Cloudron Server
Management Simplified

Unlock the full potential of your business with a fully managed Cloudron server. Let Client Amp handle the technical complexities while you focus on what matters most – growing your business and serving your customers.

Empower Your Business, Not Your Tech Headaches

Server struggles?

We’ll optimize and manage your Cloudron server for peak performance.

Security concerns?

We implement robust measures to protect your valuable data and applications.

Update anxieties?

We handle all updates seamlessly, ensuring your apps are always current and secure.

Scaling issues?

We provide solutions that grow with your business, accommodating more users and apps without sacrificing performance.

Comprehensive Cloudron Management for Your Success

With Client Amp’s Cloudron Server Management, you’re not just getting a service – you’re gaining a partner dedicated to your digital success. We offer:

Expert Server Management

With Client Amp’s Cloudron Server Management, you’re not just getting a service – you’re gaining a partner dedicated to your digital success. We offer:

Domain Management

We’ll connect and configure your domains, ensuring your applications are accessible and secure.

Email Server Setup

Take control of your communication with a fully managed email server.

App Installation and Configuration

We’ll install and set up the apps you need, configured to your specifications.

Resource Optimization

We’ll ensure your server resources are allocated efficiently for optimal performance.

Robust Backup Solutions

Your data is precious. We implement comprehensive backup strategies to keep it safe.

Proactive Monitoring

We keep a vigilant eye on your server, addressing potential issues before they become problems.

Unleash the Power of Open Source with Cloudron

Transform your digital infrastructure with a suite of powerful open-source applications, all managed by our expert team:


InvoiceNinja: Streamline your billing and invoicing processes


Discourse: Build and nurture a thriving online community


FreeScout: Manage customer support with ease and efficiency


Mattermost: Enhance team communication and collaboration


n8n: Automate your business workflows and boost productivity


WordPress: Create and manage stunning websites and blogs


Mautic: Execute sophisticated marketing automation campaigns


BitWarden: Secure your passwords and sensitive information


Ghost: Launch and grow your content-driven business

And many more! With Client Amp, the possibilities are endless

How It Works

Choose the plan that fits your business needs

We’ll reach out to gather necessary information and access to your Cloudron server

Our team will set up, configure, and optimize your Cloudron environment

We’ll install and configure your chosen applications

Enjoy peace of mind as we monitor, maintain, and support your Cloudron server

Free Migrations

Already have a Cloudron server? We’ll migrate it to our managed hosting for free, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal downtime.

What Our Clients Say

Owner - SkyGoFly LLC

I found Dave at Client Amp and he set me up a custom email solution that works flawlessly and I don't have to put up with the off-the-shelf drivel. If you're serious about email (and you should be more than ever) then start working with Dave right now.

Kenneth Holland
Kenneth Holland

Start From Zero

Working with you has been the first time I’ve been happy with a service because you can solve almost any problem I have. It’s incredible. Appreciate you very much.

Dane Maxwell
Dane Maxwell

Founder, Rebel Love

I just couldn’t imagine not having Dave on our side.

Talia Browne
Talia Browne Founder

Enlightened 4D Imaging

This crazy website is doing so well; I’m not sure how to keep my staff busy. The website is doing all the work!

Jon Titus
Jon Titus

Choose your plan



Your very own Cloudron server, managed by us

2 Dedicated vCPUs, 8GB Ram for optimal performance

Up to 100 users across your applications

45 minutes of support per month

Security and regular backups included

Optimization for speed and conversions

Up to 2 Cloudron applications hosted on your server



Your Cloudron Pro server, managed by us

4 Dedicated vCPUs, 16GB Ram for enhanced performance

Up to 1000 users across your applications

60 minutes of support per month

Security and regular backups included

Cloudron Pro license included

Unlimited Cloudron applications hosted on your server


Let’s Talk!

Cloudron server resources customized to your needs

Unlimited users

Custom support plans available

Security and regular backups included

Cloudron Pro license included

Unlimited Cloudron applications

Advanced features and integrations tailored to your business

Not sure what plan is right for you? Let’s start the conversation. 

Ready to Simplify Your Cloudron Server Management?

Don’t let technical complexities hold your business back. Partner with Client Amp and take your digital infrastructure to new heights!