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WordPress Form Plugin Review — Fluent Forms (Lifetime Deal)

28 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

In this comprehensive review, we’ll be diving deep into WPFluent Forms, a relatively new WordPress plugin that’s making waves in the form-building space. Dave Swift, an experienced WordPress developer, takes us through the features, functionality, and potential of this exciting new tool. With its impressive feature set and competitive pricing, Fluent Forms is positioning itself as a strong contender against established players like WPForms and Gravity Forms. We’ll explore its user-friendly interface, advanced capabilities, and how it stacks up against the competition. Whether you’re a WordPress beginner or a seasoned pro, this review will help you decide if Fluent Forms is the right choice for your website’s form needs.

Creating a New Form [01:20]

When it comes to form building in WordPress, Fluent Forms sets itself apart right from the start with its impressive array of pre-built templates. This feature is particularly noteworthy as it’s not commonly found in other form builders, at least not to this extent. Let’s dive into the form creation process and see what makes Fluent Forms stand out.

Template Selection

  • Variety of Templates: Fluent Forms offers a wide range of pre-designed templates, catering to different needs such as surveys, order forms, and more. This variety is especially helpful for those new to form building or looking for quick solutions.
  • Customization Options: While starting with a template, users have full flexibility to modify and adapt the form to their specific requirements. This balance of convenience and customization is a significant advantage.
  • Time-Saving Feature: For WordPress users who frequently create forms, having access to these templates can dramatically reduce the time spent on form setup and design.
  • Learning Tool: For those new to form building, these templates serve as excellent learning resources, showcasing best practices in form design and structure.

User Interface

  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: The form builder interface in Fluent Forms is intuitive and user-friendly, utilizing a drag-and-drop system similar to popular page builders. This familiarity makes it easy for users to adapt quickly.
  • Widget-Based System: Form elements are presented as widgets that can be easily added to the form. This system provides a visual and interactive way of building forms, enhancing the user experience.
  • Real-Time Preview: As you build your form, you can see a real-time preview of how it will look, allowing for immediate adjustments and refinements.
  • Responsive Design: The forms created are automatically responsive, ensuring they look good on all devices without additional effort from the user.

Form Elements

  • Comprehensive Field Options: Fluent Forms offers a wide array of form fields, from basic text inputs to more advanced elements like star ratings and file uploads.
  • Conditional Logic: Even in the basic fields, Fluent Forms includes advanced features like conditional logic, allowing for dynamic and interactive forms.
  • Customization Per Field: Each field comes with its own set of options for customization, allowing for fine-tuning of every aspect of the form.

By offering such a robust and user-friendly form creation process, Fluent Forms positions itself as a powerful tool for both beginners and experienced WordPress users. The combination of pre-built templates, an intuitive interface, and advanced customization options makes it a versatile solution for a wide range of form-building needs.

Styling [02:27]

When it comes to form styling, Fluent Forms takes an approach that balances simplicity with customization potential. This section explores the styling capabilities of Fluent Forms and how it handles the often-tricky aspect of form aesthetics in WordPress.

Default Styling

  • Theme Integration: By default, Fluent Forms adopts the styling of your WordPress theme. This integration ensures that your forms naturally fit within your site’s design without additional effort.
  • Automatic Color and Font Adoption: The plugin automatically picks up colors and fonts from your theme’s customizer settings, maintaining visual consistency across your site.
  • Responsive Design: Forms are inherently responsive, adapting to different screen sizes and devices without additional configuration.
  • Clean, Modern Look: Even without custom styling, Fluent Forms provides a clean and modern appearance that works well for most websites.

Customization Options

  • CSS Customization: For those who want more control, Fluent Forms allows for custom CSS input. This feature enables developers to fine-tune the form’s appearance to match exact design specifications.
  • Field-Level Styling: Each form field can be individually styled, offering granular control over the form’s appearance.
  • Layout Controls: Users can adjust field alignments, label positions, and overall form layout directly from the form builder interface.
  • Upcoming Global Styler: The Fluent Forms team has announced plans for a global styler, which promises to offer even more comprehensive styling options without the need for CSS knowledge.

Limitations and Considerations

  • Initial Styling Simplicity: Out of the box, the styling options are relatively basic. This simplicity can be an advantage for quick setups but may require additional work for highly customized designs.
  • CSS Knowledge Benefit: While not strictly necessary, having some CSS knowledge can greatly enhance your ability to customize form appearances.
  • Theme Dependency: The default styling’s reliance on theme settings means that changing themes may affect your form’s appearance, requiring adjustments.

Future Styling Enhancements

  • Anticipated Features: The planned global styler is expected to bridge the gap between simple default styles and complex CSS customizations, offering more visual customization options directly in the interface.
  • Potential for Design Presets: There’s potential for Fluent Forms to introduce design presets or templates in future updates, further simplifying the styling process.

The styling approach of Fluent Forms reflects a balance between ease of use and customization potential. While it may not offer the most advanced styling options out of the box, its planned updates and current CSS capabilities provide a solid foundation for creating visually appealing forms that integrate seamlessly with WordPress websites.

Name Fields [04:18]

The name field is a fundamental element in most forms, and Fluent Forms offers a flexible approach to handling this crucial information. Let’s explore how Fluent Forms manages name fields and the customization options available.

Field Configuration

  • Default Setup: By default, Fluent Forms provides a name field that splits into first and last name, a common and user-friendly approach for collecting names.
  • Customization Options: Users have the flexibility to modify the name field according to their specific needs. This includes options to combine fields or add additional name components.
  • Field Labels: Each component of the name field can have its label customized, allowing for clear instructions to users on how to fill out the form.
  • Required Fields: Form creators can easily set which parts of the name field are required, adding flexibility to data collection requirements.

Advanced Options

  • Conditional Logic: Name fields can be integrated into the form’s conditional logic system, allowing for dynamic form behavior based on name input.
  • Placeholder Text: Each name field component can have custom placeholder text, providing additional guidance to users without cluttering the form.
  • CSS Classes: Custom CSS classes can be added to name fields, allowing for targeted styling and layout adjustments.
  • Input Validation: Fluent Forms provides options for input validation on name fields, helping to ensure data quality and consistency.

Use Cases and Best Practices

  • Cultural Considerations: The flexibility of Fluent Forms’ name fields allows for adaptation to different cultural naming conventions, an important factor for global audiences.
  • Data Collection Optimization: By allowing customization of name fields, form creators can optimize data collection for their specific needs, whether it’s for marketing, legal, or operational purposes.
  • User Experience: The ability to adjust name fields contributes to a better user experience, as forms can be tailored to ask for information in a way that feels natural and relevant to the user.
  • Integration with Other Systems: Customizable name fields facilitate better integration with CRM systems, email marketing tools, and other platforms that may have specific name data requirements.

The name field functionality in Fluent Forms demonstrates the plugin’s commitment to balancing simplicity with flexibility. By offering a range of customization options for this essential form element, Fluent Forms enables creators to build forms that are both user-friendly and aligned with specific data collection needs. This approach to name fields is indicative of the overall philosophy of Fluent Forms – providing a tool that can be easily used by beginners while offering the depth of features required by more advanced users.

Mask Input [05:53]

The Mask Input feature in Fluent Forms is a powerful tool that allows form creators to enforce specific formats for user input. This feature is particularly useful for ensuring data consistency and improving user experience, especially when dealing with structured information like phone numbers, dates, or custom alphanumeric codes.

How Mask Input Works

  • Predefined Templates: Fluent Forms offers several predefined mask input templates for common use cases such as phone numbers, which automatically format the input as the user types.
  • Custom Mask Creation: Users can create their own custom masks using a simple syntax, allowing for highly specific input formats tailored to unique needs.
  • Real-Time Formatting: As users type into a masked input field, their input is automatically formatted according to the specified mask, providing immediate visual feedback.
  • Error Prevention: By enforcing a specific format, mask inputs help prevent errors and ensure that data is collected in a consistent, usable format.

Use Cases for Mask Input

  • Phone Numbers: Automatically format phone numbers as they’re entered, ensuring consistency across all submissions.
  • Dates: Enforce a specific date format (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY) to avoid confusion and data entry errors.
  • Social Security Numbers: Mask inputs can be used to format SSN entries, adding dashes in the correct positions automatically.
  • Custom Codes: For businesses that use specific alphanumeric codes (e.g., product codes, reservation numbers), mask inputs can ensure these are entered correctly.

Benefits of Using Mask Input

  • Improved Data Quality: By enforcing specific formats, mask inputs help ensure that the data collected is consistent and usable, reducing the need for data cleaning and validation after submission.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Users receive immediate feedback on their input, helping them understand the expected format without the need for additional instructions or error messages.
  • Reduced Form Abandonment: By making it clear what format is expected and helping users input data correctly, mask inputs can reduce frustration and form abandonment rates.
  • Streamlined Backend Processing: Consistent data formats make it easier to process and analyze form submissions on the backend, potentially saving time and resources in data management.

The Mask Input feature in Fluent Forms is a testament to the plugin’s attention to detail and focus on both user experience and data quality. By providing this advanced input formatting option, Fluent Forms empowers form creators to collect precisely formatted data while simultaneously making the form-filling process more intuitive for end-users. This feature showcases how Fluent Forms goes beyond basic form functionality to offer tools that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of online forms.

Numeric Field [07:28]

The Numeric Field in Fluent Forms is a specialized input type designed specifically for collecting numerical data. This field type offers several advantages over standard text inputs when dealing with numbers, providing both improved data validation and enhanced user experience.

Features of the Numeric Field

  • Input Restriction: The numeric field automatically restricts input to numerical values only, preventing users from entering non-numeric characters.
  • Customizable Range: Form creators can set minimum and maximum values for the numeric input, ensuring that the entered data falls within a specific range.
  • Step Increments: The field can be configured with step increments, allowing for precise control over the values that can be entered (e.g., increments of 0.5 or 10).
  • Currency Formatting: For financial applications, the numeric field can be set up to display currency symbols and format numbers appropriately.

Use Cases for Numeric Fields

  • Quantity Inputs: Ideal for order forms where users need to specify quantities of items.
  • Age Verification: Can be used to collect age information with built-in minimum and maximum value restrictions.
  • Rating Scales: Numeric fields can be employed for numerical rating systems, ensuring only valid ratings are entered.
  • Financial Information: Perfect for collecting monetary values, with the ability to enforce decimal places and currency formatting.

Benefits of Using Numeric Fields

  • Data Integrity: By restricting input to numbers only, numeric fields help maintain the integrity of collected data, reducing errors and the need for data cleaning.
  • Improved User Experience: Users receive immediate feedback if they attempt to enter non-numeric values, helping them understand the expected input without confusion.
  • Streamlined Data Processing: Consistent numerical data makes backend processing and analysis more straightforward, especially when integrating with other systems or databases.
  • Customizable Appearance: Like other Fluent Forms fields, numeric fields can be styled to match your form’s overall design, ensuring a cohesive look.

Advanced Features

  • Conditional Logic: Numeric fields can be integrated into the form’s conditional logic, allowing for dynamic form behavior based on numerical input.
  • Calculation Fields: Fluent Forms allows for the creation of calculation fields that can perform operations based on numeric field inputs, useful for totaling orders or calculating scores.
  • Input Masks: For more complex numeric inputs (like phone numbers or zip codes), the numeric field can be combined with input masks to enforce specific formats.
  • Mobile-Friendly Input: On mobile devices, the numeric field typically triggers a numeric keypad, making it easier for users to enter numbers on touch screens.

The Numeric Field in Fluent Forms demonstrates the plugin’s commitment to providing specialized tools for different types of data collection. By offering a dedicated field type for numerical input, Fluent Forms enables form creators to build more robust and user-friendly forms, particularly for applications that rely heavily on numerical data. This attention to detail in field types contributes to the overall flexibility and power of Fluent Forms as a comprehensive form-building solution.

Star Rating [09:07]

The Star Rating feature in Fluent Forms is a visually appealing and user-friendly way to collect feedback or ratings from form users. This interactive element adds a dynamic touch to forms, making the process of providing ratings more engaging and intuitive for respondents.

Key Features of Star Rating

  • Customizable Scale: Form creators can adjust the number of stars in the rating scale, typically ranging from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10, depending on the level of granularity required.
  • Visual Feedback: As users hover over or select stars, the rating field provides immediate visual feedback, highlighting the selected stars.
  • Optional Text Labels: Each star or rating level can be associated with text labels (e.g., “Poor” to “Excellent”) to provide context for the ratings.
  • Styling Options: The appearance of the stars can be customized to match the form’s overall design, including color changes for selected and unselected states.

Use Cases for Star Ratings

  • Product Reviews: Ideal for collecting quick, visual feedback on products or services.
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Enables easy gathering of overall satisfaction scores from customers.
  • Performance Evaluations: Can be used in employee or service provider performance review forms.
  • Event Feedback: Perfect for collecting ratings on various aspects of events or conferences.

Benefits of Using Star Ratings

  • Improved User Engagement: The visual nature of star ratings makes forms more interactive and engaging for users.
  • Quick and Intuitive: Users can provide feedback rapidly, which can increase response rates for surveys or feedback forms.
  • Universally Understood: The star rating system is widely recognized and understood across different cultures and languages.
  • Data Visualization: Star ratings lend themselves well to data visualization in reports or dashboards, making it easy to analyze feedback at a glance.

Advanced Features and Customization

  • Required Fields: Star ratings can be set as required fields, ensuring that users provide feedback before submitting the form.
  • Default Values: Form creators can set default values for star ratings, which can be useful in certain contexts.
  • Conditional Logic: Star ratings can be integrated into the form’s conditional logic, allowing for dynamic form behavior based on the rating given.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: The star rating feature is designed to work well on mobile devices, ensuring a good user experience across all platforms.

Best Practices for Using Star Ratings

  • Clear Instructions: Provide clear instructions on what the stars represent to ensure consistent interpretation by users.
  • Appropriate Scale: Choose the right scale (e.g., 5 stars vs. 10 stars) based on the level of detail needed in feedback.
  • Consistent Use: If using multiple star rating fields in a form, maintain consistency in scale and labeling to avoid confusion.
  • Complementary Fields: Consider pairing star ratings with open-ended text fields to allow users to provide more detailed feedback if desired.

The Star Rating feature in Fluent Forms is an excellent example of how the plugin incorporates modern, user-friendly elements into form design. By providing an intuitive and visually appealing way to collect ratings, Fluent Forms enables form creators to gather valuable feedback in a format that is both easy for users to provide and for administrators to analyze. This feature contributes significantly to the versatility of Fluent Forms, making it suitable for a wide range of feedback and survey applications.

Form Review [10:16]

The Form Review feature in Fluent Forms allows creators to preview and test their forms before making them live. This crucial step in the form-building process ensures that the form functions as intended and provides a seamless experience for end-users.

Key Aspects of Form Review

  • Real-Time Preview: As you build your form, Fluent Forms offers a real-time preview option, allowing you to see changes immediately.
  • Device Responsiveness: The preview mode allows you to check how your form looks and functions on different devices, ensuring a responsive design.
  • Field Testing: During review, you can test all form fields, including conditional logic and advanced features like star ratings or range sliders.
  • Error Message Verification: The review process allows you to check custom error messages and form validation in action.

Importance of Form Review

  • User Experience Optimization: Reviewing the form helps identify and fix any usability issues before the form goes live, ensuring a smooth experience for users.
  • Error Prevention: By testing the form thoroughly, you can catch and correct errors in logic, field settings, or styling that might otherwise cause issues for users.
  • Mobile Compatibility Check: The review process is crucial for verifying that the form works well on mobile devices, an essential factor in today’s mobile-first world.
  • Integration Testing: If your form includes integrations with other services, the review stage allows you to test these connections and ensure data is being passed correctly.

Best Practices for Form Review

  • Comprehensive Testing: Test every field, button, and feature of your form to ensure everything works as expected.
  • Multiple Device Testing: Check your form on various devices and browsers to ensure consistent functionality and appearance.
  • User Path Simulation: Go through the form as if you were an actual user, testing different scenarios and input combinations.
  • Accessibility Check: Use the review process to ensure your form meets accessibility standards, checking for things like proper tab order and screen reader compatibility.

The Form Review feature in Fluent Forms is a testament to the plugin’s focus on quality and user experience. By providing robust preview and testing capabilities, Fluent Forms empowers form creators to ensure their forms are polished and fully functional before deployment. This attention to detail helps maintain the integrity of data collection and enhances the overall user experience of websites utilizing Fluent Forms.

Signature Pack [11:58]

The Signature Pack is an advanced feature of Fluent Forms that allows for the collection of digital signatures within forms. This add-on significantly extends the functionality of Fluent Forms, making it suitable for more formal or legal applications.

Key Features of the Signature Pack

  • Digital Signature Field: Adds a dedicated field where users can draw their signature using a mouse, touchpad, or touchscreen.
  • Customizable Canvas: The signature area can be customized in terms of size and appearance to fit the form’s design.
  • Clear and Redraw Option: Users can clear their signature and redraw if they’re not satisfied with their first attempt.
  • Image Generation: The signature is captured as an image, which can be stored and retrieved along with other form data.

Use Cases for Digital Signatures

  • Legal Documents: For forms that require a signature for legal purposes, such as contracts or agreements.
  • Consent Forms: Ideal for collecting signed consent for various purposes, including medical procedures or data usage agreements.
  • Employee Onboarding: Can be used in HR processes for signing employment contracts or policy acknowledgments.
  • Service Agreements: Useful for businesses that need client signatures on service agreements or work orders.

Benefits of Using Digital Signatures

  • Streamlined Process: Eliminates the need for printing, signing, and scanning documents, making the process more efficient.
  • Improved Record Keeping: Digital signatures can be easily stored and retrieved, improving document management.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Allows users to complete entire forms, including signing, in one seamless online process.
  • Eco-Friendly: Reduces paper usage, contributing to more environmentally friendly business practices.

Legal Considerations

  • Validity: While digital signatures are widely accepted, it’s important to check local laws and regulations regarding their legal validity for specific use cases.
  • Security Measures: Fluent Forms implements security measures to ensure the integrity of the signature, but users should be aware of any additional requirements for legally binding signatures in their jurisdiction.
  • Consent Language: It’s advisable to include clear language in the form about the legal implications of the digital signature to ensure user understanding and consent.

The Signature Pack in Fluent Forms represents a significant value-add for businesses and organizations that require signed documents as part of their workflows. By integrating this feature, Fluent Forms positions itself as a versatile tool capable of handling more complex, legally-oriented form needs. This extension of functionality demonstrates Fluent Forms’ commitment to providing comprehensive form solutions that can adapt to a wide range of business requirements.

GDPR [12:44]

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance feature in Fluent Forms is a crucial element for businesses and organizations collecting data from European Union (EU) residents. This feature helps ensure that forms are compliant with GDPR requirements, protecting both the form creator and the user.

Key GDPR Features in Fluent Forms

  • Consent Checkbox: Easily add a GDPR consent checkbox to your forms, allowing users to explicitly agree to data collection and processing.
  • Customizable Consent Text: The text accompanying the GDPR checkbox can be customized to match your specific privacy policy and data usage practices.
  • Data Processing Agreement: Fluent Forms provides options to link to your data processing agreement or privacy policy directly from the form.
  • Right to Be Forgotten: Implements features that support users’ right to have their data deleted upon request.

Importance of GDPR Compliance

  • Legal Requirement: For businesses dealing with EU residents’ data, GDPR compliance is not optional but a legal necessity.
  • Trust Building: Demonstrating GDPR compliance can increase user trust, showing that you take data privacy seriously.
  • Risk Mitigation: Proper GDPR features help mitigate the risk of hefty fines and legal issues associated with non-compliance.
  • Transparent Data Practices: GDPR features encourage transparent communication about how user data will be collected, used, and protected.

Best Practices for GDPR in Forms

  • Clear Language: Use clear, straightforward language in your GDPR consent text to ensure users understand what they’re agreeing to.
  • Opt-In Only: Ensure that GDPR consent is always opt-in (never pre-checked) and that it’s not a condition for submitting the form unless absolutely necessary.
  • Data Minimization: Only collect data that is necessary for the stated purpose of the form, adhering to GDPR’s data minimization principle.
  • User Rights Information: Provide information on how users can exercise their GDPR rights, such as accessing or deleting their data.

The GDPR feature in Fluent Forms demonstrates the plugin’s commitment to helping users create compliant and ethical forms. By providing built-in GDPR tools, Fluent Forms makes it easier for businesses to navigate the complex landscape of data protection regulations. This feature is particularly valuable for international businesses or any organization that may collect data from EU residents, ensuring that their forms are not only functional but also legally compliant.

Range Slider [13:16]

The Range Slider feature in Fluent Forms provides an interactive and visually appealing way for users to input numerical values within a specified range. This feature enhances user engagement and can be particularly useful for collecting data that falls on a continuum.

Key Features of the Range Slider

  • Customizable Range: Set minimum and maximum values to define the slider’s range according to your specific needs.
  • Step Increments: Specify step sizes to control the granularity of selections (e.g., increments of 1, 0.5, or 10).
  • Visual Feedback: As users move the slider, they receive immediate visual feedback on their selection.
  • Numerical Display: The selected value can be displayed alongside the slider for precise input.

Use Cases for Range Sliders

  • Satisfaction Surveys: Ideal for rating scales, allowing users to indicate their level of satisfaction on a continuous scale.
  • Pricing Preferences: Useful in market research to gauge price sensitivity or willingness to pay.
  • Age or Time Ranges: Effective for selecting age ranges or time periods in a more intuitive way than dropdown menus.
  • Quantity Selection: Can be used for selecting quantities in a more engaging manner than traditional number inputs.

Benefits of Using Range Sliders

  • Improved User Experience: Sliders are often more intuitive and engaging than traditional number inputs, especially for selecting from a range of values.
  • Visual Representation: Provides a visual representation of the input, which can be helpful for users in contextualizing their selection.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Range sliders are particularly well-suited for mobile devices, where they can be easily manipulated with touch gestures.
  • Reduced Error Rates: By constraining input to a predefined range, sliders can help reduce error rates compared to free-form number inputs.

Customization Options

  • Color Schemes: Adjust colors to match your form’s design and improve visibility.
  • Label Positioning: Customize the position of labels and value displays for optimal layout.
  • Tooltip Integration: Add tooltips to provide additional context or guidance as users interact with the slider.
  • Orientation: Choose between horizontal and vertical orientations to best fit your form’s layout.

Best Practices for Using Range Sliders

  • Clear Labeling: Provide clear labels for the minimum and maximum values to give context to the range.
  • Appropriate Range: Choose a range that makes sense for your specific use case and doesn’t overwhelm users with too many options.
  • Step Size Consideration: Select an appropriate step size that balances precision with usability.
  • Default Value: Consider setting a default value that makes sense for your use case, especially if there’s a common or recommended selection.

The Range Slider feature in Fluent Forms exemplifies the plugin’s commitment to providing diverse and user-friendly input options. By offering this interactive element, Fluent Forms enables form creators to build more engaging and intuitive forms, particularly for numerical data collection. This feature contributes to the overall flexibility of Fluent Forms, making it suitable for a wide range of applications from simple surveys to more complex data gathering tasks.

Form Settings [14:47]

The Form Settings section in Fluent Forms is a crucial area that allows form creators to configure various aspects of their forms, from basic functionality to advanced features. This comprehensive settings panel ensures that forms can be tailored to meet specific needs and integrate seamlessly with websites and backend processes.

Key Areas in Form Settings

  • General Settings: Configure basic form properties such as form name, description, and success message.
  • Form Confirmation: Set up what happens after a user submits the form (e.g., display a message, redirect to a page).
  • Form Restrictions: Implement limits on form submissions, such as total entries or submissions per user.
  • Form Scheduling: Set start and end dates for when the form is available for submission.
  • Email Notifications: Configure email alerts for form submissions, including recipient addresses and email content.

Advanced Configuration Options

  • Integration Settings: Set up connections with third-party services like CRM systems or email marketing platforms.
  • Conditional Logic: Create rules for showing or hiding form fields based on user inputs.
  • Custom CSS: Add custom styling to your form for perfect integration with your website’s design.
  • JavaScript Events: Implement custom JavaScript to add advanced functionality or tracking to your forms.

Benefits of Comprehensive Form Settings

  • Flexibility: The extensive settings allow forms to be adapted for a wide range of use cases and scenarios.
  • Improved User Experience: Configure forms to provide clear guidance and feedback to users throughout the submission process.
  • Efficient Data Collection: Tailor forms to collect exactly the information you need in the most efficient manner.
  • Enhanced Security: Implement measures like CAPTCHA or user authentication to protect against spam and ensure data integrity.

Best Practices for Form Settings

  • Clear Success Messages: Craft clear and informative success messages to confirm successful form submissions to users.
  • Thoughtful Restrictions: Use form restrictions judiciously to prevent spam without unnecessarily limiting legitimate submissions.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test all settings, especially email notifications and integrations, to ensure they work as expected.
  • Mobile Optimization: Consider mobile users when configuring settings, ensuring the form remains user-friendly on all devices.

The Form Settings in Fluent Forms provide a powerful toolkit for creating highly customized and effective forms. By offering such a wide range of configuration options, Fluent Forms empowers users to create forms that not only look good but also function exactly as needed for their specific use case. This level of customization and control is a key factor in making Fluent Forms a versatile and robust solution for WordPress form building.

Scheduling Restrictions [16:03]

The Scheduling Restrictions feature in Fluent Forms allows form creators to control when their forms are available for submission. This powerful tool adds a temporal dimension to form management, enabling more dynamic and controlled data collection processes.

Key Features of Scheduling Restrictions

  • Start and End Dates: Set specific dates and times for when a form becomes available and when it closes.
  • Recurring Schedules: Create schedules for forms to be available on certain days of the week or month.
  • Time Zone Settings: Adjust the scheduling to match specific time zones, ensuring global consistency.
  • Custom Messages: Display custom messages when a form is not available due to scheduling restrictions.

Use Cases for Scheduling Restrictions

  • Event Registration: Limit registration forms to be available only up to a certain date before an event.
  • Time-Sensitive Surveys: Open feedback or survey forms for specific time periods after an event or product launch.
  • Seasonal Applications: Make forms available only during certain seasons or months for seasonal businesses.
  • Controlled Data Collection: Gather data in specific time intervals for research or reporting purposes.

Benefits of Using Scheduling Restrictions

  • Automated Management: Reduce the need for manual form activation and deactivation.
  • Improved Data Accuracy: Ensure that data is collected only within relevant time frames.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Prevent confusion by not displaying forms that are no longer relevant or timely.
  • Resource Optimization: Align form availability with business hours or staff availability to manage responses effectively.

Best Practices for Scheduling Restrictions

  • Clear Communication: Provide clear information about form availability periods to set proper expectations.
  • Buffer Times: Consider adding buffer times before and after key dates to accommodate different time zones.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test the scheduling feature, especially around transition times, to ensure smooth operation.
  • Integration with Other Features: Combine scheduling with other form features like email notifications to create a comprehensive form strategy.

The Scheduling Restrictions feature in Fluent Forms demonstrates the plugin’s attention to the practical needs of businesses and organizations. By providing granular control over when forms are accessible, Fluent Forms enables users to create more dynamic and responsive data collection processes. This feature is particularly valuable for time-sensitive operations, event management, and scenarios where controlled data gathering is crucial.

Logging In [16:42]

The Login feature in Fluent Forms adds an extra layer of security and personalization to form submissions by allowing form creators to restrict access to logged-in users only. This feature is particularly useful for member-only content, internal surveys, or any scenario where user authentication is required before form submission.

Key Aspects of the Login Feature

  • User Authentication: Restrict form access to logged-in WordPress users only.
  • Role-Based Access: Configure forms to be accessible only to users with specific WordPress roles.
  • Custom Redirect: Set up custom redirects for non-logged-in users who attempt to access the form.
  • Pre-filled Information: Automatically populate form fields with information from the user’s WordPress profile.

Use Cases for Login-Required Forms

  • Member Surveys: Gather feedback or information from registered members of a site.
  • Employee Forms: Create forms for internal use that are only accessible to employees logged into the company website.
  • Exclusive Content Access: Use forms as a gateway to exclusive content for logged-in users.
  • User Profile Updates: Allow users to update their profile information through a form that’s pre-filled with their current data.

Benefits of Login-Required Forms

  • Enhanced Security: Ensure that only authorized users can submit the form, reducing spam and unauthorized access.
  • Data Integrity: Improve the accuracy and reliability of collected data by linking submissions to authenticated users.
  • Personalized Experience: Provide a more tailored form experience by leveraging user data to pre-fill fields or customize content.
  • Simplified User Management: Easily track and manage form submissions in relation to specific user accounts.

Best Practices for Implementing Login Features

  • Clear Instructions: Provide clear guidance on how to log in or create an account if necessary.
  • Seamless Integration: Ensure that the login process is smooth and integrated well with the overall user experience of your site.
  • Privacy Considerations: Be transparent about how user data will be used and stored when collected through authenticated forms.
  • Fallback Options: Consider providing alternative options for non-logged-in users, such as a simplified public version of the form.

The Login feature in Fluent Forms showcases the plugin’s versatility in handling various form access scenarios. By providing options to restrict form access based on user authentication, Fluent Forms enables website owners to create more secure, personalized, and targeted form experiences. This feature is particularly valuable for membership sites, internal company use, or any situation where user verification is crucial before form submission.

Email Notifications [17:08]

Email Notifications are a crucial feature in Fluent Forms, allowing form creators to set up automated email responses for various form-related events. This feature ensures that both form administrators and users are kept informed about form submissions and other important activities.

Key Features of Email Notifications

  • Multiple Notification Templates: Create different email templates for various purposes (e.g., admin notifications, user confirmations).
  • Dynamic Content: Use form field data to populate email content dynamically.
  • Conditional Notifications: Set up rules to send different notifications based on form input or user actions.
  • Customizable Sender Details: Configure the sender name and email address for each notification.

Types of Email Notifications

  • Admin Notifications: Alerts sent to administrators or designated recipients when a form is submitted.
  • User Confirmations: Automated emails sent to users to confirm their form submission.
  • Custom Notifications: Tailored emails that can be triggered based on specific form inputs or conditions.
  • Reminder Emails: Scheduled follow-up emails for incomplete submissions or upcoming deadlines.

Benefits of Robust Email Notifications

  • Improved Communication: Keep all relevant parties informed about form submissions and related activities.
  • Increased Efficiency: Automate the process of notifying users and administrators, reducing manual follow-up work.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Provide immediate confirmation to users, improving their confidence in the submission process.
  • Data Verification: Use confirmation emails as an additional step to verify user-submitted information.

Best Practices for Email Notifications

  • Clear and Concise Content: Ensure notification emails are clear, providing all necessary information without overwhelming the recipient.
  • Branding Consistency: Design email templates that align with your brand’s visual identity and tone.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test all email notifications across different email clients to ensure proper delivery and formatting.
  • Spam Consideration: Craft subject lines and content carefully to avoid triggering spam filters.

The Email Notifications feature in Fluent Forms demonstrates the plugin’s commitment to comprehensive form management. By providing flexible and powerful email notification options, Fluent Forms ensures that form creators can maintain effective communication with both users and administrators throughout the form submission process. This feature significantly enhances the overall functionality and user experience of forms created with Fluent Forms.

Native Email Integration [17:45]

Fluent Forms’ plan to integrate native email services like Amazon SES, Mailgun, and SendGrid represents a significant enhancement to its email capabilities. This upcoming feature will provide users with more reliable and scalable options for sending form-related emails.

Key Aspects of Native Email Integration

  • Multiple Service Options: Users will be able to choose from several reputable email service providers.
  • Improved Deliverability: Utilizing dedicated email services can significantly improve email deliverability rates.
  • Scalability: These services are designed to handle large volumes of emails, ideal for high-traffic websites.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Many of these email services offer detailed analytics on email performance.

Benefits of Native Email Integration

  • Reliability: Professional email services offer more reliable delivery compared to standard WordPress mail functions.
  • Avoid Spam Filters: These services are optimized to bypass spam filters more effectively.
  • Higher Sending Limits: Overcome typical hosting limitations on the number of emails that can be sent.
  • Advanced Features: Access to features like email scheduling, tracking, and template management.

Considerations for Implementation

  • Setup Process: Users will need to set up accounts with these email services and configure them within Fluent Forms.
  • Cost Implications: While many of these services offer free tiers, high-volume users may need to consider pricing plans.
  • Learning Curve: There may be a slight learning curve in understanding and optimizing these email services.
  • Data Privacy: Ensure that the chosen email service complies with relevant data protection regulations.

The planned integration of native email services in Fluent Forms showcases the plugin’s commitment to evolving and meeting the advanced needs of its users. This feature will be particularly valuable for businesses and organizations that rely heavily on form-based communications and require robust, scalable email solutions. It demonstrates Fluent Forms’ focus on providing enterprise-level features while maintaining user-friendliness for smaller-scale users.

Custom CSS [18:25]

The Custom CSS feature in Fluent Forms allows users to apply custom styling to their forms, providing a high level of control over the form’s appearance. This feature is crucial for creating forms that seamlessly integrate with a website’s design and branding.

Key Aspects of Custom CSS in Fluent Forms

  • Form-Specific Styling: Apply custom CSS to individual forms without affecting others.
  • Global Styling Options: Set up site-wide form styles that apply to all forms.
  • Selector Targeting: Easily target specific form elements with CSS selectors.
  • Real-Time Preview: See the effects of your CSS changes in real-time as you edit.

Benefits of Custom CSS

  • Brand Consistency: Ensure forms match your website’s look and feel perfectly.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Create visually appealing forms that engage users more effectively.
  • Responsive Design: Customize form appearance across different devices and screen sizes.
  • Unique Form Elements: Style individual form elements to stand out or blend in as needed.

Best Practices for Using Custom CSS

  • Use Specific Selectors: Target form elements precisely to avoid unintended styling effects.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure your custom CSS works well on all device sizes.
  • Performance Consideration: Keep CSS efficient to maintain fast form loading times.
  • Documentation: Keep track of custom CSS for easier maintenance and troubleshooting.

The Custom CSS feature in Fluent Forms empowers users to create truly unique and brand-aligned forms. This level of customization is especially valuable for designers and developers who require precise control over form aesthetics. By offering this feature, Fluent Forms caters to both basic users who appreciate the default styling and advanced users who need granular control over form appearance.

Integrations [18:43]

Fluent Forms offers a wide array of integrations with popular marketing and CRM platforms, significantly extending its functionality and allowing seamless data flow between forms and other business tools.

Key Integration Categories

  • Email Marketing Platforms: Connect forms with services like Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, and ConvertKit.
  • CRM Systems: Integrate with customer relationship management tools such as HubSpot and Salesforce.
  • Payment Gateways: Process payments through integrations with PayPal, Stripe, and others.
  • Automation Tools: Connect with Zapier to link forms with thousands of other applications.

Notable Integrations

  • Google Sheets: Automatically populate spreadsheets with form submission data.
  • Slack: Receive instant notifications in Slack channels for new form submissions.
  • WordPress User Registration: Create new WordPress users from form submissions.
  • WP Fusion: Sync form data with various CRM and marketing automation platforms.

Benefits of Robust Integrations

  • Streamlined Workflows: Automate data transfer between forms and other business tools.
  • Improved Efficiency: Eliminate manual data entry and reduce the risk of errors.
  • Enhanced Marketing Capabilities: Easily add form submitters to email lists or marketing campaigns.
  • Versatility: Adapt forms to various business processes and requirements.

Best Practices for Using Integrations

  • Data Mapping: Carefully map form fields to corresponding fields in integrated platforms.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test integrations to ensure data is flowing correctly.
  • Privacy Considerations: Ensure integrations comply with data protection regulations like GDPR.
  • Documentation: Keep track of which integrations are active and how they’re configured.

The extensive integration options in Fluent Forms demonstrate its capability as a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. By offering connections to a wide range of popular services, Fluent Forms positions itself as a versatile solution that can adapt to various business ecosystems and requirements. This feature set is particularly valuable for businesses looking to streamline their operations and create seamless data workflows across different platforms.

Twilio [19:43]

The Twilio integration in Fluent Forms adds a powerful SMS notification capability, allowing form creators to set up real-time text message alerts for form submissions. This feature is particularly valuable for businesses that require immediate notification or need to respond quickly to form submissions.

Key Features of Twilio Integration

  • SMS Notifications: Send text message alerts for new form submissions.
  • Customizable Messages: Craft personalized SMS content using form data.
  • Multiple Recipients: Set up multiple phone numbers to receive notifications.
  • Conditional SMS: Configure SMS alerts based on specific form conditions or responses.

Use Cases for Twilio Integration

  • Lead Notifications: Instantly notify sales teams of new leads from contact forms.
  • Emergency Alerts: Send immediate notifications for urgent service requests or support tickets.
  • Appointment Confirmations: Automatically send SMS confirmations for appointment bookings.
  • Event RSVPs: Receive instant updates on event registrations or cancellations.

Benefits of SMS Notifications

  • Immediate Response: Enable quick follow-ups to time-sensitive submissions.
  • Increased Engagement: Improve response rates by reaching team members on their mobile devices.
  • 24/7 Alerting: Ensure important submissions are noticed even outside of business hours.
  • Improved Customer Service: Respond rapidly to customer inquiries or support requests.

Best Practices for Twilio Integration

  • Message Content: Keep SMS notifications concise and informative.
  • Frequency Control: Set up filters to avoid overwhelming recipients with too many messages.
  • Cost Consideration: Be mindful of SMS costs, especially for high-volume forms.
  • Compliance: Ensure SMS usage complies with relevant regulations and recipient preferences.

The Twilio integration in Fluent Forms showcases the plugin’s commitment to providing versatile communication options. By enabling SMS notifications, Fluent Forms offers businesses a powerful tool for real-time alerts, enhancing their ability to respond quickly to form submissions. This feature is particularly valuable for industries where rapid response times are crucial, such as customer service, sales, or emergency services.

ReCAPTCHA [20:13]

The integration of Google reCAPTCHA in Fluent Forms provides an essential layer of security against spam and bot submissions. This feature helps maintain the integrity of form data while ensuring a smooth user experience for legitimate users.

Key Aspects of reCAPTCHA Integration

  • Multiple reCAPTCHA Versions: Support for different versions of Google reCAPTCHA, including invisible and checkbox variants.
  • Easy Configuration: Simple setup process using Google API keys.
  • Customizable Placement: Flexibility to place reCAPTCHA at different positions within the form.
  • Conditional Display: Option to show reCAPTCHA only under certain conditions or for specific form fields.

Benefits of Using reCAPTCHA

  • Spam Prevention: Effectively reduce or eliminate spam submissions and bot attacks.
  • Improved Data Quality: Ensure that form submissions are from genuine users, maintaining data integrity.
  • User-Friendly Security: Implement security measures without significantly impacting the user experience.
  • Reduced Manual Moderation: Decrease the need for manual review of form submissions.

Implementation Considerations

  • API Key Setup: Requires setting up and configuring Google reCAPTCHA API keys.
  • Performance Impact: Minimal impact on form load times and submission process.
  • Accessibility Considerations: Ensure that reCAPTCHA implementation doesn’t hinder form accessibility.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Verify that reCAPTCHA functions properly on mobile devices.

Best Practices for reCAPTCHA Usage

  • Appropriate Version Selection: Choose the right reCAPTCHA version based on your form’s needs and user base.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test the reCAPTCHA integration across different browsers and devices.
  • User Guidance: Provide clear instructions if user interaction is required for the CAPTCHA.
  • Balance Security and Usability: Configure reCAPTCHA to provide security without creating unnecessary friction for users.

The reCAPTCHA integration in Fluent Forms demonstrates the plugin’s commitment to security and data integrity. By offering this feature, Fluent Forms provides users with a robust solution to protect their forms from spam and automated submissions, while maintaining a positive user experience. This balance of security and usability is crucial for creating effective and trustworthy online forms.

Viewing Forms [20:41]

The form viewing and management features in Fluent Forms provide users with a comprehensive overview of their created forms and submitted entries. This section of the plugin is crucial for effective form administration and data management.

Key Features of Form Viewing

  • Form List: A centralized dashboard displaying all created forms with key information.
  • Entry Management: View, filter, and manage form submissions efficiently.
  • Export Options: Ability to export form entries in various formats (CSV, Excel, ODS, JSON).
  • Quick Actions: Perform actions like editing, duplicating, or deleting forms directly from the list view.

Entry Viewing Capabilities

  • Detailed Submissions: Access comprehensive details of individual form submissions.
  • Filtering and Sorting: Advanced options to filter and sort entries based on various criteria.
  • Bulk Actions: Perform actions on multiple entries simultaneously, such as deletion or status changes.
  • Custom Views: Create and save custom views for frequently used filters or sorting preferences.

Benefits of Robust Form Management

  • Efficient Administration: Easily manage multiple forms and their submissions from a single interface.
  • Data Analysis: Quickly access and analyze form data for insights and reporting.
  • Time-Saving Features: Streamline form management tasks with bulk actions and quick edits.
  • Organized Data Handling: Keep form submissions organized and easily accessible for follow-ups or processing.

Best Practices for Form Viewing and Management

  • Regular Review: Periodically review form submissions to stay on top of incoming data.
  • Data Privacy: Implement proper access controls to protect sensitive form data.
  • Backup Strategy: Regularly export and backup important form data.
  • Archiving Old Data: Develop a strategy for archiving or deleting old or irrelevant submissions.

The form viewing and management features in Fluent Forms showcase the plugin’s focus on user-friendly administration and comprehensive data handling. By providing a robust set of tools for viewing, managing, and analyzing form submissions, Fluent Forms empowers users to effectively handle their form data, making it an invaluable tool for businesses and organizations of all sizes.

Key Takeaways

Fluent Forms emerges as a powerful and versatile WordPress form builder plugin, offering a compelling alternative to established players like Gravity Forms and WPForms. Here are the key takeaways from this comprehensive review:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Fluent Forms provides an intuitive drag-and-drop form builder interface, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced users. The ability to start with pre-built templates further simplifies the form creation process.
  2. Extensive Feature Set: From basic contact forms to complex surveys and payment forms, Fluent Forms offers a wide range of field types and advanced features. Standout features include conditional logic, multi-step forms, and the signature add-on.
  3. Customization and Styling: While the plugin adopts the styling of the WordPress theme by default, it offers extensive customization options. The upcoming global styler promises to make form design even more accessible without requiring CSS knowledge.
  4. Advanced Functionality: Features like scheduling restrictions, login integration, and robust email notifications demonstrate Fluent Forms’ capability to handle complex form requirements.
  5. Integration Capabilities: With a growing list of integrations, including popular CRM and email marketing platforms, Fluent Forms can easily fit into existing business workflows.
  6. Security and Compliance: Built-in features like reCAPTCHA integration and GDPR compliance tools show a strong focus on form security and data protection.
  7. Performance: While not extensively tested in this review, Fluent Forms claims to be one of the faster form plugins available, which could be a significant advantage for performance-conscious website owners.
  8. Pricing and Value: The lifetime deal offered by Fluent Forms presents an attractive value proposition, especially when compared to the recurring annual costs of competitors like Gravity Forms.
  9. Future Development: The plugin’s roadmap and rapid development pace suggest a commitment to continuous improvement and feature expansion.
  10. Limitations: While Fluent Forms covers most bases, it’s worth noting that some advanced features like payment processing and front-end post submissions are still in development at the time of this review.

In conclusion, Fluent Forms stands out as a robust, feature-rich form builder that can cater to a wide range of form-building needs. Its combination of user-friendliness, extensive features, and attractive pricing makes it a strong contender in the WordPress form plugin market. For businesses and individuals looking for a versatile form solution with room for growth, Fluent Forms presents a compelling option that balances functionality with ease of use.

As with any tool, potential users should consider their specific requirements and test the plugin thoroughly to ensure it meets their needs. However, given its current feature set and development trajectory, Fluent Forms appears poised to become a leading player in the WordPress form builder space.

For more information and updates on Fluent Forms and other WordPress tools, be sure to follow Dave Swift on his various platforms:

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