That LTD Life

Moxie LTD: Stupid good or just stupid? Tools for freelancers

29 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

In today’s digital age, freelancers are constantly seeking efficient tools to streamline their workflows and manage their businesses effectively. Enter Moxie, a comprehensive suite of tools designed specifically for freelancers. This review delves deep into the features, functionality, and overall value proposition of Moxie, exploring whether it lives up to its claim of being “stupid good” or falls short of expectations.

As we navigate through the various components of Moxie, from its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) capabilities to its sales pipeline and client portal features, we’ll assess its potential to revolutionize the way freelancers operate. With a keen eye on user experience, pricing, and integration possibilities, this review aims to provide a thorough understanding of Moxie’s strengths and potential drawbacks.

Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer looking to optimize your processes or a newcomer to the world of self-employment, this in-depth analysis will help you determine if Moxie is the right tool to elevate your freelance business to the next level. Let’s dive in and explore what makes Moxie tick and whether it truly stands out in the crowded marketplace of freelancer tools.

Pricing [00:31]

When it comes to tools for freelancers, pricing is often a make-or-break factor. Moxie’s pricing structure, as presented on AppSumo, offers a tiered approach that caters to various business sizes and needs. Let’s break down the pricing options and what they entail:

Tier 1: Single Seat License

  • Priced at $39
  • Ideal for solopreneurs and individual freelancers
  • Includes custom branding and white labeling

Tier 2: 10 Seats License

  • Priced at $99 ($60 more than Tier 1)
  • Suitable for small teams or growing freelance businesses
  • Includes all features from Tier 1

Tier 3: 25 Seats License

  • Priced at $189 ($90 more than Tier 2)
  • Designed for larger teams or agencies
  • Includes all features from lower tiers

One of the standout aspects of Moxie’s pricing structure is the inclusion of custom branding and white labeling across all tiers. This is a refreshing departure from the typical AppSumo deal structure, where such features are often reserved for higher-priced tiers to incentivize upgrades.

Key Points to Consider:

  • Lifetime deal: Unlike subscription-based models, this is a one-time purchase for lifetime access
  • Scalability: The tiered structure allows businesses to start small and upgrade as they grow
  • Value proposition: The inclusion of premium features like white labeling at all levels adds significant value
  • Potential limitations: The review doesn’t mention any feature restrictions between tiers, suggesting full functionality across all levels

Pricing Comparison:

  • Compared to other freelancer tools, Moxie’s pricing appears competitive, especially considering the lifetime deal aspect
  • The ability to manage multiple seats at higher tiers makes it attractive for small agencies or collaborative freelance teams

Potential Concerns:

  • Long-term viability: As with any lifetime deal, there’s always a question of how long the company can sustain this model
  • Feature development: Users might wonder about future updates and feature additions given the one-time payment structure

Overall, Moxie’s pricing strategy seems designed to attract a wide range of freelancers and small businesses, offering a compelling value proposition across all tiers. The inclusion of premium features at every level sets it apart from many competitors, potentially making it an attractive option for freelancers looking to invest in a comprehensive tool without breaking the bank.

CRM [03:32]

The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) functionality is a cornerstone of any freelancer tool, and Moxie appears to offer a robust solution in this area. Let’s dive into the key aspects of Moxie’s CRM features:

User Interface and Navigation

  • Left-hand sidebar provides easy access to various CRM functions
  • Clean and intuitive layout allows for quick navigation between client profiles

Client Profile Overview

  • Comprehensive display of client information, including contact details and payment terms
  • Ability to view and manage invoices directly from the client profile

Invoice Management

  • Seamless integration of invoicing within the CRM system
  • Professional-looking invoice templates that can be easily customized
  • Option to duplicate invoices for recurring billing or similar projects

Key Features:

  • Quick access to client history and communication logs
  • Ability to track payment status and outstanding invoices
  • Integration of time tracking directly within client profiles

Customization and Flexibility:

  • Options to add custom fields for client-specific information
  • Ability to categorize clients and filter based on various criteria

Communication Tools:

  • Integrated messaging system for client communication
  • Option to send invoices and proposals directly from the CRM

Time Tracking Integration:

  • Built-in time tracking feature accessible directly from the CRM interface
  • Ability to associate tracked time with specific clients and projects

Collaboration Features:

  • Option to add team members and assign roles within client accounts
  • Shared access to client information for improved team collaboration

Data Visualization:

  • Dashboard views for quick insights into client relationships and project statuses
  • Graphical representations of key metrics like client engagement and revenue

Mobile Accessibility:

  • While not explicitly mentioned, the clean interface suggests potential for mobile-friendly access

Potential Limitations:

  • The review doesn’t mention advanced automation features, which might be a consideration for some users
  • Depth of customization options for client profiles could be explored further

Moxie’s CRM functionality appears to offer a comprehensive solution for freelancers looking to manage their client relationships effectively. The integration of invoicing, time tracking, and communication tools within the CRM framework provides a centralized hub for managing client interactions. The clean interface and intuitive navigation suggest that even freelancers new to CRM systems could quickly adapt to using Moxie.

However, as with any tool, the true test of its CRM capabilities would come with extended use across various client scenarios. Freelancers considering Moxie should assess how well its CRM features align with their specific workflow needs and client management processes.

Email [07:37]

Email integration is a crucial component for any freelancer tool, and Moxie appears to offer robust email functionality within its platform. Let’s explore the key aspects of Moxie’s email features:

Email Account Integration

  • Supports a wide range of email providers, including:
  • Google (Gmail)
  • Microsoft (Outlook)
  • Apple (iCloud)
  • Yahoo
  • Custom IMAP servers

Setup Process

  • Straightforward integration with major email providers
  • Option to add multiple email accounts for comprehensive communication management

Key Features:

  • Ability to send and receive emails directly within the Moxie interface
  • Integration with client profiles for easy access to communication history
  • Option to create email templates for frequent types of communication

Email Tracking:

  • Capability to track email opens and interactions (to be confirmed)
  • Potential for linking email communications to specific projects or tasks

Shared Inbox Functionality:

  • Option to set up a shared inbox for team collaboration
  • Ability to forward emails from to a dedicated Moxie email address

Email Organization:

  • Tools for categorizing and filtering emails within the Moxie interface
  • Potential for tagging or labeling emails for easy reference

Integration with Other Moxie Features:

  • Seamless connection between email communications and other Moxie modules like CRM and project management
  • Ability to convert emails into tasks or project notes

Potential Limitations:

  • The review doesn’t mention advanced email automation features
  • Depth of email analytics and reporting capabilities could be explored further

Security Considerations:

  • While not explicitly mentioned, email integration typically requires robust security measures to protect sensitive client communications

Mobile Access:

  • The review doesn’t specify mobile email access, but given the overall design of Moxie, it’s likely that email functionality is accessible on mobile devices

Moxie’s email integration appears to offer a comprehensive solution for freelancers looking to centralize their communication within a single platform. The ability to connect multiple email accounts and integrate email functionality directly with client profiles and projects can significantly streamline workflow and improve communication efficiency.

The option to set up a shared inbox is particularly valuable for freelancers working in teams or those who want to maintain a professional appearance with a dedicated support email address. This feature allows for collaborative email management and ensures that client communications are accessible to relevant team members.

However, as with any email integration, users should consider the security implications and ensure that Moxie’s email handling aligns with their privacy requirements and any industry-specific regulations they may need to adhere to.

Overall, Moxie’s email functionality seems to offer a solid foundation for managing freelancer communications, with the potential to significantly reduce the time spent switching between different applications for email management and client interactions.

Favorites [13:29]

The Favorites feature in Moxie is a simple yet powerful tool that can significantly enhance a freelancer’s workflow efficiency. Let’s delve into the details of this functionality:

Purpose of Favorites

  • Allows users to quickly access their most important or frequently interacted with clients
  • Streamlines navigation within the Moxie interface


  • Favorites appear on the left-hand sidebar of the Moxie interface
  • Easy to add or remove clients from the Favorites list

Key Benefits:

  • Reduces time spent searching for high-priority client information
  • Enables quick access to crucial client data during calls or meetings
  • Facilitates better organization of client relationships

User Experience:

  • Intuitive process for adding clients to Favorites
  • Seamless integration with the overall Moxie interface design

Potential Use Cases:

  • Highlighting VIP clients for special attention
  • Keeping current projects front and center
  • Managing multiple high-priority clients efficiently

Customization Options:

  • Ability to add or remove clients from Favorites at any time
  • Potential for organizing Favorites into categories (to be confirmed)

Integration with Other Features:

  • Quick access to favorited client’s invoices, projects, and communication history
  • Potential for linking Favorites to dashboard widgets for at-a-glance updates


  • The review doesn’t mention a limit on the number of Favorites that can be added
  • Unclear if there are additional sorting or filtering options within the Favorites list

The Favorites feature in Moxie demonstrates the platform’s attention to user experience and workflow optimization. By allowing freelancers to prominently display their most important clients, Moxie enables users to maintain focus on high-priority relationships and ongoing projects.

This feature is particularly valuable for freelancers juggling multiple clients or those with a mix of long-term and short-term projects. The ability to quickly access key client information can be crucial during time-sensitive situations or when multitasking between different client needs.

While seemingly simple, the Favorites functionality can significantly impact a freelancer’s daily workflow, potentially reducing cognitive load and improving overall productivity. It’s a testament to Moxie’s understanding of freelancer needs and their focus on creating a user-friendly interface that adapts to individual work styles.

As with any feature, the true value of Favorites will depend on how individual users incorporate it into their workflow. Freelancers considering Moxie should think about how this feature might integrate with their current client management processes and whether it aligns with their prioritization strategies.

Timesheets [14:39]

Timesheets are a critical component for many freelancers, especially those who bill by the hour or need to track time spent on various projects. Moxie’s timesheet functionality appears to be well-integrated into the overall platform. Let’s explore the key aspects of this feature:

Time Tracking Interface

  • Easily accessible time tracking button at the top of the interface
  • Quick start/stop functionality for on-the-fly time tracking

Project and Client Association

  • Ability to associate tracked time with specific clients and projects
  • Option to add detailed notes to time entries for clarity

Key Features:

  • Real-time tracking with automatic updates to timesheets
  • Retroactive time entry for instances when live tracking wasn’t possible
  • Integration with invoicing system for seamless billing

Timesheet Overview:

  • Comprehensive view of time spent on different clients and projects
  • Filtering options to view time entries by date range, client, or project

Reporting Capabilities:

  • Generation of time reports for internal analysis or client billing
  • Visualization of time data to identify productivity trends

Multi-user Support:

  • Ability for managers to view and manage timesheets for multiple team members
  • Option to assign different hourly rates to different team members or projects

Invoicing Integration:

  • Direct conversion of tracked time into billable hours on invoices
  • Automatic calculation of billable amounts based on hourly rates and time spent

Mobile Accessibility:

  • While not explicitly mentioned, the simplicity of the time tracking interface suggests potential for mobile use

Customization Options:

  • Ability to set different billing rates for various projects or tasks
  • Option to round time entries to predefined increments (e.g., 15 minutes)

Potential Limitations:

  • The review doesn’t mention advanced features like automatic idle time detection
  • Depth of timesheet approval workflows for team environments could be explored further

Moxie’s timesheet functionality appears to offer a robust solution for freelancers and small teams looking to efficiently track and manage their time. The seamless integration with client profiles and project management features suggests a holistic approach to time tracking within the broader context of freelance work management.

The ability to quickly start and stop time tracking, coupled with the option for detailed entry of time data, provides flexibility for different working styles. This can be particularly valuable for freelancers who switch between multiple tasks or projects throughout the day.

The integration with invoicing is a standout feature, potentially saving significant time in the billing process by automatically converting tracked time into billable hours. This can help reduce errors in invoicing and ensure that all billable time is accurately captured.

For freelancers working in teams or managing multiple employees, the multi-user support and overview capabilities can provide valuable insights into productivity and resource allocation. The ability to assign different rates and view consolidated time data can be crucial for project profitability analysis and future planning.

Overall, Moxie’s timesheet functionality seems to offer a comprehensive solution for time tracking and management, with the potential to significantly streamline this often tedious aspect of freelance work. However, as with any time tracking tool, its effectiveness will largely depend on consistent and accurate use by the freelancer or team.

Sales Pipeline [16:07]

The sales pipeline feature is a crucial component for freelancers looking to manage their leads and opportunities effectively. Moxie’s implementation of a sales pipeline appears to be well-integrated into the platform. Let’s explore the key aspects of this functionality:

Pipeline Overview

  • Visual representation of the sales process stages
  • Kanban-style layout for easy management of opportunities

Customization Options

  • Ability to edit and customize pipeline stages
  • Option to add, remove, or reorder stages to match specific business processes

Key Features:

  • Drag-and-drop functionality for moving opportunities between stages
  • Integration with other Moxie features like CRM and meeting schedulers

Stage Configuration:

  • Options to set custom labels for each stage
  • Ability to assign color codes for visual differentiation

Opportunity Management:

  • Detailed view of each opportunity with relevant information
  • Option to add notes, tasks, and activities associated with each opportunity

Pipeline Analytics:

  • Visual representation of pipeline health and stage distribution
  • Potential for forecasting based on opportunity values and stages (to be confirmed)

Team Collaboration:

  • Shared view of the pipeline for team members
  • Potential for assigning team members to specific opportunities or stages

Integration with Meetings:

  • Ability to link scheduled meetings directly to pipeline stages
  • Automatic updates to opportunity status based on meeting outcomes

Custom Fields:

  • Option to add custom fields to opportunities for additional data capture
  • Flexibility to tailor the pipeline to specific industry or business needs

Potential Limitations:

  • The review doesn’t mention advanced automation features for pipeline management
  • Depth of reporting and analytics capabilities could be explored further

Moxie’s sales pipeline functionality appears to offer a comprehensive solution for freelancers looking to manage their sales process effectively. The visual Kanban-style layout provides an intuitive way to track opportunities through various stages of the sales cycle, from initial inquiry to closed deal.

The customization options are particularly noteworthy, allowing freelancers to tailor the pipeline stages to their specific business processes. This flexibility can be crucial for adapting the tool to different industries or sales methodologies.

The integration with other Moxie features, such as the meeting scheduler and CRM, suggests a holistic approach to sales management. This interconnectedness can significantly streamline the sales process, ensuring that all relevant information is easily accessible and that actions taken in one part of the platform (like scheduling a meeting) are reflected in the pipeline.

For freelancers working in teams or managing multiple clients simultaneously, the shared view and collaboration features can be invaluable. The ability to assign team members to specific opportunities or stages can help in delegating tasks and ensuring clear accountability throughout the sales process.

The addition of custom fields to opportunities demonstrates Moxie’s understanding that different businesses may need to track different types of information throughout the sales process. This flexibility allows freelancers to capture and manage data that’s most relevant to their specific needs.

Overall, Moxie’s sales pipeline functionality seems to offer a robust and flexible solution for managing the sales process. While the review doesn’t delve into advanced features like automation or in-depth analytics, the core functionality appears solid and well-suited to the needs of freelancers and small teams.

Stripe Integration [17:26]

Integrating payment processing is crucial for any freelancer tool, and Moxie’s Stripe integration offers a seamless solution for handling transactions. Let’s explore the key aspects of Moxie’s Stripe integration:

Setup Process

  • Easy connection to Stripe accounts directly from Moxie’s interface
  • Option to create a new Stripe account or link an existing one

Key Features:

  • Direct integration with invoicing system for automatic payment processing
  • Support for multiple currencies to cater to international clients
  • Ability to handle one-time payments and recurring billing

Security Considerations:

  • Utilization of Stripe’s robust security measures for payment processing
  • No storage of sensitive payment information within Moxie itself

Payment Options:

  • Support for credit card payments through Stripe
  • Potential for ACH (Automated Clearing House) payments for direct bank transfers

Invoice Integration:

  • Automatic updating of invoice status upon successful payment
  • Option to send payment reminders for outstanding invoices

Recurring Payments:

  • Capability to set up subscription-based or recurring billing models
  • Automatic charging of clients on predefined schedules

Transaction Reporting:

  • Detailed view of all transactions processed through Stripe
  • Integration with Moxie’s financial reporting features for comprehensive financial oversight

Potential Limitations:

  • The review doesn’t mention support for other payment gateways besides Stripe
  • Depth of customization for payment forms and pages could be explored further

Mobile Accessibility:

  • While not explicitly mentioned, Stripe’s mobile-friendly nature suggests potential for seamless mobile payments

Moxie’s integration with Stripe provides a robust solution for handling payments within the platform. The seamless connection between invoicing and payment processing can significantly streamline financial operations for freelancers, reducing manual work and potential errors in transaction recording.

The support for multiple currencies is particularly valuable for freelancers working with international clients, allowing for easy handling of various payment types without the need for external conversion tools.

The option for ACH payments, in addition to standard credit card processing, offers flexibility in how freelancers can accept payments from clients. This can be especially useful for larger transactions or clients who prefer direct bank transfers.

The recurring payment functionality is a standout feature, enabling freelancers to set up subscription-based models or automate billing for long-term clients. This can greatly reduce the administrative overhead associated with regular invoicing and payment collection.

From a security standpoint, leveraging Stripe’s established infrastructure provides a high level of protection for sensitive financial data. This can offer peace of mind to both freelancers and their clients when processing payments through the platform.

While the review doesn’t delve into advanced features or customization options for the payment process, the core functionality appears solid and well-integrated with Moxie’s other features. The ability to automatically update invoice statuses and integrate payment data into financial reports can provide freelancers with a comprehensive view of their financial health.

Overall, Moxie’s Stripe integration seems to offer a comprehensive solution for payment processing, catering to the diverse needs of freelancers in terms of transaction types, currencies, and billing models. However, freelancers with specific payment gateway preferences or those requiring highly customized payment flows may need to evaluate if the current integration meets all their needs.

Meeting Schedule [19:12]

The meeting scheduling feature in Moxie appears to be a robust and well-integrated solution for freelancers looking to streamline their appointment booking process. Let’s delve into the key aspects of this functionality:

Interface and Setup

  • Clean, user-friendly interface for creating and managing meeting types
  • Customizable settings for each meeting type (duration, location, etc.)

Key Features:

  • Integration with popular video conferencing tools like Zoom
  • Option to set up in-person, phone, or video meetings
  • Customizable availability settings to control when clients can book

Calendar Integration:

  • Syncing with personal calendars to avoid double-booking
  • Automatic updating of calendar when meetings are scheduled or canceled

Client Experience:

  • Professional-looking booking page for clients to schedule appointments
  • Easy-to-use interface for selecting available time slots

Customization Options:

  • Ability to add custom questions or forms for clients to fill out when booking
  • Option to set buffer times between meetings

Payment Integration:

  • Capability to require payment at the time of booking for certain meeting types
  • Integration with Stripe for seamless payment processing

Automated Notifications:

  • Email confirmations sent to both the freelancer and the client upon booking
  • Customizable reminder emails to reduce no-shows

Meeting Types:

  • Option to create different meeting types (e.g., discovery calls, project check-ins)
  • Ability to set different durations and preparation requirements for each type

Team Scheduling:

  • Potential for team members to have their own scheduling pages
  • Option for clients to book with specific team members based on availability

Pipeline Integration:

  • Ability to automatically add new bookings to the sales pipeline
  • Option to update opportunity stages based on scheduled meetings

Potential Limitations:

  • The review doesn’t mention advanced features like recurring meetings or group scheduling
  • Depth of integration with other calendar systems could be explored further

Moxie’s meeting scheduling functionality appears to offer a comprehensive solution for freelancers looking to simplify their appointment booking process. The integration with video conferencing tools and personal calendars suggests a seamless experience for both the freelancer and their clients.

The customization options are particularly noteworthy, allowing freelancers to create different meeting types and tailor the booking experience to their specific needs. This flexibility can be crucial for managing various client interactions, from initial consultations to project updates.

The ability to require payment at the time of booking for certain meeting types is a valuable feature, especially for freelancers offering paid consultations or coaching sessions. This integration with payment processing can help reduce no-shows and ensure compensation for time spent.

The pipeline integration is a standout feature, demonstrating Moxie’s holistic approach to freelance business management. By automatically adding new bookings to the sales pipeline and updating opportunity stages, freelancers can maintain a clear overview of their sales process and client interactions.

While the review doesn’t delve into advanced scheduling features like recurring meetings or group scheduling, the core functionality appears solid and well-suited to the needs of most freelancers. The professional-looking booking page and automated notifications can help freelancers present a polished image to their clients and reduce administrative overhead.

Overall, Moxie’s meeting scheduling feature seems to offer a robust and flexible solution for managing appointments and client interactions. Its integration with other Moxie features like the sales pipeline and payment processing suggests a well-thought-out approach to streamlining freelance operations.

Pipeline [21:19]

The pipeline feature in Moxie is a crucial component for freelancers looking to manage their sales process effectively. Let’s explore the key aspects of this functionality in more detail:

Visual Layout

  • Kanban-style board for easy visualization of the sales process
  • Customizable columns representing different stages of the sales funnel

Customization Options

  • Ability to add, remove, or reorder pipeline stages
  • Option to rename stages to match specific business terminology

Key Features:

  • Drag-and-drop functionality for moving opportunities between stages
  • Color-coding options for visual differentiation of stages or opportunity types

Opportunity Management:

  • Detailed view of each opportunity with relevant information
  • Ability to add notes, tasks, and activities associated with each opportunity

Pipeline Analytics:

  • Overview of opportunities at each stage of the pipeline
  • Potential for revenue forecasting based on opportunity values and stages

Integration with Other Moxie Features:

  • Connection with CRM for seamless client data management
  • Integration with meeting scheduler to link appointments to pipeline stages

Team Collaboration:

  • Shared view of the pipeline for team members
  • Potential for assigning team members to specific opportunities or stages

Customizable Fields:

  • Option to add custom fields to opportunities for additional data capture
  • Flexibility to tailor the pipeline to specific industry or business needs

Automation Possibilities:

  • Potential for automating stage changes based on specific actions or triggers
  • Option to set up notifications for pipeline updates or stagnant opportunities

Mobile Accessibility:

  • While not explicitly mentioned, the clean interface suggests potential for mobile-friendly pipeline management

The pipeline feature in Moxie appears to offer a comprehensive solution for freelancers looking to manage their sales process effectively. The visual Kanban-style layout provides an intuitive way to track opportunities through various stages of the sales cycle, from initial inquiry to closed deal.

The customization options are particularly noteworthy, allowing freelancers to tailor the pipeline stages to their specific business processes. This flexibility can be crucial for adapting the tool to different industries or sales methodologies.

The integration with other Moxie features, such as the CRM and meeting scheduler, suggests a holistic approach to sales management. This interconnectedness can significantly streamline the sales process, ensuring that all relevant information is easily accessible and that actions taken in one part of the platform are reflected in the pipeline.

For freelancers working in teams or managing multiple clients simultaneously, the shared view and collaboration features can be invaluable. The ability to assign team members to specific opportunities or stages can help in delegating tasks and ensuring clear accountability throughout the sales process.

The addition of custom fields to opportunities demonstrates Moxie’s understanding that different businesses may need to track different types of information throughout the sales process. This flexibility allows freelancers to capture and manage data that’s most relevant to their specific needs.

While the review doesn’t delve into advanced features like automation or in-depth analytics, the core functionality appears solid and well-suited to the needs of freelancers and small teams. The potential for revenue forecasting and pipeline analytics could be particularly valuable for freelancers looking to gain insights into their sales performance and make data-driven decisions.

Overall, Moxie’s pipeline functionality seems to offer a robust and flexible solution for managing the sales process. Its integration with other platform features and customization options suggest that it could be a powerful tool for freelancers looking to streamline their sales management and improve their overall business performance.

Custom Fields [23:04]

Custom fields are a crucial feature for any freelancer tool, allowing users to tailor the platform to their specific needs. Moxie’s implementation of custom fields appears to be flexible and well-integrated across various areas of the platform. Let’s explore this functionality in more detail:

Availability and Access

  • Custom fields can be added to multiple areas, including client profiles, projects, and opportunities
  • Easy access to custom field creation through settings or directly within relevant sections

Types of Custom Fields

  • Text fields for open-ended information
  • Numeric fields for quantitative data
  • Date fields for important timelines or deadlines
  • Dropdown menus for predefined options
  • Checkbox fields for yes/no or multiple-choice selections

Key Features:

  • Ability to create an unlimited number of custom fields
  • Option to make custom fields required or optional
  • Flexibility to set default values for certain field types

Integration with Other Moxie Features:

  • Custom fields appear in relevant areas throughout the platform
  • Data from custom fields can be used in reporting and analytics

Use Cases:

  • Adding industry-specific information to client profiles
  • Tracking custom project milestones or deliverables
  • Capturing additional details for sales opportunities

Customization Options:

  • Ability to set field visibility (e.g., internal only or client-facing)
  • Option to create conditional fields based on other field values

Reporting and Filtering:

  • Custom fields can be used as filters in search and reporting functions
  • Potential for creating custom reports based on custom field data

Data Validation:

  • Option to set validation rules for custom fields (e.g., email format, number ranges)
  • Error messages for incorrect data entry to maintain data integrity

Bulk Editing:

  • Capability to update custom fields for multiple entries simultaneously
  • Potential for importing/exporting custom field data


  • The review doesn’t mention advanced features like formula fields or relationship fields
  • Depth of custom field types and customization options could be explored further

Moxie’s implementation of custom fields appears to offer a robust solution for freelancers looking to tailor the platform to their specific needs. The ability to add custom fields to various areas of the platform demonstrates a flexible approach to data management, allowing users to capture and track information that’s most relevant to their business processes.

The variety of field types available suggests that Moxie can accommodate a wide range of data capture needs. From simple text fields for notes to more structured dropdown menus for categorization, freelancers should be able to create a data structure that aligns with their workflow.

The integration of custom fields with other Moxie features, particularly reporting and analytics, is a significant advantage. This integration allows freelancers to not only capture additional data but also to derive insights from it, potentially informing business decisions and strategies.

The ability to set field visibility is particularly useful for freelancers who may want to keep certain information internal while sharing other details with clients. This flexibility can help maintain professionalism and data privacy when using the platform for client interactions.

While the review doesn’t delve into advanced features like formula fields or complex data relationships, the core functionality appears solid and well-suited to the needs of most freelancers. The potential for bulk editing and data import/export (if available) could be particularly valuable for freelancers managing large volumes of data or migrating from other systems.

Overall, Moxie’s custom fields feature seems to offer a comprehensive and flexible solution for data management within the platform. Its integration across various areas of Moxie and the range of field types available suggest that it could be a powerful tool for freelancers looking to tailor the platform to their specific business needs.

Templates [25:34]

Templates are a crucial feature for freelancers looking to streamline their workflows and maintain consistency in their client interactions. Moxie’s implementation of templates appears to be comprehensive and well-integrated across various areas of the platform. Let’s explore this functionality in more detail:

Types of Templates

  • Agreement templates for contracts and proposals
  • Project templates for recurring project structures
  • Email templates for standardized communications
  • Invoice templates for consistent billing formats

Key Features:

  • Ability to create and save multiple templates for each category
  • Option to set default templates for quick access
  • Easy duplication and modification of existing templates

Agreement Templates:

  • Customizable contract and proposal structures
  • Integration with e-signature functionality for quick client approvals
  • Option to include standard terms and conditions

Project Templates:

  • Predefined task lists and milestones for common project types
  • Ability to set default team members and roles
  • Option to include standard project documentation

Email Templates:

  • Customizable email structures for various communication needs
  • Placeholder fields for easy personalization
  • Integration with Moxie’s email functionality for quick sending

Invoice Templates:

  • Customizable invoice layouts and designs
  • Option to include standard line items or services
  • Integration with Moxie’s financial features for easy billing

Customization Options:

  • Ability to add custom fields to templates
  • Option to include dynamic content based on client or project data

Template Management:

  • Centralized library for storing and organizing templates
  • Version control to track template changes over time

Usage Tracking:

  • Potential for analytics on template usage and effectiveness
  • Option to see which team members are using which templates


  • The review doesn’t mention advanced features like template approval workflows
  • Depth of template customization and design options could be explored further

Moxie’s template functionality appears to offer a comprehensive solution for freelancers looking to streamline their document creation and communication processes. The availability of templates across various areas of the platform demonstrates a holistic approach to efficiency and consistency in freelance operations.

The ability to create and save multiple templates for each category is particularly valuable, allowing freelancers to tailor their approach to different clients or project types while maintaining a standardized foundation. This flexibility can significantly reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks and ensure a professional presentation across all client interactions.

The integration of templates with other Moxie features, such as e-signatures for agreements and financial systems for invoices, suggests a seamless workflow that can greatly enhance productivity. Freelancers can quickly generate professional documents and send them out for approval or payment without switching between multiple tools or platforms.

The option to include dynamic content and placeholders in templates is a standout feature, enabling personalization at scale. This capability can help freelancers maintain a personal touch in their communications even as they streamline their processes.

While the review doesn’t delve into advanced features like template approval workflows or extensive design customization, the core functionality appears robust and well-suited to the needs of most freelancers. The potential for template usage analytics could be particularly valuable for freelancers looking to optimize their processes and understand which templates are most effective.

Overall, Moxie’s template feature seems to offer a powerful and flexible solution for document and communication management within the platform. Its integration across various areas of Moxie and the range of template types available suggest that it could be a significant time-saver for freelancers looking to maintain consistency and professionalism in their client interactions.

Workflow [26:51]

Understanding the workflow functionality in Moxie is crucial for freelancers looking to streamline their operations. While the review doesn’t explicitly label a “workflow” feature, we can piece together how Moxie facilitates a typical freelancer’s workflow based on the information provided. Let’s break down the key components:

Client Acquisition Process

  • Integration of meeting scheduler for initial consultations
  • Pipeline management for tracking leads and opportunities
  • Customizable forms for gathering client information

Project Initiation:

  • Agreement templates for quick proposal and contract creation
  • E-signature functionality for faster client approvals
  • Project templates for setting up common project structures

Project Management:

  • Task lists and milestones for tracking project progress
  • Time tracking integration for accurate billing
  • Client communication tools within the platform

Financial Management:

  • Invoice creation and sending directly from the platform
  • Integration with Stripe for payment processing
  • Financial reporting and analytics tools

Key Features:

  • Interconnected modules allowing for seamless transitions between stages
  • Automation possibilities for repetitive tasks (e.g., follow-up emails, invoice reminders)
  • Centralized client information accessible throughout the workflow

Customization Options:

  • Ability to tailor each stage of the workflow to specific business needs
  • Custom fields for capturing unique data points throughout the process
  • Flexibility to create and modify templates for various documents and communications

Collaboration Tools:

  • Shared access to client information and project details for team members
  • Ability to assign tasks and responsibilities within projects
  • Potential for internal messaging or commenting systems

Reporting and Analytics:

  • Overview dashboards for tracking overall business performance
  • Detailed reports on various aspects of the workflow (e.g., pipeline health, project profitability)
  • Time tracking analytics for understanding productivity and resource allocation

Client Portal:

  • Secure area for clients to view project progress, approve documents, and make payments
  • Potential for clients to submit requests or provide feedback through the portal

Mobile Accessibility:

  • While not explicitly mentioned, the clean interface suggests potential for managing workflows on-the-go

Potential Limitations:

  • The review doesn’t mention advanced workflow automation or complex approval processes
  • Depth of integration with external tools or platforms could be explored further

Moxie’s approach to workflow management appears to be holistic and well-integrated, allowing freelancers to manage their entire business process within a single platform. The seamless connection between different modules – from client acquisition through project management to financial handling – suggests a streamlined experience that could significantly reduce administrative overhead.

The ability to customize various aspects of the workflow, including templates, forms, and pipeline stages, demonstrates Moxie’s flexibility in adapting to different freelancing styles and business models. This customization potential could be particularly valuable for freelancers working across different industries or offering diverse services.

The integration of financial tools throughout the workflow is a standout feature. The ability to track time, generate invoices, and process payments within the same system where project management occurs can greatly simplify financial management for freelancers.

The client portal functionality adds an extra layer of professionalism and transparency to the freelancer-client relationship. By providing clients with direct access to project information and the ability to approve documents or make payments, Moxie facilitates smoother client interactions and potentially reduces back-and-forth communications.

While the review doesn’t delve into advanced automation features or complex workflow rules, the core functionality appears robust and well-suited to the needs of most freelancers. The potential for reporting and analytics across the entire workflow could provide valuable insights for business optimization.

Overall, Moxie’s approach to workflow management seems to offer a comprehensive and flexible solution for freelancers looking to streamline their operations. The integration of various business functions within a single platform, coupled with customization options and client-facing features, suggests that Moxie could be a powerful tool for freelancers seeking to professionalize and scale their operations.

Form Builder [27:51]

The form builder functionality in Moxie appears to be a versatile tool for freelancers looking to gather information from clients or leads. Let’s delve into the key aspects of this feature:

Interface and Usability

  • Drag-and-drop interface for easy form creation
  • Visual editor for designing form layout and appearance

Types of Form Elements

  • Text inputs for short and long-form responses
  • Checkboxes for multiple-choice selections
  • Dropdown menus for predefined options
  • Date pickers for scheduling or timeline information
  • File upload fields for document collection

Key Features:

  • Ability to create multiple forms for different purposes
  • Option to embed forms directly on websites or share via links
  • Integration with Moxie’s CRM for automatic data capture

Customization Options:

  • Control over form styling and branding
  • Ability to add custom CSS for advanced design tweaks
  • Option to create multi-page forms for complex information gathering

Conditional Logic:

  • Capability to show or hide fields based on previous responses
  • Option to create branching logic for personalized form experiences

Form Submission Handling:

  • Automatic notification of new form submissions
  • Option to set up email alerts for specific team members
  • Integration with pipeline to create new opportunities from form submissions

Data Management:

  • Secure storage of form submissions within Moxie
  • Ability to export form data for external analysis
  • Option to view submission history and track changes

Mobile Responsiveness:

  • Forms automatically adjust for optimal viewing on mobile devices
  • Touch-friendly interface for easy mobile form completion

Potential Limitations:

  • The review mentions some UI challenges in the form builder interface
  • Depth of advanced features like calculation fields or complex validation rules could be explored further

Use Cases:

  • Client onboarding questionnaires
  • Project briefing forms
  • Feedback collection surveys
  • Lead generation contact forms

Moxie’s form builder functionality appears to offer a robust solution for freelancers looking to streamline their information gathering processes. The drag-and-drop interface and variety of form elements suggest that users can create sophisticated forms without needing advanced technical skills.

The integration with Moxie’s CRM and pipeline features is particularly noteworthy, as it allows for seamless data flow from form submissions directly into the freelancer’s workflow. This integration can significantly reduce manual data entry and ensure that client information is accurately captured and easily accessible.

The customization options for form styling and branding demonstrate Moxie’s understanding of the importance of maintaining a professional and consistent image. The ability to add custom CSS for more advanced design tweaks provides flexibility for freelancers with specific branding requirements or design preferences.

The inclusion of conditional logic capabilities is a standout feature, allowing for the creation of dynamic forms that adapt based on user responses. This can lead to more personalized and efficient information gathering, potentially improving the user experience for clients and increasing form completion rates.

While the review mentions some UI challenges in the form builder interface, the overall functionality appears comprehensive and well-suited to the needs of most freelancers. The ability to embed forms on websites or share via links provides flexibility in how freelancers can deploy these forms in their business processes.

The mobile responsiveness of the forms is crucial in today’s smartphone-dominated landscape, ensuring that clients can easily complete forms regardless of the device they’re using.

Overall, Moxie’s form builder seems to offer a powerful and flexible solution for creating and managing various types of forms. Its integration with other platform features and the range of customization options suggest that it could be a valuable tool for freelancers looking to professionalize their client interactions and streamline their information gathering processes.

Client Portal [30:45]

The client portal feature in Moxie is a crucial component for freelancers looking to provide a professional and transparent experience for their clients. Let’s explore the key aspects of this functionality:

Interface and Design

  • Customizable portal design to match freelancer’s branding
  • Option to add company logo and adjust color schemes
  • Clean, modern interface for easy client navigation

Key Features:

  • Secure login system for client access
  • Dashboard overview of project status and important information
  • Access to project-related documents and files

Customization Options:

  • Ability to control what information is visible to clients
  • Option to enable or disable specific features within the portal
  • Potential for creating custom sections or widgets

Project Management Integration:

  • Real-time updates on project progress and milestones
  • Task lists or to-do items visible to clients
  • Potential for clients to comment on or approve specific deliverables

Document Sharing:

  • Secure file sharing functionality
  • Version control for documents and files
  • Option for clients to upload their own files or documents

Communication Tools:

  • Messaging system for client-freelancer communication
  • Potential for threaded discussions on specific project elements
  • Option to set up notifications for new messages or updates

Financial Management:

  • Access to invoices and payment history
  • Potential for online payment functionality through the portal
  • Option to view quotes or estimates for upcoming work

Mobile Accessibility:

  • Responsive design for access on various devices
  • Potential for a dedicated mobile app for client portal access

Security Measures:

  • Encrypted connections for data protection
  • Two-factor authentication options for enhanced security
  • Role-based access control for team members and clients

Potential Limitations:

  • The review mentions some UI inconsistencies and dated design elements
  • Depth of customization options and advanced features could be explored further

Moxie’s client portal functionality appears to offer a comprehensive solution for freelancers looking to provide their clients with a professional and transparent view of their projects and relationship. The customizable design options demonstrate Moxie’s understanding of the importance of branding in client interactions, allowing freelancers to create a portal that feels like an extension of their own business.

The integration with project management features is particularly noteworthy, as it allows clients to have real-time insights into project progress. This transparency can significantly reduce the need for status update meetings or emails, potentially improving client satisfaction and reducing administrative overhead for freelancers.

The document sharing and version control capabilities suggest a robust system for managing project-related files and deliverables. This can be crucial for maintaining clear communication and ensuring that both the freelancer and client are always working with the most up-to-date information.

The inclusion of financial management features within the client portal is a standout element, potentially streamlining the invoicing and payment process. By providing clients with easy access to their financial history and the ability to make payments directly through the portal, Moxie could help freelancers improve their cash flow and reduce payment-related administrative tasks.

While the review mentions some UI inconsistencies and dated design elements, the overall functionality appears comprehensive and well-suited to the needs of most freelancers. The potential for mobile accessibility is crucial in today’s business environment, ensuring that clients can access important information on-the-go.

The security measures mentioned, including encrypted connections and two-factor authentication options, demonstrate Moxie’s commitment to protecting sensitive client information. This focus on security can help freelancers build trust with their clients and comply with data protection regulations.

Overall, Moxie’s client portal functionality seems to offer a powerful and flexible solution for creating a professional client experience. Its integration with other platform features and the range of customization options suggest that it could be a valuable tool for freelancers looking to enhance their client relationships and streamline their project management processes.

Live Client Portal [33:42]

The live client portal demonstration in the review provides valuable insights into the real-world application of Moxie’s client-facing features. Let’s break down the key observations and comparisons made:

Interface and Design

  • The reviewer notes some design inconsistencies and dated elements
  • Zero padding on elements creates a less polished look
  • Comparison made to Windows 95 aesthetic for certain UI components

Customization Options:

  • Ability to change login screen background (limited to predefined options)
  • Option to adjust color schemes and add company logo
  • Potential for custom domain setup for a more branded experience

Key Features:

  • Secure login system for client access
  • Overview of invoices, time worked, and projects
  • Potential for file sharing and communication tools (not fully explored in the review)

Navigation and Layout:

  • Left-hand sidebar for main navigation
  • Content area with varying background colors (noted as an odd design choice)

Mobile Responsiveness:

  • Not explicitly tested in the review, but interface suggests potential challenges on smaller screens

Comparison to Other Solutions:

  • Reviewer compares Moxie’s client portal to their own implementation using ManyRequests
  • ManyRequests noted as more expensive but with a more polished and feature-rich interface

Potential Limitations:

  • Limited customization options for login screen and overall design
  • Lack of advanced features like service catalogs or integrated support ticketing
  • No mention of client-side document generation or approval workflows

User Experience Considerations:

  • Reviewer expresses concern about the portal’s appearance potentially affecting client perception
  • Notes that the interface feels “cheap” compared to more established solutions

Integration with Other Moxie Features:

  • Portal seems to pull data from various Moxie modules (invoices, time tracking, projects)
  • Unclear depth of integration or real-time updating capabilities

Security and Access Control:

  • Login system in place, but no mention of additional security features like two-factor authentication

The live demonstration of Moxie’s client portal reveals both strengths and areas for improvement. While the core functionality appears to be present, providing clients with access to crucial project and financial information, the user interface and design aspects seem to fall short of the reviewer’s expectations.

The ability to customize certain elements like colors and logos is a positive feature, allowing freelancers to align the portal with their branding. However, the limitations in design customization and the presence of dated UI elements could potentially impact the professional image freelancers aim to project to their clients.

The comparison to ManyRequests highlights the trade-offs between cost and features/polish in client portal solutions. While Moxie offers a more affordable option, especially considering its lifetime deal pricing, it appears to lack some of the refinement and advanced features found in more expensive alternatives.

The integration of various Moxie features into the client portal suggests a holistic approach to client management. However, the review doesn’t provide deep insights into how seamlessly this integration works or how real-time the data updates are.

The concerns raised about the portal’s appearance and its potential impact on client perception are valid considerations for freelancers. The client portal often serves as a key touchpoint in the client relationship, and its design and functionality can significantly influence how clients view the professionalism and capabilities of the freelancer.

Overall, while Moxie’s client portal functionality appears to cover the basics, the live demonstration suggests that there’s room for improvement in terms of design, customization options, and advanced features. Freelancers considering Moxie should weigh the cost savings against their specific needs for client-facing tools and the importance of a highly polished interface in their business model.

Key Takeaways

After an in-depth exploration of Moxie’s features and functionality, several key points emerge that can help freelancers determine if this tool is the right fit for their needs:

  1. Comprehensive Feature Set: Moxie offers a wide range of tools essential for freelance business management, including CRM, invoicing, time tracking, project management, and a client portal. This all-in-one approach can significantly streamline operations for freelancers who currently juggle multiple platforms.
  2. Affordable Pricing: The lifetime deal offered through AppSumo presents exceptional value, especially for solo freelancers or small teams. The inclusion of premium features like white labeling across all tiers is particularly noteworthy.
  3. Customization and Flexibility: Moxie demonstrates strong customization capabilities across various features, from pipeline stages to form building. This flexibility allows freelancers to tailor the platform to their specific business needs and workflows.
  4. Strong Integration Between Modules: The seamless connection between different features, such as the pipeline linking to the meeting scheduler or time tracking integrating with invoicing, creates a cohesive ecosystem that can enhance productivity.
  5. Client Management Focus: With features like the client portal and customizable forms, Moxie shows a clear emphasis on improving client interactions and transparency. This focus can help freelancers present a more professional image to their clients.
  6. Payment Processing: The integration with Stripe for payment processing, including support for recurring payments, addresses a crucial need for many freelancers looking to streamline their financial operations.
  7. User Interface Considerations: While functionally robust, the review highlights some concerns about the user interface, particularly in the client portal. Freelancers who prioritize a highly polished, modern look may find this aspect lacking compared to more expensive alternatives.
  8. Potential for Growth: As a relatively new platform, Moxie shows promise but may lack some advanced features found in more established tools. However, the comprehensive base functionality provides a solid foundation for future enhancements.
  9. Learning Curve: The wide array of features suggests that there may be a learning curve for new users. However, the intuitive design of most modules indicates that this curve may not be too steep for most freelancers.
  10. Value Proposition: For freelancers currently using multiple tools to manage different aspects of their business, Moxie presents an opportunity to consolidate operations into a single, cost-effective platform.
  11. Scalability: With tiered pricing options and team collaboration features, Moxie appears capable of scaling alongside a growing freelance business or small agency.
  12. Mobile Considerations: While not extensively covered in the review, the clean interface design suggests potential for mobile accessibility, which is crucial for freelancers who need to manage their business on-the-go.

In conclusion, Moxie emerges as a comprehensive and affordable solution for freelancers seeking to professionalize and streamline their operations. Its strength lies in the integration of various business functions within a single platform, offering a holistic approach to freelance business management. While there are some concerns about the refinement of certain UI elements, particularly in the client-facing portal, the overall functionality and value proposition are strong.

Freelancers considering Moxie should weigh its broad feature set and attractive pricing against their specific needs for design polish and advanced features. For many, especially those currently juggling multiple tools or just starting to systematize their freelance operations, Moxie could represent a significant upgrade in efficiency and professionalism. However, freelancers with very specific workflows or those requiring highly advanced features in particular areas may need to evaluate carefully if Moxie meets all their needs.

Ultimately, Moxie appears to be a promising tool that, while perhaps not perfect, offers substantial value and functionality that could benefit a wide range of freelancers and small agencies. Its potential for future growth and improvement further enhances its appeal as a long-term solution for freelance business management.

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