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AppSumo Black Friday – How To Find The Best Deals [2021]

10 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

Black Friday is upon us, and for business owners and entrepreneurs, it’s the perfect time to invest in software that can help grow and optimize your operations. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into AppSumo’s Black Friday deals for 2021, offering expert advice on how to navigate the sea of offerings and make the most of your budget. With over 2,000 deals available, it’s crucial to approach your shopping strategically. We’ll explore tips for finding the best deals, highlight some standout offers, and address common concerns about lifetime deals. Whether you’re a seasoned AppSumo shopper or new to the platform, this guide will help you make informed decisions and get the best value for your money during this Black Friday extravaganza.

Tip #1: Focus on Utilities, Not Platforms [02:16]

When browsing AppSumo’s extensive catalog of Black Friday deals, it’s essential to distinguish between utilities and platforms. This distinction can significantly impact the long-term value and reliability of your purchases.

Understanding the Difference

  • Platforms: These are comprehensive tools that often form the core of your business operations. Examples include membership site builders or all-in-one marketing suites.
  • Utilities: These are specialized tools that enhance specific aspects of your workflow without becoming critical to your entire business model. Examples include video editing software or stock photo libraries.

Why Utilities Are Often a Safer Bet

  1. Lower Risk: If a utility tool suddenly shuts down or changes its terms, it’s usually easier to find a replacement without disrupting your entire business.
  2. Flexibility: Utilities often integrate with various platforms, allowing you to change your core systems without losing functionality.
  3. Specific Problem-Solving: Utilities typically address particular pain points, making it easier to justify their value and integrate them into your workflow.
  4. Less Dependency: Your business isn’t tied to the longevity of a single platform, reducing vulnerability to changes in the software landscape.

Examples of Good Utility Purchases

  1. BigView: A pocket TV studio that offers teleprompter functionality, closed captioning, and editing features. It enhances video production without being essential to your core business.
  2. Wave Video: Provides a vast library of stock footage and templates for video creation. It’s a valuable asset for content creators but doesn’t lock you into a specific ecosystem.
  3. Deposit Photos: Offers a large selection of high-quality stock photos. It’s an excellent example of a utility that provides long-term value without creating dependency.

Cautions When Considering Platforms

  • Lock-In Risk: Platforms often require significant time and resource investment, making it difficult to switch if issues arise.
  • Feature Bloat: Some platforms offer more features than you need, potentially leading to unnecessary complexity and cost.
  • Update Uncertainty: There’s always a risk that future updates might remove features you rely on or change the pricing structure.

How to Evaluate Utilities

  • Compatibility: Ensure the utility works with your existing tools and workflows.
  • Learning Curve: Consider how quickly you can integrate the tool into your processes.
  • Scalability: Look for utilities that can grow with your business needs.
  • Support and Updates: Check the developer’s track record for ongoing support and improvements.

By focusing on utility-based purchases during AppSumo’s Black Friday event, you can build a versatile toolkit that enhances your business operations without creating undue risk or dependency. Remember, the goal is to find tools that complement your existing systems and provide tangible benefits without locking you into a single ecosystem.

Tip #2: Leverage the Return Policy [06:17]

AppSumo’s generous return policy is a powerful tool for shoppers, especially during Black Friday when the temptation to buy is at its peak. Understanding and strategically using this policy can help you make more confident purchases and ensure you’re getting value for your money.

Understanding AppSumo’s Return Policy

  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee: AppSumo offers a full refund within 60 days of purchase, no questions asked.
  • Risk-Free Trial: This policy essentially allows you to “try before you buy” for an extended period.
  • Applies to All Products: The return policy covers all deals on the platform, including Black Friday specials.

How to Make the Most of the Return Policy

  1. Set Reminders: As soon as you make a purchase, set a calendar reminder for 53 days later (a week before the return window closes).
  2. Actively Test Products: Don’t let purchases sit idle. Start using them immediately to determine their value to your business.
  3. Document Your Experience: Keep notes on pros, cons, and how well the product integrates into your workflow.
  4. Compare to Alternatives: Use the trial period to compare the AppSumo deal with other solutions you might be considering.

Strategies for Effective Product Evaluation

  • Define Clear Criteria: Before purchasing, outline what you need the product to do and use this as a checklist during your trial.
  • Involve Your Team: If applicable, get feedback from team members who would be using the tool.
  • Test Real-World Scenarios: Don’t just play around; use the product in actual work situations to gauge its effectiveness.
  • Consider Long-Term Value: Look beyond immediate needs and assess how the product might benefit you in the future.

The Refund Process

  • Simplicity: AppSumo’s refund process is straightforward and can be initiated from your account dashboard.
  • No Questions Asked: You don’t need to provide a reason for your return, reducing friction in the process.
  • Refund Options: Choose between a refund to your original payment method or AppSumo credit for future purchases.

Example: Evaluating LiveWebinar

LiveWebinar is an excellent example of a product to test using the return policy:

  • High-Stakes Purchase: Webinar platforms can be critical to business operations, making thorough testing crucial.
  • Feature-Rich: With numerous features, the 60-day period allows time to explore all functionalities.
  • Comparison Opportunity: Use this time to compare LiveWebinar against your current solution or other competitors.
  • Scalability Test: If you’re considering multiple codes, test how well the platform handles increased usage.

Ethical Considerations

  • Respect the Policy: While AppSumo’s policy is generous, it’s important to use it ethically and not abuse the system.
  • Provide Feedback: If you do return a product, consider providing constructive feedback to help improve the offering.

By leveraging AppSumo’s return policy effectively, you can shop with confidence during Black Friday, knowing that you have ample time to evaluate your purchases. This approach allows you to be more adventurous in your selections while minimizing financial risk, ultimately helping you build a suite of tools that truly benefit your business.

Tip #3: Do Your Research [08:47]

Before making significant investments during AppSumo’s Black Friday event, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research on the products and companies you’re considering. This due diligence can help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that you’re making informed decisions that align with your long-term business goals.

Why Research Matters

  • Longevity Assessment: Understand the company’s stability and potential for long-term support.
  • Feature Verification: Ensure the product truly offers the functionalities you need.
  • User Experience Insights: Gain perspective from current users about real-world performance.
  • Company Vision Alignment: Determine if the company’s future plans align with your needs.

Key Areas to Research

Company Background

  • Founding date and history
  • Leadership team and their experience
  • Previous products or ventures
  • Company size and growth trajectory

Product Development

  • Frequency of updates and new features
  • Roadmap for future development
  • Responsiveness to user feedback and feature requests

User Reviews and Testimonials

  • Look beyond AppSumo for independent reviews
  • Check industry-specific forums and communities
  • Pay attention to both positive and negative feedback

Financial Stability

  • Any available information on funding or revenue
  • Signs of sustainable business practices
  • Partnerships or notable clients

Support and Documentation

  • Quality and availability of customer support
  • Comprehensiveness of product documentation
  • Training resources and onboarding processes

Research Strategies

  • LinkedIn Analysis: Examine the company’s LinkedIn profile for employee count, leadership backgrounds, and recent hires.
  • Social Media Presence: Active and engaging social media can indicate good customer relations and product enthusiasm.
  • GitHub Contributions: For tech products, check their GitHub activity for development frequency and community engagement.
  • Google News Search: Look for recent news articles or press releases about the company.
  • Product Hunt and Alternative To: These platforms often provide user reviews and comparisons to similar products.

Red Flags to Watch For

  • Frequent Pivots: Multiple drastic changes in product direction could indicate instability.
  • Lack of Transparency: Limited information about the company or its leadership may be concerning.
  • Inconsistent Updates: Sporadic or infrequent product updates might suggest lack of ongoing development.
  • Overwhelmingly Negative Reviews: While some negative feedback is normal, a pattern of dissatisfaction is worrying.

Balancing Risk and Reward

  • Budget Allocation: Invest more heavily in well-established products and companies.
  • Diversification: Spread your purchases across different types of tools and companies.
  • Future-Proofing: Consider how easily you could migrate away from the tool if needed.
  • Trial Period Utilization: Use AppSumo’s return policy to thoroughly test products before committing.

Example: Researching LiveWebinar

When considering LiveWebinar:

  1. Company Background: Research the founders’ previous ventures and the company’s history.
  2. Feature Comparison: Compare LiveWebinar’s features with established competitors like Zoom or GoToWebinar.
  3. User Feedback: Look for reviews from businesses similar to yours using LiveWebinar.
  4. Development Activity: Check for recent updates and planned features.
  5. Support Quality: Test their customer support responsiveness before purchasing.

By dedicating time to thorough research, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with lifetime deals and make purchases that provide long-term value to your business. Remember, the goal is not just to find good deals, but to invest in tools that will contribute to your business success for years to come.

Favorite Deals [10:36]

During AppSumo’s Black Friday event, certain deals stand out due to their potential value and applicability to a wide range of businesses. Based on user interest and functionality, three deals have emerged as particularly noteworthy: RoboMotion, PageMaker, and HideMyWPGhost. Let’s examine each of these in detail to help you determine if they’re the right fit for your business needs.

RoboMotion [10:48]

RoboMotion is an automation tool designed to help businesses streamline repetitive tasks and increase efficiency. Its unique approach to task automation makes it an intriguing option for tech-savvy users looking to optimize their workflows.

Key Features:

  • Task automation for various applications and systems
  • Visual workflow builder for creating custom automations
  • Cross-platform compatibility (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • Desktop application for system-wide automation


  • Versatile automation capabilities
  • Potential for significant time savings on repetitive tasks
  • Customizable to fit specific business needs


  • Steep learning curve for non-technical users
  • User interface may not be intuitive for everyone
  • Requires some programming knowledge for advanced use

Use Cases:

  • Data entry automation
  • Repetitive clicking and navigation tasks
  • Batch processing of files or data
  • Automated report generation

Pricing and Value:

  • Starting at $79 for a single license
  • Stacking options available up to $449 for more extensive use


  • Evaluate your team’s technical skills before investing
  • Consider the specific tasks you want to automate
  • Compare with other automation tools in your current stack

PageMaker [13:06]

PageMaker is a mobile-first landing page builder that aims to compete with established platforms like LeadPages and Instapage. It offers a solution for businesses looking to create responsive landing pages quickly and easily.

Key Features:

  • Mobile-optimized landing page templates
  • Drag-and-drop editor for easy customization
  • Integration with popular marketing tools
  • Hosting and custom domain support


  • Focus on mobile-first design
  • User-friendly interface for quick page creation
  • Variety of pre-designed templates


  • Limited form integration options
  • Not compatible with Safari browser for editing
  • May lack some advanced features of competitors

Use Cases:

  • Creating landing pages for marketing campaigns
  • Testing business ideas with minimal investment
  • Building simple lead capture pages

Pricing and Value:

  • Starts at a lower price point compared to some competitors
  • Higher-tier options available for more extensive use


  • Compare features with your current landing page solution
  • Assess the importance of mobile optimization for your audience
  • Consider the potential need to migrate in the future

HideMyWPGhost [15:52]

HideMyWPGhost is a WordPress security plugin that offers a range of features to protect your website from potential threats and improve overall security posture.

Key Features:

  • Hide WordPress admin and login pages
  • Brute force attack protection
  • IP management (blacklist/whitelist)
  • Custom captcha options
  • Login attempt limiting


  • Comprehensive security features in one plugin
  • Customizable security settings
  • Potential to replace multiple security plugins


  • Some features may impact user experience if not configured properly
  • Potential conflicts with other WordPress plugins
  • May require technical knowledge for optimal setup

Use Cases:

  • Enhancing security for WordPress websites
  • Protecting against common WordPress vulnerabilities
  • Customizing WordPress security for specific needs

Pricing and Value:

  • $59 for 10 websites
  • Higher-tier options for unlimited sites and white-label use


  • Assess your current WordPress security measures
  • Consider the potential impact on site performance
  • Evaluate the need for additional off-site security measures

When evaluating these deals, consider how they align with your business needs, technical capabilities, and long-term strategy. Remember to utilize AppSumo’s return policy to thoroughly test these tools before making a final decision. By carefully considering each option and its potential impact on your business, you can make the most of AppSumo’s Black Friday offerings and invest in tools that will drive your success.

Final Thoughts [18:18]

As we wrap up our comprehensive guide to navigating AppSumo’s Black Friday deals for 2021, it’s important to reflect on the key strategies and insights we’ve explored. This event presents a unique opportunity for businesses to acquire powerful tools at significant discounts, but it also requires careful consideration and strategic thinking to make the most of your investments.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Focus on Utilities Over Platforms: Prioritize tools that enhance specific aspects of your business without creating dependency on a single ecosystem. This approach minimizes risk and maintains flexibility in your tech stack.
  2. Leverage the Return Policy: Take full advantage of AppSumo’s 60-day money-back guarantee. Use this period to thoroughly test products and ensure they meet your business needs before fully committing.
  3. Conduct Thorough Research: Before making significant purchases, invest time in researching the companies and products you’re considering. Look into their history, user reviews, and future development plans to make informed decisions.
  4. Evaluate Standout Deals Carefully: While deals like RoboMotion, PageMaker, and HideMyWPGhost offer intriguing features, assess how well they align with your specific business requirements and technical capabilities.
  5. Balance Risk and Reward: When considering lifetime deals, weigh the potential long-term benefits against the risks of investing in newer or less established products.
  6. Plan for the Future: Think beyond immediate needs and consider how these tools might fit into your long-term business strategy and growth plans.
  7. Stay Within Budget: It’s easy to get carried away with the abundance of deals. Set a clear budget and prioritize purchases based on their potential impact on your business.
  8. Consider Integration and Workflow: Evaluate how new tools will integrate with your existing systems and workflows to ensure smooth adoption and maximize efficiency gains.
  9. Keep Learning: Use this opportunity to explore new tools and technologies that could potentially transform aspects of your business operations.
  10. Community Engagement: Engage with the AppSumo community and other users to gain insights, share experiences, and make more informed decisions about potential purchases.

Final Recommendations:

  • Create a Strategy: Before diving into the deals, outline your business needs and prioritize the types of tools that will have the most significant impact.
  • Set Reminders: For each purchase, set calendar reminders to review the product before the return window closes.
  • Document Your Experiences: Keep notes on the products you try, including pros, cons, and potential use cases. This will be valuable for future reference and decision-making.
  • Stay Informed: Follow AppSumo’s updates throughout the Black Friday event, as new deals may be added that align with your needs.
  • Seek Balance: While it’s tempting to stock up on lifetime deals, balance these purchases with subscription-based services that offer regular updates and support.
  • Plan for Implementation: Consider the time and resources needed to integrate new tools into your workflow. Create an implementation plan for each purchase to ensure you maximize their value.
  • Network and Share: Connect with other business owners and professionals to share insights about the deals and how different tools are working for various industries.
  • Think Long-Term: While the deals are temporary, the impact on your business can be long-lasting. Choose tools that align with your long-term vision and scalability needs.
  • Be Selective: It’s better to invest in a few high-quality tools that you’ll use regularly than to accumulate many that may go unused.
  • Keep Learning: Use this opportunity to expand your knowledge about different types of business software and emerging technologies in your industry.

As we conclude this guide, remember that AppSumo’s Black Friday event is not just about finding great deals—it’s about making strategic investments in your business’s future. By applying the tips and strategies discussed, you can navigate the vast sea of offers with confidence and purpose.

Whether you’re a solopreneur, small business owner, or part of a larger organization, the right tools can significantly impact your productivity, efficiency, and overall success. Take the time to evaluate each potential purchase carefully, considering both its immediate benefits and long-term value to your business.

Lastly, don’t forget to enjoy the process. Exploring new tools and technologies can be an exciting journey of discovery, potentially unveiling innovative ways to grow and optimize your business. Approach AppSumo’s Black Friday event with a mix of enthusiasm and strategic thinking, and you’ll be well-positioned to make choices that propel your business forward.

Remember, if you have any questions about specific deals or need advice on making the most of your AppSumo Black Friday shopping, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can join the conversation in our Facebook group at or follow us on Twitter at for real-time updates and discussions.

Happy deal hunting, and here’s to finding the perfect tools to fuel your business growth in the coming year!

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