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AppSumo Black Friday 2020 – Software Review Guy Reacts

18 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

Black Friday is upon us, and for software enthusiasts and digital entrepreneurs, that means one thing: AppSumo’s Black Friday deals are here. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the 15 deals offered by AppSumo for Black Friday 2020, providing you with in-depth analysis, personal insights, and recommendations to help you make informed decisions about which deals are worth your investment. From reporting platforms to WordPress plugins, project management tools to social media schedulers, we’ll cover a wide range of software solutions that can potentially transform your business operations. Whether you’re a seasoned AppSumo deal hunter or a newcomer to the platform, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the Black Friday sale and maximize your savings. So, buckle up as we embark on this journey through AppSumo’s Black Friday 2020 offerings, exploring the pros, cons, and ideal use cases for each deal.

Oviond [00:20]

Oviond is a reporting platform designed to streamline the process of creating and sharing progress reports with clients. This tool is particularly valuable for businesses that offer services such as running ads or managing social media accounts for clients.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • User-friendly dashboard: Oviond provides an intuitive interface that makes it easy to create visually appealing reports.
  • Client-facing reports: The platform allows you to generate professional-looking reports that showcase your work’s progress to clients.
  • Integration capabilities: Oviond can integrate with various platforms and tools, making it easier to pull data from multiple sources.
  • Customizable KPIs: You can tailor the reports to highlight the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most to your business or clients.

Comparison to Google Data Studio:

  • Simplicity: While Google Data Studio offers extensive functionality, Oviond focuses on simplicity and ease of use.
  • Learning curve: Oviond has a shorter learning curve compared to Google Data Studio, making it more accessible for beginners.
  • Specific integrations: Oviond may offer integrations with specific tools that are not available in Google Data Studio.

Ideal Use Cases:

  • Digital marketing agencies reporting to clients
  • Freelancers managing multiple client accounts
  • Small businesses looking for an easy way to track and report their marketing efforts


  • Evaluate the specific integrations offered by Oviond to ensure they align with the tools you currently use.
  • Consider the scalability of the platform as your business grows and reporting needs become more complex.
  • Compare the pricing structure with other reporting tools to determine long-term cost-effectiveness.

WP Reset [01:42]

WP Reset is a powerful WordPress plugin designed primarily for developers who build and manage multiple WordPress websites. Despite its name, WP Reset offers much more than just resetting capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Complete site reset: Quickly revert a WordPress installation to its default state.
  • Selective reset options: Choose specific elements to reset, such as posts, users, or themes.
  • Snapshot creation: Create restore points before making significant changes.
  • Emergency recovery tool: Recover your site even if you can’t access the WordPress admin area.

Misconceptions and Clarifications:

  • Not just for resetting: WP Reset offers a suite of developer tools beyond simple site resets.
  • Not a backup plugin: While it offers some backup-like features, it’s not a comprehensive backup solution.
  • Incremental changes: The plugin tracks and can restore incremental changes, similar to Time Machine on Mac.

Ideal Users:

  • WordPress developers managing multiple sites
  • Web designers who frequently set up new WordPress installations
  • Agency owners looking to streamline their WordPress development workflow


  • Frequency of use: Consider how often you build or reset WordPress sites to justify the investment.
  • Existing workflow: Evaluate how WP Reset would integrate with your current development process.
  • Safety measures: Ensure you understand the plugin’s capabilities to avoid accidental data loss.

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Learning curve: Despite its utility, there may be a learning curve to fully utilize all features.
  • Overkill for single-site owners: If you only manage one or two WordPress sites, the plugin may offer more than you need.

SuiteDash [03:21]

SuiteDash is a comprehensive client management and project collaboration platform designed to streamline business operations. However, it’s important to approach this tool with a critical eye, especially when considering its user interface and integration into your existing workflow.

Key Features:

  • Client portal: Centralized space for client interactions and project management
  • Billing and invoicing: Integrated financial tools for streamlined transactions
  • Project progress tracking: Visualize and manage project milestones and deadlines
  • Communication tools: Built-in messaging and collaboration features

User Interface Considerations:

  • Complexity: The UI may be overwhelming for some users, potentially leading to adoption challenges.
  • Learning curve: Clients and team members may require significant onboarding to navigate the platform effectively.
  • Customization limitations: The interface may not be easily customizable to match your brand or specific workflow needs.

Ideal Use Cases:

  • Agencies managing multiple client projects simultaneously
  • Freelancers looking for an all-in-one client management solution
  • Small businesses seeking to centralize their operations and client interactions

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Overwhelming features: The comprehensive nature of SuiteDash may be more than some businesses need.
  • Integration challenges: It may not seamlessly integrate with all existing tools and workflows.
  • Client adoption: Some clients may resist using a new platform, preferring traditional communication methods.

Alternatives to Consider:

  • Specialized tools: Using separate, purpose-built tools for project management, billing, and communication may offer more flexibility.
  • Simpler interfaces: Platforms with more intuitive interfaces might be preferable for businesses prioritizing ease of use.

Deposit Photos [04:45]

Deposit Photos is a stock photography platform that offers high-quality images and vectors for various creative projects. This AppSumo deal provides an opportunity to purchase credits for Deposit Photos at a discounted rate.

Deal Details:

  • 100 credits for $39
  • Credits can be used for photos or vectors
  • Credits do not expire

Quality and Variety:

  • Professional-grade imagery: Comparable to platforms like Adobe Stock and Getty Images
  • Diverse selection: Wide range of subjects and styles to suit various project needs
  • Regular updates: New content added frequently to keep the library fresh and relevant

Advantages of Deposit Photos:

  • Cost-effective: AppSumo deal offers significant savings compared to regular pricing
  • Lifetime access: Credits never expire, allowing for long-term usage
  • High-quality alternatives: Provides professional options beyond free stock photo sites

Best Practices for Stock Photo Usage:

  • Prioritize custom photography when possible for unique, brand-specific imagery
  • Use stock photos strategically to complement original content
  • Avoid overused or cliché stock images that may appear generic

Ideal Users:

  • Content creators needing regular access to high-quality visuals
  • Marketers creating diverse marketing materials
  • Small businesses looking to enhance their visual branding without a large budget


  • Project needs: Assess how many credits you’re likely to use based on your typical projects
  • Licensing terms: Understand the usage rights associated with Deposit Photos images
  • Integration with workflow: Consider how easily you can incorporate these images into your existing creative process

Frase [05:53]

Frase is an SEO content creation tool designed to help content creators and marketers produce more targeted, relevant content based on user search intent and questions.

Key Features:

  • Question research: Identifies common questions related to your topic
  • Content optimization: Suggests improvements to align your content with search intent
  • Competitor analysis: Compares your content against top-ranking pages
  • AI-powered writing assistance: Helps generate content ideas and outlines

Effectiveness Considerations:

  • Industry-specific performance: The tool’s effectiveness can vary significantly across different niches and industries
  • Content quality: While Frase can provide insights, the ultimate quality of content still relies on human creativity and expertise
  • Evolving algorithms: SEO best practices change, so tools like Frase need regular updates to remain relevant

Ideal Use Cases:

  • Content marketers looking to improve their SEO strategy
  • Bloggers seeking to create more targeted, question-answering content
  • SEO agencies wanting to streamline their content creation process

Potential Limitations:

  • Over-reliance risk: Avoid letting the tool dictate your entire content strategy
  • Niche accuracy: May not provide accurate insights for very specialized or technical topics
  • Learning curve: Requires time to understand and effectively implement the tool’s suggestions

Tips for Maximizing Frase:

  • Use it as a starting point: Let Frase guide your research, but add your own expertise and creativity
  • Combine with other SEO tools: Integrate Frase insights with data from other trusted SEO platforms
  • Regular evaluation: Continuously assess the impact of Frase-optimized content on your SEO performance

Fresh LMS [07:04]

Fresh LMS is a hosted learning management system (LMS) designed for businesses and educators looking to create and manage online courses. While it offers some attractive features, there are important considerations to keep in mind when evaluating this platform.

Key Features:

  • Course creation tools: Build and organize online courses
  • Student management: Track learner progress and engagement
  • Assessment capabilities: Create quizzes and tests to evaluate student understanding
  • Reporting and analytics: Monitor course performance and student outcomes

Hosted Platform Considerations:

  • Limited control: Being a hosted solution means less control over the underlying infrastructure
  • Dependence on provider: Site availability and performance rely on Fresh LMS’s servers
  • Data portability: Consider the ease of exporting your courses if you decide to switch platforms

Comparison to Self-Hosted Solutions:

  • WordPress + LMS plugin: Offers more control but requires more technical knowledge
  • Kajabi: More expensive but provides a comprehensive suite of marketing tools alongside LMS features

Ideal Users:

  • Small businesses offering employee training
  • Educators looking for a simple platform to host online courses
  • Entrepreneurs starting in the online course space without technical expertise

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Scalability concerns: May not be suitable for large-scale operations or complex course structures
  • Customization limitations: Less flexibility in adapting the platform to specific branding or functional needs
  • Long-term costs: While initially cheaper, hosted solutions can become more expensive over time compared to self-hosted options


  • Evaluate long-term needs: Consider your growth projections and whether Fresh LMS can accommodate future requirements
  • Test thoroughly: Take advantage of any trial period to fully explore the platform’s capabilities
  • Plan for contingencies: Develop a strategy for course backups and potential migration to other platforms

HappyScribe [08:34]

HappyScribe is an automated transcription and subtitling tool designed to convert audio and video content into text. This tool utilizes machine learning algorithms to generate transcripts, making it a potentially valuable asset for content creators, podcasters, and video producers.

Key Features:

  • Automated transcription: Converts spoken words in audio or video files to text
  • Multiple language support: Offers transcription services for various languages
  • Subtitle generation: Creates subtitles for videos, enhancing accessibility
  • Editing interface: Allows for manual corrections and refinements of automated transcripts

Use Cases and Considerations:

  • Content repurposing: Transform audio or video content into blog posts or articles
  • Accessibility compliance: Add subtitles to videos for hearing-impaired viewers
  • SEO enhancement: Use transcripts to improve search engine visibility of multimedia content

Limitations and Challenges:

  • Accuracy variability: Transcription quality can vary based on audio quality, accents, and technical jargon
  • Human touch still required: Often needs manual review and editing for perfect accuracy
  • Platform-specific features: Some major platforms (like YouTube) offer built-in transcription services

Ideal Users:

  • Podcasters looking to create show notes or blog content from episodes
  • Video creators needing quick subtitles for social media content
  • Businesses conducting frequent meetings or interviews that require documentation

Cost-Benefit Analysis:

  • Time savings: Automated transcription can be significantly faster than manual transcription
  • Resource allocation: Frees up time for content creation and strategy rather than transcription
  • Quality trade-off: Faster results but potentially less accurate than professional human transcription

Best Practices for Using HappyScribe:

  • Clean audio input: Ensure clear audio quality for better transcription results
  • Regular updates: Stay informed about improvements in the machine learning algorithms
  • Editing workflow: Develop an efficient process for reviewing and correcting automated transcripts
  • Integration considerations: Evaluate how HappyScribe fits into your existing content creation workflow

Ideanote [12:14]

Ideanote is a collaborative platform designed to help teams collect, organize, and develop ideas. While it offers some interesting features for idea management, it’s essential to consider whether it truly adds value to your existing workflow.

Key Features:

  • Idea collection: Central repository for team members to submit and store ideas
  • Collaboration tools: Commenting and voting features to engage team members
  • Idea development: Tools to help flesh out and refine initial concepts
  • Website integration: Option to collect ideas directly from website visitors

Potential Use Cases:

  • Innovation management for product development teams
  • Brainstorming sessions for marketing campaigns
  • Employee suggestion programs for organizational improvement
  • Customer feedback collection for service enhancement

Limitations and Considerations:

  • Workflow redundancy: May overlap with existing communication tools like Slack or project management platforms
  • Adoption challenges: Introducing a new tool can face resistance from team members
  • Maintenance overhead: Another platform to manage and keep updated

Alternatives to Consider:

  • Integrated solutions: Using features within existing project management or communication tools
  • Simple approaches: Utilizing shared documents or boards for idea collection and development
  • Specialized feedback tools: For customer-facing idea collection, consider dedicated survey or feedback platforms

Best Practices if Implementing Ideanote:

  • Clear purpose: Define specific use cases and goals for the platform within your organization
  • Integration strategy: Plan how Ideanote will complement, not complicate, your existing tools
  • Regular review: Schedule periodic assessments of the tool’s effectiveness and usage

Final Thoughts:

  • Evaluate necessity: Determine if Ideanote solves a significant problem in your current ideation process
  • Trial period: If considering, take full advantage of any trial period to assess real-world value
  • ROI consideration: Weigh the potential benefits against the time and resources required for implementation and management

If So [13:27]

If So is a WordPress plugin that enables dynamic content personalization on websites. This powerful tool allows website owners to display different content to visitors based on various criteria, enhancing user experience and potentially improving conversion rates.

Key Features:

  • Conditional content display: Show different content based on user characteristics or behaviors
  • A/B testing capabilities: Easily set up and run split tests on your website
  • Geotargeting: Customize content based on visitor location
  • Device-specific content: Tailor your message for desktop, mobile, or tablet users

Use Cases:

  • E-commerce personalization: Show products based on user browsing history or location
  • Localized content: Display region-specific information for multi-location businesses
  • Targeted marketing campaigns: Deliver personalized messages to different audience segments
  • Improved user experience: Customize navigation or calls-to-action based on user behavior

Implementation Considerations:

  • Learning curve: Requires creative thinking to fully leverage the tool’s capabilities
  • Content creation demands: Effective use may require producing multiple versions of content
  • Performance impact: Ensure the plugin doesn’t significantly slow down your website

Best Practices:

  • Start small: Begin with simple personalizations and gradually increase complexity
  • Regular testing: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of your dynamic content strategies
  • Data privacy compliance: Ensure your personalization efforts comply with data protection regulations

Potential ROI:

  • Increased conversions: More relevant content can lead to higher conversion rates
  • Improved engagement: Personalized experiences often result in longer site visits and lower bounce rates
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: Tailored content can make visitors feel more valued and understood

MailPoet [14:20]

MailPoet is a WordPress plugin that integrates email marketing functionality directly into your WordPress site. While it offers some attractive features, there are important considerations to keep in mind when evaluating this tool for your business.

Key Features:

  • Newsletter creation: Built-in email design tools
  • Automated emails: Set up welcome series, post notifications, and other automated campaigns
  • WooCommerce integration: Replace default WooCommerce emails with customized versions
  • Subscriber management: Handle subscriptions and list segmentation within WordPress


  • WordPress integration: Seamless functionality within the familiar WordPress environment
  • Ease of use: User-friendly interface for creating and sending emails
  • Transactional email handling: Can manage both marketing and transactional emails


  • Subscriber limitations: Caps on subscriber numbers may limit scalability
  • Self-hosting concerns: Relies on your server resources, which may affect performance
  • Potential for higher long-term costs compared to some alternatives

Ideal Users:

  • Small to medium-sized WordPress sites with modest email lists
  • WooCommerce store owners looking for integrated email marketing
  • Bloggers wanting to start email marketing without leaving WordPress

Alternatives to Consider:

  • Amazon SES: More scalable solution for transactional emails
  • Dedicated email marketing platforms: May offer more advanced features for larger lists

Implementation Tips:

  • Evaluate your long-term email marketing needs and growth projections
  • Consider the impact on your server resources, especially for larger email lists
  • Test thoroughly to ensure compatibility with your WordPress setup and other plugins

Best Practices:

  • Regular backups: Ensure you have a solid backup strategy for your email lists and campaigns
  • Performance monitoring: Keep an eye on how MailPoet affects your overall site performance
  • Compliance checks: Regularly review your email practices for GDPR and other regulatory compliance

Nifty [16:02]

Nifty is a project management tool that stands out for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set. This AppSumo deal offers an attractive opportunity for teams looking to streamline their project management processes.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive user interface: Clean, modern design that’s easy to navigate
  • Task management: Organize and track tasks with various view options (list, Kanban, timeline)
  • Team collaboration: Built-in chat, file sharing, and document collaboration tools
  • Time tracking: Monitor time spent on tasks and projects
  • Customizable workflows: Adapt the tool to fit your team’s specific processes

Advantages of Nifty:

  • All-in-one solution: Combines multiple project management functions in a single platform
  • Visual appeal: Aesthetically pleasing interface that can encourage user adoption
  • Scalability: Suitable for small teams but can grow with your organization

Comparison to Other Tools:

  • ClickUp: Nifty offers a more streamlined experience compared to ClickUp’s feature-rich but potentially overwhelming interface
  • Asana: Similar core functionality, but Nifty may offer a more affordable lifetime deal through AppSumo

Ideal Users:

  • Small to medium-sized businesses managing multiple projects
  • Creative agencies coordinating client work
  • Remote teams needing a central collaboration hub

Implementation Considerations:

  • Training requirements: While user-friendly, plan for some onboarding time for team members
  • Integration needs: Evaluate how Nifty will fit with your existing tools and workflows
  • Data migration: Consider the effort required to move existing projects and data into Nifty

Best Practices for Adoption:

  • Gradual rollout: Start with a small team or project before full implementation
  • Customization: Take time to set up workflows and templates that match your processes
  • Regular reviews: Schedule periodic assessments to ensure the tool is being used effectively

Long-term Considerations:

  • Feature development: Keep an eye on Nifty’s roadmap for future enhancements
  • Support and updates: Evaluate the long-term support offered with the AppSumo deal
  • Scalability costs: Understand any potential future costs as your team grows

Publer [18:05]

Publer is a social media management and scheduling tool that offers a comprehensive solution for managing multiple social media accounts. This AppSumo deal provides an opportunity to acquire a powerful social media tool at a discounted rate.

Key Features:

  • Multi-platform support: Manage accounts across various social media platforms
  • Scheduling capabilities: Plan and automate posts for optimal timing
  • Content curation: RSS feed integration for easy content sourcing
  • Analytics: Track performance of your social media efforts
  • Team collaboration: Tools for working with multiple team members on social media management

Advantages of Publer:

  • User-friendly interface: Easy to navigate and use, even for those new to social media management tools
  • Versatility: Supports a wide range of social media platforms
  • Automation: Reduces time spent on manual social media posting
  • Content recycling: Ability to reuse and repurpose successful content

Ideal Users:

  • Social media managers handling multiple client accounts
  • Small businesses looking to streamline their social media presence
  • Content creators aiming to maintain a consistent posting schedule across platforms

Implementation Tips:

  • Start with a content calendar: Plan your content strategy before diving into scheduling
  • Utilize the RSS feed feature: Set up feeds from relevant industry sources for content ideas
  • Experiment with posting times: Use Publer’s analytics to determine optimal posting schedules

Best Practices:

  • Balance automated and real-time posting: While scheduling is convenient, maintain some spontaneity in your social media presence
  • Regularly review analytics: Use the data provided to refine your social media strategy
  • Customize content for each platform: Avoid posting identical content across all platforms

Long-term Considerations:

  • Feature updates: Stay informed about new features and integrations added to Publer
  • Scalability: Ensure the plan you purchase through AppSumo can accommodate your future growth
  • Platform changes: Be prepared to adapt as social media platforms evolve their APIs and features

Quuu [19:01]

Quuu is a content curation tool designed to help social media managers and content creators find and share relevant content with their audience. While it offers some interesting features, it’s important to consider both its potential benefits and limitations.

Key Features:

  • Content recommendations: Suggests articles and posts based on selected interests
  • Integration with scheduling tools: Works with platforms like Buffer and HootSuite
  • Manual review option: Allows for content approval before posting
  • Content promotion: Offers a platform for promoting your own content to other Quuu users


  • Time-saving: Reduces the effort required to find shareable content
  • Diverse content sources: Provides access to a wide range of industry-specific articles
  • Consistency: Helps maintain a regular posting schedule

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Quality control: Recommended content may not always align perfectly with your brand voice
  • Overreliance risk: Can lead to a lack of original content if used excessively
  • Ethical considerations: Sharing content without thoroughly reviewing it can be problematic

Ideal Users:

  • Social media managers handling multiple accounts
  • Small businesses without dedicated content creation resources
  • Individuals looking to maintain an active social media presence with minimal effort

Best Practices for Using Quuu:

  • Careful interest selection: Choose topics that closely align with your brand and audience interests
  • Manual review: Always review suggested content before sharing to ensure relevance and quality
  • Balance with original content: Use Quuu to supplement, not replace, your original content strategy

Alternatives to Consider:

  • Content aggregators: Tools like Feedly for manual content curation
  • Industry-specific newsletters: Curated content from trusted sources in your niche
  • User-generated content: Encouraging and sharing content from your audience

Ethical Considerations:

  • Attribution: Ensure proper credit is given to original content creators
  • Authenticity: Maintain a balance between curated and original content to preserve your unique voice
  • Engagement: Prioritize genuine interaction with your audience over mere content distribution

Video Peel [21:09]

VideoPeel is a tool designed to simplify the process of collecting and managing video testimonials from customers. While it offers some attractive features, there are important considerations to keep in mind when evaluating its potential for your business.

Key Features:

  • Easy video collection: Simplified process for customers to record and submit video testimonials
  • Rights management: Built-in consent forms for legal compliance
  • Video hosting: Stores and organizes submitted testimonials
  • Integration options: Embed testimonials on your website or share on social media


  • Increased social proof: Video testimonials can significantly boost credibility and trust
  • User-friendly: Lowers the barrier for customers to provide video feedback
  • Organized management: Centralizes the collection and storage of video testimonials

Potential Challenges:

  • Customer participation: Despite ease of use, many customers may still be reluctant to appear on video
  • Video quality: Variations in customer devices and recording environments can affect overall quality
  • UI limitations: Some users report that the interface could be more intuitive

Best Practices for Implementation:

  • Clear instructions: Provide customers with guidelines for recording effective testimonials
  • Incentivization: Consider offering incentives to encourage participation
  • Careful curation: Review and select the most impactful testimonials for display

Technical Considerations:

  • Video compression: Be aware of how the platform handles video compression, which can affect quality
  • Mobile compatibility: Ensure the recording process works smoothly on various mobile devices
  • Integration testing: Thoroughly test website embeds and social media sharing features

Ideal Users:

  • E-commerce businesses looking to showcase product experiences
  • Service-based companies wanting to highlight client success stories
  • SaaS businesses aiming to demonstrate the value of their software

Alternatives to Consider:

  • DIY approach: Collecting testimonials manually and hosting on your own platform
  • Written testimonials: May be easier to collect but potentially less impactful than video
  • Professional video production: Higher quality but more expensive and time-consuming

Viral Loops [24:03]

Viral Loops is a referral marketing platform designed to help businesses create and manage viral marketing campaigns. This tool offers templates and strategies based on successful referral programs from well-known companies.

Key Features:

  • Campaign templates: Pre-built templates based on successful referral campaigns
  • Customization options: Ability to tailor campaigns to your brand and audience
  • Multi-platform integration: Works with various platforms including WordPress, Shopify, and email marketing tools
  • Analytics: Track the performance of your referral campaigns


  • Ease of use: Templates make it simple to set up referral campaigns quickly
  • Proven strategies: Based on successful campaigns from well-known brands
  • Flexibility: Can be adapted for various types of businesses and products

Use Cases:

  • SaaS companies looking to increase user acquisition
  • E-commerce businesses aiming to boost customer referrals
  • Startups seeking to generate buzz and grow their user base quickly

Best Practices for Implementation:

  • Clear incentives: Offer attractive rewards for both the referrer and the referred
  • Simple process: Make it easy for users to participate in and share the referral program
  • Regular optimization: Use analytics to refine and improve your campaigns over time

Integration Considerations:

  • Platform compatibility: Ensure Viral Loops integrates smoothly with your existing tech stack
  • Data flow: Plan how referral data will be incorporated into your CRM or customer database
  • User experience: Test the referral process thoroughly from the user’s perspective

Potential Limitations:

  • Template reliance: While convenient, templates may limit creativity for unique campaigns
  • Learning curve: Despite user-friendly interface, may require time to fully utilize all features
  • Ongoing management: Successful referral programs often require continuous monitoring and adjustments

Long-term Considerations:

  • Scalability: Ensure the plan you purchase can accommodate your growth projections
  • Feature updates: Stay informed about new features and improvements to the platform
  • ROI tracking: Develop a system to measure the long-term impact of your referral campaigns on business growth

How to save 10% at AppSumo (coupon or Briefcase) [25:21]

AppSumo’s Black Friday 2020 sale offers an unprecedented opportunity to save on their already discounted deals. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to maximize your savings during this event.

10% Off Coupon Code:

  • Code: BF2020
  • Minimum spend: $150
  • Availability: Open to all users, no membership required

Advantages of the Coupon:

  • Immediate savings: Apply the code at checkout for instant discount
  • No commitment: Unlike memberships, it’s a one-time use with no recurring costs
  • Stackable savings: Can be combined with already discounted Black Friday deals

Briefcase Membership Considerations:

  • Cost: $150 every three months
  • Benefits: Four vouchers worth $49 each
  • Usage restrictions: Only one voucher can be applied per purchase

Comparing Savings Options:

  • Coupon vs. Briefcase: For occasional AppSumo shoppers, the coupon may offer better value
  • Briefcase for frequent buyers: If you regularly purchase $49 deals, Briefcase could provide more long-term savings

Strategies for Maximizing Savings:

  • Bundle purchases: Group multiple items to meet the $150 minimum for the coupon
  • Evaluate deal prices: Briefcase may be more valuable for multiple $49 purchases
  • Long-term planning: Consider your AppSumo buying habits over the next year

Tips for Smart AppSumo Shopping:

  • Prioritize needs: Focus on tools that address immediate business requirements
  • Read reviews: Take advantage of the AppSumo community’s feedback on deals
  • Understand terms: Pay attention to limits on users, features, or usage in each deal

Refund Policy Reminder:

  • 60-day money-back guarantee: AppSumo’s generous refund policy allows you to try tools with minimal risk
  • Test thoroughly: Use this period to fully evaluate the tool’s fit for your business

Profitable Tools Black Friday Coverage [27:36]

For comprehensive coverage of Black Friday deals beyond AppSumo, the Profitable Tools platform offers curated lists and expert insights to help you make informed decisions on software purchases.

Key Features of Profitable Tools’ Black Friday Coverage:

  • Curated deal list: A selection of the best Black Friday offers from various software providers
  • Expert commentary: Insights and opinions on the value and suitability of each deal
  • User interaction: Ability to leave comments and ask questions about specific deals

Benefits of Using Profitable Tools for Black Friday Shopping:

  • Time-saving: Access a pre-vetted list of deals instead of searching multiple sites
  • Informed decision-making: Benefit from expert analysis and community feedback
  • Discover new tools: Find software solutions you might not have encountered otherwise

How to Make the Most of Profitable Tools:

  • Check regularly: New deals are added throughout the Black Friday period
  • Engage with the community: Ask questions and share your own experiences with tools
  • Consider long-term value: Focus on tools that will benefit your business beyond the initial discount

Additional Resources:

  • Facebook group: Join for real-time discussions and deal alerts
  • Direct questions: Reach out for personalized advice on software purchases

Final Thoughts:

Leveraging resources like Profitable Tools can significantly enhance your Black Friday software shopping experience, helping you find the best deals that align with your business needs and budget.

Key Takeaways

As we wrap up our comprehensive review of AppSumo’s Black Friday 2020 deals, it’s clear that this sale offers a diverse range of tools catering to various business needs. Here are the key takeaways to help you navigate these deals and make informed decisions:

  1. Diverse Software Ecosystem: AppSumo’s Black Friday sale covers a wide spectrum of business tools, from project management (Nifty) to social media management (Publer), and from content creation (Frase) to customer testimonials (VideoPeel). This diversity allows businesses of all sizes and industries to find relevant tools to enhance their operations.
  2. Value Proposition Varies: While all deals offer discounted prices, the value proposition differs for each tool. Some, like Oviond and If So, provide unique functionalities that could significantly impact your business processes. Others, like WP Reset and MailPoet, may be more niche-specific and require careful consideration of your specific needs.
  3. Long-Term Considerations: When evaluating these deals, it’s crucial to look beyond the initial cost savings. Consider factors such as scalability, ongoing support, and how the tool fits into your long-term business strategy. Tools like Fresh LMS and SuiteDash require careful consideration of future needs and potential limitations.
  4. Integration and Implementation: Many of these tools, such as Viral Loops and HappyScribe, offer integrations with other platforms. Consider how easily these tools will fit into your existing workflow and the potential learning curve for your team.
  5. Balancing Automation and Personalization: Tools like Quuu and Frase offer automation features that can save time, but it’s important to maintain a balance with personalized, human-driven processes to ensure authenticity in your business operations.
  6. Cost-Saving Strategies: Utilize the BF2020 coupon code for an additional 10% off purchases over $150. For frequent AppSumo shoppers, consider the value proposition of the Briefcase membership, especially if you often purchase $49 deals.
  7. Try Before Committing: Take advantage of AppSumo’s 60-day refund policy to thoroughly test tools before fully committing. This allows you to ensure the tool meets your needs and integrates well with your existing systems.
  8. Community Insights: Leverage the AppSumo community and platforms like Profitable Tools for additional insights, reviews, and discussions about these deals. Real-world experiences from other users can provide valuable perspectives.
  9. Focus on ROI: While discounts are attractive, focus on the potential return on investment each tool can provide. Consider how each solution can solve specific problems or improve efficiencies in your business.
  10. Future-Proofing: As you evaluate these deals, consider not just your current needs but also how your business might evolve. Choose tools that offer flexibility and scalability to accommodate future growth.
  11. Balanced Approach to New Tools: While it’s tempting to acquire multiple new tools, be mindful of potential “tool fatigue.” Prioritize solutions that address critical needs and can be effectively implemented and utilized by your team.
  12. Ongoing Evaluation: After purchasing, continually assess the value and impact of these tools on your business. Be prepared to pivot if a tool isn’t meeting your needs, even after the initial discount period.

In conclusion, AppSumo’s Black Friday 2020 sale offers a unique opportunity to acquire powerful business tools at significant discounts. By carefully evaluating each deal against your specific business needs, considering long-term implications, and leveraging additional resources like Profitable Tools, you can make strategic investments that drive your business forward. Remember, the true value of these deals lies not in the initial savings, but in how effectively these tools can be integrated into your business to boost productivity, streamline operations, and ultimately contribute to your bottom line.

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