That LTD Life

SecondLine Themes Review — Make a Podcast Website [AppSumo]

14 min read
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In this comprehensive review, we’ll explore SecondLine Themes, a powerful WordPress theme solution for creating stunning podcast websites. As the popularity of podcasting continues to soar, having a professional and functional website to showcase your audio content has become essential. SecondLine Themes, available through AppSumo, offers an array of features designed specifically for podcast creators and networks.

This review will delve into the various aspects of SecondLine Themes, including its pricing structure, installation process, and the key features that set it apart from other WordPress themes. We’ll examine how it integrates with popular podcasting plugins, its customization options, and its overall user experience. Whether you’re a solo podcaster or managing a network of shows, this review will help you determine if SecondLine Themes is the right choice for your podcasting journey.

Join us as we explore the ins and outs of this innovative theme, from its intuitive setup wizard to its powerful podcast importing capabilities. By the end of this review, you’ll have a clear understanding of how SecondLine Themes can elevate your podcast’s online presence and streamline your content management process.

Pricing [00:35]

When it comes to pricing, SecondLine Themes offers an attractive deal through AppSumo that provides excellent value for podcast website creators. Let’s break down the pricing structure and what you get for your investment:

Entry-Level Package

  • Price: $49
  • Includes: One code
  • Active Domains: Five

Unlimited Package

  • Price: $98 (two codes stacked)
  • Includes: Unlimited active domains

The pricing model is designed to cater to different needs, whether you’re managing a single podcast or overseeing multiple shows. Here’s a more detailed look at what’s included:

  • Access to all SecondLine Themes (five different themes available)
  • Ability to install on multiple WordPress websites (depending on your package)
  • Premium plugins bundled with the themes
  • Regular updates and support

Theme Options

SecondLine Themes offers a variety of options to suit different podcasting needs:

  • Toussaint: Ideal for single podcast shows
  • Bolden: Designed for entire podcast networks
  • Gumbo, Dixie, and Satchmo: Additional theme options with unique styling

Value Proposition

  • Cost-effective solution compared to custom website development
  • Scalable pricing model that grows with your podcasting endeavors
  • Includes premium features typically found in more expensive themes


  • While the themes provide styling functionality, it’s worth noting that in 2020 and beyond, many WordPress users prefer more versatile setups like Astra with Elementor
  • The review will explore how SecondLine Themes holds up against these more flexible options

Licensing and Support

  • License key required for remote support and updates
  • Ensures you have access to the latest features and security patches

By offering a tiered pricing structure, SecondLine Themes makes it accessible for podcasters at various stages of their journey. Whether you’re just starting with a single show or managing a growing network, there’s a package that can accommodate your needs without breaking the bank.

Installation [02:19]

The installation process for SecondLine Themes is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly, guiding you through each step to ensure a smooth setup. Here’s a detailed look at the installation process:

Initial Setup

  • Start with a fresh WordPress installation
  • Activate the chosen theme (in this case, Toussaint)

Setup Wizard

The theme immediately launches a setup wizard to streamline the process:

  • Child Theme Installation: Offered as an option, with the ability to skip if preferred
  • License Key Entry: Required for remote support and updates
  • Plugin Installation: A curated list of recommended plugins is presented

Plugin Installation Details

The setup wizard recommends installing several plugins to enhance functionality:

  • CMB2: A developer’s toolkit for building metaboxes, custom fields, and forms
  • Contact Form 7: Popular plugin for creating and managing contact forms
  • Easy Google Fonts: Simplifies the process of adding custom Google Fonts
  • Elementor: Page builder for creating custom layouts
  • Podcast Importer: Facilitates importing podcast episodes from external sources
  • Podcast Subscribe Buttons: Premium plugin for creating subscription links
  • Second Line Custom Add-ons: Specific add-ons for the Toussaint theme
  • Seriously Simple Podcasting: Comprehensive podcast management plugin
  • WPForms Lite: User-friendly form builder

Advanced Options

  • The wizard provides an advanced dropdown for more control over plugin installation
  • Users can choose to omit certain plugins if they’re not needed (e.g., MailChimp)

Demo Content Import

  • Option to import demo content for a quick start
  • Advanced tab available to selectively import specific sections of content
  • Helps in understanding the theme’s structure and capabilities

Post-Installation Resources

After completing the setup, users are provided with:

  • Documentation link
  • Support contact information
  • Quick access to the WordPress customizer

Key Takeaways from the Installation Process

  • User-friendly setup wizard guides you through each step
  • Flexibility to customize the installation based on specific needs
  • Comprehensive set of plugins included to enhance podcast website functionality
  • Option to import demo content for a quick start and easy customization
  • Immediate access to resources for further customization and support

The installation process for SecondLine Themes demonstrates a thoughtful approach to user experience, balancing ease of use with the flexibility needed for more advanced users. By providing a guided setup and essential plugins, it ensures that podcasters can quickly get their website up and running with all the necessary features for showcasing their content.

Website Overview [04:06]

After completing the installation process, let’s take a comprehensive look at the website created with SecondLine Themes, specifically focusing on the Toussaint theme for single podcast shows. This overview will give you a clear picture of what to expect and how the theme structures your podcast website.

Homepage Layout

The homepage is designed to showcase your podcast effectively:

  • Hero Section: Features a prominent area for your podcast’s main message or latest episode
  • Episode Showcase: Displays recent episodes in an attractive grid or list format
  • About Section: Provides space for a brief introduction to your podcast or host
  • Subscribe Section: Highlights various platforms where listeners can subscribe

Elementor Integration

SecondLine Themes leverages Elementor for page building, offering several advantages:

  • Familiar Interface: Users of Elementor will find the editing process intuitive
  • Customization: Easy to modify text, colors, and layout elements
  • Responsive Design: Ensures your site looks great on all devices

Custom Post Types

The theme introduces custom post types to organize your content efficiently:

  • Podcasts: Dedicated post type for individual episodes
  • Shows: Allows for organization of multiple shows (useful even for single-show websites)

Content Sections

Let’s break down the key sections of the homepage:

Latest Episodes

  • Utilizes Elementor’s post grid widget
  • Pulls content from the custom ‘Podcasts’ post type
  • Separates podcast episodes from regular blog posts for better organization

Instagram Integration

  • Placeholder for Instagram feed (note: widget not included by default)
  • Recommendation: Use Essential Add-ons for Elementor for easy Instagram integration

Show Host Section

  • Dedicated area to introduce podcast host(s)
  • Customizable with Elementor for adding bios, images, and social links

Related Shows

  • Uses a carousel to display other shows (useful for networks or highlighting different seasons)
  • Links to the ‘Shows’ custom post type

Mailing List Subscription

  • Integration with email marketing services (e.g., MailChimp)
  • Customizable form to capture subscriber information

Homepage Variants

SecondLine Themes offers multiple homepage layouts:

  1. Episode Slider: Showcases episodes in a scrollable slider format
  2. Show Grid: Displays multiple shows in a grid layout (useful for podcast networks)

Key Features of the Website Overview

  • Clean, podcast-focused design that prioritizes audio content
  • Flexible layout options to suit different podcasting needs
  • Integration with popular tools like Elementor for easy customization
  • Custom post types for efficient content management
  • Multiple homepage variants to choose from based on your podcast structure

The website overview demonstrates that SecondLine Themes has created a comprehensive solution for podcast websites. By combining attractive design with practical functionality, it provides podcasters with a solid foundation for showcasing their content and growing their audience.

Show Grid [06:43]

The Show Grid feature in SecondLine Themes is a powerful tool for organizing and displaying multiple podcast shows, making it particularly useful for podcast networks or hosts with multiple series. Let’s dive into the details of this feature and how it enhances the user experience of your podcast website.

Purpose and Functionality

The Show Grid serves several key purposes:

  • Showcases multiple podcast shows in an organized, visually appealing manner
  • Allows visitors to easily browse and discover different shows within your network
  • Provides a quick overview of the diversity of content you offer

Visual Layout

  • Grid Format: Shows are displayed in a responsive grid layout
  • Customizable Columns: Typically set to three columns, but adjustable based on preference
  • Show Thumbnails: Each show is represented by an eye-catching thumbnail or cover art

Content Display

Each show in the grid typically includes:

  • Show Title: Prominently displayed for easy identification
  • Brief Description: A short tagline or description to give visitors an idea of the show’s content
  • Visual Element: Usually the show’s cover art or a representative image

Sorting and Filtering

One of the standout features of the Show Grid is its sorting capability:

  • Topic-Based Sorting: Visitors can click on different topics to filter shows
  • Dynamic Updates: The grid updates in real-time as filters are applied
  • Improved Discoverability: Helps listeners find shows that match their interests

Technical Implementation

The Show Grid is implemented using custom Elementor widgets and WordPress functionalities:

  • Custom Post Type: Utilizes the ‘Shows’ custom post type
  • Elementor Widget: A custom ‘Show Grid’ widget for easy placement and customization
  • Dynamic Content: Pulls information directly from the show entries in the WordPress backend

Backend Management

Creating and managing shows for the grid is straightforward:

  • Add New Show: Done through the WordPress admin panel under the ‘Shows’ section
  • Show Details: Include title, description, cover art, and other relevant information
  • Categorization: Assign shows to different topics or categories for filtering

User Experience Benefits

  • Easy Navigation: Visitors can quickly scan and find shows of interest
  • Visual Appeal: Presents your podcast catalogue in an attractive, professional manner
  • Flexibility: Works well for both small collections and large podcast networks

Customization Options

The Show Grid can be customized to match your brand and preferences:

  • Color Scheme: Adjust colors to match your website’s design
  • Grid Layout: Modify the number of columns and spacing
  • Hover Effects: Add interactive elements when users hover over show thumbnails

Integration with Other Features

  • Links to Individual Show Pages: Each grid item typically links to a dedicated page for that show
  • Connection to Episode Lists: Often integrates with episode listings for each show
  • Subscription Options: Can include quick subscribe buttons for each show

The Show Grid feature in SecondLine Themes demonstrates the theme’s versatility and focus on creating an optimal experience for podcast websites. Whether you’re managing a single show with multiple seasons or a full-fledged podcast network, this feature provides an effective way to organize and present your content, enhancing discoverability and user engagement.

Podcast Buttons [09:10]

The Podcast Buttons feature in SecondLine Themes is a premium plugin that comes bundled with the theme, designed to enhance the listener’s ability to subscribe and follow your podcast across various platforms. This feature is crucial for growing your audience and making it easy for listeners to access your content through their preferred podcast apps.

Functionality Overview

The Podcast Buttons plugin operates as a pop-up widget, allowing you to:

  • Display subscription options prominently
  • Customize the appearance and behavior of the buttons
  • Link to multiple podcast directories and apps

Customization Options

The plugin offers extensive customization to match your brand and preferences:

General Settings

  • Text Customization: Modify the text displayed on the buttons
  • Color Scheme: Adjust colors to match your website’s design
  • Button Style: Choose from various button styles and layouts

Platform Links

  • Wide Range of Platforms: Include links to popular podcast platforms such as:
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Google Podcasts
  • Spotify
  • Stitcher
  • Overcast
  • And many more

Link Management

  • Add/Remove Links: Easily add new platforms or remove unnecessary ones
  • Custom Links: Create custom links for platforms not included by default
  • Link Ordering: Arrange the order of subscription buttons as desired

User Experience Benefits

  • Centralized Subscription Options: Provides a one-stop solution for listeners to choose their preferred platform
  • Improved Accessibility: Makes it easy for listeners to find and subscribe to your podcast
  • Cross-Platform Promotion: Encourages listeners to follow on multiple platforms, potentially increasing engagement

Technical Implementation

  • Integration with Theme: Seamlessly integrates with SecondLine Themes
  • Elementor Compatibility: Can be easily added and customized within Elementor pages
  • Responsive Design: Ensures buttons display correctly on all devices

Best Practices for Using Podcast Buttons

  • Prominent Placement: Position the buttons where they’re easily visible (e.g., header, sidebar, or after episodes)
  • Clear Call-to-Action: Use concise, action-oriented text to encourage subscriptions
  • Regular Updates: Keep the links up-to-date as new podcast platforms emerge

Advanced Features

  • Analytics Integration: Some versions may offer click tracking to measure button effectiveness
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different button styles or placements to optimize subscriptions
  • Dynamic Updates: Automatically update button links if your podcast RSS feed changes

The Podcast Buttons feature in SecondLine Themes addresses a critical need for podcast websites – making it simple and intuitive for listeners to subscribe and follow across various platforms. By providing this comprehensive and customizable solution, SecondLine Themes enhances the overall functionality of your podcast website, potentially leading to increased listenership and engagement.

Podcast Importer [10:25]

The Podcast Importer feature is a powerful tool included with SecondLine Themes, designed to streamline the process of importing podcast episodes from external sources into your WordPress website. This feature is particularly useful for podcasters who are migrating their content or those who host their audio files on a separate platform.

Key Features and Functionality

Easy Import Process

  • Simple Interface: User-friendly tool located under the ‘Tools’ section in WordPress
  • Feed-Based Import: Imports episodes using your podcast’s RSS feed

Flexible Configuration

  • Post Type Selection: Choose where imported episodes should be stored (e.g., ‘Podcasts’ custom post type)
  • Publication Status: Option to publish episodes automatically or keep them as drafts for review
  • Author Assignment: Assign a default author for imported episodes

Categorization and Organization

  • Show Selection: Assign imported episodes to specific shows (useful for podcast networks)
  • Category Assignment: Automatically categorize imported episodes

Ongoing Synchronization

  • Automatic Updates: Option for ongoing imports to keep your website in sync with your podcast host
  • Scheduled Imports: Set up regular checks for new episodes

Advanced Options

Media Handling

  • Featured Images: Option to import and set featured images for each episode
  • Episode Numbering: Ability to append episode numbers to titles for better organization

Player Integration

  • External Player Support: Option to use the embedded audio player from your podcast host (e.g., Blubrry, Libsyn)
  • Default WordPress Player: Alternatively, use the default WordPress audio player

Compatibility and Integration

  • Works with Major Podcast Hosts: Compatible with popular platforms like Libsyn, Blubrry, and more
  • Plugin Compatibility: Integrates seamlessly with podcast plugins like Seriously Simple Podcasting

User Experience Benefits

  • Time-Saving: Automates the process of adding new episodes to your website
  • Consistency: Ensures your website always has the latest episodes without manual updates
  • Flexibility: Allows for customization of how imported content is displayed and organized

Best Practices for Using Podcast Importer

  • Initial Testing: Start with a small batch of episodes to ensure correct importing
  • Regular Monitoring: Periodically check imported content for accuracy
  • Customization: Adjust import settings based on your specific podcast structure and needs

Technical Considerations

  • Server Resources: Be mindful of server capacity, especially when importing large numbers of episodes
  • SEO Implications: Properly configure permalinks and metadata for imported content
  • Backup: Always backup your website before performing large imports

The Podcast Importer feature in SecondLine Themes significantly enhances the functionality of podcast websites by providing an efficient way to manage and sync content. Whether you’re setting up a new website for an existing podcast or maintaining a regularly updated show, this tool simplifies the process of keeping your WordPress site current with your latest episodes.

Default Pages [12:12]

SecondLine Themes comes with a set of pre-designed default pages that provide a solid foundation for your podcast website. These pages are crafted to meet the typical needs of podcasters, offering a professional look while remaining customizable. Let’s explore the key default pages and their features:

About Us Page

  • Purpose: Introduces your podcast, hosts, and overall mission
  • Key Elements:
  • Host bios and photos
  • Podcast background and goals
  • Customizable sections for unique content

Blog Page

  • Function: Serves as an archive for written content
  • Features:
  • Grid or list layout for blog posts
  • Pagination for easy navigation
  • Sidebar options for categories, recent posts, etc.

Single Post Template

  • Design: Optimized for readability and engagement
  • Elements:
  • Featured image display
  • Social sharing buttons
  • Related posts section
  • Comment system integration

Contact Page

  • Integration: Uses the free version of WPForms
  • Components:
  • Contact form with customizable fields
  • Map integration for location-based podcasts
  • Social media links

Key Features of Default Pages

Responsive Design

  • All default pages are mobile-friendly and responsive
  • Ensures a consistent experience across devices

Elementor Compatibility

  • Pages are built using Elementor for easy customization
  • Drag-and-drop editing for layout adjustments

SEO Optimization

  • Proper heading structure (H1, H2, H3) for better search engine visibility
  • Customizable meta descriptions and titles

Brand Consistency

  • Cohesive design elements across all pages
  • Easy application of brand colors and fonts

Customization Options

  • Content Editing: Easily update text and images to match your podcast’s style
  • Layout Adjustments: Modify page structures using Elementor
  • Widget Areas: Add or remove sidebar elements and widgets

Best Practices for Using Default Pages

  • Personalization: Tailor content to reflect your podcast’s unique voice and style
  • Regular Updates: Keep about and contact information current
  • Content Strategy: Use the blog to complement your podcast content

Advanced Customization

  • Custom CSS: Apply advanced styling changes for a unique look
  • Theme Building: Use Elementor Pro to create custom templates for these pages

The default pages provided by SecondLine Themes offer a solid starting point for your podcast website. They cover the essential needs of most podcasters while providing the flexibility to customize and expand as your podcast grows. By leveraging these pre-designed pages, you can quickly establish a professional online presence for your podcast, focusing more on creating great content rather than building your website from scratch.

Bolden Theme [13:25]

The Bolden theme, part of the SecondLine Themes package, is specifically designed for podcast networks. It shares many similarities with the Toussaint theme but includes unique features tailored for managing multiple shows. Let’s explore the key aspects of the Bolden theme:

Design and Layout

  • Professional Appearance: Sleek design suitable for podcast networks
  • Homepage Variants: Similar to Toussaint, including episode slider and show grid options
  • Responsive Design: Ensures optimal viewing across all devices

Key Features

Multi-Show Management

  • Show Grid: Prominently displays multiple shows on the homepage
  • Individual Show Pages: Dedicated pages for each podcast in the network

Content Organization

  • Categorization: Easy sorting of shows and episodes by topic or genre
  • Network-wide Archives: Consolidated view of all episodes across shows

User Experience

  • Intuitive Navigation: Easy for listeners to explore different shows within the network
  • Consistent Branding: Maintains a cohesive look across all network content

Backend Differences

PowerPress Plugin Integration

  • Plugin Choice: Uses PowerPress instead of Seriously Simple Podcasting
  • Post Type Handling: Episodes are managed as regular posts rather than a custom post type

Episode Management

  • Adding New Episodes: Process involves creating a new post and adding podcast-specific details
  • Categorization: Uses post categories to organize episodes by show

Customization Options

  • Elementor Integration: Utilizes Elementor for page building and customization
  • Theme Options: Network-specific settings for managing multiple shows

Best Practices for Using Bolden Theme

  • Consistent Show Branding: Maintain individual show identities within the network structure
  • Cross-Promotion: Utilize the network layout to promote shows to a wider audience
  • Content Strategy: Develop a cohesive content plan across all network shows

Technical Considerations

  • Server Requirements: May require more robust hosting for managing multiple shows
  • SEO Strategy: Implement a network-wide SEO plan to boost visibility for all shows

The Bolden theme from SecondLine Themes offers a comprehensive solution for podcast networks. Its focus on multi-show management, coupled with a professional design and robust features, makes it an excellent choice for podcasters looking to expand beyond a single show or those managing a collection of related podcasts. The theme’s flexibility allows for growth and easy management of diverse content within a unified network structure.

PowerPress Plugin [14:33]

The PowerPress plugin, integrated into the Bolden theme of SecondLine Themes, is a powerful tool for managing podcast content within WordPress. Developed by Blubrry, a well-known podcast hosting service, PowerPress offers robust features for podcast publishing and distribution. Let’s delve into the key aspects of this plugin and how it integrates with the Bolden theme:

Core Functionality

  • Podcast Publishing: Seamlessly publish podcast episodes directly from WordPress
  • Feed Management: Creates and manages podcast RSS feeds compatible with major directories

Integration with Bolden Theme

Post Type Handling

  • Episodes as Posts: Unlike some themes that use custom post types, PowerPress treats podcast episodes as regular WordPress posts
  • Categorization: Utilizes WordPress categories to organize episodes by show or topic

User Interface

  • Metadata Fields: Adds podcast-specific fields to the post editor for episode details
  • Media Uploading: Integrates with WordPress media library for audio file management

Key Features of PowerPress

Distribution Tools

  • iTunes Optimization: Includes fields for iTunes-specific metadata
  • Multiple Feed Support: Ability to create separate feeds for different shows or formats

Player Options

  • Customizable Web Player: Embed a feature-rich audio player in posts
  • Player Positioning: Flexible options for player placement within content

Analytics Integration

  • Basic Stats: Provides download statistics for episodes
  • Advanced Analytics: Option to integrate with Blubrry’s professional statistics service

Best Practices for Using PowerPress

Episode Creation Process

  1. Create a new post in WordPress
  2. Enter episode title and show notes
  3. Upload or link to the audio file
  4. Fill in podcast-specific metadata (e.g., episode number, duration)
  5. Assign to appropriate category (show)
  6. Publish the episode

SEO Optimization

  • Utilize PowerPress SEO features to enhance episode discoverability
  • Ensure consistent tagging and categorization across episodes

Feed Management

  • Regularly verify feed validity and functionality
  • Use PowerPress tools to submit and update podcast listings in directories

Advanced Features

  • Podcasting Networks: Support for managing multiple shows within one WordPress installation
  • Migration Tools: Assists in moving from other podcast platforms to PowerPress

Customization Options

  • Player Styling: Customize the appearance of the embedded audio player
  • Feed Customization: Advanced options for tailoring RSS feeds

Technical Considerations

  • Compatibility: Works well with most WordPress themes, especially optimized for SecondLine Themes
  • Performance: Efficient coding ensures minimal impact on site speed

The integration of the PowerPress plugin with the Bolden theme in SecondLine Themes provides a comprehensive solution for podcast networks. It offers a balance of powerful features and user-friendly interface, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced podcasters. The plugin’s robust capabilities in feed management, distribution, and analytics make it a valuable tool for growing and managing a podcast network effectively within the WordPress ecosystem.

Verdict [16:45]

After a comprehensive review of SecondLine Themes, particularly focusing on the Toussaint and Bolden themes for podcast websites, it’s time to deliver a final verdict. Let’s summarize the key points and provide an overall assessment of this WordPress theme solution for podcasters.

Overall Impression

SecondLine Themes impresses with its targeted approach to podcast website creation. The themes offer a balance of functionality and design that caters specifically to the needs of podcasters, whether they’re managing a single show or an entire network.


Podcast-Specific Features

  • Custom post types for easy episode management
  • Integration with popular podcast plugins (Seriously Simple Podcasting, PowerPress)
  • Podcast import functionality for easy migration or syncing

User-Friendly Design

  • Intuitive setup wizard for quick installation
  • Elementor integration for easy customization
  • Pre-designed pages and layouts tailored for podcast websites


  • Suitable for both single shows and podcast networks
  • Multiple homepage variants to choose from
  • Customizable subscription buttons for various podcast platforms

Value for Money

  • Competitive pricing through AppSumo
  • Includes premium plugins and features

Areas for Improvement

  • Reliance on third-party plugins for some core functionalities
  • Limited advanced customization options without Elementor Pro
  • Some features (like Instagram integration) require additional plugins

Use Cases

  • Ideal for: Podcasters looking for a quick, professional website solution
  • Great for: Podcast networks needing a cohesive online presence
  • Suitable for: Both beginners and experienced WordPress users

Final Rating

Based on the review, SecondLine Themes earns a solid 8.6 out of 10.

This rating reflects its:

  • Excellent podcast-specific features
  • User-friendly interface and setup process
  • Good value for money
  • Room for improvement in advanced customization options


SecondLine Themes is highly recommended for podcasters who want a professional, feature-rich website without the complexity of building from scratch. It’s particularly valuable for those managing multiple shows or looking to expand their podcast presence online.

For podcasters already using platforms like, SecondLine Themes integrates well, offering a comprehensive solution for hosting and showcasing your content.

Final Thoughts

SecondLine Themes stands out in the crowded WordPress theme market by focusing specifically on the needs of podcasters. Its thoughtful integration of podcast-centric features, coupled with an intuitive design process, makes it a strong contender for anyone looking to establish or upgrade their podcast’s online presence.

While it may not offer the ultimate flexibility of a completely custom-built site, it strikes an excellent balance between functionality, ease of use, and professional design. For most podcasters, especially those without extensive web development experience, SecondLine Themes offers a robust, efficient solution to create a compelling online home for their audio content.

In conclusion, if you’re a podcaster looking to quickly establish a professional web presence or streamline your existing podcast website, SecondLine Themes is definitely worth considering. Its focused approach and podcast-specific features make it a valuable tool in any podcaster’s arsenal.

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