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Quriobot Review & Tutorial For Chatbot Beginners [AppSumo 2019]

17 min read
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In this comprehensive review and tutorial, we’ll dive deep into Quriobot, a powerful chatbot solution that’s currently available on AppSumo. As businesses increasingly rely on automated customer engagement tools, understanding and implementing chatbots has become crucial. This guide is designed to help beginners navigate the world of chatbots, specifically focusing on Quriobot’s features, functionality, and value proposition.

Throughout this article, we’ll explore the AppSumo deal details, walk through the Quriobot Control Room, and provide step-by-step instructions on creating and customizing your own chatbot. We’ll also cover advanced topics such as using variables, embedding the bot on WordPress websites, and connecting it to Facebook Messenger. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of whether Quriobot is the right solution for your business needs.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketing professional, or simply curious about chatbot technology, this review will equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision about Quriobot. So, let’s dive in and discover how this tool can revolutionize your customer engagement strategy.

AppSumo Deal Details [0:58]

The AppSumo deal for Quriobot offers an attractive package for businesses looking to implement chatbot technology. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what’s included:

Unlimited Use with Capped Chats

  • Quriobot allows unlimited use of the tool across multiple websites
  • The basic package includes up to 10,000 chats per month
  • Ideal for businesses with multiple web properties or agencies managing various clients

Stacking Options

  • Users can purchase additional codes to increase their chat limit
  • Each code adds an extra 10,000 chats per month
  • After stacking five codes, the tool becomes truly unlimited in terms of bots, websites, and chats

Organization Management

  • The deal includes a single organization by default
  • Additional codes can be used to create separate organizations
  • This feature is particularly useful for agencies or businesses managing multiple clients

Benefits of Multiple Organizations

  • Provides client privacy and data segregation
  • Allows for customized reporting and access control
  • Enables agencies to offer white-label chatbot services

Pricing Structure

  • The base deal price is not specified in the transcript but is available on AppSumo
  • Additional codes can be purchased to expand functionality
  • Unlimited stacking is available for those requiring extensive use

Post-Deal Considerations

  • After the AppSumo deal expires, users can add new organizations
  • Each organization will have its own billing plan
  • Resources cannot be shared between organizations

Custom Bot Creation Service

  • Quriobot offers a service to build custom bots for clients
  • Pricing starts around $250 and increases based on complexity
  • Ideal for businesses that want a professionally designed bot without the learning curve

By understanding these deal details, potential buyers can make an informed decision about whether Quriobot fits their needs and budget. The flexibility in scaling and organization management makes it an attractive option for businesses of various sizes and industries.

Quriobot Control Room [3:19]

The Quriobot Control Room is the central hub where users can manage and create their chatbots. This section provides an in-depth look at the interface and its key components:

Dashboard Overview

  • The dashboard displays all bots associated with the account
  • New users will see a blank slate, ready for bot creation
  • Quick access to create new bots or manage existing ones

Organization Management

  • Access to different organizations within the account
  • Ability to switch between client accounts or departments
  • Useful for agencies managing multiple clients or large businesses with various divisions

Billing Section

  • Manage subscription plans for each organization
  • View usage statistics and chat limits
  • Option to upgrade or modify plans as needed

Bot Creation Process

  • Large “+” button for creating new bots
  • Option to start from scratch or use pre-built templates
  • Templates available for various industries and use cases

User Interface Navigation

  • Clean and intuitive design for easy navigation
  • Clear separation between different functional areas
  • Quick access to essential features and settings

Customization Options

  • Ability to modify bot appearance and behavior
  • Integration settings for various platforms (website, Facebook, etc.)
  • Advanced settings for fine-tuning bot performance

Analytics and Reporting

  • Access to chat logs and conversation history
  • Performance metrics to gauge bot effectiveness
  • Insights to help improve bot interactions over time

The Quriobot Control Room is designed to be user-friendly while offering powerful features for bot management. Its intuitive layout makes it accessible for beginners while providing the depth needed for more advanced users to create sophisticated chatbot experiences.

Creating a bot [4:21]

Creating a bot with Quriobot is a straightforward process that allows users to quickly set up an automated customer engagement tool. Here’s a detailed guide on how to create your first bot:

Selecting a Template

  • Click the “+” button to start creating a new bot
  • Choose from a variety of pre-built templates or start from scratch
  • Templates are categorized based on common use cases (e.g., customer support, lead generation)

Customizing the Bot Name

  • Assign a unique name to your bot for easy identification
  • Consider using names that reflect the bot’s purpose or brand identity

Choosing Bot Type

  • Select from options like “Help to Help Your Customers” for general support
  • Other types include welcome bots, FAQ bots, or lead generation bots

Initial Setup

  • After selecting a template, you’ll be taken to the bot editing screen
  • The interface is divided into steps, representing different stages of the conversation

Bot Message Customization

  • Edit pre-written messages to match your brand voice
  • Add or remove message elements (text, images, videos) as needed

Response Options

  • Set up multiple choice responses for users to select from
  • Create branching paths based on user selections

Flow Configuration

  • Define the logical flow of the conversation
  • Connect different steps to create a coherent user experience

Testing Your Bot

  • Use the preview feature to test your bot’s functionality
  • Simulate user interactions to ensure smooth operation

Saving and Publishing

  • Save your changes frequently as you build your bot
  • When ready, publish your bot to make it live

Best Practices for Bot Creation

  • Keep messages concise and clear
  • Provide easy ways for users to reach human support if needed
  • Regularly update and refine your bot based on user interactions

Creating a bot with Quriobot is an iterative process. Start with a basic structure and continuously improve based on user feedback and analytics. The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for beginners to get started while offering enough depth for more advanced users to create sophisticated chatbot experiences.

Steps Explained [6:00]

Understanding the concept of “steps” in Quriobot is crucial for creating effective chatbots. Steps represent the building blocks of your bot’s conversation flow. Here’s a detailed explanation of how steps work and how to use them effectively:

What Are Steps?

  • Steps are individual conversation points in your chatbot
  • Each step represents a specific interaction or decision point
  • Steps are numbered for easy reference and organization

Types of Steps

  • Yes/No Steps: For simple binary decisions
  • Multiple Choice Steps: Offering several options to users
  • Input Steps: Collecting specific information from users (e.g., name, email)
  • Message Steps: Providing information without requiring user input

Customizing Step Content

  • Edit bot messages within each step
  • Add media elements like images or videos to enrich the conversation
  • Customize user response options to match your needs

Connecting Steps

  • Define the flow between steps based on user responses
  • Create branching paths to handle different scenarios
  • Use “jump to” functionality to navigate between non-sequential steps

Advanced Step Features

  • Conditional Logic: Create rules for when certain steps should be triggered
  • Variables: Store and use user information throughout the conversation
  • Integrations: Connect steps to external tools or databases

Best Practices for Using Steps

  • Keep each step focused on a single topic or question
  • Use clear and concise language in bot messages
  • Provide easy navigation options for users to move between steps

Testing and Optimizing Steps

  • Use the flow view to visualize the overall conversation structure
  • Regularly test different paths to ensure smooth user experience
  • Analyze step performance and adjust based on user engagement data

Understanding and effectively using steps in Quriobot allows you to create dynamic, engaging chatbot experiences. By carefully crafting each step and considering how they connect, you can guide users through meaningful conversations that achieve your business objectives while providing value to your customers.

Flow Diagram [10:31]

The Flow Diagram in Quriobot is a powerful visual tool that helps users understand and optimize their chatbot’s conversation structure. This feature provides a bird’s-eye view of how different steps in your bot interact with each other. Here’s a detailed look at the Flow Diagram and how to use it effectively:

Accessing the Flow View

  • Navigate to the bot editing screen
  • Look for the “Flow View” option, usually located near the top of the interface
  • Click to switch from the standard step-by-step view to the flow diagram

Understanding the Layout

  • Each step is represented by a box or node in the diagram
  • Lines connect these nodes, showing the possible paths a conversation can take
  • Different colors or shapes may indicate various types of steps (e.g., message, input, decision)

Navigating the Diagram

  • Use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out
  • Click and drag to move around the diagram
  • Hover over nodes to see step details without leaving the flow view

Analyzing Conversation Paths

  • Follow the lines to understand how users move through your bot
  • Identify dead ends or circular paths that might confuse users
  • Spot opportunities for adding shortcuts or alternative routes

Optimizing Bot Structure

  • Rearrange nodes to create a more logical flow
  • Add or remove connections between steps directly from the flow view
  • Identify and eliminate unnecessary steps to streamline the conversation

Using Flow View for Troubleshooting

  • Quickly spot disconnected steps or orphaned nodes
  • Ensure all paths lead to appropriate endpoints (e.g., resolution, human handoff)
  • Check for balanced conversation trees with similar depth across different paths

Collaboration and Presentation

  • Use the flow view to explain bot structure to team members or clients
  • Export the diagram for use in presentations or documentation
  • Annotate the diagram to highlight key decision points or important features

Best Practices for Flow Diagram Usage

  • Regularly review your bot’s flow to ensure it aligns with user needs and business goals
  • Use the flow view in conjunction with analytics to identify and improve underperforming paths
  • Keep your flow diagram clean and organized for easier management of complex bots

The Flow Diagram is an invaluable tool for both designing and maintaining your Quriobot chatbot. By providing a visual representation of your bot’s structure, it allows you to create more intuitive, efficient, and effective conversational experiences for your users. Whether you’re a beginner trying to understand your bot’s logic or an experienced user optimizing a complex system, the Flow Diagram is an essential feature for mastering Quriobot.

Embedding On A WordPress Website [12:45]

Integrating your Quriobot chatbot with a WordPress website is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance user engagement. Here’s a detailed guide on how to embed your Quriobot on a WordPress site:

Using the Quriobot WordPress Plugin

  • Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard
  • Navigate to the Plugins section and search for “Quriobot”
  • Install and activate the official Quriobot plugin

Configuring the Plugin

  • Once activated, go to Settings > Quriobot in your WordPress admin panel
  • You’ll need to enter your Quriobot bot path, which can be found in your Quriobot dashboard

Obtaining the Bot Path

  • Log in to your Quriobot account
  • Navigate to the bot you want to embed
  • Go to Bot Settings > Channels
  • Look for the embed code and copy the bot path (usually a string of characters)

Pasting the Bot Path

  • Return to your WordPress Quriobot settings
  • Paste the bot path into the designated field
  • Save the changes

Alternative: Manual Embedding

  • If you prefer not to use the plugin, you can manually embed the bot
  • Copy the full embed code provided by Quriobot
  • In WordPress, edit the page or post where you want the bot to appear
  • Switch to the HTML editor and paste the embed code before the closing tag

Customizing Bot Appearance

  • In your Quriobot dashboard, go to Bot Settings > Design Settings
  • Adjust colors, positioning, and other visual elements to match your website’s design
  • Changes made here will automatically reflect on your WordPress site

Testing the Integration

  • Visit your WordPress site and check if the bot appears as expected
  • Test different pages to ensure the bot is present where intended
  • Go through a few conversation flows to verify functionality

Optimizing for Mobile

  • Ensure your bot is responsive and works well on mobile devices
  • Test on various screen sizes to confirm proper display and functionality

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • If the bot doesn’t appear, check if JavaScript is enabled on your site
  • Verify that there are no conflicts with other plugins or themes
  • Double-check that the bot path or embed code is correctly entered

Best Practices for WordPress Integration

  • Consider using conditional logic to show the bot only on relevant pages
  • Integrate the bot with your WordPress forms for seamless data collection
  • Regularly update both the Quriobot plugin and your bot settings for optimal performance

By following these steps, you can successfully embed your Quriobot chatbot on your WordPress website, providing an interactive and engaging experience for your visitors. Remember to regularly review and update your bot’s content and settings to ensure it continues to meet your users’ needs and your business objectives.

Modifying Bot Color Scheme [13:56]

Customizing the color scheme of your Quriobot chatbot is an essential step in creating a cohesive brand experience for your website visitors. Here’s a detailed guide on how to modify your bot’s color scheme to match your brand identity:

Accessing Design Settings

  • Log in to your Quriobot dashboard
  • Navigate to the specific bot you want to customize
  • Look for and click on “Bot Settings” or “Design Settings”

Understanding Color Elements

  • Theme Color: The primary color used for the bot’s interface
  • Text Color: The color of the text within the chat window
  • Background Color: The color behind the chat messages
  • Button Colors: Colors used for clickable elements

Choosing the Theme Color

  • Locate the “Theme Color” option in the design settings
  • Use the color picker to select a color that matches your brand
  • Consider using your primary brand color for consistency

Adjusting Text Colors

  • Find the text color settings, usually labeled “Text Color” or similar
  • Choose a color that contrasts well with your background for readability
  • Avoid using colors that are too similar to the background or theme color

Setting the Background Color

  • Look for the “Background Color” option
  • Select a color that complements your theme color
  • Light backgrounds often work well for readability, but ensure it fits your overall design

Customizing Button Colors

  • Locate settings for button colors (may be separate from general color settings)
  • Choose colors that stand out and encourage clicks
  • Ensure button colors contrast well with button text for accessibility

Preview and Testing

  • Use the live preview feature to see how your color changes look in real-time
  • Test different color combinations to find the most visually appealing and on-brand option
  • View the bot on both light and dark backgrounds to ensure visibility

Considering Accessibility

  • Ensure there’s sufficient contrast between text and background colors
  • Use tools like WebAIM’s Contrast Checker to verify color accessibility
  • Remember that some users may have color vision deficiencies

Brand Consistency Tips

  • Use your brand’s color palette as a guide for selecting bot colors
  • Consider creating multiple color schemes for different website sections if needed
  • Document your chosen color scheme for future reference and consistency across platforms

Advanced Color Customization

  • Some versions of Quriobot may offer advanced options like gradient backgrounds or custom CSS
  • Explore these options if you need more precise control over the bot’s appearance

Testing Across Devices

  • View your bot on various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) to ensure color consistency
  • Adjust colors if necessary to maintain readability on smaller screens

Seasonal or Campaign-Specific Colors

  • Consider creating alternate color schemes for special promotions or seasons
  • Save different color presets if Quriobot offers this feature for quick changes

By carefully modifying your bot’s color scheme, you can create a more integrated and professional look that aligns with your brand identity. Remember that the goal is not just aesthetics, but also usability and accessibility. Regular testing and gathering user feedback can help you refine your color choices over time for the best possible user experience.

Variables Explained [15:44]

Variables in Quriobot are powerful tools that allow you to personalize conversations and store important information gathered during chat interactions. Understanding how to use variables effectively can significantly enhance the functionality and user experience of your chatbot. Here’s a comprehensive explanation of variables in Quriobot:

What Are Variables?

  • Variables are placeholders for information collected or generated during a chat
  • They allow for dynamic content insertion and personalized responses
  • Variables can store various types of data, such as names, email addresses, or preferences

Types of Variables

  • System Variables: Pre-defined variables like current date or time
  • User Input Variables: Information directly provided by the user during the conversation
  • Custom Variables: Defined by the bot creator for specific use cases

Creating Variables

  • Variables are typically created when asking for user input
  • In the bot builder, look for options to “Save as Variable” when creating input steps
  • Name variables clearly and descriptively (e.g., “user_name”, “email_address”)

Using Variables in Responses

  • To insert a variable into a bot response, use double curly brackets: {{variable_name}}
  • Example: “Hello {{user_name}}, how can I help you today?”
  • Variables can be used in any text-based part of your bot, including buttons and messages

Common Use Cases for Variables

  • Personalizing greetings: “Welcome back, {{user_name}}!”
  • Storing contact information for follow-ups
  • Remembering user preferences throughout the conversation
  • Passing information to other systems or team members

Variable Scope and Persistence

  • Understand how long variables retain their values (session-based vs. persistent)
  • Some variables may reset after each conversation, while others can be stored long-term
  • Check Quriobot documentation for specifics on variable persistence in your version

Advanced Variable Usage

  • Conditional Logic: Use variables to create different conversation paths based on user inputs
  • Math Operations: Perform calculations using numerical variables
  • Combining Variables: Create complex strings by combining multiple variables

Best Practices for Using Variables

  • Use clear and consistent naming conventions
  • Document your variables and their purposes for team reference
  • Regularly review and clean up unused variables to maintain a tidy bot structure

Testing Variables

  • Always test your bot thoroughly to ensure variables are being captured and displayed correctly
  • Use the bot preview feature to simulate conversations and check variable functionality
  • Test edge cases, such as empty inputs or unexpected user responses

Security Considerations

  • Be cautious with sensitive information stored in variables
  • Implement proper data handling and storage practices
  • Inform users about data collection and usage in compliance with privacy regulations

Integrating Variables with External Systems

  • Use variables to pass information to CRM systems, email marketing tools, or databases
  • Explore Quriobot’s integration options to maximize the utility of collected data

Troubleshooting Variable Issues

  • Check for typos in variable names when they’re not displaying correctly
  • Verify that variables are being properly set before they’re used
  • Use Quriobot’s debugging tools to trace variable values throughout the conversation

By mastering the use of variables in Quriobot, you can create more dynamic, personalized, and effective chatbot experiences. Variables allow your bot to remember important details, provide contextual responses, and seamlessly integrate with other business systems, ultimately leading to better user engagement and more valuable interactions.

Using The Landing Page Option [17:31]

Quriobot’s landing page option provides a unique way to deploy your chatbot without needing to embed it on an existing website. This feature can be particularly useful for certain use cases or when you want to create a dedicated chat experience. Here’s a detailed look at how to use and optimize the landing page option:

Accessing the Landing Page Feature

  • Navigate to your bot’s settings in the Quriobot dashboard
  • Look for the “Channels” or “Deployment” section
  • Find and select the “Landing Page” option

Setting Up Your Landing Page

  • Quriobot provides a default URL (e.g.,
  • Customize the URL if possible to match your brand or campaign
  • Configure basic page settings like title and description

Customizing the Landing Page Design

  • Choose a background color or image that aligns with your brand
  • Adjust the chat window’s position and size on the page
  • Add your logo or other branding elements if the option is available

Adding Content to the Landing Page

  • Include a welcome message or brief introduction above the chat window
  • Consider adding FAQs or quick links to common queries
  • Ensure any additional content supports the primary purpose of the chat interaction

Optimizing for Different Devices

  • Preview the landing page on various screen sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile)
  • Adjust layout and design elements to ensure responsiveness
  • Test the chat functionality across different devices and browsers

Integrating with Analytics

  • Set up Google Analytics or other tracking tools to monitor page performance
  • Create goals to track successful chat interactions or conversions
  • Use data to continuously improve the landing page and chat experience

Use Cases for Landing Pages

  • Lead Generation: Create a dedicated page for collecting leads through chat
  • Customer Support: Offer a direct line to support without navigating a full website
  • Product Launches: Use a chat-centric page to gather interest and answer questions
  • Event Registration: Streamline the registration process through conversational UI

Promoting Your Landing Page

  • Share the landing page URL on social media platforms
  • Include the link in email campaigns or newsletters
  • Use QR codes linking to the page for offline marketing materials

Security and Privacy Considerations

  • Ensure the landing page is served over HTTPS for data security
  • Include necessary legal disclaimers or privacy policy links
  • Be transparent about data collection and usage in the chat interaction

Advanced Landing Page Techniques

  • A/B Testing: Create multiple versions of the landing page to test different designs or chat flows
  • Dynamic Content: Use URL parameters to personalize the landing page based on traffic source
  • Multilingual Support: Offer language selection to cater to a global audience

Measuring Success

  • Define clear KPIs for your landing page (e.g., conversation rate, lead quality)
  • Regularly review analytics to understand user behavior and drop-off points
  • Collect user feedback to identify areas for improvement

Best Practices for Landing Page Chatbots

  • Keep the page focused and minimize distractions from the chat
  • Ensure the chat’s purpose is clear and aligns with user expectations
  • Provide an easy way for users to exit the chat or access additional resources if needed

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Test loading times and optimize for speed if necessary
  • Ensure all links and buttons on the page are functioning correctly
  • Regularly check for any broken elements or display issues across different browsers

By effectively utilizing Quriobot’s landing page option, you can create targeted, chat-centric experiences that drive engagement and achieve specific business goals. Whether you’re looking to generate leads, provide support, or streamline a particular process, a well-designed chatbot landing page can be a powerful tool in your digital strategy.

Connecting To Facebook Messenger [19:14]

Integrating your Quriobot chatbot with Facebook Messenger can significantly expand your reach and provide a seamless experience for users on one of the world’s most popular messaging platforms. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to connect your Quriobot to Facebook Messenger:

Accessing the Facebook Messenger Integration

  • Log into your Quriobot dashboard
  • Navigate to your bot’s settings
  • Look for the “Channels” or “Integrations” section
  • Find and select the Facebook Messenger option

Preparing Your Facebook Page

  • Ensure you have a Facebook Page for your business
  • You must have admin rights to the page you want to connect

Initiating the Connection Process

  • Click on “Add New Channel” or a similar option in Quriobot
  • Select Facebook Messenger as the channel type
  • Follow the prompts to start the Facebook login process

Authenticating with Facebook

  • You’ll be redirected to Facebook to log in (if not already logged in)
  • Grant the necessary permissions for Quriobot to access your page
  • Select the specific Facebook Page you want to connect to your bot

Configuring Messenger Settings

  • Choose which aspects of your bot you want to enable on Messenger
  • Set up welcome messages or get started buttons
  • Configure any Messenger-specific features offered by Quriobot

Testing the Integration

  • Use the testing tools provided by Quriobot to ensure proper connection
  • Send test messages to your Facebook Page to verify the bot’s responses
  • Check that all bot functions work as expected within Messenger

Customizing the Messenger Experience

  • Adjust your bot’s responses to fit Messenger’s format and limitations
  • Utilize Messenger-specific features like quick replies or persistent menus
  • Ensure your bot’s personality and tone are consistent across platforms

Handling Handoffs to Human Agents

  • Set up protocols for when the bot should transfer to a human agent
  • Ensure your team is prepared to handle conversations coming from Messenger
  • Configure notifications for when human intervention is needed

Optimizing for Messenger’s Interface

  • Keep messages concise and easily readable on mobile devices
  • Use rich media like images or GIFs where appropriate
  • Take advantage of Messenger’s native features like buttons and carousels

Measuring Performance

  • Set up analytics to track engagement on Messenger
  • Monitor key metrics like response times, conversation length, and user satisfaction
  • Use insights to continually refine your bot’s performance on the platform

Compliance and Privacy Considerations

  • Ensure your bot complies with Facebook’s policies and terms of service
  • Be transparent about data collection and usage in line with privacy regulations
  • Provide clear options for users to opt-out or delete their data

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Check Facebook permissions if the bot stops responding
  • Verify webhook settings if messages aren’t being received
  • Keep your Quriobot and Facebook Page settings up to date

Best Practices for Facebook Messenger Bots

  • Provide clear instructions on how to start interacting with your bot
  • Offer easy ways for users to access human support if needed
  • Regularly update your bot’s content to keep it relevant and engaging

Leveraging Facebook-Specific Features

  • Utilize Messenger codes or links for easy bot access
  • Explore sponsored messages for re-engagement (following Facebook’s guidelines)
  • Consider integrating with Facebook Ads for lead generation

By successfully connecting your Quriobot to Facebook Messenger, you can offer your customers a convenient and familiar way to interact with your business. This integration can lead to increased engagement, improved customer service, and a stronger social media presence. Remember to continuously monitor and optimize your bot’s performance on Messenger to ensure it meets both your business goals and your customers’ needs.

Final thoughts and overall rating [20:05]

After a comprehensive review of Quriobot, it’s clear that this chatbot platform offers a robust set of features that can benefit businesses of all sizes. Here’s a summary of the key points and an overall rating:

Strengths of Quriobot

  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is intuitive, making it accessible for beginners while offering depth for advanced users.
  • Flexible Deployment Options: From website embedding to Facebook Messenger integration and standalone landing pages, Quriobot offers versatile deployment choices.
  • Customization Capabilities: The ability to tailor the bot’s appearance and behavior allows for seamless brand integration.
  • Scalability: With options to stack codes and create multiple organizations, Quriobot can grow with your business needs.
  • Visual Flow Editor: The flow diagram feature provides a clear overview of bot structure, aiding in optimization and troubleshooting.

Areas for Improvement

  • Limited Integrations: While functional, Quriobot could benefit from expanded integration options with other business tools and platforms.
  • E-commerce Limitations: The platform may not be ideal for complex e-commerce operations, focusing more on customer service and lead generation.
  • Learning Curve for Advanced Features: While user-friendly, mastering all of Quriobot’s capabilities may require some time and experimentation.

Overall Value Proposition

  • Quriobot offers an excellent balance of functionality and ease of use.
  • The AppSumo deal provides significant value, especially for businesses looking to implement chatbot technology without a hefty investment.
  • The platform’s focus on simplicity makes it more likely that users will actually implement and benefit from the chatbot, rather than leaving it as unused software.

Final Rating: 8.3 out of 10

The reviewer gives Quriobot an impressive 8.3 out of 10. This high score reflects the platform’s strong performance across key areas:

  • Ease of Use: The intuitive interface and step-by-step bot creation process make it accessible to users of all skill levels.
  • Feature Set: While not exhaustive, the features provided cover most common chatbot use cases effectively.
  • Customization: The ability to tailor the bot’s appearance and behavior to match brand identity is a significant plus.
  • Value for Money: Especially considering the AppSumo deal, Quriobot offers excellent value for its capabilities.
  • Deployment Flexibility: The various options for integrating the chatbot (website, Facebook, landing pages) provide versatility for different business needs.


Quriobot is highly recommended for:

  • Small to medium-sized businesses looking to implement their first chatbot
  • Agencies managing multiple clients’ chatbot needs
  • Companies focusing on customer service automation and lead generation

While it may not be the most advanced solution on the market, Quriobot’s combination of user-friendliness, key features, and attractive pricing (especially through the AppSumo deal) makes it a solid choice for businesses looking to enhance their customer engagement through chatbot technology.

Next Steps

If you’re considering Quriobot for your business:

  1. Take advantage of any trial periods to test the platform thoroughly.
  2. Assess your specific chatbot needs and ensure Quriobot aligns with your requirements.
  3. Consider the long-term scalability of the solution as your business grows.
  4. Explore the AppSumo deal if it’s still available, as it offers significant value.

In conclusion, Quriobot presents a compelling option in the chatbot market, balancing functionality with ease of use. Its high rating of 8.3 out of 10 reflects its strong performance and value proposition, making it a worthy consideration for businesses looking to enhance their customer engagement strategies.

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