifecycle Segmentation: Create segments for different stages of the customer journey (e.g., new subscribers, loyal customers, at-risk customers).

Best Practices for Effective Segmentation:

  • Start Simple: Begin with basic segments and gradually increase complexity as you gather more data.
  • Regular Updates: Continuously refine and update your segments based on new data and campaign results.
  • Combine Criteria: Use multiple data points to create highly targeted segments for personalized campaigns.
  • Test and Measure: Regularly test the effectiveness of your segments through A/B testing and performance analysis.

Leveraging Segmentation in Campaigns:

  • Personalized Content: Use segments to deliver tailored content that resonates with specific groups.
  • Targeted Promotions: Create exclusive offers or promotions for high-value segments.
  • Re-engagement Campaigns: Develop specific strategies to re-engage inactive segments.
  • Product Recommendations: Use purchase history segments to suggest relevant products or upsells.

By mastering segmentation in FunnelKit Automations, you can significantly improve the relevance and effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. This targeted approach leads to higher engagement rates, improved customer satisfaction, and ultimately, better conversion rates for your WooCommerce store.

Managing Contacts [33:02]

Effective contact management is crucial for maintaining a healthy and engaged email list. FunnelKit Automations provides comprehensive tools for managing your contacts, allowing you to keep your database organized and up-to-date. This section explores the contact management features and best practices within the platform.

Contact Management Overview:

  • Centralized Database: All contact information is stored in a single, easily accessible location.
  • Detailed Contact Profiles: View comprehensive information about each contact, including purchase history, email engagement, and custom field data.
  • Bulk Actions: Perform actions on multiple contacts simultaneously for efficient list management.
  • Import/Export Capabilities: Easily move contact data in and out of the system as needed.

Key Contact Management Features:

Contact List View:

  • Access a sortable and filterable list of all contacts.
  • Customize visible columns to display relevant information at a glance.

Individual Contact Profiles:

  • View detailed information about each contact, including:
    • Contact details (name, email, phone number)
    • Tags and list memberships
    • Purchase history and average order value
    • Email engagement metrics
    • Custom field data

Adding and Editing Contacts:

  • Manually add new contacts or edit existing contact information.
  • Update tags, custom fields, and other data points as needed.

Bulk Actions:

  • Add or remove tags from multiple contacts at once.
  • Move contacts between lists or segments.
  • Delete or export groups of contacts.

Import/Export Functionality:

  • Import contacts from CSV files or other email marketing platforms.
  • Export contact data for backup or analysis in external tools.

Best Practices for Contact Management:

  • Regular List Cleaning: Periodically remove inactive or unengaged contacts to maintain list health.
  • Data Enrichment: Continuously update and enrich contact profiles with relevant information from various touchpoints.
  • Segmentation Maintenance: Regularly review and update your segments based on changing contact data.
  • Privacy Compliance: Ensure your contact management practices comply with relevant data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).

Leveraging Contact Data for Personalization:

  • Dynamic Content: Use contact data to personalize email content, product recommendations, and offers.
  • Behavioral Triggers: Set up automated workflows based on contact behaviors and data changes.
  • Lifecycle Marketing: Tailor your marketing strategies to different stages of the customer lifecycle using contact data.

Contact Management Workflow Tips:

  • Standardize Data Entry: Establish consistent protocols for entering and formatting contact data.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct periodic audits of your contact database to ensure data accuracy and completeness.
  • Automation: Utilize FunnelKit Automations’ features to automate routine contact management tasks where possible.
  • Integration: Leverage integrations with WooCommerce and other tools to keep contact data synchronized across platforms.

By effectively managing your contacts in FunnelKit Automations, you can ensure that your email marketing efforts are based on accurate, up-to-date information. This leads to more targeted campaigns, improved personalization, and ultimately, better engagement and conversion rates for your WooCommerce store.

Cart Abandonment [36:53]

Cart abandonment is a significant challenge for e-commerce businesses, with potential revenue left unrealized. FunnelKit Automations offers powerful features to tackle this issue, helping you recover lost sales and improve conversion rates. This section explores the cart abandonment recovery capabilities of the platform and how to implement effective strategies.

Cart Abandonment Features in FunnelKit Automations:

  • Automated Recovery Emails: Set up sequences of emails to remind customers about their abandoned carts.
  • Custom Coupon Generation: Create personalized discount codes to incentivize purchase completion.
  • Detailed Analytics: Track recovery rates, revenue, and other key metrics related to abandoned carts.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Seamless integration with WooCommerce for accurate cart tracking and recovery.

Setting Up Cart Abandonment Recovery:

Configure Cart Settings:

  • Navigate to Settings > Cart in FunnelKit Automations.
  • Set the time delay before a cart is considered abandoned (e.g., 1-2 hours).
  • Configure cool-off periods and lost cart timeframes.

Create Recovery Automation:

  • Go to Automations and create a new workflow for cart abandonment.
  • Set the trigger as “Cart Abandoned” in WooCommerce.

Design Recovery Emails:

  • Create a series of emails (typically 2-3) to remind customers about their cart.
  • Use the drag-and-drop editor to design engaging email templates.

Set Up Custom Coupons:

  • Configure dynamic coupon generation within the automation workflow.
  • Set parameters like discount amount, expiration time, and usage restrictions.

Implement Conditional Logic:

  • Use conditional rules to tailor the recovery process based on cart value or customer history.
  • Create different paths for high-value carts or repeat customers.

Best Practices for Cart Abandonment Recovery:

  • Timing is Key: Send the first recovery email within a few hours of abandonment, followed by 1-2 more over the next few days.
  • Personalization: Use customer names and specific cart details in recovery emails to increase relevance.
  • Clear CTAs: Include prominent, easy-to-use buttons for customers to return to their cart.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure recovery emails are easily actionable on mobile devices.
  • Test and Optimize: Continuously A/B test email content, subject lines, and timing to improve recovery rates.

Advanced Cart Abandonment Strategies:

  • Segmented Approaches: Tailor recovery strategies based on customer segments (e.g., first-time vs. repeat customers).
  • Multi-Channel Recovery: Integrate SMS or web push notifications alongside email for a comprehensive approach.
  • Progressive Incentives: Increase discount offers in later emails if earlier ones don’t convert.
  • Product Recommendations: Include related or complementary product suggestions in recovery emails.

Measuring Cart Abandonment Recovery Success:

  • Recovery Rate: Track the percentage of abandoned carts successfully recovered.
  • Revenue Recovery: Monitor the total revenue reclaimed through abandonment campaigns.
  • Email Performance Metrics: Analyze open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates for recovery emails.
  • Average Order Value: Compare AOV of recovered carts to regular purchases to assess the impact of recovery strategies.

By effectively implementing cart abandonment recovery strategies with FunnelKit Automations, you can significantly reduce lost sales and improve your overall conversion rates. This feature directly impacts your bottom line, making it a crucial component of your e-commerce marketing strategy.

Automations & Drip Sequences [40:28]

Automations and drip sequences are the backbone of effective email marketing, allowing you to deliver the right message at the right time without manual intervention. FunnelKit Automations provides a robust automation builder that enables you to create sophisticated workflows for various marketing scenarios. This section explores how to create and manage automations and drip sequences within the platform.

Automation Builder Overview:

  • Visual Workflow Editor: Drag-and-drop interface for creating complex automation sequences.
  • Trigger-Based Actions: Start automations based on specific events or conditions.
  • Conditional Logic: Create branching paths based on subscriber actions or data.
  • Delay and Timing Controls: Set precise timing for each step in the automation.
  • Integration with WooCommerce: Leverage e-commerce data for more targeted automations.

Creating an Automation Workflow:

Access Automation Builder:

  • Navigate to Automations > Add New in FunnelKit Automations.

Set Up Trigger:

  • Choose the event that will initiate the automation (e.g., new subscriber, product purchase, abandoned cart).

Add Actions:

  • Drag action blocks into the workflow (e.g., send email, add tag, update custom field).
  • Configure each action with specific details (email content, tag name, etc.).

Implement Conditional Logic:

  • Add if/else conditions to create personalized paths based on subscriber data or behavior.

Set Delays and Timing:

  • Add delay blocks between actions to control the timing of each step.
  • Use advanced timing options like sending at specific times or on certain days of the week.

Test and Activate:

  • Use the testing features to ensure the automation works as expected.
  • Activate the automation when ready to go live.

Types of Automations and Drip Sequences:

  • Welcome Series: Introduce new subscribers to your brand and products.
  • Onboarding Sequence: Guide new customers through using your products or services.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Follow up on abandoned carts to recover potential sales.
  • Post-Purchase Sequence: Nurture customers after a purchase for upsells and retention.
  • Re-engagement Campaigns: Win back inactive subscribers or customers.
  • Product Education Series: Educate customers about specific products or product lines.

Best Practices for Effective Automations:

  • Start Simple: Begin with basic automations and gradually increase complexity as you become more comfortable with the tool.
  • Segmentation: Use tags and custom fields to create highly targeted automations.
  • Personalization: Leverage merge tags and dynamic content to create personalized experiences.
  • Monitor and Optimize: Regularly review automation performance and make data-driven improvements.
  • A/B Testing: Test different elements of your automations to optimize for better results.

Advanced Automation Strategies:

  • Multi-Channel Integration: Combine email with SMS or web push notifications for a comprehensive approach.
  • Behavioral Triggers: Create automations based on website behavior or product interactions.
  • Dynamic Content: Use subscriber data to dynamically change email content within automations.
  • Predictive Sending: Utilize AI-powered features (if available) to optimize send times for individual subscribers.

Measuring Automation Success:

  • Engagement Metrics: Track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates for each step in the automation.
  • Revenue Attribution: Measure the direct revenue impact of your automation workflows.
  • List Growth and Retention: Monitor how automations affect subscriber growth and churn rates.
  • Customer Lifetime Value: Assess the long-term impact of automations on customer LTV.

By mastering the automation and drip sequence capabilities of FunnelKit Automations, you can create highly effective, personalized marketing campaigns that nurture leads, convert customers, and drive repeat business for your WooCommerce store. These automated workflows allow you to scale your marketing efforts efficiently while delivering timely and relevant content to your subscribers.

Metrics & Analytics [44:54]

Understanding the performance of your email marketing campaigns is crucial for ongoing optimization and success. FunnelKit Automations provides comprehensive metrics and analytics tools to help you track, analyze, and improve your marketing efforts. This section explores the key analytics features and how to leverage them for better results.

Analytics Dashboard Overview:

  • Campaign Performance: Track key metrics for individual campaigns and automations.
  • Revenue Attribution: Measure the direct impact of email marketing on your bottom line.
  • Subscriber Growth: Monitor list growth and engagement over time.
  • Segmentation Analysis: Understand how different segments perform across campaigns.

Key Metrics Available in FunnelKit Automations:

Email Engagement Metrics:

  • Open Rates: Percentage of recipients who opened your emails.
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): Percentage of recipients who clicked links in your emails.
  • Unsubscribe Rates: Track how many subscribers opt out of your communications.

Conversion Metrics:

  • Conversion Rate: Percentage of email recipients who completed a desired action.
  • Revenue Per Email: Average revenue generated from each email sent.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Overall return on your email marketing efforts.

List Health Metrics:

  • List Growth Rate: Rate at which your subscriber list is growing.
  • Bounce Rates: Percentage of emails that couldn’t be delivered.
  • Spam Complaint Rate: Number of recipients marking your emails as spam.

Automation Performance:

  • Workflow Completion Rates: Percentage of subscribers completing entire automation sequences.
  • Step-by-Step Analytics: Performance metrics for each step in your automation workflows.

Leveraging Analytics for Optimization:

  • A/B Testing Analysis: Compare performance of different email variants to optimize content and design.
  • Segmentation Insights: Analyze how different segments respond to various campaigns for better targeting.
  • Time-Based Analysis: Identify optimal send times and frequencies based on engagement patterns.
  • Content Performance: Track which types of content and offers resonate best with your audience.

Best Practices for Using Analytics:

  • Regular Reporting: Set up periodic reviews of your email marketing performance.
  • Benchmark Comparisons: Compare your metrics against industry standards and your own historical data.
  • Goal Setting: Establish clear, measurable goals for each campaign and track progress.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Use analytics insights to inform future campaign strategies and optimizations.

Advanced Analytics Strategies:

  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Analysis: Track how email marketing impacts long-term customer value.
  • Cohort Analysis: Analyze performance across different subscriber cohorts to understand lifecycle trends.
  • Predictive Analytics: Utilize machine learning features (if available) to forecast future performance and trends.
  • Multi-Touch Attribution: Understand how email marketing contributes to conversions alongside other marketing channels.

Customizing Your Analytics View:

  • Dashboard Customization: Tailor your analytics dashboard to focus on the metrics most important to your business.
  • Custom Reports: Create and schedule custom reports for different stakeholders in your organization.
  • Data Export: Export raw data for deeper analysis in external tools if needed.

Integrating with Other Analytics Tools:

  • Google Analytics Integration: Connect FunnelKit Automations with Google Analytics for a holistic view of your marketing funnel.
  • E-commerce Platform Integration: Sync data with WooCommerce for accurate revenue attribution and product performance analysis.
  • CRM Integration: If applicable, integrate with your CRM system for a complete view of customer interactions.

By effectively utilizing the metrics and analytics provided by FunnelKit Automations, you can gain valuable insights into your email marketing performance. This data-driven approach allows you to continuously refine your strategies, improve engagement, and ultimately drive more revenue for your WooCommerce store. Regular analysis and optimization based on these metrics are key to long-term email marketing success.

Configuring Twilio & Sending SMS Messages [46:04]

In addition to email marketing, FunnelKit Automations offers the capability to send SMS messages, providing another channel for engaging with your customers. This section explores how to set up Twilio integration for SMS messaging and best practices for incorporating SMS into your marketing strategy.

Setting Up Twilio Integration:

Access Twilio Settings:

  • Navigate to Connectors in FunnelKit Automations.
  • Find and select Twilio from the list of available integrations.

Obtain Twilio Credentials:

  • Log into your Twilio account (or create one if you haven’t already).
  • Locate your Account SID and Auth Token in the Twilio dashboard.

Configure Twilio in FunnelKit Automations:

  • Enter your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token in the designated fields.
  • Add your Twilio phone number that will be used for sending SMS messages.
  • Test the connection to ensure it’s working correctly.

Creating SMS Campaigns:

Access SMS Campaign Creator:

  • Go to Campaigns > Broadcasts in FunnelKit Automations.
  • Select the SMS tab to create a new SMS campaign.

Compose Your Message:

  • Write your SMS content, keeping in mind character limits and best practices for SMS marketing.
  • Use personalization tags to customize the message for each recipient.

Select Your Audience:

  • Choose the segment or list of contacts who will receive the SMS.
  • Ensure that you have valid phone numbers for all selected contacts.

Schedule or Send:

  • Choose to send the SMS immediately or schedule it for a later time.
  • Review and confirm your campaign details before sending.

Best Practices for SMS Marketing:

  • Obtain Explicit Consent: Ensure you have permission to send SMS messages to your contacts.
  • Keep Messages Concise: SMS has limited characters, so make your message clear and to the point.
  • Provide Value: Each SMS should offer clear value to the recipient (e.g., exclusive offers, important updates).
  • Timing is Crucial: Be mindful of when you’re sending SMS messages to avoid being intrusive.
  • Include Clear Call-to-Action: Make it easy for recipients to take the desired action.
  • Offer Opt-Out Option: Always include a way for recipients to opt out of SMS communications.

Integrating SMS into Your Marketing Automation:

  • Multi-Channel Workflows: Incorporate SMS into your existing email automation workflows for a comprehensive approach.
  • Triggered SMS: Set up automated SMS messages based on specific customer actions or events.
  • SMS for Time-Sensitive Offers: Use SMS for flash sales or limited-time promotions that require immediate attention.
  • Transactional SMS: Send order confirmations, shipping updates, or appointment reminders via SMS.

Measuring SMS Campaign Success:

  • Delivery Rates: Track the percentage of messages successfully delivered.
  • Click-Through Rates: Monitor how many recipients click on links within your SMS messages.
  • Conversion Rates: Measure the number of recipients who take the desired action after receiving an SMS.
  • Opt-Out Rates: Keep an eye on how many recipients choose to unsubscribe from SMS communications.

Compliance Considerations:

  • Follow Local Regulations: Adhere to SMS marketing laws and regulations in your jurisdiction (e.g., TCPA in the US).
  • Respect Frequency Limits: Don’t over-message your audience; find a balance that provides value without being intrusive.
  • Maintain Privacy: Ensure that your SMS marketing practices comply with data protection regulations like GDPR or CCPA.

By effectively integrating SMS messaging into your marketing strategy with FunnelKit Automations, you can create a more diverse and engaging communication channel with your customers. SMS can complement your email marketing efforts, providing immediate, high-visibility messaging for time-sensitive or high-priority communications. Remember to use this channel judiciously and always prioritize providing value to your audience.

Final Thoughts [48:11]

As we conclude this comprehensive review and tutorial of FunnelKit Automations (formerly Autonami), it’s clear that this tool offers a powerful suite of features for WooCommerce store owners looking to elevate their marketing automation game. Let’s summarize the key points and provide some final insights on the platform.

Key Strengths of FunnelKit Automations:

  1. WooCommerce Integration: The deep integration with WooCommerce makes it an excellent choice for e-commerce businesses on WordPress.
  2. Self-Hosted Solution: Offering more control over data and potentially lower long-term costs compared to SaaS alternatives.
  3. Comprehensive Feature Set: From email marketing to SMS integration, abandoned cart recovery to advanced segmentation, FunnelKit Automations covers a wide range of marketing automation needs.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive drag-and-drop builders for emails and automations make it accessible even for those without extensive technical knowledge.
  5. Powerful Segmentation: The ability to create dynamic segments based on various criteria allows for highly targeted marketing campaigns.
  6. Robust Analytics: Detailed metrics and analytics provide valuable insights for continuous optimization of marketing efforts.

Potential Considerations:

  1. Learning Curve: While user-friendly, mastering all features may require some time and effort, especially for those new to marketing automation.
  2. Server Resources: As a self-hosted solution, it’s important to ensure your hosting can handle the additional load, especially for larger stores with high email volumes.
  3. Dependence on WooCommerce: While a strength for WooCommerce users, it may not be the best fit for businesses using other e-commerce platforms.

Who Should Consider FunnelKit Automations:

  • WooCommerce store owners looking for a comprehensive marketing automation solution.
  • Businesses that prefer self-hosted solutions for greater control and data privacy.
  • Marketers who need deep e-commerce integration for their email and SMS campaigns.
  • Store owners looking to implement advanced cart abandonment and customer retention strategies.

Final Recommendations:

  1. Start Simple: Begin with basic automations and gradually build more complex workflows as you become familiar with the system.
  2. Leverage Integrations: Take full advantage of the WooCommerce integration to create highly targeted and effective campaigns.
  3. Focus on Segmentation: Utilize the powerful segmentation features to deliver personalized experiences to your customers.
  4. Regularly Review Analytics: Use the comprehensive analytics to continuously refine and improve your marketing strategies.
  5. Stay Compliant: Ensure your email and SMS marketing practices adhere to relevant regulations and best practices.
  6. Explore Advanced Features: As you grow more comfortable with the platform, explore advanced features like custom coupon generation and multi-channel automations.

In conclusion, FunnelKit Automations presents a compelling solution for WooCommerce store owners seeking a robust, self-hosted marketing automation platform. Its comprehensive feature set, coupled with deep WooCommerce integration, positions it as a strong contender in the e-commerce marketing automation space. While it may require some initial setup and learning, the potential for creating sophisticated, highly targeted marketing campaigns makes it a valuable tool for businesses looking to grow their online presence and improve customer engagement.

By leveraging the power of FunnelKit Automations, WooCommerce store owners can create more personalized, effective marketing campaigns that drive customer engagement, increase conversions, and ultimately boost revenue. As with any marketing tool, success will depend on how well you utilize its features and adapt your strategies based on the insights gained from its analytics.

For more information and support, be sure to check out the official FunnelKit Automations documentation and community forums. Happy automating!

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