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$59 ConvertKit Killer? Honest Blastable Review for Budget-Conscious Entrepreneurs

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As a tech-savvy entrepreneur, you know that email marketing is crucial for business growth. But with platforms like ConvertKit and ActiveCampaign charging premium prices, it’s getting harder to justify the expense. That’s why I was intrigued by Blastable, a new email marketing tool available on AppSumo for just $59. In this review, I’ll give you my honest thoughts on whether Blastable can truly compete with the big players at a fraction of the cost.

Introduction [00:00]

The old saying goes that “the money is in the list,” but in 2024, it seems like all the money is going to the list providers. With email marketing platforms charging astronomical prices, finding an affordable solution that doesn’t skimp on features is more important than ever.

Enter Blastable, currently available on AppSumo for a one-time payment of $59. But is it any good? That’s what we’re about to find out. I’ve put Blastable through its paces, and I’m going to share everything I’ve discovered – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Creating Lists & Adding Contacts [01:27]

One of the first things you’ll want to do in any email marketing platform is import your contacts. Blastable handles this process through what they call “lists,” which are essentially folders or buckets for your contacts.

To create a list:

  1. Go to Contacts > Add Contacts
  2. Click on “Create Email List”
  3. Give your list a name and display name
  4. Choose between single or double opt-in

One thing I appreciated was the option for multiple sender profiles (available in tier 3 and above). This feature allows you to manage multiple businesses or brands within the same Blastable account.

When it comes to importing contacts, Blastable has some safeguards in place to prevent spam:

  • New accounts are limited to importing lists under 1,000 contacts
  • There’s a delay between import and when you can start sending (ranging from minutes to hours)

This might be frustrating if you’re looking to migrate a large list quickly, but it’s a good sign that Blastable takes deliverability seriously.

Creating A New Segment [06:24]

Segmentation is crucial for targeted email marketing, and I was pleased to see that Blastable supports this feature. Segments in Blastable are dynamic, meaning contacts are automatically added or removed based on specified criteria.

To create a segment:

  1. Go to Manage > Segments
  2. Click “Create New Segment”
  3. Choose your list (or exclude lists)
  4. Set up conditions based on contact information or behavior

I found the segmentation options to be quite robust, allowing for filtering based on various criteria like email domain, open rates, and custom fields. However, I did notice one limitation – you can’t create custom text-based conditions, which could be useful for company-specific segmentation.

Blastable Quirks [09:11]

While exploring Blastable, I noticed a few quirks in the user interface that might take some getting used to:

  • The navigation has both “Create” and “Manage” options with identical sub-menus, which feels redundant and potentially confusing.
  • The color scheme (blue and pink) feels a bit dated and might not appeal to everyone.

These are minor issues, but they do impact the overall user experience.

Creating a New Email Blast [10:14]

Creating and sending email blasts (newsletters) in Blastable is straightforward:

  1. Go to Create > Email Blast
  2. Choose your list or segment
  3. Enter your email details (subject line, preview text)
  4. Design your email using the drag-and-drop editor

The email editor offers a good balance of simplicity and functionality. You can easily add content blocks, customize layouts, and even use AI-generated content (more on that later).

Email Editor [11:27]

The email editor is a crucial component of any email marketing tool, and Blastable’s editor is generally user-friendly. Here are some key features:

  • Drag-and-drop interface
  • Pre-designed content blocks
  • Personalization tokens (e.g., {FIRST_NAME})
  • HTML editing option for advanced users

While there aren’t pre-built templates, the content blocks make it easy to quickly design professional-looking emails. You can also save your designs as templates for future use.

AI Copywriter Mistake [14:56]

Blastable includes an AI copywriter feature, which is a nice touch. However, I noticed a consistent issue:

  • The AI-generated subject lines often exceed the 60-character limit
  • This requires manual editing, which defeats the purpose of using AI for quick content generation

It’s a small but noticeable oversight that Blastable should address to improve the user experience.

Test Email [15:29]

Sending test emails is crucial for ensuring your campaigns look perfect before hitting send. Blastable makes this process simple:

  1. Click “Send Test Email” in the email editor
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Review the test email in your inbox

I was impressed by the speed – test emails arrived almost instantly. However, I did notice some issues with mobile responsiveness:

  • Text appeared too small on mobile devices
  • The layout was sometimes off-center

This is a significant concern, given how many people read emails on their phones. Blastable needs to improve their mobile email rendering to compete with other platforms.

Auto-Responders [16:31]

Blastable’s auto-responder feature is one of its strengths. It’s intuitive and reminiscent of classic email marketing setups:

  1. Create a new auto-responder sequence
  2. Add messages to the sequence
  3. Set triggers (e.g., immediately after subscribing, after an open, etc.)
  4. Design your emails using the familiar email editor

The simplicity of this system is refreshing, especially for those who find complex automation builders overwhelming.

Automations [18:42]

For those who need more advanced workflows, Blastable offers an Automation feature (available in tier 3 and above). However, this is where I encountered some issues:

  • The automation builder had compatibility problems with Safari (worked fine in Chrome)
  • The interface felt clunky and less intuitive than the auto-responder setup
  • Switching between the automation builder and email editor was jarring and could potentially lead to lost work

While you can create complex automations with conditions, filters, and multiple paths, the user experience needs improvement to compete with more established platforms.

Email Templates [22:26]

Blastable allows you to create and save email templates, which is great for consistency and efficiency:

  1. Go to Email Templates
  2. Create a new template using the familiar editor
  3. Save and categorize your template

You can then easily access these templates when creating new email blasts or auto-responder messages.

Form Builder [23:22]

The form builder in Blastable is one area where I encountered significant issues:

  • Difficulty uploading custom images (permission errors)
  • No inline editing for form fields
  • Clunky interface compared to the email editor

While you can create basic signup forms and embed them on your website, the form builder needs substantial improvement to be truly useful.

Settings [25:45]

Blastable offers a range of settings to customize your account:

  • Sender profiles
  • Custom fields
  • Sending domains
  • API keys

I appreciate that Blastable seems to prioritize deliverability, requiring domain validation and implementing sending limits for new accounts.

Plans & Pricing [27:19]

Blastable is currently available on AppSumo with different tiers:

  • Tier 1 & 2: $59 (Plus Plan)
  • Tier 3 & above: Starting at $149 (Pro Plan)

The Pro Plan includes additional features like:

  • Multiple sender profiles
  • Advanced segment creation
  • Marketing automations
  • Custom timed auto-responders

However, the exact differences between some features (e.g., “advanced” segment creation) aren’t clearly defined, which might make it difficult for users to decide which tier they need.

Conclusion [29:31]

After thoroughly testing Blastable, I have mixed feelings. While it offers a solid set of features at an attractive price point, there are some significant issues that need addressing:


  • Affordable one-time payment option
  • User-friendly email editor
  • Simple and effective auto-responder system
  • Good segmentation options


  • Poor mobile email rendering
  • Clunky form builder
  • Automation builder needs improvement
  • Some UI quirks and inconsistencies

Overall, I give Blastable a 5.9 out of 10. It has potential, but it’s not quite ready to be a true ConvertKit killer. For budget-conscious entrepreneurs who can work around its limitations, it might be worth considering. However, if you need a polished, fully-featured email marketing platform, you might want to look elsewhere or wait for Blastable to address its current shortcomings.


Q: Is Blastable suitable for large email lists?
A: While Blastable can handle large lists, new accounts are initially limited to importing under 1,000 contacts. It’s better suited for small to medium-sized businesses or those just starting with email marketing.

Q: How does Blastable’s pricing compare to other email marketing tools?
A: Blastable’s AppSumo deal offers a significant cost advantage, with a one-time payment of $59 for the basic plan. This is much more affordable than the recurring monthly fees of platforms like ConvertKit or ActiveCampaign.

Q: Can I use Blastable for multiple businesses?
A: Yes, if you purchase Tier 3 or above, you get access to multiple sender profiles, allowing you to manage different businesses or brands within one account.

Q: How is Blastable’s customer support?
A: This review didn’t cover customer support experiences. However, Blastable does offer documentation and help resources within the platform.

Q: Is Blastable GDPR compliant?
A: While Blastable offers features like double opt-in and unsubscribe options that support GDPR compliance, you should consult with a legal professional to ensure your specific use case meets all GDPR requirements.

Remember, the world of email marketing tools is constantly evolving. While Blastable may not be perfect right now, it’s worth keeping an eye on as they continue to develop and improve their platform.

Have you tried Blastable? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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