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Is This $49 Form Builder Better Than Typeform? Whirr AppSumo Deal Review

11 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

In today’s digital landscape, efficient and user-friendly form builders are essential for businesses and individuals alike. This comprehensive review delves into Whirr, a no-code, design-skills-optional form builder currently available on AppSumo. We’ll explore its features, usability, and potential as a Typeform alternative or WordPress form builder replacement. Throughout this article, we’ll examine Whirr’s plans and pricing, user interface, templates, customization options, and data handling capabilities. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of whether Whirr is the right choice for your form-building needs and how it stacks up against competitors in the market.

Plans & Pricing [00:27]

Whirr offers several pricing tiers through AppSumo, catering to different user needs and budgets. Let’s break down the options:

Tier 1: Entry-Level Package

  • Price: $49
  • Forms Allowed: 10
  • Limitations: This tier may be somewhat restrictive for users who need to create multiple forms.

Tier 2: Expanded Capacity

  • Forms Allowed: 100
  • Benefits: More generous allocation, suitable for users with moderate form creation needs.

Tier 3: Unlimited Forms

  • Feature: Unlimited form creation
  • Recommendation: This tier is considered the sweet spot for most users, offering the most flexibility.

Additional Tiers

  • Tier 4 and Tier 5 are available for users requiring more storage space or additional user accounts.
  • Tier 4: 50GB storage
  • Tier 5: 100GB storage, priced at $549

Comparison with Typeform

  • Typeform’s pricing starts at $60/month for three users and 10,000 responses.
  • Whirr’s one-time payment model could potentially save users money compared to Typeform’s subscription-based pricing.

Key Considerations

  • File upload storage: Consider the types of files you’ll be requesting (e.g., video testimonials vs. text submissions) when choosing a tier.
  • Number of users: Higher tiers allow for more users to build forms, not to be confused with form respondents.
  • Long-term costs: While the initial investment may be higher, Whirr’s lifetime deal could be more cost-effective than ongoing subscriptions to services like Typeform or Jotform.

Whirr Settings [02:24]

Upon acquiring Whirr through AppSumo, users are immediately directed to the settings page. Here’s what you can expect to find and configure:

General Settings

  • Workspace Name: Customize the name of your Whirr workspace to align with your brand or project.
  • Logo Upload: Add your company or personal logo to personalize the Whirr interface.

Members Management

  • Invite team members to collaborate on form creation and management.
  • User roles and permissions can be set up to control access levels.

Usage Statistics

  • View the number of published forms.
  • Monitor user activity within your account.
  • Track file upload submission storage utilization.

Key Features

  • Clean and intuitive settings interface.
  • Easy-to-navigate options for personalizing your Whirr experience.
  • Quick access to important account information and statistics.


  • The settings page provides a good overview of your account’s current status and limitations based on your chosen plan.
  • Familiarize yourself with these settings to make the most of Whirr’s features and stay within your plan’s limits.

Whirr User Interface [03:11]

Whirr boasts a clean and minimalistic user interface designed for ease of use. Here’s an overview of the main components:

Dashboard Overview

  • Forms Section: Displays all created forms, including those in draft and published states.
  • Templates Section: Access pre-designed form templates for quick starts.
  • Recently Edited: Shows a list of forms you’ve worked on recently for easy access.


  • Simple menu structure for accessing different areas of the application.
  • Intuitive icons and labels make it easy to find what you need.

Updates and Help

  • Dedicated section for feature updates and new releases.
  • Access to help documentation and support resources.
  • Feature request submission option for suggesting improvements.

Key UI Elements

  • Clean, uncluttered design focuses on essential features.
  • Consistent layout across different sections enhances usability.
  • Visual cues and tooltips guide users through form creation process.

User Experience Considerations

  • The minimalist approach may require some users to explore to find advanced features.
  • The interface’s simplicity could be advantageous for beginners but potentially limiting for power users.

Templates [03:39]

Whirr provides a variety of pre-designed templates to jumpstart your form creation process. Let’s explore the template offerings and their features:

Template Variety

  • Approximately 15 templates available covering various use cases.
  • Templates range from customer feedback forms to job applications and event RSVPs.

Customization Options

  • Easy to update with your branding elements (colors, logos, etc.).
  • Flexibility to modify form fields and layout within the template structure.

Notable Templates

Customer Feedback Form

  • Includes personal information fields, star rating system, and open-ended questions.
  • Demonstrates various input types: single-line text, date picker, drop-downs, and checkboxes.

Job Application Form

  • Features file upload capabilities for resumes and cover letters.
  • Showcases how to structure a more complex, multi-section form.

Uninstall Survey

  • Clean and simple design focused on gathering quick feedback.
  • Good example of using checkboxes and short-answer fields effectively.

Event Registration/RSVP Form

  • Side-by-side layout with image and form fields.
  • Illustrates how to create visually appealing forms with media integration.

Photography Agreement

  • Demonstrates the use of digital signatures within forms.
  • Shows how Whirr can handle more complex, contract-style documents.

Template Usability

  • Mobile responsiveness: All templates adjust well to different screen sizes.
  • Consistent branding: Easy to maintain a cohesive look across different form types.
  • Customization depth: While templates provide a good starting point, users have the flexibility to extensively modify them.


  • Limited template selection compared to some competitors.
  • Some templates may require significant customization to fit specific needs.
  • The ability to create and save custom templates would be a valuable addition.

Builder [08:03]

Whirr’s form builder is at the heart of its functionality, offering a user-friendly interface reminiscent of the Ghost CMS editor. Here’s a detailed look at the building process and available features:

Interface Overview

  • Clean, distraction-free editing environment.
  • Intuitive slash (/) command system for adding elements.
  • Drag-and-drop functionality for rearranging form fields.

Available Form Elements

Text Input Fields

  • Short input (single line)
  • Long input (multi-line text area)
  • Name field
  • Email field
  • Phone number field

Selection Fields

  • Dropdown menus (custom options and pre-filled selections like vehicle makes)
  • Checkboxes (multi-select)
  • Radio buttons (single select)

Special Input Fields

  • Date picker
  • Time selector
  • File upload
  • Signature field
  • Rating (star system)

Advanced Elements

  • Address field (with optional auto-complete)
  • Social media handle input
  • Custom HTML insertion

Media Elements

  • Image upload
  • Video embed (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)

Building Process

  1. Start with a blank canvas or template.
  2. Use the slash (/) command to add new elements.
  3. Customize each element by clicking on it and adjusting properties.
  4. Rearrange elements using drag-and-drop.
  5. Add multiple pages or views for longer forms.

Customization Options

  • Set fields as required or optional.
  • Add conditional logic (show/hide fields based on responses).
  • Customize field labels and placeholder text.
  • Set input validation rules (e.g., email format, number ranges).

Advanced Features

  • Multi-page form creation with progress indicators.
  • Thank you page customization.
  • Custom CSS for advanced styling needs.

Usability Considerations

  • The editor’s similarity to Ghost CMS may provide a familiar experience for some users.
  • The slash command system might have a learning curve for new users but increases efficiency once mastered.
  • Lack of a traditional right-click menu for deleting elements may be counterintuitive for some.


  • No built-in integrations or API connections for data export.
  • Limited advanced logic capabilities compared to some competitors.

Customization [17:00]

Whirr offers various customization options to tailor your forms to your brand and specific needs. Let’s explore the available customization features:

Visual Customization

Layout Options

  • Choose from different layouts: left-aligned image, top image, or right-aligned image.
  • Adjust alignment within layouts: top, center, or bottom-aligned content.

Color Scheme

  • Customize background color.
  • Set primary color for buttons and accents.
  • Adjust text color to ensure readability.


  • Select from a wide range of Google Fonts.
  • Separate font choices for body text and headings.
  • Adjust font sizes and weights.

Cover Images

  • Add a cover photo to each page of your form.
  • Choose from Pexels or Giphy integrations or upload your own images.

Functional Customization

Form Logic

  • Set up conditional logic to show or hide fields based on user responses.
  • Create multi-page forms with custom navigation between pages.

Field Properties

  • Make fields required or optional.
  • Set input validation rules (e.g., email format, number ranges).
  • Customize placeholder text and help text for each field.

Button Customization

  • Edit button text and styles.
  • Set custom actions for buttons (e.g., submit form, go to next page).

Advanced Customization

Custom CSS

  • Add your own CSS code for more granular control over form appearance.
  • Target specific elements for unique styling.

Custom HTML

  • Insert custom HTML code for advanced functionality or embedded content.

Metadata Options

  • Set custom titles, descriptions, and social card images for SEO and social sharing.

Limitations and Considerations

  • Layout changes apply universally to all pages in a multi-page form.
  • Limited options for creating unique designs for each page in a form.
  • No built-in integrations for extending functionality beyond basic form features.

Best Practices

  • Maintain consistency with your brand guidelines when customizing colors and fonts.
  • Use conditional logic judiciously to create a smooth user experience without overcomplicated forms.
  • Test your forms across different devices to ensure responsiveness and usability.

Sharing [19:58]

Whirr provides several options for sharing and distributing your forms. Here’s an overview of the sharing capabilities:

Direct Link Sharing

  • Each form generates a unique URL.
  • Easy to copy and paste the link for sharing via email, messaging apps, or social media.

QR Code Generation

  • Automatically creates a QR code for each form.
  • Useful for offline distribution or quick mobile access.

Embedding Limitations

  • Currently, there are no built-in embed options for websites or applications.
  • This limitation may be significant for users wanting to integrate forms directly into their web pages.

White Labeling and Custom Domains

  • No options for white labeling the form URL or using a custom domain.
  • Forms will always be hosted on Whirr’s domain, which may not be ideal for branding purposes.

Collaboration and Access Control

  • Ability to invite team members to collaborate on form creation and management.
  • Limited options for setting granular permissions or access levels for collaborators.

Considerations for Different Use Cases

  • Ideal for scenarios where direct link sharing is sufficient (e.g., email campaigns, social media posts).
  • May be less suitable for businesses requiring seamless website integration or advanced branding options.

Best Practices for Sharing

  • Use clear, descriptive links when sharing form URLs.
  • Consider creating landing pages on your own website that redirect to the Whirr form for better branding control.
  • Utilize the QR code feature for physical marketing materials or in-person events.

Thank You Page [20:31]

Creating an effective thank you page is crucial for completing the user experience after form submission. Here’s how Whirr handles thank you pages:

Creating a Thank You Page

  • Add a new view (page) to your form.
  • Designate this view as the thank you page.

Customization Options

  • Add custom text, images, and other elements to the thank you page.
  • Maintain consistent branding with the rest of your form.

Navigation Setup

  • Configure the submit button to direct users to the thank you page after form submission.
  • Ensure proper setup to save form data before redirecting.

Key Considerations

  • The thank you page uses the same layout and styling as the main form pages.
  • Limited options for creating a distinct design for the thank you page.

Best Practices

  • Include a clear confirmation message.
  • Provide next steps or additional information for the user.
  • Consider adding social sharing options or links back to your website.


  • Lack of advanced features like dynamic content based on form responses.
  • No built-in options for integrating with email marketing tools for follow-up sequences.

Data [21:13]

Handling and managing form submissions is a critical aspect of any form builder. Here’s an overview of how Whirr manages form data:

Data Collection

  • All form submissions are stored within the Whirr platform.
  • Access submissions through the “Data” view in the form dashboard.

Data Visualization

  • View basic analytics such as:
  • Number of responses
  • Number of sessions
  • Conversion rate
  • Average time to complete the form

Individual Response Viewing

  • Ability to see each individual form submission in detail.
  • Responses are presented in a clear, tabular format.

Data Export

  • Option to export data as a CSV file.
  • Useful for further analysis or integration with other tools.


  • No built-in API for real-time data access.
  • Lack of direct integrations with CRM or marketing automation tools.

Data Security Considerations

  • Ensure compliance with data protection regulations when collecting and storing personal information.
  • Limited information available about Whirr’s data security measures.

Best Practices

  • Regularly export and backup your form data.
  • Implement a system for reviewing and acting on form submissions promptly.

Layout Style [21:33]

The layout and styling options in Whirr play a crucial role in creating visually appealing and effective forms. Here’s a detailed look at the layout capabilities:

Available Layouts

Top Image Layout

  • Image or hero section at the top of the form
  • Form fields below the image

Left-side Image Layout

  • Image on the left side of the form
  • Form fields on the right side

Right-side Image Layout

  • Image on the right side of the form
  • Form fields on the left side

Customization Options

  • Ability to change background colors
  • Customizable text colors for better contrast and readability
  • Options to adjust font styles and sizes

Image Integration

  • Upload custom images for each layout
  • Integration with Pexels and Giphy for stock image and GIF selection

Responsive Design

  • Layouts automatically adjust for mobile devices
  • Ensures forms are usable across various screen sizes


  • Layout changes apply universally to all pages in a multi-page form
  • Limited options for creating unique layouts for individual pages

Best Practices

  • Choose layouts that complement your form’s purpose and content
  • Ensure image choices enhance rather than distract from the form’s functionality
  • Test layouts across different devices to ensure optimal user experience

Considerations for Different Form Types

  • Use top image layout for branding-heavy forms or landing pages
  • Side image layouts work well for shorter forms or when you want to provide visual context

Completing the Form [22:17]

Testing and completing forms is an essential step in ensuring their functionality and user-friendliness. Here’s an overview of the form completion process in Whirr:

User Experience

  • Forms are generally easy to navigate and complete
  • Clear labeling and intuitive field layouts

Multi-page Navigation

  • Smooth transitions between pages in multi-page forms
  • Progress indicators to show users their location within the form

Field Validation

  • Real-time validation for required fields
  • Custom error messages for invalid inputs

File Upload Process

  • Simple interface for uploading files
  • Support for various file types (depending on form settings)

Submission Process

  • Clear submission button at the end of the form
  • Immediate feedback upon successful submission

Thank You Page Display

  • Customizable thank you page shown after successful submission
  • Option to include additional information or next steps for the user

Mobile Responsiveness

  • Forms adapt well to mobile devices, maintaining usability on smaller screens
  • Touch-friendly input fields and buttons

Limitations and Considerations

  • Limited options for inline form validation (e.g., password strength indicators)
  • No built-in CAPTCHA or anti-spam measures, which may be a concern for public-facing forms

Best Practices for Form Completion

  • Keep forms as short as possible to improve completion rates
  • Use clear, concise language in labels and instructions
  • Provide help text or tooltips for complex fields
  • Test the form thoroughly on various devices and browsers

Results [23:22]

After form submission, analyzing the results is crucial. Here’s how Whirr handles form results and data analysis:

Data Dashboard

  • Access a comprehensive overview of form submissions
  • View key metrics such as total responses, conversion rates, and average completion time

Individual Response Review

  • Ability to view each submission in detail
  • Option to filter or search through responses based on specific criteria

Data Visualization

  • Basic charts and graphs to represent submission trends
  • Visual representation of multiple-choice and rating question results

Export Capabilities

  • Export all data as a CSV file for further analysis
  • Option to select specific date ranges or response sets for export


  • Lack of advanced analytics features
  • No built-in tools for creating custom reports or dashboards

Best Practices for Analyzing Results

  • Regularly review submission data to identify trends or issues
  • Use exported data with external tools for more in-depth analysis
  • Set up a system for following up on important or high-priority submissions

API/Integrations? [23:38]

One of the most significant limitations of Whirr is its lack of built-in integrations and API access. Let’s explore this aspect in more detail:

Current State of Integrations

  • No native integrations with popular tools or services
  • Absence of API for custom integrations or data access

Limitations This Imposes

  • Difficult to automate workflows involving form data
  • Manual export and import required for using data in other systems
  • Limited ability to create real-time connections with CRM or marketing tools


  • Use CSV exports to manually transfer data to other systems
  • Utilize third-party automation tools to create basic integrations (e.g., watching for new CSV files)

Feature Requests

  • Some users have requested integrations with tools like Zapier, Make (Integromat), and Stripe
  • Limited traction on these requests in the feature request board

Impact on Different Use Cases

  • Suitable for basic form collection needs without complex data handling requirements
  • May be insufficient for businesses requiring seamless data flow between systems

Comparison with Competitors

  • Many competing form builders offer extensive integration options and API access
  • This lack of integrations could be a significant drawback for some potential users

Future Prospects

  • Potential for Whirr to add integrations and API access in future updates
  • Current users may need to rely on manual processes or consider alternative solutions for integration needs

Conclusion [24:54]

After a thorough review of Whirr, the $49 form builder available on AppSumo, we can draw several conclusions about its capabilities, strengths, and limitations:


  • User-friendly interface reminiscent of Ghost CMS editor
  • Clean, minimalist design that’s easy to navigate
  • Variety of customization options for form appearance
  • Responsive layouts that work well on mobile devices
  • One-time payment model potentially more cost-effective than subscription-based alternatives


  • Lack of integrations and API access severely limits automation possibilities
  • Limited advanced features compared to some competitors
  • Universal styling across multi-page forms restricts design flexibility
  • No embed options for seamless website integration

Use Case Suitability

  • Well-suited for individuals or small businesses with basic form needs
  • Good option for those prioritizing ease of use over advanced features
  • May not meet the needs of larger organizations or those requiring complex data handling

Value Proposition

  • At $49 for a lifetime deal, Whirr offers good value for users with simple form requirements
  • The lack of ongoing subscription fees could result in significant savings over time

Comparison to Typeform

  • While Whirr offers a more affordable long-term solution, it lacks some of Typeform’s advanced features and integrations
  • Typeform may still be preferable for users needing more robust functionality and are willing to pay for a subscription

Final Verdict

Whirr receives a rating of 5.8 out of 10. While it shows promise with its user-friendly interface and customization options, the lack of integrations and advanced features significantly impacts its versatility. For users with basic form needs and a preference for one-time payments, Whirr could be a suitable choice. However, those requiring more complex functionality or seamless integrations with other tools may find it lacking.


  • For WordPress users, alternatives like FluentForms (still available as a lifetime deal) might offer better value and functionality
  • Users should carefully consider their long-term form building needs before committing to Whirr
  • Keep an eye on Whirr’s development roadmap for potential future improvements in integrations and advanced features

In conclusion, while Whirr offers an affordable entry point into the world of form builders, it may not be the best choice for every user. Its simplicity and ease of use are commendable, but the lack of integrations and advanced features limit its appeal to more sophisticated users or growing businesses. As always, potential buyers should weigh their specific needs against Whirr’s offerings before making a decision.

For more information about form builders, digital marketing tools, and other software reviews, visit ClientAmp or join the discussion on our Facebook group. You can also follow us on Twitter for the latest updates and insights in the world of digital marketing and software tools.

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