That LTD Life

$69 AI Tool That’s Replacing Human Sales & Support

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InsertChat Review: $69 AI Chatbot that Knows Your Entire Business

In today’s fast-paced digital world, managing multiple applications and workspaces efficiently is crucial for productivity. Enter InsertChat, a workspace simplifier that promises to boost your productivity by organizing your apps in one convenient location. This review, based on the AppSumo lifetime deal, introduces InsertChat and its features, highlighting how you can get this powerful tool for just $69.

InsertChat has been a pioneer in the workspace organization space, offering a solution to the common problem of browser tab overload. By allowing users to consolidate their main apps outside the browser, InsertChat creates a more streamlined and focused work environment. Whether you’re juggling communication tools like Slack, productivity apps like Notion, or customer support platforms, InsertChat aims to simplify your digital workspace.

In this comprehensive review, we’ll explore InsertChat’s features, from setup and customization to advanced functionalities like managing multiple accounts and creating multi-screen layouts. We’ll also discuss how InsertChat can enhance your workflow, save time, and reduce distractions.

Introduction [00:39]

InsertChat stands out as a versatile AI chatbot solution that can be trained on your entire business. As a workspace simplifier, it promises to boost productivity by organizing your apps and providing intelligent customer support. In this video, I’ll walk you through the entire process of setting up, customizing, and deploying an InsertChat bot on my own website.

The key selling point here is that for just $69, you can get a lifetime deal on AppSumo that gives you access to this powerful AI tool. It’s an opportunity to create your very own AI chatbot that can engage with website visitors, provide support, and even assist in sales – essentially performing many tasks a human agent would do.

Plans & Pricing [01:39]

InsertChat offers several tiers of pricing, each with increasing resources and capabilities. Let’s break down what’s included in the base tier, which is what you get with the $69 AppSumo deal:

  • 5 chatbots
  • 3,000 credits per month
  • 200 URLs or YouTube links for training
  • 1 team member
  • 5 private chat accounts
  • 250 chat history entries
  • 20 files and 5MB file upload size

As you move up the tiers, these numbers increase proportionally. For instance, Tier 2 offers more than double the resources for less than double the price, making it an attractive option for those who need more capacity.

It’s worth noting that Tier 3 and above include white-labeling options, which could be valuable if you’re planning to resell this as part of your agency services. Tier 5 even includes CNAME functionality for complete branding control.

Remember, these plans may change over the course of the deal, so always check the current offerings before making a purchase.

AI Settings – General [05:20]

Once you’ve signed up and logged in, the first step is to configure your AI chatbot. In the general settings, you’ll name your chatbot and set up its basic parameters. Here are some key points:

  • Chatbot Name: This is for internal reference.
  • AI Name: This is what users will see, so choose wisely.
  • Company Name: Enter your business name here.
  • Time Zone: Set this to match your location for accurate timestamps.

These settings help personalize your chatbot and ensure it aligns with your brand identity.

AI Settings – AI Model [06:02]

One of InsertChat’s standout features is the ability to choose from various AI models, also known as Large Language Models (LLMs). This flexibility allows you to balance performance with credit consumption. Here are some options:

  • GPT-4: High performance but consumes more credits
  • GPT-3.5: Good balance of performance and credit usage
  • Claude: Another high-performance option
  • Perplexity: Offers internet connectivity for up-to-date information

Each model consumes a different number of credits per answer. For example, GPT-4 might use 30 credits per answer, while GPT-3.5 only uses 1 credit. Choose based on your needs and credit limitations.

AI Settings – Greetings [08:13]

The greeting is your chatbot’s first interaction with users, so it’s crucial to get it right. InsertChat allows you to customize this initial message. You can:

  • Set a welcome message
  • Add multiple greetings
  • Use HTML for basic formatting (e.g., bold text)

Remember, a well-crafted greeting can set the tone for the entire interaction, so take some time to make it engaging and informative.

AI Settings – Writing Style [09:15]

Customizing your chatbot’s writing style helps align it with your brand voice. InsertChat offers several options:

  • Language: Choose from a vast array of languages
  • Tone: Set the emotional tone (e.g., friendly, formal, casual)
  • Style: Define the communication style (e.g., conversational, professional)
  • Format: Select how information is presented (e.g., concise, detailed, FAQ-style)

You can also set a maximum response length to ensure your chatbot’s answers remain concise and relevant.

AI Settings – Audio Mode [10:23]

InsertChat offers an audio mode, allowing users to interact with the chatbot using voice commands. This feature can greatly enhance accessibility and user experience, especially for those who prefer voice interactions.

AI Settings – Vision Mode [10:37]

Vision mode is an exciting feature that allows your chatbot to analyze and respond to images. Users can upload photos, and the AI can interpret and discuss them. While this consumes more credits, it can be invaluable for certain use cases, such as product identification or visual troubleshooting.

Credits [11:05]

Understanding the credit system is crucial for managing your InsertChat usage. Credits are consumed for various actions, with different AI models and features using different amounts. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Base plan (Tier 1): 3,000 credits per month
  • Higher tiers: Up to 40,000 credits per month
  • Additional credits: Can be purchased, starting at $50 for 5,000 credits

Be mindful of credit-intensive features like vision mode, which can quickly deplete your allocation if used frequently.

Custom Code [12:01]

For those who need more customization, InsertChat allows you to add custom code to your chatbot. This can include:

  • CSS for styling
  • JavaScript for additional functionality
  • Tracking codes for analytics

This feature is particularly useful for developers or those looking to integrate the chatbot more seamlessly into their existing website design.

AI Settings – Miscellaneous [12:54]

The miscellaneous settings offer additional control over your chatbot’s behavior:

  • Chat persistence across page refreshes
  • Source disclosure for answers
  • Hiding the navigation bar
  • Incorporating training URLs into answers

These options allow you to fine-tune the user experience and transparency of your chatbot.

AI Settings – Emailing [13:39]

Email functionality is available as part of the white-label feature, which starts from Tier 3. This allows you to customize email communications from your chatbot, adding another layer of brand consistency to your AI interactions.

AI Interface – Bubble [14:11]

The chat bubble is often the first point of contact between your website visitors and the chatbot. InsertChat offers extensive customization options:

  • Color schemes
  • Position on the page
  • Size and elevation
  • Notification settings

These settings help ensure the chat bubble integrates well with your website design while remaining noticeable to users.

AI Interface – Images & Avatars [16:55]

Visual elements play a crucial role in making your chatbot feel more personal and aligned with your brand. InsertChat allows you to customize:

  • Logo: Your company logo in the chat interface
  • User Avatar: The image representing the user in chat
  • AI Avatar: The image representing your chatbot

Properly configured avatars can significantly enhance the chat experience, making it feel more like a conversation with a real entity.

AI Interface – Window & Messages [20:05]

The chat window is where most of the interaction happens. InsertChat lets you customize various aspects:

  • Background colors
  • Text colors for user and AI messages
  • Font styles and sizes

These customizations ensure the chat interface matches your website’s design language, providing a seamless experience for your visitors.

AI Interface – Texts [21:15]

You can customize various text elements within the chat interface:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Copyright message (available from Tier 3)

These text customizations allow you to provide context, set expectations, and reinforce your brand messaging within the chat interface.

AI Interface – Cards [22:03]

Chat cards are a powerful feature for presenting structured information. You can configure up to three cards with different purposes:

  • Importing knowledge
  • Configuring preferences
  • Training your AI

While the exact functionality of these cards wasn’t clear in the review, they seem to offer additional ways to interact with and customize your chatbot.

AI Interface – Mobile App [22:36]

InsertChat offers a mobile app option, though it’s not included in the AppSumo deal. If you need mobile functionality, it’s available for an additional cost:

  • $119 per month
  • Just over $1,000 per year

This could be a valuable add-on if mobile access is crucial for your use case.

AI Training [22:55]

Training your AI is where InsertChat really shines. You can feed your chatbot information from various sources:

  • Website crawling
  • PDF uploads
  • Q&A sessions
  • Text input
  • Product and service information
  • Audio files
  • YouTube links

The process involves adding URLs or uploading files, then letting InsertChat process and learn from this information. A particularly useful feature is the auto-refresh option, which can update your training data at regular intervals to keep your chatbot’s knowledge current.

Keep in mind that training consumes credits, so be strategic about what and how often you update.

Install Instructions [27:29]

Deploying InsertChat on your website is straightforward:

  1. Copy the provided JavaScript snippet
  2. Paste it into your website’s code where you want the chatbot to appear
  3. Choose between a chat bubble or an embedded window

InsertChat provides clear instructions and even offers solutions for common issues like scaling on mobile devices.

AI Automation [28:53]

InsertChat offers several automation features to enhance your chatbot’s functionality:

  • Human handoff: Transition from AI to human agent seamlessly
  • Auto-resolution: Mark conversations as resolved automatically
  • Transcription: Send chat transcripts to specified email addresses
  • Lead collection: Gather user information when prompted
  • Smart suggestions: Generate context-aware chat suggestions
  • Custom API calls: Allow your chatbot to interact with external data sources
  • Guided conversations: Create scripted flows for specific scenarios
  • Go buttons: Add clickable buttons to direct users to specific pages or actions

These automation features can significantly enhance the capabilities of your chatbot, making it more efficient and effective in handling various scenarios.

Chatbot History [32:55]

InsertChat provides a comprehensive history of all chat interactions. You can:

  • View past conversations
  • See user locations
  • Search for specific chats
  • Filter by various criteria (e.g., unresolved tickets)

This feature is invaluable for understanding user interactions and improving your chatbot over time.

CRM & Leads [33:19]

The CRM and leads section allows you to manage the information collected by your chatbot. You can:

  • View collected lead information
  • Export leads for use in other systems
  • Set up Zapier integrations for automated lead processing

This feature turns your chatbot into a powerful lead generation tool, directly feeding into your sales and marketing processes.

Analytics & Usage [33:34]

InsertChat provides detailed analytics on your chatbot’s performance:

  • Number of conversations
  • Credit usage
  • Popular topics
  • User engagement metrics

These insights can help you optimize your chatbot’s performance and ensure you’re getting the most value from the tool.

Whatsapp [34:28]

For businesses that heavily use WhatsApp, InsertChat offers integration with the platform. This allows your AI chatbot to respond to WhatsApp messages, extending its reach beyond your website.

Zapier [34:52]

Zapier integration opens up a world of possibilities for automating workflows involving your chatbot. You can set up triggers and actions to connect InsertChat with hundreds of other apps and services.

Installation [36:43]

I installed InsertChat on my own website using the provided JavaScript snippet. The process was straightforward, and the chatbot appeared as expected. Remember to test thoroughly on various devices and browsers to ensure a consistent experience for all users.

Trying Out the Bot [37:15]

After installation, I put the chatbot through its paces:

  • Tested various queries about our services
  • Uploaded an image to test vision capabilities
  • Explored the smart suggestion feature

The chatbot performed impressively, providing accurate information about our services and generating relevant follow-up suggestions. However, it didn’t recognize images of people it was trained on, indicating that image training might be limited to text descriptions rather than visual recognition.

Conclusion [41:02]

InsertChat is an impressive tool that offers a lot of value, especially at the $69 lifetime deal price point. Its strengths include:

  • Extensive customization options
  • Multiple AI model choices
  • Comprehensive training capabilities
  • Useful automation features

The only significant drawback is the sometimes unclear labeling and documentation, which can make initial setup a bit confusing. However, once you get past the learning curve, InsertChat proves to be a powerful and flexible AI chatbot solution.

For businesses looking to enhance their customer support, streamline sales processes, or simply provide 24/7 AI-powered assistance on their website, InsertChat is definitely worth considering. Its ability to be trained on your specific business information sets it apart from more generic chatbot solutions.

Remember, while the base tier offers a lot, you may find yourself wanting to upgrade for additional features or credits, especially if you plan to use it extensively or for multiple clients.

Overall, I’d rate InsertChat a solid 7.9 out of 10. It’s a versatile, powerful tool that can add significant value to your business operations, especially at this price point.

Have you tried InsertChat or similar AI chatbot solutions? I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below!

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