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How To Create A Membership Site with Wishlist Member [AppSumo Review]

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In today’s digital landscape, creating a membership site has become an essential strategy for many businesses and content creators. Wishlist Member, a longstanding WordPress plugin, has emerged as a powerful tool for those looking to build and manage membership sites. This review delves into the features, functionality, and value proposition of Wishlist Member, now available through an exclusive AppSumo deal.

Wishlist Member, with its decade-long presence in the market, has continually evolved to meet the changing needs of membership site owners. This AppSumo offer presents an unprecedented opportunity for WordPress users to acquire this robust plugin at a fraction of its regular price. Throughout this article, we’ll explore the plugin’s key features, setup process, and overall usability, helping you decide if Wishlist Member is the right choice for your membership site needs.

Intro [00:00]

Wishlist Member, one of the oldest and most trusted membership plugins for WordPress, is now available on AppSumo at an incredibly attractive price point. This deal offers different tiers of access, with options for 3 sites at $49, 10 sites at $98, and 50 sites at $147. When compared to the regular pricing on the Wishlist Member website, where a single site license costs $147 per year, the value proposition becomes immediately apparent.

The plugin boasts an impressive user base, with over 101,000 membership sites trusting Wishlist Member for their needs. This level of adoption speaks volumes about the plugin’s reliability and effectiveness in the membership site ecosystem.

Key Features of Wishlist Member:

  • Multiple membership levels
  • Flexible content protection
  • Integration with popular payment gateways
  • Email marketing integrations
  • Custom registration forms
  • Content dripping and archiving capabilities
  • Login and access controls

Pricing Comparison:

  • AppSumo Deal: 3 sites for $49 (lifetime)
  • Regular Pricing: 1 site for $147 per year

User Base:

  • Trusted by over 101,000 membership sites
  • Long-standing presence in the WordPress ecosystem (approximately 10 years)

Deal Structure:

  • 3 sites: $49
  • 10 sites: $98
  • 50 sites: $147

This introductory overview sets the stage for a deeper dive into Wishlist Member’s features and functionality, providing context for why this AppSumo deal represents such significant value for WordPress users looking to create or enhance their membership sites.

Set up the access [03:15]

Setting up access in Wishlist Member is a crucial step in creating a functional and secure membership site. The plugin offers a comprehensive dashboard that provides a bird’s eye view of your membership ecosystem, allowing you to manage access levels, monitor member activity, and control content restrictions with ease.

Dashboard Overview:

  • Total users count
  • Number of members vs. non-members
  • Active, canceled, and expired member statistics
  • Approval and confirmation status tracking

Creating Membership Levels:

Wishlist Member allows you to create multiple membership levels, each with its own set of access permissions and content restrictions. This flexibility enables you to offer tiered membership options or create separate content areas for different user groups.

  • Steps to create a new membership level:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Levels
  2. Click the plus button to add a new level
  3. Name your membership level (e.g., “Better”)
  4. Configure access settings

Access Configuration Options:

  • Expiration settings:
  • Ongoing access
  • Fixed-term access (e.g., 6 months, 1 year)
  • Specific end date
  • Content access:
  • Grant access to all site content (not recommended for most scenarios)
  • Customize access to specific posts, pages, or custom post types
  • Membership level management:
  • Remove From: Useful for upgrades (e.g., moving from “Good” to “Better” level)
  • Add To: Ideal for bonuses or promotional periods
  • Inherit Level Status:
  • Controls whether additional access (e.g., bonuses) is tied to the main membership status

Advanced Access Control Features:

  • Grant Continued Access: Allow canceled members to retain access to certain content
  • Custom redirects:
  • After registration
  • After login
  • After logout
  • Email notifications:
  • New member registration
  • Incomplete registrations
  • Membership cancellation
  • Membership reactivation

By carefully configuring these access settings, you can create a nuanced and tailored membership experience for your users. The granular control offered by Wishlist Member allows you to design membership levels that align perfectly with your content strategy and business model.

Set up registration [04:54]

Setting up the registration process is a critical aspect of creating a smooth onboarding experience for new members. Wishlist Member provides a range of options to customize the registration flow, ensuring that you can collect the necessary information while maintaining a user-friendly sign-up process.

Registration Configuration Options:

  • Allow registrations from:
  • New members only
  • Existing members only
  • Both new and existing members
  • Access continuation:
  • Grant continued access after cancellation (useful for certain business models)
  • Registration requirements:
  • Administrator approval
  • Email confirmation
  • Additional settings:
  • Terms and Conditions acceptance
  • Google ReCAPTCHA integration

Customizing the Registration Process:

  • Create custom registration forms
  • Add WordPress profile fields
  • Include Wishlist Member-specific address fields

Registration Form Styling:

  • Theme style (recommended): Matches your WordPress theme’s form styling
  • Wishlist Member default style
  • Legacy style option

Custom Registration Forms:

Wishlist Member’s custom registration form builder allows you to create tailored sign-up experiences for different membership levels or user groups.

  • Steps to create a custom registration form:
  1. Navigate to Advanced Options
  2. Click “Add Custom Registration Form”
  3. Name your form (e.g., “Good Member”)
  4. Drag and drop desired fields into the form
  • Available field types:
  • Standard fields (text boxes, drop-down lists, radio buttons, checkboxes)
  • WordPress profile fields
  • Wishlist Member address fields

Best Practices for Registration Setup:

  • Keep forms concise to reduce friction during sign-up
  • Only collect information that’s necessary for your business operations
  • Use clear and descriptive labels for form fields
  • Implement a multi-step registration process for longer forms
  • Provide clear instructions and help text where needed

By thoughtfully setting up your registration process, you can create a seamless onboarding experience that encourages sign-ups while collecting the information you need to serve your members effectively.

Set up some integration [07:24]

Integrations play a crucial role in creating a fully functional membership site ecosystem. Wishlist Member offers a wide array of integration options, allowing you to connect your membership site with payment processors, email marketing platforms, and other essential tools.

Payment Provider Integrations:

Wishlist Member supports numerous payment gateways and shopping carts, enabling you to process payments and manage subscriptions efficiently.

  • Supported payment providers:
  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • ThriveCart
  • SamCart
  • And many more
  • Notable absence: WooCommerce (currently on the roadmap)

Steps to Set Up Payment Integrations:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Integrations
  2. Choose your desired payment provider
  3. Click “Configure” and enter your API keys or credentials
  4. Set up products within each payment integration

Email Marketing Integrations:

Connecting your membership site with your email marketing platform allows for seamless communication with your members and automated workflows.

  • Supported email providers:
  • MailChimp
  • AWeber
  • Constant Contact
  • ConvertKit
  • Drip
  • Infusionsoft
  • GetResponse
  • ActiveCampaign
  • And more

Additional Service Integrations:

  • Webinar platforms:
  • EasyWebinar
  • GoToWebinar
  • Learning Management Systems:
  • LearnDash (recent integration)

Integration Best Practices:

  • Regularly test integrations to ensure they’re functioning correctly
  • Keep API keys and credentials secure and up to date
  • Use webhooks when available for real-time data synchronization
  • Set up backup payment methods to prevent lost sales

Future Integration Roadmap:

  • WooCommerce integration (highly anticipated)
  • BuddyBoss integration
  • TutorLMS integration

While the integration process in Wishlist Member is generally straightforward, there’s room for improvement in areas like product setup across multiple payment providers. Despite this minor inconvenience, the wide range of available integrations makes Wishlist Member a versatile choice for most membership site needs.

Set up your products [08:27]

Setting up products in Wishlist Member is a crucial step in monetizing your membership site. This process involves creating and configuring the various membership options or digital products you’ll offer to your audience. Wishlist Member provides a flexible system for product setup, although there are some considerations to keep in mind when working with multiple payment providers.

Creating a New Product:

  1. Navigate to the Products tab within your chosen payment integration
  2. Click “Add New Product”
  3. Provide a name for your product (e.g., “Good Member”)
  4. Select the associated membership level

Product Configuration Options:

  • Payment type:
  • One-time payment
  • Subscription (recurring payment)
  • Pricing:
  • Set the price (e.g., $10 per month)
  • Define billing cycle (e.g., monthly, annually)
  • Advanced settings:
  • Max failed attempts before cancellation
  • Trial period options
  • Shipping address collection (if applicable)

Subscription Cancellation Handling:

Wishlist Member offers options for managing access after a subscription is canceled:

  • Immediate cancellation: Revoke access as soon as the subscription is canceled
  • Continued access: Allow members to retain access until the end of their paid period

Product Setup Considerations:

  • Each payment provider requires separate product setup
  • Products are linked to specific membership levels
  • Unable to assign multiple membership levels to a single product

Best Practices for Product Setup:

  • Use clear, descriptive names for your products
  • Align product names with membership level names for consistency
  • Consider offering both monthly and annual subscription options
  • Set up trial periods to encourage sign-ups
  • Implement a logical pricing structure across different membership tiers

Content Protection and Access:

Once your products are set up, you can protect content based on membership levels:

  1. Edit a post or page
  2. Locate the Wishlist Member field
  3. Set the content as “protected”
  4. Choose which membership levels can access the content

Non-Member Content Handling:

For protected content, you can configure what non-members see:

  • Redirect to a specific page
  • Display a custom message
  • Redirect to an external site

Advanced Content Control Features:

  • Content Scheduler: Drip content over time
  • Content Archiver: Remove access to older content
  • Content Manager: Move content between categories

By carefully setting up your products and configuring content access, you can create a compelling membership offering that provides value to your members while generating revenue for your business. The flexibility of Wishlist Member’s product and content protection systems allows for a wide range of membership models and pricing strategies.

Add custom registration form [15:27]

Creating custom registration forms is one of Wishlist Member’s standout features, allowing you to tailor the sign-up process to your specific needs and gather relevant information from your members. This functionality enables you to create a more personalized and efficient onboarding experience.

Steps to Create a Custom Registration Form:

  1. Navigate to Advanced Options in Wishlist Member
  2. Click on “Add Custom Registration Form”
  3. Provide a name for your form (e.g., “Good Member”)
  4. Use the drag-and-drop interface to add and arrange fields

Available Field Types:

  • Standard Fields:
  • Text boxes
  • Drop-down lists
  • Radio buttons
  • Checkboxes
  • WordPress Profile Fields:
  • Nickname
  • Biographical info
  • Website
  • Wishlist Member Address Fields:
  • Company name
  • Address lines
  • City/Town
  • State/Province
  • ZIP/Postal code
  • Country

Customizing Form Fields:

  • Edit field labels to match your branding or gather specific information
  • Set fields as required or optional
  • Add custom placeholder text or help text to guide users

Form Styling Options:

  • Theme style (recommended): Matches your WordPress theme’s form design
  • Wishlist Member default style
  • Legacy style for backward compatibility

Best Practices for Custom Registration Forms:

  • Keep forms concise to reduce sign-up friction
  • Only collect essential information during initial registration
  • Use clear and descriptive labels for each field
  • Group related fields together for better user experience
  • Consider using multi-step forms for longer registration processes
  • Implement form validation to ensure data quality

Advanced Form Customization:

  • Use conditional logic to show/hide fields based on user selections
  • Integrate with third-party form builders for additional functionality
  • Implement custom CSS to fine-tune form appearance

By leveraging Wishlist Member’s custom registration form builder, you can create a tailored sign-up experience that aligns with your membership site’s goals and user expectations. This level of customization can significantly improve conversion rates and set the stage for a positive member experience from the outset.

Pull in WordPress profile fields [16:14]

Wishlist Member’s ability to incorporate WordPress profile fields into your custom registration forms adds another layer of flexibility to your membership site setup. This feature allows you to gather additional information about your members while leveraging the existing WordPress user profile structure.

Available WordPress Profile Fields:

  • Nickname
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Display Name
  • Website
  • Biographical Info
  • Jabber/Google Talk
  • AIM
  • Yahoo IM

Benefits of Using WordPress Profile Fields:

  • Seamless integration with existing WordPress user data
  • Consistency across your WordPress site and membership area
  • Ability to use this information in other WordPress-integrated plugins

Steps to Add WordPress Profile Fields:

  1. While editing your custom registration form, locate the “WordPress Profile Fields” section
  2. Drag and drop desired fields into your form layout
  3. Arrange the fields in your preferred order
  4. Customize field labels if needed

Customization Options:

  • Edit field labels to match your site’s terminology
  • Set fields as required or optional
  • Add custom instructions or placeholder text

Best Practices for Using WordPress Profile Fields:

  • Only include fields that are relevant to your membership site
  • Consider the order of fields for a logical flow of information
  • Use consistent labeling across your site for a cohesive user experience
  • Respect user privacy by only collecting necessary information

Advanced Usage:

  • Use WordPress hooks and filters to further customize field behavior
  • Integrate with member directory plugins to display select profile information
  • Leverage this data for personalized content or communication


  • Some fields (e.g., Jabber/Google Talk, AIM) may be outdated for modern users
  • Be mindful of data protection regulations when collecting personal information

By thoughtfully incorporating WordPress profile fields into your Wishlist Member registration forms, you can create a more comprehensive user profile system that enhances your ability to serve and engage with your members effectively.

Key Takeaways

Wishlist Member, now available through an exclusive AppSumo deal, presents a compelling option for WordPress users looking to create and manage membership sites. This longstanding plugin, with its extensive feature set and proven track record, offers significant value at a fraction of its regular price.

Value Proposition:

  • Substantial cost savings compared to regular pricing
  • Lifetime access vs. annual subscription model
  • Multiple site licenses available (3, 10, or 50 sites)

Core Functionality:

  1. Flexible Membership Levels: Create and manage multiple tiers of membership with customizable access controls.
  2. Robust Content Protection: Easily restrict access to posts, pages, and custom post types based on membership levels.
  3. Integration Capabilities: Connect with popular payment gateways, email marketing platforms, and other essential tools to create a comprehensive membership ecosystem.
  4. Custom Registration Forms: Tailor the sign-up process with drag-and-drop form builders and WordPress profile field integration.
  5. Advanced Content Management: Utilize features like content scheduling, archiving, and category-based management to create dynamic membership experiences.
  6. User Management: Gain insights into member activity, handle approvals, and manage access with granular controls.

Areas for Improvement:

  • WooCommerce integration currently unavailable (but on the roadmap)
  • Product setup process can be repetitive when using multiple payment providers

Final Verdict:

Wishlist Member earns a strong 9.2 out of 10 rating, making it a highly recommended choice for WordPress users venturing into the membership site space. Its comprehensive feature set, coupled with the attractive AppSumo pricing, positions it as an excellent value proposition.

For those already invested in other ecosystems (e.g., WooCommerce users or those with specific LMS needs), it’s worth considering how Wishlist Member aligns with existing workflows and future integration plans.

Ultimately, Wishlist Member proves to be a powerful, flexible, and user-friendly solution for creating and managing membership sites on WordPress. The AppSumo deal presents an unprecedented opportunity to acquire this robust tool at a significant discount, making it an attractive option for both newcomers and experienced membership site operators looking to enhance their capabilities.

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