That LTD Life

Is Starbox Pro Worth Your $49? Honest LTD Review

8 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

In the ever-evolving world of WordPress and SEO, tools that can give your website an edge are always in demand. Today, we’re diving deep into Starbox Pro, a WordPress plugin designed to upgrade your author box and potentially boost your site’s E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) signals. Created by the same team behind the highly popular Squirrly SEO, Starbox Pro promises to enhance your author profiles and, by extension, your site’s credibility in the eyes of both Google and your readers.

This review will walk you through the features, setup process, and overall value proposition of Starbox Pro. We’ll explore its templates, customization options, and how it integrates with WordPress. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of whether Starbox Pro is worth the $49 investment for your WordPress site. Let’s dive in and see if this tool lives up to its promises of improving your site’s E-E-A-T and user experience.

Plans & Pricing [01:29]

Starbox Pro offers a tiered pricing structure to accommodate different user needs:

  • Single Site License: Priced at $49, this option is ideal for bloggers or small businesses with a single WordPress website.
  • Double License: At $100, this plan covers up to five sites, making it a good choice for agencies or users managing multiple WordPress installations.
  • Multiple License: The top-tier option at $147 provides unlimited site usage, perfect for larger agencies or developers working on numerous projects.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • The single site license at $49 is the focus of this review
  • A 10% discount is available, bringing the price down to $44 for the single site license
  • The pricing structure is considered reasonable for the features offered
  • The deal is available on AppSumo, a popular platform for lifetime deals on software

Value Considerations:

  • The price point is competitive when compared to similar WordPress plugins
  • The unlimited site option at $147 could provide significant value for agencies or prolific bloggers
  • The team’s track record with Squirrly SEO adds credibility to the product
  • The potential SEO benefits could justify the cost for serious WordPress users

Setup [02:17]

Setting up Starbox Pro on your WordPress site is a straightforward process, but there are a few nuances to be aware of:

Installation Process:

  • Download the plugin from your account after purchase
  • Upload the plugin through the WordPress admin area
  • Activate the plugin and enter your license code

First-Time Setup:

  • The setup wizard guides you through the initial configuration
  • Select the author(s) you want to set up with Starbox Pro
  • Enter personal details, including first name, last name, and job title
  • Add a comprehensive author bio to enhance your E-E-A-T signals
  • Input social media links to increase your online presence

User Interface Observations:

  • The interface is functional but lacks visual appeal
  • Layout is mechanical and could benefit from a more user-friendly design
  • Despite the basic UI, the setup process is comprehensive and covers all necessary information

Key Setup Features:

  • Multi-author support allows for individual author box customization
  • Automatic pulling of some information from WordPress user profiles
  • Option to manually upload author images rather than relying on Gravatar
  • SEO options for link attributes (nofollow, noopener, noreferrer)

Potential Setup Improvements:

  • Clearer instructions on formatting for social media links
  • More intuitive UI design for a smoother user experience
  • Better explanation of SEO options and their implications

Templates [04:24]

Starbox Pro offers a variety of templates to customize the look of your author box. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the template options and customization features:

Template Categories:

  • Highly Visual: Templates with striking background images and layouts
  • Standard: More traditional author box designs with clean layouts
  • Modern: Minimalist designs reminiscent of email signatures

Template Variety:

  • Wide range of themes from comic book styles to fitness-inspired designs
  • Options for different industries and personal branding styles
  • Multiple variations within each template for further customization

Customization Options:

  • Background image selection and adjustment
  • Color scheme modifications
  • Layout alterations (e.g., image positioning, text alignment)
  • Typography changes (limited in some templates)

Template Performance:

  • Some templates may have issues with text overflow or image cropping
  • Highly visual templates can be attention-grabbing but may not suit all website styles
  • Standard templates offer a more universal appeal and better integration with most WordPress themes

User Experience:

  • Preview feature allows for quick template comparisons
  • Sorting options help narrow down choices based on style preferences
  • Some templates may require additional CSS customization for optimal appearance

Considerations for Template Selection:

  • Choose a template that aligns with your overall website design
  • Consider the impact on page load times, especially for highly visual templates
  • Ensure readability and proper display of all author information
  • Test templates across different devices for responsive design

Theme Options [06:15]

The theme options in Starbox Pro allow for further customization of your chosen template. Here’s a detailed look at the available options and their functionality:

Visual Adjustments:

  • Brightness control: Adjust the overall luminosity of the author box
  • Opacity settings: Control the transparency of background elements
  • Grayscale filter: Convert colorful templates to monochrome versions
  • Saturation levels: Intensify or mute the colors in the author box

Layout Modifications:

  • Background image replacement: Upload custom images to personalize the author box
  • Border customization: Add and style borders around the author information
  • Panel adjustments: Modify the overlay panel that contains author details

Positioning Tools:

  • Arrow controls for precise placement of elements within the author box
  • Limited drag-and-drop functionality (potential area for improvement)

Typography Options:

  • Limited control over font styles and sizes
  • Potential conflicts with WordPress theme typography settings

User Interface Quirks:

  • Some controls may not work as expected with certain templates
  • Real-time preview is not available for all adjustments
  • Reset option doesn’t fully revert all changes, including background images

Customization Tips:

  • Experiment with different combinations of filters for unique effects
  • Use custom background images to better match your website’s branding
  • Pay attention to text readability when adjusting background elements
  • Consider the mobile appearance when making layout changes

Areas for Improvement:

  • More intuitive controls for element positioning
  • Expanded typography options for better theme integration
  • Improved real-time preview functionality across all adjustments
  • Clearer interface for distinguishing between different customization areas (background, panel, border)

Display Options [08:36]

Starbox Pro offers various display options to control where and how your author box appears on your WordPress site:

Location Control:

  • Ability to enable or disable the author box on specific post types
  • Options to display on posts, pages, and custom post types

Visibility Settings:

  • Toggle switches for each post type (e.g., posts, pages, products)
  • Bulk selection options for quickly enabling or disabling multiple post types

User Interface Challenges:

  • Toggle switch design may be confusing (gray often indicates “off” but position suggests “on”)
  • Lack of a “select all” or “deselect all” button for easier bulk management

Customization per Post Type:

  • Potential to create different author box styles for various content types
  • Flexibility to maintain professional appearance across diverse site sections

Best Practices:

  • Generally recommended to display author boxes on blog posts for optimal E-E-A-T signals
  • Consider hiding author boxes on pages or products where authorship is less relevant

Integration Considerations:

  • Ensure compatibility with your WordPress theme and other plugins
  • Test display options across different post types to verify correct implementation

Potential Improvements:

  • Clearer toggle switch design to avoid user confusion
  • Addition of bulk action buttons for faster configuration
  • More granular control over author box placement within posts or pages

Author [09:07]

The author section in Starbox Pro is crucial for creating a comprehensive and SEO-friendly author profile. Here’s a detailed look at the author configuration options:

Profile Information:

  • Basic details: First name, last name, and job title
  • Professional summary: Space for a detailed author bio
  • Company information: Name and URL of affiliated organization

Social Media Integration:

  • Fields for various social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)
  • Option to add custom social media links
  • Unclear instructions on link format (full URL vs. username)

SEO Optimizations:

  • Nofollow attribute option for outbound links
  • Noopener setting to enhance security for external links
  • Noreferrer choice to protect referral information

Multiple Author Support:

  • Individual profiles for different contributors
  • Option to disable author box for specific authors

Content Display:

  • Latest posts section to showcase author’s recent work
  • Customizable author image upload

User Experience:

  • Some fields may not save properly on first attempt
  • Editing available both in Starbox Pro settings and WordPress user profile

Best Practices:

  • Provide a detailed, keyword-rich author bio for better E-E-A-T signals
  • Include relevant professional achievements and expertise areas
  • Ensure all social media links are up-to-date and functional

Areas for Improvement:

  • Clearer instructions on link formatting for social media
  • Better integration with existing WordPress user profiles
  • More reliable saving mechanism for author information

General Settings [09:50]

The general settings in Starbox Pro provide overall control and default configurations for the plugin:

Default Author Box:

  • Option to set a global default author box style
  • Ability to override defaults for individual authors

Author Exclusion:

  • Feature to disable author box for specific contributors
  • Useful for guest posts or less frequent authors

Theme Compatibility:

  • Settings to ensure proper integration with various WordPress themes
  • Options to adjust CSS for better visual harmony with site design

Performance Settings:

  • Controls for optimizing plugin load times
  • Options to minify CSS and JavaScript files

Cache Management:

  • Tools to clear plugin cache for immediate updates
  • Integration with popular caching plugins for smooth operation

Responsive Design Options:

  • Settings to adjust author box appearance on different devices
  • Mobile-specific layout configurations

Multilingual Support:

  • Options for translating author box elements
  • Compatibility settings for multilingual WordPress sites

Debugging Tools:

  • Error logging and troubleshooting features
  • Option to enable debug mode for advanced users

Best Practices:

  • Regularly review and update general settings for optimal performance
  • Test author box display across different themes and devices
  • Utilize exclusion settings judiciously to maintain consistent site appearance

Potential Improvements:

  • More intuitive organization of general settings
  • Enhanced documentation for each setting’s impact
  • Advanced customization options for power users

Checking the Author Box [10:38]

After configuring Starbox Pro, it’s essential to verify the author box’s appearance and functionality on your live site:

Visual Inspection:

  • Check the author box at the end of blog posts
  • Verify that all entered information is displayed correctly
  • Ensure the chosen template renders properly

Responsiveness Test:

  • View the author box on various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile)
  • Confirm that the layout adjusts appropriately for different screen sizes

Functionality Verification:

  • Test all social media links to ensure they lead to the correct profiles
  • Check that the “Latest Posts” section (if enabled) displays recent content accurately

Theme Compatibility:

  • Examine how the author box integrates with your WordPress theme
  • Look for any styling conflicts or inconsistencies

SEO Attribute Confirmation:

  • Use browser developer tools to verify that link attributes (nofollow, noopener, noreferrer) are applied correctly

Performance Impact:

  • Monitor page load times to ensure the author box doesn’t significantly slow down your site
  • Check for any JavaScript errors related to the plugin

User Experience Evaluation:

  • Assess the overall readability and appeal of the author box
  • Consider gathering feedback from site visitors on the new feature

Content Relevance:

  • Ensure that the author information enhances the content of the post
  • Verify that the author box adds value to the reader’s experience

Troubleshooting Common Issues:

  • Missing information: Double-check all fields in the author profile
  • Styling problems: Adjust CSS or choose a different template
  • Display issues: Review display settings for the specific post type

Ongoing Maintenance:

  • Regularly update author information to keep profiles current
  • Periodically review and refresh the chosen template to maintain visual interest

Conclusion [12:38]

After a thorough review of Starbox Pro, it’s clear that the plugin offers a mix of potential benefits and areas for improvement. Here’s a comprehensive summary of our findings:


  • Easy installation and setup process
  • Wide variety of templates to choose from
  • Potential to enhance E-E-A-T signals for SEO
  • Customizable author profiles with social media integration
  • Flexible display options for different post types


  • User interface could be more intuitive and visually appealing
  • Some templates may require additional CSS customization
  • Occasional issues with saving author information
  • Limited typography control in some templates

Overall Assessment:

Starbox Pro shows promise as a tool for enhancing author credibility and potentially improving SEO through better E-E-A-T signals. Its wide range of templates and customization options provide flexibility for various WordPress sites. However, the plugin’s execution falls short in some areas, particularly in user experience and advanced customization capabilities.

Final Rating: 6.2/10

This rating reflects the plugin’s solid foundation and potential, balanced against its current limitations and need for refinement.


  • For WordPress users seeking to enhance their author boxes and potentially improve E-E-A-T signals, Starbox Pro could be a worthwhile investment, especially at the $49 price point.
  • Users comfortable with CSS may find more value in the plugin, as they can overcome some of its limitations through custom styling.
  • Those using page builders or themes with built-in author box features may want to compare functionality before investing in Starbox Pro.

Future Outlook:

Given the plugin developers’ track record with Squirrly SEO, there’s potential for Starbox Pro to improve over time. Users considering the plugin might benefit from monitoring its development and future updates.

For more information about Starbox Pro and other AppSumo deals, check out the links provided in the video description. If you’re interested in more content like this, don’t forget to visit ClientAmp for premium courses and resources on WordPress and digital marketing.

Remember, while tools like Starbox Pro can be helpful, they’re just one part of a comprehensive SEO and content strategy. Always focus on creating high-quality, valuable content for your audience, and use tools like this to complement your efforts.

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