That LTD Life

AI for WordPress: Is Content Boom Worth It? [AppSumo LTD]

28 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

In today’s digital landscape, content creation and search engine optimization (SEO) are crucial for online businesses. As the demand for high-quality content continues to grow, many entrepreneurs and website owners are turning to AI-powered tools to streamline their workflow and boost their online presence. One such tool that has been gaining attention is Content Boom, a WordPress plugin that leverages artificial intelligence to assist with various aspects of content creation and optimization.

In this in-depth review, we’ll explore Content Boom, an AppSumo lifetime deal (LTD) that promises to revolutionize the way you create and optimize content for your WordPress website. We’ll dive into its features, pricing, user interface, and overall effectiveness to help you determine if this AI-powered plugin is worth the investment for your online business.

Throughout this article, we’ll cover everything from the plugin’s installation process to its various functionalities, including blog content generation, meta data optimization, image compression, and alt text generation. We’ll also discuss the pros and cons of using Content Boom and provide a final verdict on whether it’s a worthwhile addition to your WordPress toolkit.

So, if you’re a website owner, content creator, or digital marketer looking to streamline your content production process and improve your SEO efforts, read on to discover if Content Boom is the right solution for you.

Plans & Pricing [00:37]

When it comes to investing in a new tool for your online business, understanding the pricing structure and available plans is crucial. Content Boom offers its service through AppSumo, a popular platform for lifetime deals on software and digital tools. Let’s take a closer look at the pricing options and what each tier has to offer.

Content Boom is available on AppSumo for a starting price of $39, which gets you in the door with the basic plan. However, there are several tiers to choose from, each offering different levels of access and features:

Tier 1: Entry-Level Plan

  • Price: $39
  • Number of sites: 5
  • Ideal for: Small businesses or individuals managing a few websites

Tier 2: Mid-Level Plan

  • Price: Not specified in the transcript
  • Number of sites: 25
  • Ideal for: Growing businesses or freelancers managing multiple client sites

Tier 3: High-Level Plan

  • Price: Not specified in the transcript
  • Number of sites: 100
  • Ideal for: Agencies or large businesses with numerous web properties

Tier 4: Unlimited Plan

  • Price: Not specified in the transcript
  • Number of sites: Unlimited
  • Ideal for: Large agencies or enterprises requiring unlimited WordPress website support

One of the most attractive aspects of the Tier 4 plan is the ability to use Content Boom on an unlimited number of WordPress websites. This makes it an excellent option for agencies serving multiple clients or businesses managing a large portfolio of websites.

The “Bring Your Own Key” (BYOK) Model

An important aspect of Content Boom’s pricing model is the requirement to “bring your own key” (BYOK) for OpenAI. This means that users need to provide their own OpenAI API key to use the AI-powered features of the plugin. While this might seem like an additional cost, it’s actually a smart move for several reasons:

  • Sustainability: By having users provide their own API keys, Content Boom can offer unlimited AI generation without risking their business model.
  • Cost control: Users have direct control over their AI usage and associated costs.
  • Flexibility: This model allows users to choose their preferred OpenAI model and manage their own API limits.

Cost Efficiency

Throughout the review, it’s noted that the AI generation costs are remarkably low. For example, generating a full-length article and multiple meta descriptions only cost about three cents. This demonstrates the potential for significant cost savings when compared to hiring human writers or using other AI content generation tools.

Long-term Value

As a lifetime deal, Content Boom offers excellent long-term value for users. Once you purchase a tier, you have access to the features for life, without recurring subscription fees (aside from the OpenAI API costs). This can result in substantial savings over time, especially for businesses that rely heavily on content creation and SEO optimization.

By offering a range of plans and a sustainable pricing model, Content Boom positions itself as an attractive option for businesses of all sizes looking to incorporate AI into their WordPress content strategy. The BYOK model, while requiring some additional setup, provides users with greater control and potential for cost savings in the long run.

Content Boom Website [01:46]

When evaluating a software product, the company’s website often serves as the first point of contact for potential users. It’s an opportunity for the company to showcase its professionalism, attention to detail, and the quality of its offering. In the case of Content Boom, the website leaves much to be desired and raises some initial concerns about the overall quality of the product.

First Impressions

The Content Boom website is described as “one of the kind of obviously not designed websites” that the reviewer has ever seen. This statement immediately sets a tone of concern regarding the company’s attention to detail and professionalism. A well-designed website is often indicative of a company’s commitment to user experience and quality, so this first impression is not particularly favorable.

Website Structure and Navigation

The review points out some peculiar aspects of the website’s structure:

  • The help form is located on the About Us page, rather than on a dedicated Help or Support page.
  • There doesn’t appear to be a separate help page at all, which could make it difficult for users to find assistance when needed.

User Interface Issues

One specific example of poor design is highlighted:

  • The submit button on the help form is described as particularly unusual or poorly designed.
  • This suggests that even basic elements of the website lack polish and user-friendly design.

Implications for Product Quality

While a website’s design doesn’t necessarily reflect the quality of the product itself, it can raise concerns:

  • It may indicate a lack of resources or attention to detail within the company.
  • It could suggest that the product itself might have similar design or usability issues.
  • It might make potential customers question the overall professionalism and reliability of the company.

Potential Explanations

The reviewer speculates on possible reasons for the website’s poor design:

  • The product might have been developed by a solo developer or a small team.
  • The focus may have been primarily on functionality rather than aesthetics.
  • There might be a lack of design expertise within the development team.

Impact on User Trust

A poorly designed website can have several negative impacts:

  • It may decrease user trust in the product and company.
  • It could deter potential customers from exploring the product further.
  • It might lead users to question the support and ongoing development of the product.

Room for Improvement

Despite the critical observations, the reviewer maintains a balanced perspective:

  • They clarify that they’re not trying to “hate on anyone” but rather provide honest feedback.
  • This suggests that there’s room for improvement and that addressing these design issues could significantly enhance the product’s appeal.

While the Content Boom website leaves much to be desired in terms of design and user experience, it’s important to remember that the true value of a product lies in its functionality and effectiveness. As we continue to explore Content Boom’s features and performance, we’ll see whether the plugin itself can overcome the initial poor impression created by its website.

Content Boom Interface [02:28]

After the initial concerns raised by the Content Boom website, it’s crucial to examine the plugin’s interface within WordPress to get a better understanding of its usability and functionality. The Content Boom interface is where users will spend most of their time, so its design and ease of use are paramount to the overall user experience.

First Login Experience

Upon logging into the Content Boom account for the first time, users are presented with a relatively straightforward interface:

  • The main task is to download and install the plugin on your WordPress website.
  • There’s a section related to tokens, which are likely used for authentication and licensing purposes.

Token Generation

The interface provides a simple method for generating tokens:

  • Users can create either one token or five tokens at a time.
  • This flexibility allows for easy management of multiple websites or different usage scenarios.

Plugin Download

The process for obtaining the plugin appears to be straightforward:

  • There’s a clearly labeled section for downloading the plugin.
  • Users can simply click on “Download Latest Version” to get the plugin file.

WordPress Integration

Once the plugin is downloaded, the installation process follows the standard WordPress plugin installation procedure:

  • Users need to navigate to the “Add New Plugin” section in their WordPress dashboard.
  • The plugin can be uploaded and installed with a few clicks.
  • After activation, the plugin doesn’t immediately redirect users to a setup page, which the reviewer finds refreshing.

Navigation Within WordPress

After installation, Content Boom adds several new items to the WordPress dashboard:

  • An “Alt Tag Generator” option appears in the left-hand sidebar.
  • An “Image Compression” option is also added to the sidebar.
  • A main “Content Boom” menu item is placed at the top of the sidebar.

Interface Organization

The reviewer notes some inconsistencies in how the plugin’s features are organized:

  • Multiple entries are added to the sidebar, which could potentially clutter the WordPress dashboard.
  • The reviewer suggests that consolidating these features under a single menu item might be more user-friendly.

Settings Page

The Content Boom settings page is where users configure the plugin:

  • Users need to enter their OpenAI API key.
  • The token generated earlier on the Content Boom website needs to be added here.

Additional Features

The interface includes several other features and options:

  • A Sitemap option, which can be toggled on or off.
  • External link settings, including options for nofollow attributes and opening links in new tabs.

User Experience Considerations

While the interface seems functional, there are a few areas where the user experience could be improved:

  • The duplication of menu items (e.g., separate entries for Alt Tag Generator and Image Compression) could be confusing for users.
  • The organization of features could be more intuitive and streamlined.

Overall Impression

Despite some organizational issues, the Content Boom interface appears to be functional and relatively easy to navigate:

  • The essential features are accessible through the WordPress dashboard.
  • The setup process seems straightforward, with clear steps for token generation and API key input.

While the Content Boom interface within WordPress shows improvement over the company’s website, there’s still room for refinement in terms of organization and user experience. As we delve deeper into the plugin’s features, we’ll see how these interface elements translate into actual functionality and whether they contribute to a smooth content creation and optimization workflow.

Adding Content Boom to WP [03:13]

Installing and setting up Content Boom on your WordPress website is a crucial step in leveraging its AI-powered features for content creation and optimization. This section will guide you through the process of adding Content Boom to your WordPress site and getting it ready for use.

Downloading the Plugin

Before you can add Content Boom to your WordPress site, you need to download the plugin file:

  • Log in to your Content Boom account.
  • Navigate to the download section.
  • Click on “Download Latest Version” to obtain the plugin file.

WordPress Plugin Installation

Once you have the plugin file, follow these steps to install it on your WordPress site:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to “Plugins” > “Add New” in the left-hand sidebar.
  • Click on the “Upload Plugin” button at the top of the page.
  • Choose the Content Boom plugin file you downloaded earlier.
  • Click “Install Now” to begin the installation process.

Activating the Plugin

After the installation is complete, you need to activate the plugin:

  • Click on the “Activate Plugin” button that appears after successful installation.
  • You should see a message confirming that the plugin has been activated.

Post-Activation Experience

Unlike many other plugins, Content Boom doesn’t immediately redirect you to a setup page after activation:

  • The reviewer notes this as a positive feature, allowing users to explore the plugin at their own pace.
  • This approach gives users more control over their initial interaction with the plugin.

Navigating Content Boom Features

After activation, you’ll notice new items added to your WordPress dashboard:

  • Look for the “Content Boom” menu item at the top of the left-hand sidebar.
  • You’ll also see separate entries for “Alt Tag Generator” and “Image Compression” in the sidebar.

Initial Configuration

To start using Content Boom, you’ll need to configure some basic settings:

  • Navigate to the Content Boom settings page.
  • Enter your OpenAI API key in the designated field.
  • Add the token you generated on the Content Boom website.
  • Save your changes to complete the initial setup.

Exploring Additional Options

Take some time to explore the other settings and features available:

  • Check out the Sitemap option if you’re not using another SEO plugin.
  • Review the External Links settings to decide if you want to enable nofollow attributes or open links in new tabs.

Potential Challenges

While the installation process is straightforward, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Ensure you have your OpenAI API key ready before starting the setup.
  • Be prepared to navigate between the Content Boom website and your WordPress dashboard during the initial configuration.

Best Practices

To ensure a smooth installation and setup process:

  • Back up your WordPress site before installing any new plugins.
  • If you encounter any issues, consult the Content Boom documentation or reach out to their support team.
  • Take the time to explore all the features and settings before starting to use the plugin for content creation.

Adding Content Boom to your WordPress site is a relatively simple process that follows standard plugin installation procedures. While the plugin’s organization within the WordPress dashboard could be more streamlined, the overall setup process is user-friendly and straightforward. By following these steps and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging Content Boom’s AI-powered features for your content creation and optimization needs.

Settings [03:59]

The settings section of any WordPress plugin is crucial for customizing its functionality to suit your specific needs. Content Boom’s settings offer several options to tailor the plugin’s behavior and integrate it seamlessly with your WordPress site. Let’s explore the various settings available and how they can enhance your content creation and optimization workflow.

OpenAI API Key Integration

One of the most critical settings in Content Boom is the integration with OpenAI:

  • Users are required to enter their OpenAI API key.
  • This “Bring Your Own Key” (BYOK) model allows for more flexibility and cost control.
  • Ensure you have obtained an API key from OpenAI before setting up Content Boom.

Token Authentication

In addition to the OpenAI API key, users need to add a token generated from the Content Boom website:

  • This token likely serves as a license key or authentication method.
  • It ensures that you’re using a legitimate copy of the plugin.

Sitemap Generation

Content Boom includes a built-in sitemap feature:

  • Users can toggle this option on or off.
  • It’s particularly useful if you’re not using another SEO plugin that generates sitemaps.
  • Consider whether you need this feature based on your existing SEO setup.

External Link Management

The plugin offers two important settings for managing external links:

Enable Nofollow:

  • When activated, this setting automatically adds the “nofollow” attribute to all external links.
  • This can be useful for SEO purposes, as it prevents passing “link juice” to external sites.
  • Consider whether you want this applied site-wide or prefer to manage it on a case-by-case basis.

Open Links in New Tab:

  • This setting forces all external links to open in a new browser tab.
  • It can improve user experience by keeping visitors on your site while allowing them to explore external resources.
  • Think about your site’s user flow and whether this aligns with your desired user experience.

Model Selection

Content Boom allows users to choose between different OpenAI models:

  • Options include GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 Turbo.
  • The choice of model can affect the quality and cost of content generation.
  • Consider your budget and content quality requirements when selecting a model.

Future Improvements

The reviewer mentions potential future improvements to the plugin:

  • There are plans to include Claude, another AI model, in future updates.
  • This could provide more options and potentially improve content generation quality.

Settings Organization

While the settings are functional, there are some organizational issues:

  • Some settings appear to be duplicated in different areas of the plugin.
  • This could lead to confusion and may require streamlining in future updates.

Best Practices for Configuring Settings

To get the most out of Content Boom, consider these best practices:

  • Carefully review each setting and its potential impact on your site.
  • Test different configurations to find the optimal setup for your needs.
  • Regularly check for updates to the plugin, as new features or improvements may be added to the settings.

Potential Improvements

Based on the review, some potential improvements to the settings could include:

  • Consolidating duplicate settings into a single, organized interface.
  • Providing more detailed explanations or tooltips for each setting.
  • Offering presets or recommended configurations for different use cases.

The settings section of Content Boom provides essential options for customizing the plugin’s behavior and integrating it with your WordPress site and OpenAI account. While there’s room for improvement in terms of organization and clarity, the available settings offer a good degree of flexibility for users to tailor the plugin to their specific needs. By carefully configuring these settings, you can optimize Content Boom’s performance and ensure it aligns with your content creation and SEO strategies.

Blog Content Generator [06:01]

One of the most powerful features of Content Boom is its Blog Content Generator, which leverages AI to create comprehensive articles based on user input. This tool aims to streamline the content creation process, helping website owners and content marketers produce high-quality blog posts quickly and efficiently. Let’s dive into the details of how this feature works and what it can offer.

Setting Up Your Content Generation

The Blog Content Generator provides a user-friendly interface for creating content:

  • Users start by choosing a topic for their article.
  • Keywords can be added to guide the AI in generating relevant content.
  • A target audience can be specified to tailor the content’s tone and style.
  • Language and target location options are available for localization.
  • Users can select a tone for the content (e.g., casual, formal, etc.).
  • The AI model can be chosen (GPT-4 or GPT-3.5 Turbo).

Generating the Outline

The first step in the content creation process is generating an outline:

  • After inputting the necessary information, users click “Generate Outline.”
  • The AI creates a structured outline with H2 and H3 headings.
  • This outline serves as a framework for the full article.

Reviewing and Editing the Outline

Before proceeding to full content generation, users have the opportunity to review and modify the outline:

  • The outline is presented in a standard WordPress editor.
  • Users can add, remove, or rearrange sections as needed.
  • This step allows for customization and ensures the content aligns with the user’s vision.

Generating the Full Article

Once satisfied with the outline, users can generate the full blog post:

  • Clicking “Generate Blog Content” prompts the AI to flesh out the outline.
  • The process may take a few moments, depending on the length and complexity of the content.

Content Quality and Length

The review provides insights into the quality and length of the generated content:

  • The example article generated was 2,700 words long.
  • It had an estimated read time of 14 minutes.
  • The content included various elements such as tables and FAQ sections.


One of the standout aspects of Content Boom’s Blog Content Generator is its cost-effectiveness:

  • Generating a full-length article and multiple meta descriptions cost only about three cents.
  • This demonstrates significant cost savings compared to hiring human writers or using other AI content generation tools.

Potential Improvements

While the Blog Content Generator is powerful, there are areas for improvement:

  • The reviewer noted that the conclusion switched to a different language (Norwegian), indicating a potential bug.
  • There’s a suggestion for supporting GPT-4 Mini, which could further reduce costs and increase generation speed.

Best Practices for Using the Blog Content Generator

To get the most out of this feature, consider the following tips:

  • Provide detailed and specific input to guide the AI in generating relevant content.
  • Always review and edit the generated content to ensure accuracy and brand voice consistency.
  • Use the outline editing feature to customize the structure before generating the full article.
  • Consider using the generated content as a starting point and enhancing it with your expertise and personal touch.

Integration with WordPress

The Blog Content Generator integrates seamlessly with WordPress:

  • Generated content is saved as a draft in your WordPress posts.
  • This allows for easy editing and publishing within your familiar WordPress environment.

The Blog Content Generator feature of Content Boom offers a powerful tool for creating comprehensive, AI-generated blog posts quickly and cost-effectively. While it may require some editing and refinement, it provides an excellent starting point for content creators looking to streamline their process. By leveraging this tool effectively, users can significantly reduce the time and resources required for content creation, allowing them to focus on strategy and quality improvement.

AI Meta Dashboard [09:48]

The AI Meta Dashboard is a crucial component of Content Boom, designed to streamline the process of optimizing your content for search engines. This feature allows users to efficiently manage and generate meta titles and descriptions for their WordPress posts and pages. Let’s explore the functionality and benefits of this dashboard in detail.

Dashboard Overview

The AI Meta Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your WordPress content:

  • It displays a list of all your posts and pages.
  • For each piece of content, you can see associated keywords, meta titles, and meta descriptions.
  • The interface is designed for easy navigation and quick editing.

Generating Meta Titles

One of the key features of the AI Meta Dashboard is the ability to generate SEO-optimized meta titles:

  • Users can click a button next to each post to generate a new meta title.
  • The AI takes into account the content of the post to create relevant titles.
  • Generated titles are often more concise and search-engine friendly than the original post titles.

Creating Meta Descriptions

Similarly, the dashboard allows for quick generation of meta descriptions:

  • A single click can produce a meta description for any post or page.
  • These descriptions are crafted to be compelling and informative, encouraging higher click-through rates from search results.

Efficiency and Time-Saving

The AI Meta Dashboard significantly reduces the time required for SEO optimization:

  • Users can quickly generate meta data for multiple posts in succession.
  • This is particularly useful for websites with large amounts of content that need optimization.

Quality of Generated Meta Data

The review provides insights into the quality of the AI-generated meta information:

  • Generated titles are noted to be more concise and SEO-friendly than original post titles.
  • Meta descriptions are crafted to be informative and enticing for potential readers.

Customization Options

While the AI generates meta data automatically, users still have control over the final output:

  • Generated titles and descriptions can be manually edited if needed.
  • This allows for fine-tuning to ensure brand voice consistency and accuracy.

Bulk Operations

The reviewer suggests potential improvements for bulk operations:

  • A feature for bulk generation of meta data could further enhance efficiency.
  • This would be particularly useful for websites with hundreds or thousands of posts.

Integration with WordPress SEO

It’s worth noting how the AI Meta Dashboard integrates with existing WordPress SEO practices:

  • The dashboard can be used alongside other SEO plugins, providing additional optimization options.
  • Users should consider how this tool complements their existing SEO strategy.

Best Practices for Using the AI Meta Dashboard

To maximize the benefits of this feature, consider the following tips:

  • Regularly review and update meta data for your most important pages and posts.
  • Use the generated meta data as a starting point, and refine it based on your knowledge of your audience and content.
  • Pay attention to character limits for meta titles and descriptions to ensure they display properly in search results.

Potential Improvements

Based on the review, some potential enhancements to the AI Meta Dashboard could include:

  • Adding inline editing capabilities directly from the dashboard.
  • Implementing bulk generation and editing features for large-scale optimization.
  • Providing more detailed analytics on the performance of generated meta data.

The AI Meta Dashboard in Content Boom offers a powerful and efficient way to optimize your WordPress content for search engines. By automating the generation of meta titles and descriptions, it saves significant time and effort in the SEO process. While there’s room for some improvements in terms of bulk operations and editing capabilities, the tool provides substantial value for content creators and marketers looking to enhance their search engine visibility quickly and effectively.

Open AI Keys [11:07]

Content Boom’s integration with OpenAI’s API is a key feature that sets it apart from many other WordPress plugins. This “Bring Your Own Key” (BYOK) model offers both advantages and considerations for users. Let’s delve into the implications of this approach and how it affects the overall user experience and functionality of Content Boom.

Understanding the BYOK Model

The BYOK model requires users to provide their own OpenAI API key:

  • Users need to sign up for an OpenAI account and obtain an API key.
  • This key is then entered into Content Boom’s settings to enable AI-powered features.

Advantages of the BYOK Approach

Cost Control:

  • Users have direct control over their AI usage and associated costs.
  • You only pay for what you use, potentially reducing overall expenses.


  • Users can choose which OpenAI model to use (e.g., GPT-4 or GPT-3.5 Turbo).
  • This allows for customization based on specific needs and budget constraints.


  • Users can monitor their API usage directly through their OpenAI account.
  • This provides clarity on how much the AI features are being utilized.


  • As your needs grow, you can adjust your OpenAI plan accordingly without changing your Content Boom subscription.

Considerations for Users

Initial Setup:

  • Obtaining an OpenAI API key requires an additional step in the setup process.
  • Users need to be comfortable managing their API key and usage.

Ongoing Management:

  • Users are responsible for monitoring their API usage and costs.
  • It’s important to set up billing alerts or limits to avoid unexpected charges.

Technical Knowledge:

  • Some basic understanding of API keys and their management is beneficial.
  • This might be a learning curve for less technical users.

Impact on Content Generation Costs

The review highlights the cost-effectiveness of this approach:

  • Generating a full-length article and multiple meta descriptions cost only about three cents.
  • This demonstrates the potential for significant cost savings compared to other content generation methods.

Implications for Agencies and Freelancers

The BYOK model offers unique advantages for agencies and freelancers:

  • Clients can provide their own OpenAI keys, ensuring transparency in AI usage and costs.
  • This prevents agencies from bearing the cost of excessive AI usage by clients.

Future-Proofing and Sustainability

The BYOK approach contributes to the long-term viability of Content Boom:

  • By offloading API costs to users, Content Boom can offer more competitive pricing for its plugin.
  • This model allows Content Boom to focus on developing features rather than managing API costs.

Best Practices for Managing Your OpenAI Key

To make the most of the BYOK model, consider these tips:

  • Regularly review your OpenAI usage and adjust your plan as needed.
  • Implement safeguards to prevent unauthorized use of your API key.
  • Consider setting up separate API keys for different projects or clients.

Potential Improvements

Based on the review, some enhancements to the OpenAI key integration could include:

  • Providing more detailed guidance on obtaining and managing OpenAI API keys.
  • Offering in-plugin usage tracking and cost estimation features.
  • Implementing features to easily switch between different OpenAI models or versions.

The Open AI Keys integration in Content Boom represents a thoughtful approach to AI-powered content generation. While it requires some additional setup and management from users, it offers greater flexibility, cost control, and transparency. This model is particularly beneficial for agencies and power users who require fine-grained control over their AI usage. As AI technology continues to evolve, the BYOK approach positions Content Boom as a sustainable and adaptable solution for WordPress content creation and optimization.

Duplicates? [11:40]

One of the notable aspects of Content Boom’s user interface that came to light during the review is the presence of duplicate menu items and features. This duplication raises questions about the plugin’s organization and user experience. Let’s explore this issue in detail and consider its implications for users.

Observed Duplications

The review points out several instances of duplication within the Content Boom interface:

Menu Items:

  • Multiple entries for the same features appear in the WordPress sidebar.
  • For example, both “Alt Tag Generator” and “Alt Text Generator” are listed separately.

Image Compression:

  • There are two separate entries for image compression features.

Content Boom Settings:

  • The main “Content Boom” menu item and a separate “Settings” option lead to the same page.

Impact on User Experience

These duplications can have several effects on how users interact with the plugin:


  • Users may be unsure which menu item to use for a specific task.
  • It’s not immediately clear if duplicate items offer different functionalities.

Cluttered Interface:

  • Multiple entries for the same features can make the WordPress sidebar appear crowded.
  • This can make it more challenging to navigate the WordPress admin area efficiently.

Inconsistent User Flow:

  • Users might have to check multiple locations to ensure they’ve accessed all features.
  • This can lead to a less intuitive and more time-consuming workflow.

Potential Reasons for Duplication

The reviewer speculates on possible causes for these duplications:

AI-Generated Plugin:

  • There’s a suggestion that the plugin might have been created with the help of AI.
  • This could explain some of the organizational inconsistencies.

Rapid Development:

  • The duplications might be a result of quick feature additions without a comprehensive review of the existing structure.

Different Developer Contributions:

  • If multiple developers worked on the plugin, there might have been a lack of coordination in feature implementation.

Implications for Plugin Quality

While duplications don’t necessarily affect the plugin’s core functionality, they can influence perceptions of its quality:

Attention to Detail:

  • Duplications might suggest a lack of thorough quality assurance.
  • Users might question the overall polish of the plugin.

User-Centric Design:

  • The presence of duplicates could indicate that user experience wasn’t a primary focus during development.

Ongoing Maintenance:

  • Users might wonder about the level of care and attention given to the plugin’s upkeep and improvement.

Suggested Improvements

To address these issues, several improvements could be considered:

Consolidation of Features:

  • Combine duplicate entries into single, well-organized menu items.
  • Create a more logical and hierarchical structure for the plugin’s features.

Consistent Naming:

  • Ensure that similar features have consistent names across the interface.
  • Clearly differentiate between features that might seem similar but serve different purposes.

User Interface Audit:

  • Conduct a thorough review of the plugin’s interface to identify and eliminate redundancies.
  • Consider user testing to optimize the layout and organization of features.

Best Practices for Users

While using Content Boom with these duplications, users can:

  1. Familiarize themselves with the location of each feature.
  2. Create custom workflows that consistently use one set of menu items.
  3. Provide feedback to the developers about the duplications and any confusion they cause.

The presence of duplicate menu items and features in Content Boom’s interface is a notable concern that affects the overall user experience. While it doesn’t necessarily detract from the plugin’s core functionality, it does suggest areas for improvement in terms of organization and user interface design. As Content Boom continues to develop, addressing these duplications could significantly enhance the plugin’s usability and user satisfaction. In the meantime, users can adapt their workflows to navigate around these inconsistencies while leveraging the plugin’s powerful features.

Image Compression [12:33]

Image compression is a crucial feature for any WordPress website, as it can significantly improve page load times and overall site performance. Content Boom includes an image compression tool as part of its feature set, aiming to provide users with an all-in-one solution for content optimization. Let’s explore the functionality, strengths, and limitations of Content Boom’s image compression feature.

Accessing the Image Compression Tool

Users can access the image compression feature through multiple entry points:

  • A dedicated “Image Compression” option in the WordPress sidebar.
  • Within the main Content Boom menu.

Compression Options

The tool offers several options for customizing the compression process:

Keep Original Files:

  • Users can choose to retain the original, uncompressed images.
  • This is useful for reverting changes if needed.

Keep Original Format:

  • This option allows users to maintain the original file format of the images.

Compression Levels:

  • Users can choose between three compression levels:
    • Lossy: Highest compression, potentially lower quality
    • Glossy: Balanced compression and quality
    • Lossless: Minimal compression, preserves original quality

Compression Process

To compress images using Content Boom:

  1. Navigate to the image compression section.
  2. Select the desired compression options.
  3. Click “Compress All Images” to start the process.

On-Server Compression

Content Boom performs image compression directly on the server:

  • This approach doesn’t require uploading images to an external service.
  • It can be faster for processing a small number of images.

Compression Results

The review provides insights into the compression results:

  • Some images showed significant size reduction.
  • However, in some cases, the compressed images were larger than the originals.
  • The reviewer noted inconsistent results across different compression attempts.

Limitations and Drawbacks

Several limitations of the image compression feature were highlighted:

Page-by-Page Compression:

  • Users need to compress images on a page-by-page basis.
  • There’s no option for bulk compression across the entire site.

Limited Display Options:

  • Users can’t adjust how many images are displayed per page during compression.

Inconsistent Results:

  • Some compression attempts resulted in larger file sizes.
  • Different compression levels didn’t always produce expected results.

Resource Intensive:

  • On-server compression can be resource-intensive, potentially affecting site performance during the process.

Comparison to Other Solutions

The reviewer compares Content Boom’s image compression to other services:

  • Solutions like ShortPixel and Elementor’s image optimization tool perform compression off-site.
  • Off-site compression can be more efficient for large numbers of images and doesn’t impact server resources.

Best Practices for Using Image Compression

To make the most of Content Boom’s image compression feature, consider the following best practices:

Test Different Compression Levels:

  • Experiment with lossy, glossy, and lossless options to find the best balance between file size and image quality for your needs.

Compress in Batches:

  • Given the page-by-page limitation, try compressing images in smaller batches to manage the process more effectively.

Monitor Results Carefully:

  • Keep an eye on the compression results to ensure file sizes are actually being reduced.
  • Revert any compressions that result in larger file sizes.

Use During Low-Traffic Periods:

  • If possible, run image compressions during times of low site traffic to minimize the impact on server resources and user experience.

Maintain Original Files:

  • Always keep original image files as a backup, especially when using more aggressive compression settings.

Potential Improvements

Based on the review, several improvements could enhance the image compression feature:

Bulk Compression:

  • Implement a site-wide bulk compression option to process all images at once.

More Granular Controls:

  • Allow users to set specific compression levels or target file sizes.

Preview Option:

  • Add a preview feature to compare original and compressed images before applying changes.


  • Implement a scheduling system for automatic, regular compressions of new uploads.


  • Provide detailed reports on compression results, including total space saved and performance improvements.

Integration with Other Features

Consider how the image compression tool integrates with other Content Boom features:

  • Does compression affect the AI-generated alt text?
  • How does it interact with the SEO optimization features?

Alternatives and Complementary Tools

Given the limitations of Content Boom’s image compression:

  • Users might consider using additional image optimization plugins for more robust compression.
  • Exploring cloud-based image optimization services could provide better results for large-scale compression needs.

The image compression feature in Content Boom offers a convenient, built-in solution for WordPress users looking to optimize their site’s performance. While it provides basic functionality, the limitations in terms of bulk processing and inconsistent results suggest that it may be more suitable for smaller sites or as a complementary tool rather than a primary image optimization solution. Users with extensive image libraries or high-traffic sites might need to consider additional or alternative image optimization tools to fully meet their needs.

As Content Boom continues to develop, addressing these limitations and improving the consistency and efficiency of the image compression feature could significantly enhance its value to users. In the meantime, users should approach this feature with a careful, testing-based approach to ensure they’re achieving the desired balance between image quality and file size reduction.

Alt Text Generator [14:58]

The Alt Text Generator is a valuable feature of Content Boom that leverages AI to create descriptive alternative text for images on your WordPress site. This tool aims to improve accessibility and SEO by providing relevant and accurate descriptions for images. Let’s explore the functionality, benefits, and potential areas for improvement of this feature.

Accessing the Alt Text Generator

Users can access this feature through multiple entry points:

  • A dedicated “Alt Tag Generator” option in the WordPress sidebar.
  • Within the main Content Boom menu.
  • Note: The review mentions both “Alt Text Generator” and “Alt Tag Generator,” which appear to be the same feature.

Functionality Overview

The Alt Text Generator uses AI to analyze images and generate appropriate alt text:

  • It can process individual images or multiple images at once.
  • The AI attempts to describe the content, colors, and context of each image.

Generation Process

To generate alt text using Content Boom:

  1. Navigate to the Alt Text Generator section.
  2. Select the images you want to process.
  3. Click “Generate” for individual images or “Generate for All” for bulk processing.

Quality of Generated Alt Text

The review provides insights into the quality of the AI-generated alt text:

  • Descriptions were noted to be accurate and detailed.
  • The AI successfully identified objects, colors, and contexts in the sample images.
  • Examples given showed appropriate descriptions for product images and abstract concepts.

Bulk Generation Capabilities

The Alt Text Generator offers a bulk generation option:

  • Users can select multiple images and generate alt text for all at once.
  • This feature can significantly speed up the process of optimizing large image libraries.

Limitations and Considerations

While the feature is powerful, there are some limitations to consider:

Page-Based Processing:

  • Like the image compression feature, alt text generation is limited to images on the current page.
  • There’s no option for site-wide bulk generation.

Display Limitations:

  • Users can adjust the number of images displayed per page, but only up to 50.
  • This could be cumbersome for sites with thousands of images.

Model Limitations:

  • The review mentions that the tool appears to use GPT-3.5 Turbo for image description.
  • Users don’t have the option to choose a more advanced model like GPT-4 for potentially better results.

Integration with WordPress

The Alt Text Generator integrates seamlessly with WordPress:

  • Generated alt text is automatically added to the image metadata in WordPress.
  • This ensures that the alt text is properly associated with images across your site.

Cost Considerations

The review notes the cost-effectiveness of this feature:

  • Generating alt text for multiple images incurred minimal costs (less than one cent per image).
  • This makes it an economical solution for improving site accessibility and SEO.

Best Practices for Using the Alt Text Generator

To maximize the benefits of this feature, consider these tips:

Review and Edit:

  • While the AI-generated alt text is generally good, always review and edit if necessary to ensure accuracy and brand consistency.

Prioritize Important Images:

  • Start with key images on your most important pages to make the most impact.

Use Descriptive File Names:

  • Combine AI-generated alt text with descriptive file names for better SEO results.

Regular Updates:

  • Periodically review and update alt text, especially for key product or service images.

Potential Improvements

Based on the review, several enhancements could improve the Alt Text Generator:

Site-Wide Bulk Generation:

  • Implement an option to generate alt text for all images across the site at once.

Advanced Model Selection:

  • Allow users to choose between different AI models for potentially better results.

Customization Options:

  • Provide settings to customize the style or focus of generated alt text (e.g., more emphasis on colors, brands, or actions).

Integration with Image Upload:

  • Automatically generate alt text when new images are uploaded to WordPress.

Accessibility and SEO Benefits

The Alt Text Generator contributes significantly to both accessibility and SEO:

  • Improves site usability for visually impaired users relying on screen readers.
  • Enhances image SEO by providing relevant, descriptive text for search engines to index.

The Alt Text Generator feature in Content Boom offers a powerful and efficient solution for creating descriptive alternative text for images. Its ability to generate accurate and detailed descriptions can significantly improve both the accessibility and SEO performance of WordPress sites. While there are some limitations in terms of bulk processing and model selection, the overall quality and cost-effectiveness of the generated alt text make this a valuable tool for content creators and site managers.

As Content Boom continues to develop, addressing the current limitations and expanding the capabilities of the Alt Text Generator could further enhance its value to users. In its current state, it provides a solid foundation for improving image accessibility and search engine optimization, especially for users who may not have the time or expertise to manually create alt text for large numbers of images.

SEO Meta Data Box [16:50]

The SEO Meta Data Box is a crucial feature of Content Boom that allows users to optimize their WordPress posts and pages for search engines directly from the content editor. This tool integrates AI-powered suggestions with manual editing capabilities to help improve the visibility and click-through rates of your content in search engine results pages (SERPs). Let’s explore the functionality, benefits, and limitations of this feature.

Accessing the SEO Meta Data Box

The SEO Meta Data Box is integrated into the WordPress post editor:

  • It appears as a separate section within the editor interface.
  • Users can access it while creating new posts or editing existing ones.

Functionality Overview

The SEO Meta Data Box provides tools for optimizing two key elements:

Meta Title:

  • AI-generated suggestions for optimized page titles.
  • Option to manually edit and customize titles.

Meta Description:

  • AI-generated suggestions for compelling meta descriptions.
  • Ability to manually refine and tailor descriptions.

AI-Powered Suggestions

Content Boom leverages AI to generate SEO-optimized meta data:

  • The AI analyzes the content of the post or page.
  • It generates suggestions based on best practices for SEO.
  • Users can request multiple suggestions to choose from.

Manual Editing Capabilities

While AI suggestions are provided, users retain full control:

  • Generated titles and descriptions can be manually edited.
  • This allows for fine-tuning to match brand voice and specific SEO strategies.

Integration with WordPress SEO

The review notes that the SEO Meta Data Box works alongside other SEO plugins:

  • It doesn’t interfere with existing SEO tools.
  • Users can choose to use Content Boom’s suggestions in conjunction with or instead of other SEO plugin recommendations.

Limitations and Considerations

The review highlights some limitations of the SEO Meta Data Box:

Editor Integration:

  • The feature is not fully integrated into the general WordPress editor.
  • Users can’t generate or edit meta data directly within the main editing interface.

Bulk Editing:

  • There’s no mention of bulk editing capabilities for meta data.
  • This could be time-consuming for sites with many pages needing optimization.

Preview Functionality:

  • The review doesn’t mention a SERP preview feature, which could be helpful for visualizing how meta data will appear in search results.

Best Practices for Using the SEO Meta Data Box

To maximize the benefits of this feature, consider these tips:

Combine AI and Human Insight:

  • Use AI-generated suggestions as a starting point, but always review and refine based on your knowledge of your audience and content.

Keyword Integration:

  • Ensure that important keywords are naturally incorporated into both titles and descriptions.

Character Limits:

  • Pay attention to character limits for titles (typically 50-60 characters) and descriptions (around 155-160 characters) to avoid truncation in SERPs.

Unique Meta Data:

  • Ensure each page has unique meta titles and descriptions to avoid duplicate content issues.

Call-to-Action in Descriptions:

  • Where appropriate, include a subtle call-to-action in meta descriptions to encourage clicks.

Potential Improvements

Based on the review and common SEO needs, several enhancements could improve the SEO Meta Data Box:

Full Editor Integration:

  • Implement the ability to generate and edit meta data directly within the main WordPress editor interface.

SERP Preview:

  • Add a feature to preview how meta data will appear in search results.

Bulk Editing:

  • Introduce capabilities for bulk generation and editing of meta data across multiple posts or pages.

Keyword Analysis:

  • Integrate keyword density and placement analysis to further optimize meta data.

Historical Performance Data:

  • If possible, show historical click-through rates for existing meta data to inform optimization decisions.

SEO Impact and Benefits

The SEO Meta Data Box can significantly contribute to a site’s search engine performance:

  • Well-optimized meta titles can improve search rankings.
  • Compelling meta descriptions can increase click-through rates from SERPs.
  • Consistent use of this feature can lead to improved overall visibility in search results.

The SEO Meta Data Box in Content Boom offers a valuable tool for optimizing the search engine visibility of WordPress content. By combining AI-powered suggestions with manual editing capabilities, it provides a flexible solution for creating effective meta titles and descriptions. While there are some limitations in terms of integration and bulk editing, the feature provides a solid foundation for improving on-page SEO elements.

As Content Boom continues to evolve, addressing the current limitations and expanding the capabilities of the SEO Meta Data Box could further enhance its value to users. In its current state, it serves as a useful aid for content creators and site managers looking to improve their search engine optimization efforts, especially when used in conjunction with a comprehensive SEO strategy.

Conclusion [17:36]

As we wrap up our comprehensive review of Content Boom, it’s clear that this AI-powered WordPress plugin offers a mix of powerful features and areas for improvement. Let’s summarize the key points and provide a final assessment of Content Boom’s value proposition for WordPress users.

Key Features Recap

Blog Content Generator:

  • Efficiently creates full-length articles based on user input.
  • Cost-effective, with high-quality output.

AI Meta Dashboard:

  • Streamlines the process of generating and managing meta titles and descriptions.
  • Offers quick optimization for multiple posts.

Open AI Integration:

  • “Bring Your Own Key” model provides flexibility and cost control.
  • Allows users to leverage different OpenAI models.

Image Compression:

  • On-server compression with multiple options.
  • Results are mixed, with some limitations in bulk processing.

Alt Text Generator:

  • Produces accurate and detailed alt text for images.
  • Offers bulk generation capabilities within page limits.

SEO Meta Data Box:

  • Integrates AI-powered suggestions for meta titles and descriptions.
  • Works alongside existing SEO plugins.

Strengths of Content Boom

  • Cost-effectiveness: Generates high-quality content at a fraction of the cost of human writers.
  • AI Integration: Leverages advanced AI models for various content creation tasks.
  • SEO Focus: Multiple features designed to improve search engine visibility.
  • Flexibility: “Bring Your Own Key” model allows for customization and scalability.

Areas for Improvement

  • User Interface: Duplicate menu items and organizational issues create confusion.
  • Bulk Processing: Limited options for site-wide content and image optimization.
  • Image Compression: Inconsistent results and lack of bulk processing options.
  • Integration: Some features could be better integrated into the WordPress editor.

Value Proposition

Content Boom offers significant value for WordPress users looking to streamline their content creation and SEO processes:

  • For small to medium-sized websites, it provides a comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools at an affordable price point.
  • The content generation capabilities can be a game-changer for businesses struggling with consistent content production.
  • SEO features offer a good starting point for optimizing on-page elements, especially for those new to SEO.

Final Score and Recommendation

The reviewer gives Content Boom a final score of 6.8 out of 10. This score reflects a balance between the plugin’s powerful features and its current limitations:

  • The AI-powered content generation and SEO tools are impressive and offer real value.
  • However, user interface issues and limitations in bulk processing prevent it from scoring higher.

Recommendations for Different User Groups

Small Business Owners:

  • Content Boom could be an excellent tool for maintaining a consistent blog and improving SEO with limited resources.

Content Marketers:

  • The blog content generator and meta data optimization tools can significantly speed up content production and optimization workflows.

SEO Professionals:

  • While useful, Content Boom might need to be supplemented with more advanced SEO tools for comprehensive optimization.

WordPress Developers:

  • Consider Content Boom as a value-add for client websites, especially those needing regular content updates.

Future Outlook

Given the rapid advancements in AI technology, Content Boom has the potential to become an even more powerful tool:

  • Addressing current UI issues and expanding bulk processing capabilities could significantly enhance its value.
  • Integration of newer AI models and features could further improve content quality and SEO effectiveness.

In conclusion, Content Boom presents a compelling option for WordPress users looking to leverage AI for content creation and SEO optimization. While it has some rough edges in terms of user interface and certain functionalities, its core features offer significant value, especially considering its cost-effectiveness. For many users, particularly those managing smaller to medium-sized websites, Content Boom could be a worthwhile investment to boost content production and search engine visibility. As with any tool, potential users should weigh the features against their specific needs and consider testing the plugin to see how it fits into their workflow.

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