That LTD Life

AppSumo Black Friday Pt 2 — The Taco Strikes Back

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AppSumo’s Black Friday deals have arrived, and this comprehensive guide will walk you through the latest offerings, including a surprise 11th deal that no one saw coming. In this article, we’ll dive deep into each deal, providing insights, comparisons, and recommendations to help you make informed decisions about these lifetime offers. From webinar platforms to chatbots and client portals, we’ll cover it all, ensuring you don’t miss out on any potential game-changers for your business.

We’ll start by challenging your perspective on webinars with a real-world case study, then move on to analyze each deal in detail. Whether you’re a seasoned AppSumo user or new to the world of lifetime deals (LTDs), this guide will provide valuable information to help you navigate the Black Friday sales. So, let’s dig in and explore the exciting world of AppSumo’s latest offerings!

Intro [00:00]

AppSumo’s Black Friday deals have finally arrived, and they’re available for everyone to purchase, regardless of whether you have AppSumo Plus or not. In this comprehensive breakdown, we’ll go through each deal one by one, providing detailed insights and recommendations.

The big news is that AppSumo has dropped a surprise 11th deal: Live Webinar. This unexpected addition has stirred up excitement in the LTD community, especially given the current buzz around webinar platforms like BigMarker. The introduction of Live Webinar gives LTD enthusiasts more choices, but it also raises questions about which platform is the best investment.

Key Points:

  • AppSumo’s Black Friday deals are now live for all users
  • A surprise 11th deal, Live Webinar, has been added to the lineup
  • The webinar platform market is currently highly competitive
  • Choosing between Live Webinar and BigMarker requires careful consideration
  • The article will provide insights to help make informed decisions about each deal

Additional Insights:

  • The timing of these deals coincides with a growing interest in webinar platforms among online businesses and educators
  • The introduction of Live Webinar may impact the perceived value of other webinar platforms in the LTD market
  • AppSumo’s strategy of surprising users with additional deals adds excitement to their Black Friday event
  • The availability of deals to all users, not just AppSumo Plus members, may lead to increased competition for popular offers

Isaac Reed [01:36]

To provide context for the webinar platform discussion, let’s examine a case study featuring Isaac Rudansky, a highly successful online educator. Isaac has over 150,000 students in his online courses and is renowned for his expertise in paid traffic, Google advertising, and conversion rate optimization.

Isaac documented his journey of trying to sell high-ticket items via webinars in a series of Medium posts. His transparent approach provides valuable insights into the realities of using webinars as a sales mechanism.

Isaac’s Webinar Experiment:

  • First webinar:
  • Spent $5,460 on advertisements
  • 137 people registered
  • 13 people attended live
  • 54% conversion rate (7 sales)
  • Generated $2,400 in revenue
  • Net loss of over $3,000
  • Second webinar:
  • Invested $12,000 in marketing
  • 200 people registered
  • 42 people attended (21% attendance rate)
  • Generated $2,100 in revenue
  • Net loss of $9,800

Key Takeaways from Isaac’s Experience:

  • Webinars can be an effective sales tool, but they require significant investment
  • The cost of acquiring attendees (marketing) often outweighs the initial revenue generated
  • High conversion rates are possible with the right presenter and offer
  • Improving attendance rates is crucial for webinar success
  • Persistence and optimization are necessary to achieve profitability

Implications for LTD Buyers:

  • Consider whether your business model truly requires a webinar platform
  • Understand that the software cost is just a small part of running successful webinars
  • Evaluate your ability to drive traffic and convert attendees before investing in a platform
  • Be prepared for a learning curve and potential initial losses when starting with webinars

Live Webinar vs. BigMarker Comparison

When it comes to choosing between Live Webinar and BigMarker, there are several factors to consider:

Live Webinar Pros:

  • More reliable platform according to user reports
  • Uses WebRTC technology for peer-to-peer connections, potentially reducing bandwidth costs
  • Offers a workaround for low frame rate recordings through social media streaming

Live Webinar Cons:

  • Default low frame rate (12 fps) for recordings
  • Less polished user interface compared to some competitors

BigMarker Considerations:

  • Some users report reliability issues, particularly with bandwidth
  • May have higher ongoing costs due to cloud server infrastructure


For most users, Live Webinar appears to be the better choice due to its reliability and potential for lower long-term costs. However, it’s essential to evaluate your specific needs and test the platform thoroughly before committing.

Continually [09:29]

Continually is a chatbot app designed to help businesses increase conversions and generate leads through their websites. While chatbots may not always be welcomed by visitors, they have proven effective in capturing leads and improving user engagement.

Key Features of Continually:

  • Designed for local businesses and B2B lead generation
  • Clean and modern UI that integrates well with contemporary websites
  • Calendar integrations for booking appointments
  • Simple and easy-to-use chatbot builder

Ideal Use Cases:

  • Local businesses looking to capture more leads from their website
  • B2B companies seeking to automate initial customer interactions
  • Businesses that want to offer 24/7 customer support without human intervention
  • Companies looking to qualify leads before engaging with sales representatives


  • Not suitable for advanced e-commerce chatbot needs
  • May not be necessary if you already own multiple chatbot LTDs
  • Best for businesses that prioritize simplicity and ease of use over complex functionality


If you don’t already have a chatbot solution and operate a local business or B2B company, Continually could be a valuable addition to your tech stack. Its focus on lead generation and clean design makes it a solid choice for businesses looking to improve their website’s conversion rates.

Helpdesk [11:25]

HelpShelf is a unique tool that combines various customer support and engagement features into a single widget for your website. It’s important to understand its functionality to determine if it’s the right fit for your business.

Two-Step Process for Evaluating HelpShelf:

  1. Check the integrations:
  • Review the list of platforms HelpShelf integrates with
  • Categories include help desk, content, roadmap, and scheduling (coming soon)
  • Many integrations are with other LTD products (e.g., CurioBot, Gist)
  1. Assess your need for a consolidated support widget:
  • Do you want all your support tools accessible from one corner widget?
  • Will combining these features improve your customer experience?

Key Features of HelpShelf:

  • Combines multiple support tools into a single widget
  • Integrates with popular help desk and customer support platforms
  • Allows customers to access resources, contact support, and view your product roadmap
  • Customizable appearance to match your website’s design

Use Cases:

  • Businesses using multiple support tools that want to simplify customer access
  • Companies looking to reduce support emails by providing easy access to resources
  • Startups wanting to showcase their product roadmap alongside support features
  • Businesses aiming to create a more professional and organized support experience


  • Only valuable if you’re using the tools it integrates with
  • May not be necessary if you have a simple support structure
  • Consider whether your customers would benefit from a consolidated support widget


If you’re using multiple support tools that HelpShelf integrates with and want to provide a more streamlined experience for your customers, this tool could be a valuable addition. However, if your support needs are simple or you’re not using compatible tools, you may want to pass on this deal.

Quuu [13:12]

Quuu is a content curation and social media management tool designed to help businesses maintain an active and engaging social media presence with minimal effort. It focuses on finding relevant articles and content for your social media profiles.

Key Features of Quuu:

  • Automatically finds and suggests relevant articles based on your topics
  • Integrates with popular social media scheduling tools (e.g., Hootsuite, Buffer, Socialbee)
  • Offers a unique “pods” feature for team collaboration
  • Allows for easy content sharing across multiple team members or agents

How Quuu Works:

  1. Enter your topics of interest
  2. Quuu finds and suggests relevant articles
  3. Approve or reject suggested content
  4. Schedule approved content through integrated social media tools

The “Pods” Feature:

  • Create groups (pods) for team members or collaborators
  • One person can curate content for the entire pod
  • Easy distribution of approved content to all pod members
  • Ideal for teams, agencies, or groups wanting to maintain consistent messaging

Use Cases:

  • Real estate teams sharing market updates and property listings
  • Marketing agencies managing multiple client social media accounts
  • Small businesses looking to maintain an active social media presence with limited resources
  • Influencers or thought leaders wanting to share industry news consistently


  • Effectiveness depends on the quality of content Quuu finds for your industry
  • Requires integration with a social media scheduling tool for full functionality
  • May not be suitable for businesses that prefer fully original content

Pricing and Stacking:

  • $39 for one code
  • Additional codes increase the number of social profiles and pods
  • Consider your needs for multiple profiles and team collaboration when deciding on stacking


Quuu can be a valuable tool for businesses and teams looking to maintain an active social media presence without dedicating extensive time to content curation. Its integration with popular scheduling tools and the unique pods feature make it stand out. However, test the content quality for your specific industry before fully committing to ensure it meets your standards.

Find that lead [15:24]

Find That Lead is a B2B lead generation tool that helps businesses discover email addresses associated with specific domains. While it’s not new to AppSumo, this deal provides another opportunity for those who missed it previously.

Key Features of Find That Lead:

  • Domain-based email address discovery
  • B2B lead generation focus
  • Simple interface for quick searches
  • Integration possibilities with CRM and outreach tools

How It Works:

  1. Enter a domain name
  2. Find That Lead generates a list of potential email addresses
  3. Use the discovered emails for outreach or lead nurturing

Accuracy and Effectiveness:

  • Not 100% accurate or guaranteed to work every time
  • Can provide valuable leads when it does work
  • One successful lead can potentially justify the investment

Use Cases:

  • Sales teams looking to expand their prospect list
  • Marketing agencies seeking to build targeted outreach campaigns
  • Recruiters searching for specific individuals within companies
  • Entrepreneurs conducting market research or competitor analysis


  • Effectiveness may vary depending on the industry and target companies
  • Should be used as part of a broader lead generation strategy
  • Be mindful of data privacy regulations when using discovered email addresses

Value Proposition:

  • Potential for high ROI if even one lead converts to a customer
  • Time-saving tool for sales and marketing professionals
  • Can uncover hard-to-find contact information


For businesses engaged in B2B sales or outreach, Find That Lead can be a valuable addition to your toolkit. While its accuracy isn’t perfect, the potential value of even one successful lead makes it a low-risk investment. Consider your current lead generation processes and whether this tool could enhance your efforts before making a purchase.

Clinked [16:20]

Clinked is a cloud-based client portal solution designed to streamline communication and document sharing between businesses and their clients. It aims to reduce email clutter and provide a professional, organized space for client interactions.

Key Features of Clinked:

  • Secure document sharing and storage
  • Client-specific portals for organized communication
  • Cloud-based solution for easy access
  • Professional appearance to enhance business image

Benefits of Using a Client Portal:

  • Reduces repetitive email requests for documents
  • Centralizes all client-related information
  • Improves client experience and perception of professionalism
  • Simplifies document version control and updates

Pricing and Storage Considerations:

  • $100 per code
  • 50GB storage limit regardless of codes stacked
  • Additional storage available at $10/month per 50GB

Storage Limit Controversy:

  • Some users feel the 50GB limit is too restrictive
  • Compared to consumer cloud storage, the pricing seems high
  • Potential reasons for the pricing structure:
  1. Encourages efficient use of storage
  2. Reflects the costs of running a specialized business platform
  3. May indicate heavy users who could benefit from higher-tier plans

Use Cases:

  • Consulting firms managing multiple client projects
  • Legal practices sharing sensitive documents with clients
  • Real estate agencies organizing property listings and client communications
  • Creative agencies collaborating on projects with clients


  • Evaluate your storage needs carefully before purchasing
  • Consider the value of the platform beyond just storage space
  • Assess whether the professional features justify the cost compared to generic cloud storage


Clinked can be a valuable tool for businesses that prioritize professional client communication and document management. While the storage limits may seem restrictive, the specialized features and professional appearance can justify the cost for many businesses. Evaluate your specific needs, particularly regarding storage requirements, before making a purchase decision.

Outro [19:01]

As we wrap up this comprehensive guide to AppSumo’s Black Friday deals, it’s important to reflect on the value and potential impact these tools can have on your business. Each offer presents unique opportunities to enhance your operations, streamline processes, or improve customer interactions.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Webinar Platforms: Carefully consider your needs and budget before investing in Live Webinar or similar tools. Remember that success with webinars often requires significant marketing investment beyond the platform itself.
  2. Chatbots and Lead Generation: Tools like Continually and Find That Lead can significantly boost your lead generation efforts, but their effectiveness may vary depending on your industry and target audience.
  3. Client Communication: Solutions like Clinked can professionalize your client interactions, but weigh the costs against your specific needs and storage requirements.
  4. Content Curation: Quuu offers an interesting solution for maintaining an active social media presence, particularly valuable for teams and agencies managing multiple accounts.
  5. Support Integration: HelpShelf can streamline your customer support processes, but its value depends largely on your existing tool ecosystem.

Final Thoughts:

When considering these deals, remember to:

  • Evaluate each tool against your current and future business needs
  • Consider the long-term value and potential ROI, not just the initial cost
  • Take advantage of AppSumo’s return policy to thoroughly test tools before committing
  • Prioritize purchases based on your most pressing business challenges or growth opportunities

As the AppSumo Black Friday event comes to a close, take the time to carefully review each offer and make informed decisions. These lifetime deals can provide significant value, but only if they align with your business goals and processes.

Don’t forget to join the Facebook group to discuss these deals and connect with other software enthusiasts. The LTD community is a valuable resource for insights, tips, and support as you navigate the world of digital tools and solutions.

Remember, the right tools can be transformative for your business, but the most important factor is how you implement and utilize them. Choose wisely, and may your Black Friday purchases bring value and growth to your business endeavors!

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