That LTD Life

OneTab Project Management Tool Review – A Developer’s Dream?

15 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

In the ever-evolving landscape of project management tools, OneTab emerges as a contender specifically tailored for developers. This comprehensive review, brought to you by Dave Swift from, delves deep into the features, functionality, and potential of OneTab as a project management solution. As a software user experience expert with nearly two decades of entrepreneurial experience in the music industry, Dave brings a unique perspective to this analysis. This review is part of the “That LTD Life” series, which aims to help you make informed decisions about lifetime deals for software that can propel your online business forward. Join us as we explore OneTab’s offerings, from its Kanban boards and chat features to its innovative AI assistant, and determine if it truly is a developer’s dream come true.

Plans & Pricing [00:49]

OneTab offers a tiered pricing structure designed to accommodate teams of varying sizes and needs. Let’s break down the available plans and what they offer:

Tier 1: Team Collaboration Plan

  • 5 users
  • 5GB file storage
  • 1 repo

Tier 2: Enhanced Collaboration Plan

  • 15 users
  • 15GB file storage
  • 3 repos
  • Sub-user module access permissions

Tier 3: Enterprise Collaboration Plan

  • 50 users
  • 50GB file storage
  • 15 repos
  • S.A.M.L. based single sign-on
  • Data exports for all messages

Key points to consider:

  • The pricing structure scales with the number of users, storage, and repos
  • Higher tiers offer more advanced features like access permissions and single sign-on
  • Data portability (exports) is only available in the highest tier, which may be a concern for some users
  • The review focuses on the Tier 1 plan, priced at $49

It’s worth noting that the limitation of data exports to the highest tier may be a drawback for some users, as data portability is often considered a basic feature in many software solutions.

Setup [02:09]

Setting up your OneTab account is a straightforward process, but there are a few nuances to be aware of:

Company Name Entry:

  • No spaces allowed in the company name
  • This may be used as your subdomain on the platform

Workspace Creation:

  • You’ll be prompted to create a workspace name
  • The example given is “marketing,” which might be confusing for general use

Plan Activation:

  • The review confirmed successful activation of the Tier 1 plan

Initial Tour:

  • OneTab offers a quick tour to familiarize users with the interface

Key considerations during setup:

  • Be mindful of the naming conventions for your company and workspace
  • Consider how you want to structure your workspaces, as you may need multiple for different departments or projects
  • Take advantage of the initial tour to get acquainted with the platform’s layout and features

The setup process is generally user-friendly, but the workspace naming might require some forethought to ensure it aligns with your organizational structure.

Quick Tour [03:26]

Upon completing the setup, OneTab provides users with a quick tour to familiarize them with the platform’s key features and layout. This tour serves as an essential introduction to the tool’s capabilities:

Workspace Management

  • Add multiple workspaces from the top menu
  • No limit on the number of workspaces you can create
  • Each tier has a limit on the total number of users you can add

User Invitation

  • Easily invite team members to join your workspace
  • Button located in the top menu for quick access

App Overview

  • Introduction to the various apps within OneTab:
  • Chat: Slack-like communication tool
  • Kanban boards: For task and project management
  • File management: Centralized file storage and sharing
  • AI assistant: For project-related queries and information retrieval

Channel Creation

  • Ability to create public and private channels within the chat app
  • Option to create channels for specific projects or teams

GitHub Integration

  • Connect your GitHub account to stay updated on commits and pull requests
  • Seamless integration with development workflows

Key takeaways from the quick tour:

  • OneTab offers a comprehensive suite of tools for project management and team collaboration
  • The platform is designed with developers in mind, evident from the GitHub integration
  • The tour provides a good overview, but users may need to explore further to grasp the full potential of each feature
  • The flexibility in workspace creation allows for customized organization based on team structure or project needs

The quick tour sets the stage for users to dive deeper into OneTab’s features, providing a solid foundation for understanding the tool’s capabilities and potential use cases in a development-focused environment.

Apps [04:41]

OneTab’s ecosystem is built around a suite of integrated apps designed to streamline various aspects of project management and development workflows. Let’s explore the key apps available within the platform:

Chat Application

  • Slack-like interface for team communication
  • Features channels for organized conversations
  • Supports direct messages for one-on-one communication
  • Ability to bookmark important messages

Kanban Board

  • Visual project management tool
  • Customizable columns for different task stages
  • Task creation with detailed information fields
  • Filtering options for efficient task management

API Management

  • Centralized hub for API documentation and testing
  • Ability to run APIs directly within the platform
  • Mock server functionality for testing
  • API documentation creation tools

CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment)

  • Integration with GitHub repositories
  • Pipeline creation for automated build and deployment processes
  • Templates available for various project types (e.g., native React Android app)

Code Generation

  • Unique feature for converting screenshots to HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • Utilizes AI to interpret visual designs and generate corresponding code

Document Management

  • Built-in document editor for creating and managing project documentation
  • Support for various content types including text, images, and code blocks


  • Data visualization and analysis tools
  • Ability to connect external data sources
  • AI-powered querying for extracting insights from data

Key points about OneTab’s app ecosystem:

  • The apps are designed to work seamlessly together, providing a unified experience
  • Each app addresses a specific aspect of project management or development
  • The integration of AI and automation throughout the apps sets OneTab apart from traditional project management tools
  • The platform caters specifically to developers, evident in features like API management and CI/CD integration

While the apps cover a wide range of functionalities, users should explore each app thoroughly to understand how they can be leveraged for their specific project needs and development workflows.

Files [05:25]

The file management system in OneTab is designed to centralize document storage and sharing within the platform. Here’s a detailed look at its features and functionality:

Storage Allocation

  • Tier 1: 5GB of file storage
  • Tier 2: 15GB of file storage
  • Tier 3: 50GB of file storage

File Upload Process

  • Files cannot be added directly to the file browser
  • Files are typically shared through the chat or attached to tasks

File Organization

  • Uploaded files appear in the file browser automatically
  • Files are associated with the user who uploaded them

Search Functionality

  • Users can search for files based on filename
  • Option to filter files by the user who submitted them

File Accessibility

  • Files shared in chats or attached to tasks are accessible to team members with appropriate permissions

Key considerations for the file management system:

  • The inability to directly upload files to the browser may be inconvenient for some users
  • The automatic organization of files based on upload context (chat, tasks) can help maintain structure
  • The search and filter options facilitate easy retrieval of files
  • The tiered storage allocation allows for scalability as team needs grow

While the file management system provides essential functionality, it may not be as robust as dedicated file storage solutions. Users should consider their file management needs and workflow when evaluating this aspect of OneTab.

Chat [06:14]

OneTab’s chat functionality serves as a central hub for team communication, offering features reminiscent of popular platforms like Slack. Let’s delve into the key aspects of the chat system:

Channel Organization

  • Public channels for team-wide communication
  • Option to create private channels for specific projects or teams
  • Direct messaging for one-on-one conversations

Message Interactions

  • Ability to add reactions to messages
  • Support for threaded replies to keep conversations organized
  • Bookmarking feature for saving important messages

File Sharing

  • Easy file upload and sharing within chat channels
  • Shared files automatically appear in the file management system

Integration with Other Apps

  • Seamless connection to other OneTab apps like Kanban and API management
  • Ability to share tasks and API collections directly from chat channels

User Interface

  • Clean and intuitive design similar to popular chat applications
  • Easy navigation between channels and direct messages

Key points about the chat functionality:

  • The chat system provides a familiar experience for users accustomed to team messaging platforms
  • Integration with other OneTab apps enhances collaboration and information sharing
  • The bookmarking feature helps in retrieving important information quickly
  • Threaded replies contribute to maintaining organized discussions within busy channels

While the chat functionality covers essential communication needs, users should explore how it integrates with their existing communication workflows and whether it can fully replace other messaging tools they may be using.

OneTab Layout [06:33]

The OneTab layout is designed to provide users with easy access to all the platform’s features while maintaining a clean and intuitive interface. Let’s explore the key elements of the layout:

Top Navigation Bar

  • Company/organization name and logo
  • Quick access to user account settings
  • Notification bell for important updates
  • Workspace switcher for managing multiple projects

Left Sidebar

  • Access to various apps within OneTab:
  • Chat
  • Kanban board
  • API management
  • CI/CD
  • Document editor
  • Analytics
  • Reports

Main Content Area

  • Displays the active app or feature
  • Adapts to show relevant information based on the selected app

Right Sidebar (Context-dependent)

  • May appear in certain apps to provide additional information or options
  • For example, in the Kanban board, it shows task details when a task is selected

Bottom Bar

  • May include additional options or controls specific to the active app

Key aspects of the OneTab layout:

  • The layout is designed for easy navigation between different features
  • The consistent top and left navigation bars provide a sense of familiarity across the platform
  • The adaptable main content area allows for focused work within each app
  • The context-dependent right sidebar enhances functionality without cluttering the main interface

Users should take time to familiarize themselves with the layout to maximize efficiency when switching between different aspects of project management within OneTab.

Preferences [07:34]

OneTab offers a comprehensive preferences section that allows users to customize their experience and manage notifications effectively. Let’s explore the key features and options available in the preferences:

Notification Settings

  • Granular control over notification types:
  • All new notifications (default)
  • Direct messages, mentions, and keywords only
  • No notifications

App-specific Notifications

  • Separate settings for OneAPI and OneKanban notifications
  • Allows users to prioritize notifications from specific tools

Working Hours

  • Define specific timeframes for receiving notifications
  • Options include:
  • Custom daily schedule
  • Weekdays only
  • Fully customizable schedule for each day of the week

Profile Management

  • Upload profile picture
  • Set user role and permissions (limited in Tier 1)

Two-Factor Authentication

  • Option to enable 2FA for enhanced account security
  • Supports authenticator apps for generating 2FA codes

Key considerations for OneTab preferences:

  • The detailed notification settings help prevent notification fatigue
  • Working hours feature promotes work-life balance by limiting after-hours notifications
  • Profile management options are somewhat limited in Tier 1, with more features available in higher tiers
  • The inclusion of two-factor authentication is a positive security feature

Users should take time to configure these preferences to optimize their OneTab experience and ensure they receive the right information at the right time without being overwhelmed by notifications.

Top Bar Buttons [09:23]

The top bar in OneTab contains several important buttons and features that provide quick access to various functionalities. Let’s examine each of these in detail:

Account Name Button

  • Displays the current user’s account name
  • Clicking reveals a dropdown menu with options:
  • Invite people to the workspace
  • Access account settings
  • View connected apps
  • Manage workspaces

Create Workspace Button

  • Allows users to create new workspaces quickly
  • Useful for separating different projects or departments

Invite Colleagues Button

  • Provides a direct way to add new team members to the workspace
  • Opens an invitation form with email input fields

Notification Bell

  • Shows all notifications in one place
  • Includes mentions, task assignments, and other important updates

Personal Profile Button

  • Located in the upper right corner
  • Gives access to personal account settings
  • Options to add a profile picture and manage account details

Key points about the top bar buttons:

  • The layout provides easy access to essential functions and settings
  • The ability to quickly create workspaces and invite colleagues enhances team collaboration
  • The centralized notification system helps users stay on top of important updates
  • Personal profile management is easily accessible, though some features may be limited in Tier 1

Users should familiarize themselves with these top bar buttons to navigate the platform efficiently and make the most of OneTab’s collaborative features.

Kanban [11:11]

The Kanban board is a core feature of OneTab, designed to help teams visualize and manage their workflows effectively. Let’s dive into the details of this project management tool:

Board Layout

  • Default columns: To Do, In Progress, Complete
  • Option to add custom columns/lanes
  • List view available for alternative task visualization

Task Creation

  • Simple task creation with title input
  • Detailed task view with additional fields:
  • Due dates (start and end)
  • Priority levels (urgent, high, normal, low)
  • Assignees
  • Labels
  • Description
  • Subtasks/Checklist

Task Management

  • Drag-and-drop functionality for moving tasks between columns
  • Task duplication option
  • Ability to archive completed tasks

Filtering and Search

  • Filter tasks by assignee, due date, status, or priority
  • Search functionality to find specific tasks quickly

Collaboration Features

  • Comment section for each task
  • File attachment capability
  • Option to share tasks in public or workspace channels

User Interface

  • Clean and intuitive design
  • Easy-to-use task creation and editing interface

Key considerations for the Kanban board:

  • The board provides essential project management functionality
  • Task creation process could be streamlined by opening the detailed view automatically
  • Lack of rich text formatting in task descriptions may be limiting for some users
  • Absence of task templates or recurring task options might be a drawback for some teams

While the Kanban board offers solid functionality, there’s room for improvement in areas like task templates, automation, and more advanced formatting options. Users should evaluate how well the current features align with their project management needs.

API [17:05]

OneTab’s API management feature is designed to streamline the process of organizing, testing, and documenting APIs. This tool is particularly valuable for development teams working on API-driven projects. Let’s explore its key features:

API Builder

  • Interface for creating and managing API endpoints
  • Ability to enter URLs and send requests directly from the platform
  • Mock server functionality for testing without live endpoints


  • Organize APIs into collections for better management
  • Create new collections or select existing ones for grouping related APIs

API Documentation

  • Tools for creating comprehensive API documentation
  • Option to add documentation directly from the API builder interface

Testing and Execution

  • Run API requests directly within the OneTab interface
  • View and analyze API responses for debugging and development

Integration with Other OneTab Features

  • Share API collections through the chat feature
  • Potential integration with CI/CD pipelines for automated testing

Key points about the API management feature:

  • Centralized hub for API-related tasks within the project management ecosystem
  • Documentation tools help maintain up-to-date API references
  • Mock server functionality aids in development and testing phases
  • Integration with other OneTab features enhances collaboration on API-related tasks

While the API management tool offers essential features for developers, users should explore how well it integrates with their existing API development workflows and whether it can replace or complement their current API management solutions.

CICD [17:51]

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) is a crucial aspect of modern software development, and OneTab integrates this functionality directly into its platform. Let’s examine the key features of OneTab’s CI/CD offering:

GitHub Integration

  • Connect GitHub repositories directly to OneTab
  • View commit logs and changes within the OneTab interface
  • Direct links to GitHub for detailed change review

Pipeline Creation

  • Build automated workflows for application building and deployment
  • Templates available for various project types (e.g., native React Android app)
  • Step-by-step guide for setting up and configuring pipelines

Repository Management

  • Easy access to connected repositories
  • View and manage multiple repos within the OneTab interface


  • Automate build, test, and deployment processes
  • Reduce manual intervention in the development workflow

Integration with Other OneTab Features

  • Potential for linking CI/CD processes with Kanban board tasks
  • Possibility of triggering builds or deployments from chat or other OneTab apps

Key considerations for the CI/CD feature:

  • Streamlines the development process by integrating version control and deployment
  • Templates can help teams quickly set up common CI/CD workflows
  • The level of customization and advanced features may be limited compared to dedicated CI/CD tools
  • Integration with other OneTab features enhances overall project management

Users should evaluate how well OneTab’s CI/CD functionality meets their specific development needs and whether it can replace or complement their existing CI/CD tools. While it offers convenience by integrating with the project management ecosystem, teams with complex CI/CD requirements may need to assess its capabilities carefully.

Code [18:40]

OneTab includes a unique code generation feature that sets it apart from traditional project management tools. This AI-powered functionality aims to assist developers in quickly converting visual designs into code. Let’s explore this innovative feature in detail:

Screenshot to Code Conversion

  • Upload a screenshot of a web design or interface
  • AI analyzes the image and generates corresponding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code

Supported Output

  • Generates HTML structure
  • Utilizes Tailwind CSS for styling
  • Creates basic JavaScript for interactivity (if applicable)

Code Quality and Accuracy

  • Generates clean, readable code
  • Attempts to match fonts and layout accurately
  • Uses placeholder images for visual elements

Use Cases

  • Rapid prototyping of designs
  • Converting mockups into initial code structures
  • Assisting designers in understanding code implementation of their designs


  • May not perfectly replicate complex designs
  • Generated code may require manual refinement and optimization
  • Limited to static designs; doesn’t handle advanced interactions or animations

Key points about the code generation feature:

  • Innovative use of AI in a project management context
  • Can significantly speed up the initial coding process for simple designs
  • Provides a bridge between design and development teams
  • Output is a starting point and may require further development

While this feature is impressive, users should view it as a helpful tool rather than a replacement for skilled front-end development. It’s best suited for quick prototypes or initial code structures that developers can then refine and expand upon.

Doc [20:35]

OneTab’s document management system provides teams with a built-in solution for creating, organizing, and sharing project-related documentation. Let’s examine the features and capabilities of this integrated documentation tool:

Document Editor

  • Rich text editing capabilities
  • Support for various content types:
  • Text formatting (headers, paragraphs, lists)
  • Image insertion
  • Code blocks with syntax highlighting
  • Warning boxes for important information

Document Organization

  • Create multiple documents within a workspace
  • No folder structure for organizing documents

Collaboration Features

  • Ability to share documents within the workspace
  • Lack of real-time collaboration or commenting features

User Interface

  • Clean, minimalist design
  • Easy-to-use editor with formatting options

Integration with OneTab Ecosystem

  • Documents accessible alongside other project management tools
  • Potential for linking documents to tasks or discussions

Key considerations for the document management feature:

  • Provides a basic solution for in-platform documentation
  • Limited organization options may be challenging for projects with extensive documentation needs
  • Lack of advanced collaboration features (e.g., real-time editing, comments) may be a drawback for some teams
  • Integration with other OneTab features enhances overall project information management

While the document management system offers essential functionality, it may not be a full replacement for dedicated documentation tools. Users should evaluate how well it meets their documentation needs and whether it integrates effectively with their existing documentation workflows.

Analytics [22:39]

OneTab’s analytics feature provides teams with data-driven insights into their projects and workflows. This AI-powered tool aims to help users make informed decisions based on their project data. Let’s explore the capabilities of this analytics module:

Data Source Integration

  • Ability to connect external databases or upload Excel files
  • Option to use workspace data for internal analytics

AI-Powered Querying

  • Natural language processing allows users to ask questions about their data
  • Supports complex queries about customers, orders, and products

Data Visualization

  • Generates charts and graphs based on query results
  • Supports various chart types (e.g., bar charts, pie charts)

Use Cases

  • Analyzing customer demographics
  • Tracking product performance
  • Monitoring project progress and team productivity

User Interface

  • Simple, conversational interface for querying data
  • Visual representation of results for easy interpretation


  • Effectiveness depends on the quality and completeness of input data
  • May require some trial and error to formulate queries correctly

Key points about the analytics feature:

  • Provides valuable insights without requiring extensive data analysis skills
  • Integration with workspace data offers potential for project performance analytics
  • AI-powered querying makes complex data analysis more accessible to team members
  • Visual output helps in quickly understanding and sharing insights

While the analytics tool offers impressive functionality, users should be aware that its effectiveness relies heavily on the quality and relevance of the data provided. Teams should also consider how this feature complements their existing analytics processes and tools.

Reports [24:41]

OneTab includes a reporting feature that provides users with an overview of how different components of the platform are being utilized. This tool is designed to help team leaders and project managers gain insights into their team’s activities and project progress. Let’s examine the key aspects of the reporting functionality:

Scope of Reports

  • Covers usage data for various OneTab tools:
  • Chat activity
  • Kanban board usage
  • API tool utilization
  • CI/CD pipeline activity
  • Analytics tool usage

Types of Metrics

  • User engagement metrics
  • Task completion rates
  • Communication patterns
  • Tool adoption rates

Report Generation

  • Automated report creation based on workspace activity
  • Option to customize report parameters (time range, specific tools, etc.)

Data Visualization

  • Presents data in easy-to-understand charts and graphs
  • Allows for quick identification of trends and patterns

Use Cases

  • Monitoring team productivity
  • Identifying bottlenecks in workflows
  • Assessing the adoption of different OneTab features
  • Informing decisions about team processes and tool usage

Key considerations for the reporting feature:

  • Provides valuable insights into how the team is utilizing OneTab
  • Helps in identifying areas for improvement in project management processes
  • May assist in justifying the use of OneTab to stakeholders
  • Could be used to optimize workspace setup and team training

While the reporting feature offers useful insights, users should consider how these reports align with their specific project management goals and whether they provide actionable information for improving team performance and project outcomes.

Possible Improvements [24:58]

While OneTab offers a comprehensive suite of project management tools, there are several areas where improvements could enhance its functionality and user experience. Based on the review, here are some potential enhancements:

Multiple Kanban Boards

  • Allow creation of multiple Kanban boards within a single workspace
  • Enable better organization for complex projects or multiple teams

Advanced Task Management

  • Implement task templates for frequently used task types
  • Add support for recurring tasks to streamline repetitive workflows

Rich Text Formatting

  • Enhance the document editor with more robust formatting options
  • Improve task description fields with rich text capabilities

Folder Structure for Documents

  • Introduce a hierarchical folder system for better document organization
  • Implement a search function for easier document retrieval

Real-time Collaboration

  • Add real-time editing features to the document management system
  • Implement commenting and annotation features for better team collaboration

Data Portability

  • Make data export features available across all tiers, not just the highest tier
  • Enhance export options for better interoperability with other tools

Windows Desktop Application

  • Develop a Windows version of the desktop application to support a wider user base

Customizable Dashboards

  • Allow users to create personalized dashboards with key metrics and task overviews

Advanced Automation

  • Introduce more sophisticated automation features across all tools
  • Implement cross-tool automations for streamlined workflows

Key points about potential improvements:

  • These enhancements could address some of the limitations noted in the review
  • Implementing these features could broaden OneTab’s appeal to a wider range of users and industries
  • Some improvements might require significant development effort but could greatly enhance the platform’s competitiveness

While OneTab provides a solid foundation for project management, especially for development teams, these improvements could elevate it to a more versatile and powerful tool suitable for a broader range of project management needs.

Conclusion [25:45]

OneTab emerges as a promising project management tool, particularly tailored for development teams. With its comprehensive suite of integrated apps covering everything from communication to code generation, it offers a unique proposition in the crowded project management software market.


  • Integrated development-focused tools (API management, CI/CD, code generation)
  • Clean, intuitive user interface
  • AI-powered features for analytics and code generation
  • Solid basic project management functionality with Kanban boards and chat

Areas for Improvement:

  • Limited customization options for some features
  • Lack of advanced task management capabilities like templates and recurring tasks
  • Restricted data portability in lower tiers
  • Absence of real-time collaboration in document editing

Overall, OneTab receives a rating of 7.2 out of 10 from reviewer Dave Swift. While it may not be suitable for every team or project type, it shows great potential for development-focused teams looking for an all-in-one solution.

For those interested in exploring OneTab or seeking assistance with growing their online business, Dave Swift and his team at offer consultations and support.

As the project management software landscape continues to evolve, OneTab stands out as a tool worth watching, especially for teams deeply involved in software development projects. Its unique blend of traditional project management features with developer-centric tools creates an intriguing platform that could significantly streamline workflows for the right teams.

Remember to stay tuned to Dave Swift’s Twitter and join the Facebook group for more insights and reviews on the latest tools and lifetime deals to help grow your online business.

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