That LTD Life

How (& WHY) I Make Videos — 2K Sub Q&A!

• 11 min read
YouTube video

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In this special Q&A session, Dave Swift celebrates reaching 2,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel dedicated to LTD (Limited Time Deal) reviews. Despite being a relatively new channel, launched just six months ago, it has quickly gained traction among tech enthusiasts and digital entrepreneurs. Dave expresses his gratitude to his viewers and takes the opportunity to address some of the most frequent questions he’s received since starting the channel. This Q&A covers a range of topics, from personal curiosities about Dave’s appearance to in-depth explanations of his review process, scoring system, and recording setup. The content provides valuable insights into the motivations behind Dave’s channel, his approach to creating honest and instructive reviews, and the technical aspects of producing high-quality video content. Whether you’re a loyal viewer or new to Dave’s channel, this Q&A offers a behind-the-scenes look at the passion and methodology driving his LTD reviews.

Intro [00:00]

Dave Swift opens the video by announcing that his channel has reached a significant milestone: 2,000 subscribers. This achievement, while modest in the grand scheme of YouTube, represents a remarkable feat for a channel that’s only been active for six months. Dave’s excitement and gratitude are palpable as he addresses his audience directly, thanking them for their support, engagement, and interaction with his content.

The introduction sets the tone for the rest of the video, highlighting the rapid growth of the channel and Dave’s genuine surprise at its success. He emphasizes the importance of viewer interaction, mentioning specific actions that have contributed to the channel’s growth:

  • Watching videos
  • Clicking the like button
  • Leaving comments
  • Clicking on affiliate links provided at the end of videos

This acknowledgment serves to reinforce the community aspect of his channel and the value he places on his audience’s participation.

Dave then outlines the purpose of this special video: to celebrate the 2,000 subscriber milestone by answering some of the most frequent and interesting questions he’s received since starting the channel. This Q&A format allows Dave to connect more personally with his audience, providing insights into his background, motivations, and methodologies.

Key points:

  • Channel reached 2,000 subscribers in just six months
  • Expresses gratitude to viewers for their support and engagement
  • Highlights the importance of viewer interactions (likes, comments, clicks)
  • Announces the Q&A format to celebrate the milestone
  • Sets expectations for the content to follow, promising answers to frequent questions

Why this introduction matters:

  • Establishes a personal connection with the audience
  • Demonstrates the channel’s growth and success
  • Creates anticipation for the insights to be shared in the Q&A
  • Reinforces the community aspect of the channel
  • Provides context for new viewers who might be unfamiliar with Dave’s content

Lipstick [01:11]

In this amusing and somewhat unexpected section, Dave addresses a peculiar question that he apparently receives more often than one might think. The query, posed by a viewer named Allie Arsenal, asks if Dave uses any lipstick. This question, while seemingly trivial, offers an interesting glimpse into the types of observations viewers make and the personal curiosity they have about content creators.

Dave’s response to this question is both humorous and straightforward, revealing an aspect of his appearance that has caught the attention of his audience. He explains that his lips are naturally darker and redder than average, a trait he was born with and hasn’t altered with cosmetics.

Key points about Dave’s lips:

  • Natural coloration: Dave emphasizes that his lip color is entirely natural, not enhanced by any cosmetics.
  • Genetic trait: He mentions being “born that way,” indicating that this is a hereditary characteristic.
  • Darker red pigment: Dave describes his lips as having a naturally darker red color.
  • Comparison to Steven Tyler: He humorously compares his lips to those of Aerosmith’s lead singer, known for his prominent lips.
  • Mixed reactions: Dave notes that while women often envy this lip color for themselves, it’s not necessarily a trait they find attractive in a male partner.

Why this topic matters:

  • Humanizes the content creator: By addressing a personal question, Dave shows he’s open to connecting with his audience on a more personal level.
  • Addresses curiosity: It satisfies the natural curiosity viewers have about the people they watch online.
  • Adds humor: The lighthearted approach to this question adds an element of fun to the Q&A.
  • Demonstrates openness: By answering such a personal question, Dave shows he’s willing to be transparent with his audience.
  • Relatable content: This kind of personal anecdote can help viewers feel more connected to the content creator.

Implications for content creation:

  • Importance of authenticity: Dave’s honest response about his natural appearance reinforces the value of being genuine in content creation.
  • Engaging with audience questions: Addressing even seemingly trivial questions can help build a stronger connection with viewers.
  • Balancing personal and professional: This segment shows how content creators can share personal details while maintaining a professional focus on their main content.
  • Handling unexpected topics: Dave’s ability to address an unusual question demonstrates flexibility in content creation.

Walkthrough Reviews [01:50]

In this crucial section, Dave Swift delves into the core of his channel’s content: walkthrough reviews of LTDs (Limited Time Deals). He addresses a multi-faceted question about his motivations for creating these detailed reviews and how they benefit him. This segment provides valuable insights into Dave’s passion for technology, his business model, and his commitment to providing honest, unbiased content to his audience.

Dave’s three-part answer to why he creates walkthrough reviews:

Passion for LTDs and Technology:

  • Expresses genuine enthusiasm for exploring new technologies
  • Enjoys figuring out how new tools can impact business, sales, and marketing
  • Acknowledges that while it might not be a “cool” topic for parties, it’s what truly excites him

Affiliate Marketing:

  • Includes affiliate links at the end of nearly every video
  • Encourages viewers to use these links even if they’re not buying the specific product reviewed
  • Explains that this support allows him to dedicate more time to creating content

Lead Generation for His Business:

  • Reviews serve as a “lead magnet” for his digital marketing business, ClientAmp
  • Software companies often reach out for marketing or user interface assistance after seeing his reviews

Key points about Dave’s review process:

  • Editorial independence: Dave emphasizes that he has never created a sponsored video for his channel
  • Complete control: He maintains full editorial control over all content on his channel
  • Transparency commitment: Promises to clearly mark any future sponsored content, distinguishing it from his reviews
  • Honesty in reviews: Stresses that his opinions are always his own, uninfluenced by external parties

Why this information matters:

  • Builds trust: By explaining his motivations and process, Dave establishes credibility with his audience
  • Demonstrates expertise: His passion for technology and marketing showcases his knowledge in these areas
  • Explains the business model: Viewers understand how the channel sustains itself through affiliate marketing
  • Highlights additional value: Shows how the reviews benefit not just viewers but also software companies seeking expertise

Implications for content creation and digital marketing:

  • Importance of passion: Dave’s genuine interest in the subject matter contributes to the quality and sustainability of his content
  • Diversified revenue streams: Combines affiliate marketing with lead generation for his main business
  • Balancing monetization and integrity: Demonstrates how to maintain editorial independence while still generating income
  • Transparency in sponsored content: Sets clear expectations for how any future sponsored content would be handled

By providing this detailed explanation, Dave not only answers the viewer’s question but also reinforces the value proposition of his channel. He positions himself as a knowledgeable, passionate, and trustworthy source of information in the LTD and digital marketing space, while also being transparent about how he benefits from creating this content.

Scoring [04:10]

In this section, Dave Swift addresses a common query about his scoring system for LTD (Limited Time Deal) reviews. Viewers have noticed that most of his reviews fall within a narrow range of 7 to 9 points, prompting questions about the factors that influence these scores and how to interpret them. Dave’s explanation provides valuable insights into his evaluation process and the nuances of his scoring system.

Key points about Dave’s scoring system:

Pre-vetting by AppSumo:

  • Products featured on AppSumo have already undergone a vetting process
  • This pre-selection means that most products are of decent quality
  • Explains why scores tend to fall in the higher range

Precision in scoring:

  • Compares his scoring to Olympic judging in figure skating or gymnastics
  • Small differences in scores (e.g., 8.5 vs. 9.1) can represent significant quality differences
  • Emphasizes that an 8.5 is “exponentially better” than an 8.0

Inspiration from Barstool Sports:

  • Mentions borrowing the scoring style from Barstool Sports’ pizza reviews
  • Appreciates the clarity and snappiness of their scoring system

Factors influencing Dave’s scores:


  • Assesses whether the product does what it claims to do
  • Looks for the presence of core functionality rather than promised future features
  • Avoids products that rely heavily on “roadmaps” or future development


  • Evaluates how necessary or useful the tool is in real-world scenarios
  • Considers the target audience and potential use cases

Value for money:

  • Takes into account the cost of the product relative to its features and benefits
  • Considers long-term value, especially for products with lifetime deals

Potential for business use:

  • Assesses how the product might benefit businesses or freelancers
  • Considers the potential for users to recoup their investment through client work

Why this scoring system matters:

  • Provides context: Helps viewers understand why scores tend to be high and how to interpret small differences
  • Demonstrates thoroughness: Shows that Dave considers multiple factors in his evaluations
  • Adds credibility: The detailed explanation of his process reinforces Dave’s expertise and objectivity
  • Guides purchasing decisions: Helps viewers make informed choices based on nuanced scores

Implications for product reviews and evaluation:

  • Importance of context: Highlights how pre-selection can influence overall scoring trends
  • Nuance in evaluation: Demonstrates the value of small differentiations in scoring
  • Multifaceted assessment: Shows the importance of considering various aspects of a product beyond just its features
  • Transparency in methodology: Illustrates how explaining the review process can build trust with the audience

By providing this detailed breakdown of his scoring system, Dave Swift offers his audience a valuable tool for interpreting his reviews. He demonstrates a thoughtful, multi-faceted approach to product evaluation that goes beyond surface-level features, considering real-world applications and long-term value. This transparency not only enhances the usefulness of his reviews but also strengthens his credibility as a trusted source in the LTD and software review space.

AppSumo [08:24]

In this section, Dave Swift addresses a question about his relationship with AppSumo, a popular platform for software deals. The query, posed by a viewer named Ted in the Facebook group, humorously asks if Dave has become the “official AppSumo spokesperson.” This question arose in response to Dave’s video about new features in AppSumo’s briefcase offering. Dave uses this opportunity to clarify his position and relationship with AppSumo, emphasizing his independence as a content creator.

Key points about Dave’s relationship with AppSumo:

Independence from AppSumo:

  • Clearly states that he does not work for AppSumo
  • Emphasizes that he is not an official spokesperson for the company

Communication with AppSumo:

  • Acknowledges having had conversations with people at AppSumo since starting his channel
  • Mentions that he has “got their attention a little bit”

Editorial freedom:

  • Stresses that AppSumo does not influence his content or tell him what to say about products
  • Maintains complete control over his reviews and opinions

Transparency about review copies:

  • Mentions occasionally receiving complimentary deals from founders to encourage reviews
  • Always discloses in videos when he has received a product for free

Unbiased reviews:

  • Gives an example of providing a “mediocre score” to a product he received for free
  • Emphasizes that free products do not influence his opinions or scores

Why this clarification matters:

  • Maintains credibility: By clearly stating his independence, Dave preserves his reputation for unbiased reviews
  • Transparency: Openness about his interactions with AppSumo and product founders builds trust with his audience
  • Differentiates his role: Clarifies that his content is separate from AppSumo’s official marketing
  • Sets expectations: Viewers understand that Dave’s opinions are his own, not influenced by external parties

Implications for content creation and product reviews:

  • Importance of independence: Demonstrates the value of maintaining editorial freedom in review content
  • Balancing relationships: Shows how to navigate relationships with companies while maintaining objectivity
  • Disclosure practices: Highlights the importance of disclosing any free products or potential conflicts of interest
  • Building trust: Illustrates how transparency about relationships and influences can strengthen audience trust

Dave Swift’s response to this question underscores his commitment to providing honest, unbiased reviews. By clearly delineating his relationship with AppSumo and other software companies, he reinforces his position as an independent reviewer. This transparency not only addresses the immediate question but also serves to strengthen his credibility with his audience, assuring them that his reviews and opinions remain untainted by external influences.

The clarification also provides insight into the ecosystem of tech review channels and their interactions with the companies they cover. It demonstrates the delicate balance content creators must maintain between building relationships within their industry and preserving their independence and objectivity.

Recording Setup [10:00]

In the final section of the Q&A, Dave Swift addresses one of the most frequently asked questions: how he achieves the contrast in his background and what his recording setup looks like. This question reflects viewers’ interest in not just the content of Dave’s videos, but also the technical aspects of how they’re produced. Dave provides a comprehensive overview of his equipment and software, offering valuable insights for aspiring YouTubers and content creators.

Dave’s recording setup evolution:

Initial setup:

  • Started with minimal gear to validate the concept
  • Used existing equipment when possible (e.g., professional microphone from his music career)
  • Emphasized the importance of good audio over video quality

Current advanced setup:

  • Uses a teleprompter for more scripted content
  • Employs a green screen for background contrast
  • Upgraded to a Sony a6400 camera from a webcam

Key components of Dave’s current setup:

Camera equipment:

  • Sony a6400 camera
  • Physical teleprompter (around $150 from Amazon)
  • iPad for teleprompter display
  • Elgato camera link for direct computer input

Audio equipment:

  • Shure SM7B microphone (noting it’s more than necessary for beginners)
  • Dedicated audio interface


  • Previously used ScreenFlow for simultaneous screen and camera recording
  • Now uses QuickTime for screen capture
  • Final Cut Pro for video editing (no special plugins)


  • Green screen for background contrast
  • Initially started with just a wall behind him

Advice for beginners:

  • Prioritize audio quality over video initially
  • Start with a decent webcam (e.g., Logitech C920) and upgrade later
  • Use simple software like ScreenFlow to get started
  • Don’t invest heavily in equipment before validating your content

Why this information matters:

  • Provides practical advice for aspiring content creators
  • Demonstrates the evolution of a successful channel’s production quality
  • Offers insights into professional-level video production techniques
  • Shows the balance between content quality and production value

Implications for content creation:

  • Importance of starting simple: Emphasizes validating content before investing heavily in equipment
  • Audio priority: Highlights the critical role of good audio in video content
  • Gradual upgrades: Illustrates how to improve production quality over time
  • Balancing scripted and spontaneous content: Shows the value of both approaches in content creation

Dave Swift’s detailed explanation of his recording setup provides valuable insights for both his regular viewers and aspiring content creators. By sharing his journey from a basic setup to a more professional one, he offers a roadmap for others looking to improve their video production quality. His emphasis on starting simple and prioritizing content over equipment aligns with best practices in content creation and entrepreneurship.

This section not only satisfies viewers’ curiosity about the technical aspects of Dave’s videos but also serves as a mini-tutorial for those interested in creating similar content. It reinforces Dave’s position as an authority not just in LTD reviews, but also in the broader field of tech-focused content creation.

Key Takeaways

Dave Swift’s Q&A session, celebrating his channel’s milestone of 2,000 subscribers, offers a wealth of insights into his content creation process, motivations, and technical setup. Here are the key takeaways from this informative video:

Channel Growth and Audience Appreciation:

  • The rapid growth demonstrates the value and appeal of Dave’s LTD reviews to his target audience.
  • Dave’s genuine gratitude towards his viewers highlights the importance of community-building in content creation.

Transparency and Authenticity:

  • Dave’s willingness to address personal questions (like the lipstick query) shows his commitment to authenticity.
  • He openly discusses his natural physical features, adding a human touch to his tech-focused content.
  • This openness helps build a stronger connection with his audience and sets a tone of honesty for his channel.

Motivation Behind LTD Reviews:

  • Dave’s passion for exploring new technologies and their business applications is the primary driver of his content.
  • The channel serves multiple purposes: sharing knowledge, generating affiliate income, and attracting leads for his digital marketing business (ClientAmp).
  • This multi-faceted approach demonstrates how content creation can align with broader business goals.

Review and Scoring Methodology:

  • Dave’s scoring system is nuanced, with small differences in scores representing significant quality distinctions.
  • Factors considered include functionality, practicality, value for money, and potential for business use.
  • The explanation of his scoring process adds credibility to his reviews and helps viewers interpret his recommendations more effectively.

Independence and Editorial Integrity:

  • Dave emphasizes his independence from AppSumo and other software companies he reviews.
  • He maintains full editorial control over his content, ensuring unbiased reviews.
  • Transparency about receiving free products for review and the potential for future sponsored content builds trust with his audience.

Evolution of Recording Setup:

  • Dave’s journey from basic equipment to a more professional setup illustrates the gradual investment in quality as the channel grew.
  • He prioritizes audio quality over video, especially for beginners, highlighting the importance of clear communication.
  • The current setup, including a teleprompter and green screen, shows how production quality can enhance content delivery.

Advice for Aspiring Content Creators:

  • Start with minimal gear to validate your concept before making significant investments.
  • Focus on content quality first, then gradually improve production value.
  • Prioritize audio quality as it’s crucial for viewer engagement.
  • Be transparent about your process and relationships within your industry.

Balancing Content and Production:

  • Dave’s evolution from spontaneous to more scripted content shows the importance of adapting your approach as your channel grows.
  • The use of a teleprompter for recent reviews indicates a focus on delivering more polished, informative content.
  • Maintaining a mix of scripted and live walkthrough reviews caters to different viewer preferences and content needs.

Community Engagement:

  • Addressing viewer questions in a dedicated Q&A video demonstrates Dave’s commitment to engaging with his audience.
  • This approach helps build a loyal community around his channel and encourages ongoing viewer interaction.

Future Growth and Adaptation:

Dave’s openness to viewer feedback and willingness to evolve his content and production methods bode well for future channel growth.

His promise to do another Q&A at 5,000 subscribers sets a goal and encourages continued engagement from his audience.

In conclusion, Dave Swift’s Q&A session provides valuable insights into the workings of a successful tech review channel. His approach combines passion for the subject matter, commitment to honest reviews, strategic business alignment, and gradual improvement in production quality. This balanced approach, coupled with transparency and audience engagement, has been key to his channel’s rapid growth. For viewers and aspiring content creators alike, this Q&A offers a blueprint for building a successful, trustworthy online presence in the tech review space.

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