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SendFox Review 2024 – Best Email Marketing Tool?

5 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to engage with your audience and grow your business. However, finding the right tool that balances features, affordability, and ease of use can be a challenge. In this comprehensive review, we take a deep dive into SendFox, an email marketing platform that has been making waves since its launch in 2019. We’ll explore its pricing, features, integrations, and overall user experience to help you determine if SendFox is the best email marketing tool for your needs in 2024.

SendFox [00:15]

SendFox is an email marketing platform designed to simplify the process of creating, sending, and managing email campaigns. It was launched in 2019 as an AppSumo original, meaning it was developed in-house by the AppSumo team. Since its inception, SendFox has undergone numerous updates and improvements, making it a strong contender in the email marketing space.

Key Features

  • Easy-to-use email editor with drag-and-drop functionality
  • Automation capabilities for creating email sequences
  • Built-in landing page builder for creating opt-in pages
  • RSS feed integration for automating content-based newsletters
  • Subscriber referral campaigns to incentivize list growth
  • Integration with popular tools like WordPress and WPFusion

Pricing [00:38]

One of the most attractive aspects of SendFox is its pricing model. Unlike many other email marketing platforms that charge a monthly subscription fee based on the number of subscribers, SendFox offers a lifetime deal through AppSumo.

AppSumo Lifetime Deal

  • Tier 1: $49 for 5,000 subscribers
  • Tier 2: $98 for 10,000 subscribers
  • Tier 3: $147 for 15,000 subscribers
  • Tier 4: $196 for 20,000 subscribers
  • Tier 5: $245 for 25,000 subscribers

These one-time payments grant you access to SendFox for life, making it an incredibly cost-effective solution for businesses and entrepreneurs looking to save on their email marketing expenses.

SendFox Branding Removal

  • While the lifetime deal includes SendFox branding on your emails, you can remove it by opting for the $10/month add-on.
  • This add-on also unlocks additional features like improved deliverability, single opt-in, and a full HTML editor.

Comparison to Other Email Marketing Platforms

  • When compared to other popular email marketing platforms like ConvertKit, Mailchimp, and Klaviyo, SendFox’s pricing is significantly more affordable.
  • For example, ConvertKit’s Creator plan for 25,000 contacts costs $166/month, Mailchimp’s Standard plan costs $310/month, and Klaviyo charges $400/month for the same number of contacts.

Tour of SendFox [05:20]

Let’s take a closer look at SendFox’s interface and features.


  • The SendFox dashboard provides an overview of your account, including recent email campaigns, subscriber growth, and overall performance metrics.

Email Section

  • In the email section, you can view your sent emails and create new campaigns.
  • SendFox also offers an RSS feed integration, allowing you to automatically pull in content from your blog, podcast, or YouTube channel and send it as a newsletter.

Smart Campaigns

  • SendFox’s smart campaigns feature allows you to set up automated email sequences based on your content.
  • You can choose to send a weekly newsletter with your latest content or create a series of emails triggered by new posts on your connected platforms.

Web Presence

  • The web presence section is where you can connect your various content sources, such as your blog, podcast, YouTube channel, or social media profiles.
  • SendFox will pull in your latest posts and make them available for use in your email campaigns.

Email Editor [07:23]

SendFox’s email editor is straightforward and user-friendly, making it easy to create professional-looking emails without any coding knowledge.

Basic Editor

  • The basic editor allows you to create simple text-based emails with the ability to add buttons, images, and personalization tokens.
  • While it may not have all the bells and whistles of more advanced email builders, it gets the job done for most users.

Code Mode

  • For those who prefer more control over their email design, SendFox offers a code mode that allows you to edit the HTML directly.
  • However, this feature is only available with the Empire add-on.

Email Generator

  • The email generator is a handy tool that automatically creates an email based on the content you’ve connected through your web presence.
  • Simply select the posts you want to include, and SendFox will generate a pre-formatted email that you can customize further.


  • If you find yourself sending similar emails repeatedly, you can save your designs as templates for future use.
  • This can save you a lot of time and ensure consistency across your campaigns.

Lists [10:35]

SendFox’s list management features are straightforward and easy to use.

Creating Lists

  • You can create new lists by navigating to the Lists section and clicking on the “Create New List” button.
  • From there, you can name your list and import subscribers via CSV, Mailchimp, or Google Contacts.

Managing Subscribers

  • The Contacts section allows you to view and manage your individual subscribers.
  • You can add new contacts manually, assign them to specific lists, and view their engagement history.

WPFusion Integration [11:37]

One of SendFox’s most valuable integrations is with WPFusion, a tool that connects your WordPress website with your email marketing platform.

Benefits of WPFusion

  • Automatically sync your WordPress users with your SendFox lists
  • Trigger automations based on user actions on your website
  • Personalize your email content based on user data from WordPress

While SendFox’s WPFusion integration is not as robust as some other email marketing platforms, it still provides a solid foundation for connecting your website and email marketing efforts.

Automations [12:54]

SendFox’s automation features allow you to create email sequences that are triggered based on specific events or subscriber actions.

Creating Automations

  • To create a new automation, navigate to the Automations section and click on “Create New Automation.”
  • From there, you can choose your trigger event, such as when a subscriber is added to a list, and add emails to your sequence.

Email Timing

  • You can set the timing between each email in your sequence, ranging from instantly to several days or weeks apart.

Tagging and List Management

  • SendFox’s automations also allow you to add or remove subscribers from lists based on their actions, such as clicking a specific link in an email.
  • While not as advanced as some other platforms, these features still provide a good level of flexibility for managing your subscribers.

Forms [17:10]

SendFox’s built-in form builder allows you to create opt-in forms for your website without the need for any additional tools.

Creating Forms

  • To create a new form, navigate to the Forms section and click on “Create New Form.”
  • From there, you can customize your form’s fields, design, and behavior.

Embedding Forms

  • Once you’ve created your form, SendFox provides you with an embed code that you can paste into your website’s HTML.
  • If you’re using WordPress, you can easily add your form using a widget or shortcode.

Referral Campaigns [18:18]

SendFox’s referral campaigns feature allows you to incentivize your subscribers to refer others to your email list.

Setting Up a Referral Campaign

  • To create a referral campaign, navigate to the Referral Campaigns section and click on “Create New Campaign.”
  • From there, you can customize your campaign’s settings, including the rewards for successful referrals.

Referral Rewards

  • You can set up various rewards for your referral campaigns, such as exclusive content, discounts, or physical prizes.
  • SendFox makes it easy to manage and track your referral rewards within the platform.

Conclusion [19:31]

After taking an in-depth look at SendFox’s features, pricing, and overall user experience, it’s clear that this email marketing platform has come a long way since its initial launch. With its affordable lifetime deal, user-friendly interface, and solid set of features, SendFox is an excellent choice for businesses and entrepreneurs looking for a reliable email marketing solution.

Key Takeaways

  • SendFox offers an unbeatable lifetime deal through AppSumo, making it one of the most cost-effective email marketing platforms on the market.
  • The platform’s ease of use and straightforward features make it accessible to users of all skill levels.
  • Integrations with tools like WordPress and WPFusion extend SendFox’s capabilities and make it a versatile choice for many businesses.
  • While not as advanced as some other email marketing platforms, SendFox still provides a solid set of features for creating, sending, and managing email campaigns.

If you’re looking to invest in an email marketing platform that won’t break the bank and provides a good balance of features and simplicity, SendFox is definitely worth considering. Take advantage of the SendFox lifetime deal or explore the AppSumo Plus membership for even more value. And if you’re using WordPress, be sure to check out WPFusion to seamlessly connect your website with your email marketing efforts.

In conclusion, we give SendFox a solid 7.9 out of 10. The platform has made significant improvements over the years and is now a serious contender in the email marketing space. While there is still room for growth, particularly in the area of e-commerce integrations, SendFox is an excellent choice for those seeking an affordable and user-friendly email marketing solution.

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