That LTD Life

Amwork LTD Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Game-Changing

12 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

In the ever-evolving landscape of business management tools, Amwork emerges as a promising contender, offering a unique blend of CRM, project management, and communication features. This comprehensive review delves into the intricacies of Amwork, a lifetime deal currently available on AppSumo. As businesses constantly seek all-in-one solutions to streamline their operations, Amwork presents itself as a potential game-changer. From its robust Workspace Builder to its integrated messaging system, this review will explore the platform’s capabilities, strengths, and areas for improvement. Whether you’re a small business owner, a project manager, or part of a larger organization looking to consolidate your tools, this in-depth analysis will help you determine if Amwork is the right fit for your needs.

Plans & Pricing [00:36]

Amwork’s pricing structure is designed to cater to a variety of business needs, offering different tiers based on storage and user requirements. Let’s break down the key aspects of their plans and pricing:

Tier Structure

  • All features are included in each tier
  • Tiers differ based on storage capacity and number of users
  • Maximum plan offers 50 users and 250 gigabytes of total storage
  • Top-tier plan priced at $549

Value Proposition

  • Compared to traditional CRM pricing, Amwork offers significant savings
  • Equivalent features in other platforms could cost as much per month for a team of 10


  • Users can choose higher tiers for more storage or more users, depending on their needs
  • No feature restrictions across tiers, ensuring access to all functionalities regardless of plan choice

Considerations for Businesses

  • Assess your team size and storage needs to determine the most suitable tier
  • Consider potential growth and scalability when selecting a plan
  • Compare the lifetime deal cost to recurring monthly fees of other CRM solutions

Pricing Strategy

  • Bundled approach combines storage and user limits
  • Simplified decision-making process for businesses
  • Potential limitation for companies with specific user or storage requirements

Long-term Value

  • Lifetime deal offers potential for significant cost savings over time
  • Consider future expansion of your business when evaluating the deal
  • Factor in the potential need for additional storage or users as your company grows

Workspace Builder [01:11]

The Workspace Builder is at the heart of Amwork’s functionality, offering a flexible and customizable environment for businesses to create tailored software solutions. This feature sets Amwork apart from many other CRM and project management tools by allowing users to construct their ideal workspace.

Lego-like Building Blocks

  • Users can assemble different modules to create a custom business management system
  • Modules include CRMs, contractor management, appointment scheduling, and more
  • The building process is intuitive, resembling a Lego-like experience for software creation

Guided Flexibility

  • While offering extensive customization, the Workspace Builder provides helpful restrictions
  • These limitations ensure that users create functional and coherent systems
  • The guided approach helps prevent overwhelming complexity while maintaining flexibility

Module Variety

  • CRM modules for managing customer relationships and sales pipelines
  • Contractor organization modules for managing external workforce
  • Appointment scheduling capabilities for service-based businesses
  • Lease management modules, ideal for property management companies
  • Generic context modules for versatile information management
  • Hiring modules to streamline recruitment processes
  • Company modules to link contacts with their respective organizations

Interconnected Data

  • Modules can be linked together, creating a cohesive business management ecosystem
  • Data flows seamlessly between different modules, enhancing overall efficiency
  • The interconnected nature allows for comprehensive tracking and management of business processes

Customization Options

  • Users can tailor each module to their specific business needs
  • Options to add custom fields, adjust views, and create unique workflows
  • Ability to define relationships between different modules and data types


  • The modular approach allows businesses to start small and expand their workspace as needed
  • New modules can be added over time as the company grows or needs change
  • Existing modules can be modified to accommodate evolving business requirements

Tasks & Activities [02:35]

The Tasks and Activities module in Amwork serves as a central hub for managing work processes and tracking progress. This feature-rich section offers various views and functionalities to cater to different management styles and project needs.

Multiple Board Views

  • Time Board: Ideal for estimating and tracking time spent on tasks
  • Activities Board: Provides an overview of what needs to be done
  • Tasks Board: Offers a simple to-do list functionality for individual or team use

Flexible Viewing Options

  • List Mode: Traditional task list view for straightforward task management
  • Calendar Mode: Visualize tasks and deadlines in a calendar format
  • Gantt Mode: View tasks in a timeline, perfect for project planning and scheduling

Task Management Features

  • Create and assign tasks to team members
  • Set due dates and priorities for better task organization
  • Add descriptions, attachments, and comments to tasks for comprehensive information sharing

Integration with Other Modules

  • Tasks can be linked to specific projects, deals, or contacts
  • Seamless connection between task management and other business processes
  • Enhances overall productivity by providing context to tasks

Automation Capabilities

  • Set up automated task creation based on specific triggers
  • Configure task status changes or assignments automatically
  • Streamline workflow by reducing manual task management efforts

Reporting and Analytics

  • Generate reports on task completion rates and team productivity
  • Analyze time spent on different types of tasks or projects
  • Identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement in workflow processes

Sales Pipeline [03:46]

Amwork’s Sales Pipeline module offers a comprehensive CRM solution, allowing businesses to efficiently manage their sales processes from lead generation to deal closure. This feature-rich section provides various tools and views to optimize sales strategies and track progress.

Kanban Board Layout

  • Visual representation of the sales pipeline stages
  • Easily move deals through different stages of the sales process
  • Customizable columns to match your specific sales workflow

Multiple Viewing Options

  • Kanban view for a visual overview of the sales pipeline
  • List view for detailed information on each deal
  • Calendar view to track important dates and deadlines
  • Report view for analyzing sales performance and trends

Detailed Deal Information

  • Capture and store essential information about each lead or opportunity
  • Track communication history, notes, and activities related to each deal
  • Attach relevant documents and files to deals for easy access

Sales Performance Reporting

  • Generate comprehensive reports on sales activities and outcomes
  • Analyze deal progression, conversion rates, and team performance
  • Identify top-performing sales strategies and areas for improvement

Dashboard Functionality

  • Get a quick overview of the sales pipeline at a glance
  • Visualize key metrics and KPIs for informed decision-making
  • Customize dashboard widgets to focus on the most relevant information

Integration with Other Modules

  • Connect sales data with other business processes like task management and project planning
  • Create a holistic view of customer interactions across different departments
  • Streamline workflow by automating tasks based on sales pipeline stages

Automations [04:23]

Amwork’s automation capabilities are a standout feature, offering powerful tools to streamline workflows and increase efficiency across various modules. These automations can significantly reduce manual work and ensure consistency in business processes.

Types of Automations

  • Task automations: Automatically create, assign, or modify tasks based on specific triggers
  • Activity automations: Schedule and manage activities linked to deals or contacts
  • Stage change automations: Trigger actions when deals move between pipeline stages
  • Email automations: Send automated emails based on specific events or timelines

Trigger Options

  • When transitioning: Activate automation when an item moves to a new stage
  • When creating: Trigger actions when new items are added to a board or pipeline
  • When responsible user changes: Automate processes based on assignment changes
  • At precise times: Schedule automations to occur at specific dates and times

Email Automation Features

  • Create pre-filled email templates for consistent communication
  • Set delays to time emails appropriately in the sales or project process
  • Personalize emails using data from CRM or project management modules

Task Creation Automation

  • Automatically generate follow-up tasks when deals reach certain stages
  • Assign tasks to specific team members based on deal characteristics
  • Set due dates relative to deal progression or other triggers

Customization and Flexibility

  • Create complex automation rules to match specific business processes
  • Combine multiple automation types for comprehensive workflow management
  • Edit and refine automations as business needs evolve

Benefits of Automation

  • Reduce manual data entry and task management
  • Ensure consistent follow-up and communication with clients and team members
  • Minimize human error in repetitive processes
  • Free up time for sales and project teams to focus on high-value activities

Emails [06:39]

Amwork integrates email functionality directly into its platform, allowing users to manage their communication alongside other business processes. This feature aims to centralize communication and enhance productivity by keeping everything in one place.

Email Integration Options

  • Connect with Google via API for seamless Gmail integration
  • Support for SMTP mailbox connections, offering flexibility for various email providers
  • Option to connect multiple email accounts within Amwork

Setup Process

  • Simple configuration for Google accounts through API integration
  • Manual setup for SMTP connections with username, password, and server details
  • Ability to assign ownership of email accounts to specific users or teams

Shared Inbox Functionality

  • Option to make email inboxes accessible to multiple users
  • Ideal for managing team or department-specific email addresses (e.g.,
  • Potential use as a basic support desk solution

Email Management Features

  • View and respond to emails directly within Amwork
  • Link emails to specific deals, projects, or contacts in the CRM
  • Track email history and communication threads in context with other business data

Considerations and Limitations

  • Ensure proper security measures when connecting email accounts
  • Consider privacy implications when setting up shared inboxes
  • Evaluate the need for more advanced email features compared to dedicated email clients

Integration with Other Modules

  • Automatically log emails to relevant CRM records
  • Create tasks or follow-ups based on email content or responses
  • Use email data to trigger automations in other parts of the system

Projects [07:36]

The Projects module in Amwork provides a robust platform for managing various aspects of project work, from planning to execution and tracking. This feature-rich section offers tools to enhance project visibility, collaboration, and overall efficiency.

Project Organization

  • Create separate projects for different clients or internal initiatives
  • Organize tasks and activities within each project for clear structure
  • Customizable project stages to match your specific workflow

Kanban Board View

  • Visual representation of project tasks and their current status
  • Easily movable cards to update task progress
  • Customizable columns to reflect your project’s unique stages

Task Management

  • Create and assign tasks to team members
  • Set due dates, priorities, and estimated time for each task
  • Add detailed descriptions, attachments, and comments to tasks

Project Details and Metadata

  • Capture essential project information such as client details, budget, and timeline
  • Link projects to specific deals in the sales pipeline for context
  • Assign suppliers or contractors to projects for clear responsibility allocation

Integration with Other Modules

  • Connect projects to the CRM for a holistic view of client relationships
  • Link tasks to the overall task management system for comprehensive tracking
  • Integrate with the supplier and contractor module for streamlined resource management

Activity Scheduling

  • Plan and schedule project-related activities directly within the project view
  • Automatically sync scheduled activities with the main calendar and task list
  • Set reminders and notifications for important project milestones or deadlines

Project Reporting and Analytics

  • Generate reports on project progress, resource allocation, and timelines
  • Analyze project performance metrics to identify areas for improvement
  • Track time spent on various project tasks for accurate billing and resource planning

Messaging, Users and Groups [09:05]

Amwork incorporates a comprehensive messaging system along with user and group management features, fostering internal communication and collaboration within the platform. These features aim to create a cohesive work environment where team members can easily interact and share information.

Amwork Messenger

  • Built-in chat functionality for instant communication
  • Support for both one-on-one and group conversations
  • Ability to share files, emojis, and images within chats

Multi-Messenger Integration

  • Option to connect third-party messaging platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger
  • Centralized inbox for managing external communications alongside internal chats
  • Potential for streamlined customer support and sales communication

User Management

  • Add and configure user accounts with personalized details
  • Assign roles and permissions to control access to different modules and features
  • Create user groups for easier management of team structures

Group Organization

  • Establish groups based on departments, teams, or projects
  • Create subgroups for more granular organization (e.g., senior design, junior design)
  • Assign users to specific groups for streamlined communication and task assignment

Permission Settings

  • Granular control over user access to different modules and features
  • Ability to restrict view and edit permissions on a per-module basis
  • Ensure data security and privacy by limiting access to sensitive information

Chat Features and Limitations

  • Real-time messaging for quick team communication
  • Ability to start new chats with individuals or groups
  • Current limitation: inability to edit or unsend messages

Integration with CRM and Project Management

  • Link chats to specific deals, projects, or contacts for context
  • Create tasks or follow-ups directly from chat conversations
  • Maintain a comprehensive communication history within the CRM

Integrations [12:14]

Amwork offers various integration options to extend its functionality and connect with external services. These integrations aim to create a more comprehensive business management ecosystem, allowing users to leverage multiple tools within a single platform.

Facebook Messenger Integration

  • Connect Facebook business pages to Amwork for centralized message management
  • Potential for streamlined customer support and sales communication
  • Current limitations: Some users experienced setup issues and incomplete contact information

WhatsApp Integration Options

  • Direct WhatsApp Business integration through Amwork (requires verified Twilio account)
  • Third-party integration through WasUp platform (additional costs involved)
  • Considerations: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness and features of each option

Salesforce Integration

  • Ability to connect Amwork with Salesforce CRM
  • Potential for data synchronization between the two platforms
  • Consider the specific use cases and data flow requirements

Telephony and PBX Integrations

  • Integration with Voximplant for voice calls and text messaging
  • Ability to set up Amwork as a functional phone system
  • Pricing considerations: Additional fees based on usage (calls, messages, phone numbers)

Email Integrations

  • Direct integration with Google email services
  • Support for SMTP connections for various email providers
  • Enables email management directly within Amwork

Integration Considerations

  • Evaluate the necessity and benefits of each integration for your business
  • Consider additional costs associated with third-party services
  • Assess the potential impact on workflow and data management

Future Integration Possibilities

  • Potential for additional integrations as Amwork continues to develop
  • Consider providing feedback on desired integrations to the Amwork team
  • Stay updated on new integration announcements and updates

Workspace Builder [17:44]

The Workspace Builder is a core feature of Amwork, allowing users to create custom modules tailored to their specific business needs. This section explores the process of building a custom module, using a lease management example to illustrate the capabilities and flexibility of the system.

Module Creation Process

  • Start by selecting the desired functionality (e.g., lease management)
  • Name the module and choose an appropriate icon for easy identification
  • Progress through a step-by-step setup process to configure the module

Customization Options

  • Create product categories (e.g., available and leased properties)
  • Set up warehouses and barcodes for inventory tracking (if applicable)
  • Configure schedule settings for rental durations and start times

Data Linking

  • Connect the new module to existing modules (e.g., customer contacts)
  • Create relationships between different data types for a cohesive system

Practical Application

  • Add products (properties) to the module with images, prices, and descriptions
  • Manage availability and booking processes within the module
  • Set up pricing options for different rental durations (daily, weekly, monthly)

Flexibility and Scalability

  • Easily adapt the module as business needs change
  • Add new fields or functionalities to existing modules
  • Create multiple modules for different aspects of your business

User Interface Considerations

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface for module building
  • Clear step-by-step process guides users through module creation
  • Option to preview and test the module before finalizing

Workspace Builder #2 [19:58]

This section focuses on creating a custom CRM module using Amwork’s Workspace Builder, demonstrating the platform’s versatility in accommodating specific business processes. The example used is a website redesign pipeline, showcasing how to tailor a CRM to a particular service offering.

Custom CRM Creation

  • Select the CRM option in the Workspace Builder
  • Name the module (e.g., “Website Redesign Pipeline”)
  • Choose appropriate display options (e.g., board view only)

Field Customization

  • Add custom fields relevant to the service (e.g., client name, URL, phone number, email)
  • Define field types (text, link, number, etc.) for proper data formatting

Functionality Selection

  • Choose which features to include in each card (tasks, activities, notes, chats, file uploads)
  • Link the CRM to other relevant modules (e.g., customer companies, individual contacts)

Pipeline Stages

  • Set up custom stages for the sales process (e.g., lead, qualified, proposal, negotiation, closed)
  • Customize the Kanban board columns to reflect these stages
  • Option to add, remove, or rearrange columns as needed

Automation Setup

  • Create automations specific to the website redesign process
  • Set up task creation, email notifications, or status changes based on deal progression

Reporting and Analytics

  • Utilize built-in reporting tools to track pipeline performance
  • Create custom dashboards to visualize key metrics for website redesign projects

Integration with Other Modules

  • Connect the CRM to project management modules for seamless transition from sale to execution
  • Link with task management to ensure proper follow-up and project initiation

Quirks [21:45]

While Amwork offers a robust set of features, there are several quirks and areas for improvement that users should be aware of. This section highlights these aspects to provide a balanced view of the platform’s current state.

Calendar Sharing Limitations

  • Lack of a shareable calendar link for external calendar applications
  • Users need to log into Amwork to check their calendar, reducing convenience

Mobile App Absence

  • No dedicated iOS or Android app for Amwork
  • Potential limitations for on-the-go access, especially for time-sensitive communications

Guest Access

  • No dedicated guest mode or view-only access for clients or external collaborators
  • Workaround: Use a regular user account, which may not be ideal for all situations

Custom Domain Restrictions

  • Unable to set up a custom domain for Amwork (e.g.,
  • Limited to subdomains of the Amwork domain, which may affect branding

Module Organization

  • Lack of clear visual distinction between different types of modules (card-based, scheduling, product)
  • Potential for confusion when navigating between various module types

Automation Restrictions

  • Some modules (e.g., Tasks and Activities) lack board settings for automation
  • Inconsistent availability of features across different module types

User Interface Quirks

  • Difficulty in finding certain settings, such as module deletion
  • Inconsistent placement of important features across different sections

Integration Stability

  • Some users experienced issues with Facebook Messenger integration
  • Potential for improvements in third-party service connections

Limited Customization in Some Areas

  • Restricted icon choices for modules in the Workspace Builder
  • Some modules have fixed views or settings that cannot be altered

Learning Curve

  • While generally user-friendly, some features may require time to fully understand and utilize
  • Potential need for better documentation or guided tutorials for complex features

Conclusion [24:51]

Amwork presents itself as a promising all-in-one business management solution, offering a unique blend of CRM, project management, and communication tools. Despite some quirks and areas for improvement, the platform demonstrates significant potential for businesses looking to streamline their operations.

Key Strengths

  • Highly customizable Workspace Builder for tailored business solutions
  • Comprehensive integration of CRM, project management, and communication features
  • Powerful automation capabilities across various modules
  • Flexible pricing structure with lifetime deal option

Areas for Improvement

  • Development of mobile apps for better on-the-go access
  • Implementation of calendar sharing and guest access features
  • Enhanced customization options for certain modules and interface elements
  • Improved stability and functionality of third-party integrations

Overall Assessment

  • Amwork receives a solid rating of 7.4 out of 10
  • Suitable for businesses seeking an adaptable, all-in-one management solution
  • Particularly valuable for companies looking to consolidate multiple tools into a single platform


  • Ideal for small to medium-sized businesses with diverse management needs
  • Consider the lifetime deal for long-term cost savings, especially for growing companies
  • Evaluate the platform’s current features against your specific business requirements

Final Thoughts

Amwork shows promise as a comprehensive business management tool, offering a unique approach to customization and integration. While there are areas for refinement, the platform’s core functionality and flexibility make it a worthy contender in the crowded field of business management solutions. As Amwork continues to evolve and address its current limitations, it has the potential to become an even more powerful tool for businesses of all sizes.

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