Profitable Tools (Legacy)

Good, But Not Good Enough – Writesonic Review GPT-3 Series

17 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI-powered writing tools, Writesonic emerges as a contender in the GPT-3 series. This comprehensive review delves into the capabilities, features, and overall performance of Writesonic, providing an in-depth analysis for those considering its use in their content creation process. As part of an ongoing series exploring various GPT-3 writing applications, this review aims to highlight the unique aspects of Writesonic, comparing it to other tools in the market and offering insights into its strengths and weaknesses. From product descriptions to long-form content generation, we’ll explore how Writesonic measures up to the competition and whether it’s the right choice for your writing needs. Join us as we navigate through the intricacies of this AI writing tool and determine if it’s truly a game-changer or just another player in the crowded field of AI-assisted content creation.

Quick Update [00:43]

Before diving into the Writesonic review, it’s important to note that this series on GPT-3 writing applications is expanding. The reviewer, Dave, announces that he will be covering at least three additional tools beyond those initially planned. This expansion is in response to audience requests and the growing number of quality applications in the market. Additionally, Dave mentions that a final summary video will be created once all individual reviews are completed. This comprehensive approach ensures that viewers get a holistic understanding of the GPT-3 writing tool landscape, enabling them to make informed decisions based on thorough comparisons.

Key Points:

  • The GPT-3 writing tool review series is being expanded to include more applications.
  • At least three additional tools will be reviewed beyond the initial plan.
  • A final summary video will be created to provide an overview of all reviewed tools.
  • The expansion is in response to audience requests and the increasing number of quality applications available.
  • This approach aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the GPT-3 writing tool market.
  • Viewers will benefit from thorough comparisons to make informed decisions about which tool suits their needs best.

Writesonic Site [01:16]

The review begins with an examination of the Writesonic homepage, drawing comparisons to other GPT-3 writing tools in the market. Dave notes similarities in design elements, particularly with Jarvis (formerly known as Conversion AI), highlighting the common use of gradient text and similar demo layouts.

Homepage Analysis:

  • The Writesonic homepage shares design similarities with other GPT-3 writing tools, particularly Jarvis.
  • Gradient text and similar demo layouts are noted as common design elements.
  • The reviewer acknowledges that borrowing ideas is common in software development, drawing parallels to iOS and Android’s mutual inspiration.
  • The homepage showcases various use cases, including Facebook ad generation.
  • Despite the similarities, the reviewer notes that the copy on the Writesonic homepage is not particularly eye-catching.
  • This observation leads to speculation that the company might be more engineering-focused rather than copywriting-oriented.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writesonic’s homepage design aligns with industry trends but doesn’t particularly stand out.
  • The lack of compelling copy on the homepage raises questions about the company’s copywriting expertise.
  • The tool offers various use cases, similar to other GPT-3 writing applications.
  • While design similarities are common in the industry, unique selling points are not immediately apparent from the homepage.
  • The review emphasizes the importance of balancing technical capabilities with strong copywriting skills in AI writing tools.
  • First impressions suggest that Writesonic may need to improve its marketing copy to better showcase its capabilities.

Writesonic UI [03:36]

The review moves on to explore the user interface (UI) of Writesonic, providing insights into the tool’s layout and functionality. Dave notes that the UI bears a striking resemblance to Jarvis, an observation that sets the tone for the comparative analysis throughout the review.

UI Features and Layout:

  • The Writesonic interface is organized into projects, similar to CopyAI’s structure.
  • The main dashboard displays various templates in large tiles, categorized by content type.
  • Categories include digital ads, writing tools, social media copy, website copy, e-commerce copy, and video copy.
  • Additional tools are available, including pain-agitate-solution copywriting frameworks and startup idea generators.
  • The reviewer notes that the layout is reminiscent of Jarvis’s earlier design, suggesting potential inspiration or industry standardization.

User Experience:

  • The tile-based layout provides easy access to different content generation tools.
  • The project organization system allows for better content management across various campaigns or clients.
  • The variety of templates available covers a wide range of content creation needs, from social media to e-commerce.
  • The inclusion of specialized tools like keyword extractors and startup idea generators adds value beyond basic copywriting.
  • The familiar layout may make it easier for users transitioning from other GPT-3 tools to adapt to Writesonic.

Comparative Analysis:

  • The similarities to Jarvis’s UI suggest a potential lack of originality in Writesonic’s design approach.
  • While familiarity can be beneficial for user adoption, it may also indicate a lack of unique features or innovations.
  • The reviewer implies that the UI, while functional, doesn’t offer significant improvements or differentiators from competitors.
  • The balance between familiarity and innovation in UI design is highlighted as a potential area for improvement for Writesonic.

Writing Product Descriptions [04:51]

The review transitions into a practical test of Writesonic’s capabilities, focusing on the creation of product descriptions. This section provides valuable insights into the tool’s performance in a common use case for e-commerce and marketing professionals.

Product Description Generation Process:

  • The reviewer chooses to start with a product description test, establishing a baseline for comparison with other GPT-3 tools.
  • Writesonic’s interface for product description generation includes fields for product name and characteristics.
  • The tool allows users to input specific product features rather than requiring a full description upfront.
  • The reviewer uses “Profitable Tools Insiders” as the product name and lists features like “learn to build a website” and “learn marketing automation.”
  • The generation process costs one credit and promises to deliver five different product descriptions.

User Input and Customization:

  • The input fields are straightforward, focusing on key product attributes rather than lengthy descriptions.
  • This approach potentially allows for more targeted and varied outputs based on specific features.
  • The ability to input multiple characteristics suggests flexibility in generating descriptions for complex or multi-faceted products.
  • The credit system for generation indicates a pay-per-use model, which may be beneficial for users with varying content needs.

Expectations and Comparative Notes:

  • The reviewer notes that the process is similar to other GPT-3 tools, maintaining consistency in the comparison across the series.
  • The promise of five different outputs allows for variety and selection, potentially increasing the chances of finding a suitable description.
  • The credit cost per generation sets expectations for the tool’s pricing model and potential long-term value.
  • The reviewer highlights the importance of proofreading and fact-checking the generated content, a common necessity with AI-generated text.

Product Description Results [05:47]

After generating product descriptions using Writesonic, the reviewer provides a detailed analysis of the outputs, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement. This section offers valuable insights into the quality and usefulness of the generated content.

Analysis of Generated Descriptions:

  • The first output describes the “Profitable Tools Insider” as a 12-week online training course, despite this not being specified in the input.
  • The reviewer notes that AI-generated content often includes made-up facts, emphasizing the need for careful proofreading.
  • Positive aspects include the tool’s ability to expand on basic inputs, creating a more comprehensive description.
  • The second output portrays the product as a community rather than a course, showing variability in interpretation.
  • One standout description effectively targets affiliate marketers, demonstrating the AI’s ability to infer potential audiences.

Quality and Accuracy:

  • While the descriptions are generally coherent, the inclusion of fabricated details (e.g., course duration) is highlighted as a concern.
  • The reviewer stresses the importance of fact-checking and editing AI-generated content before use.
  • Despite inaccuracies, the overall quality of the descriptions is noted as impressive, given the minimal input provided.
  • The ability to generate diverse descriptions from limited information is acknowledged as a strength of the tool.

Usability and Features:

  • The reviewer notes the lack of a direct copy button for individual descriptions, requiring manual text selection.
  • A bookmark feature is available but criticized for its cumbersome process, requiring manual titling and description.
  • All generated descriptions are automatically saved and accessible through a usage history page.
  • The tool offers options to download generated text as a TXT file or share via a unique link.

Comparative Notes:

  • Writesonic’s features are compared to other tools like Copysmith and CopyAI, noting differences in download options and sharing capabilities.
  • The reviewer highlights that Writesonic’s link sharing feature was initially unresponsive but eventually functional.
  • The lack of voting or editing capabilities within the shared link is noted as a limitation compared to some competitors.

Extra Features [07:53]

The review delves into additional features and functionalities offered by Writesonic, providing a comprehensive look at the tool’s capabilities beyond basic product description generation.

Bookmark and Sharing Features:

  • Writesonic includes a bookmark function for saving preferred outputs.
  • The bookmark process requires users to manually enter a title and description, which the reviewer finds cumbersome.
  • All generated content is automatically saved and accessible through a usage history page.
  • The tool offers a unique shareable link feature for collaboration purposes.

Export Options:

  • Users can download generated text as a TXT file.
  • Compared to competitors, Writesonic’s export options are limited (e.g., no CSV or PDF options).

Collaborative Tools:

  • The shareable link feature allows team members to view and provide input on generated content.
  • Initially, the reviewer experienced slow loading times with the shared link functionality.
  • Once loaded, the shared content allows for bookmarking but lacks commenting or voting features.

User Interface Considerations:

  • The review highlights the absence of a direct copy button for individual descriptions.
  • The bookmark feature’s requirement for manual titling and description is criticized for being time-consuming.
  • The inability to edit text before sharing via link is noted as a limitation.

Comparative Analysis:

  • Writesonic’s features are compared to tools like Copysmith and CopyAI.
  • The reviewer notes that Copysmith offers more comprehensive options for collaboration and content evaluation.
  • The lack of voting or editing capabilities within shared links is identified as an area where Writesonic falls short of some competitors.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Simplification of the bookmark process is suggested to enhance user experience.
  • Addition of more export options (e.g., CSV, PDF) could increase versatility.
  • Incorporation of editing capabilities and voting features in shared links could improve collaborative functionality.
  • Faster loading times for shared content would enhance the tool’s usability in team settings.

AIDA Framework [10:55]

The review transitions to examining Writesonic’s implementation of the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) framework, a fundamental concept in copywriting and marketing. This section provides insights into how well the AI tool applies this classic persuasive writing structure.

AIDA Framework Implementation:

  • The reviewer uses the same product description input as in previous tests for consistency.
  • Writesonic generates five different AIDA framework outputs based on the given input.
  • Each output is structured with distinct sections for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

Analysis of Generated Content:

  • The reviewer focuses on the quality of the “Attention” (headline) and “Action” (call-to-action) sections.
  • Headlines are noted to be very similar across all five outputs, lacking desired variation.
  • The reviewer suggests that addressing fears or pains could have improved the attention-grabbing aspect.
  • Call-to-actions are analyzed for their effectiveness and persuasiveness.

Quality of Outputs:

  • The reviewer notes that all outputs follow the correct AIDA structure.
  • Headlines are criticized for their lack of variety, with most focusing on asking if the reader wants to start a business.
  • Call-to-actions are acknowledged as functional but not particularly enticing.
  • The overall quality is deemed better than some competitors but still lacking in creativity and persuasiveness.

Comparative Notes:

  • The reviewer compares Writesonic’s AIDA implementation to other tools in the series.
  • Copysmith is mentioned as having a slight edge in AIDA formula application.
  • The reviewer notes that none of the tools reviewed so far excel at creating compelling call-to-actions.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Greater variation in headline generation is suggested to improve the “Attention” section.
  • More creative and persuasive call-to-actions could enhance the “Action” part of the framework.
  • The reviewer implies that Writesonic could benefit from improving its ability to generate more diverse and compelling AIDA frameworks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writesonic’s AIDA framework generation is functional but lacks creativity and variation.
  • The tool struggles with creating diverse attention-grabbing headlines.
  • Call-to-actions are present but not particularly compelling.
  • While better than some competitors, there’s room for improvement in applying the AIDA framework more effectively.
  • The review highlights the challenge AI tools face in replicating the nuanced creativity required for effective copywriting.

Long Form Content [14:22]

The review shifts focus to Writesonic’s capabilities in generating long-form content, a crucial feature for content marketers and bloggers. This section provides an in-depth look at the tool’s approach to creating comprehensive articles and blog posts.

Long-Form Content Generation Process:

  • Writesonic offers an AI Article Writer feature, similar to Copysmith’s step-by-step process.
  • The tool guides users through multiple stages: idea generation, introduction, outline, and full article creation.
  • This approach aims to streamline the content creation process from concept to completion.

Comparative Notes:

  • The reviewer notes similarities to Copysmith’s long-form content generation process.
  • The step-by-step approach is highlighted as a comprehensive method for article creation.

User Experience:

  • The process is designed to be intuitive, guiding users through each stage of content creation.
  • Credit usage is optimized by combining multiple tools into a single workflow.
  • The reviewer appreciates the all-in-one approach, which potentially saves time and resources.

Potential Benefits:

  • The structured approach may help users maintain consistency and coherence in their long-form content.
  • Breaking down the process into distinct steps could aid in organizing thoughts and ideas more effectively.
  • The AI-assisted workflow has the potential to speed up content creation for bloggers and marketers.


  • The reviewer sets expectations for a comprehensive and coherent article as the end result.
  • There’s an implied comparison to manual content creation, with the AI tool expected to streamline the process.
  • The quality and usefulness of the generated content remain to be seen, setting the stage for the subsequent sections.

Long-Form Content: Article Ideas [15:15]

The review delves into the first step of Writesonic’s long-form content generation process: generating article ideas. This section provides insights into the tool’s ability to create compelling and relevant article concepts based on user input.

Idea Generation Process:

  • The reviewer inputs “create a sales page for an online course” as the target topic.
  • Writesonic generates multiple article ideas based on this input.
  • The tool provides variations on the basic concept, attempting to create more specific and engaging headlines.

Analysis of Generated Ideas:

  • The reviewer notes that many of the generated ideas are very similar, with only slight variations.
  • Out of 10 outputs, about half are noted to be essentially the same idea with minor differences.
  • The tool tends to rephrase the input rather than generating truly diverse ideas.
  • Some variations include adding numbers (e.g., “10 simple steps”) or slight wording changes.

Quality and Diversity:

  • The lack of diversity in generated ideas is highlighted as a concern.
  • The reviewer expresses disappointment in the repetitive nature of the outputs.
  • While the ideas are relevant to the input, they lack creativity and originality.

User Interface and Functionality:

  • The reviewer notes that users cannot edit the generated ideas within the tool.
  • This limitation is compared to Copysmith, which allows for editing and refining of ideas.
  • The inability to modify ideas is seen as a missed opportunity for user customization.

Comparative Notes:

  • The reviewer implicitly compares Writesonic’s idea generation to other tools in the series.
  • The lack of editing capabilities is noted as a disadvantage compared to some competitors.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Greater diversity in generated ideas could enhance the tool’s usefulness.
  • Implementing an editing feature for generated ideas could improve user experience.
  • The tool could benefit from more creative interpretations of the input topic.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writesonic’s article idea generation tends to produce repetitive results.
  • The tool struggles with creating truly diverse and creative article concepts.
  • The lack of editing capabilities limits user customization of generated ideas.
  • While functional, the idea generation feature falls short in providing inspirational and varied content concepts.
  • This stage of the long-form content process reveals potential limitations in Writesonic’s creative capabilities.

Long-Form Content: Article Intro [16:54]

The review progresses to the next stage of Writesonic’s long-form content generation process: creating an article introduction. This section examines the tool’s approach to crafting engaging opening paragraphs and setting the tone for the full article.

Introduction Generation Process:

  • Unlike other AI tools, Writesonic prompts the user to write the introduction manually.
  • The reviewer notes that this approach is contrary to the expectation of AI-generated content.
  • The tool provides a text box for users to input their own introduction.

User Experience:

  • The reviewer spends 5-10 minutes writing and iterating on the introduction manually.
  • This manual process is highlighted as potentially counterintuitive for users seeking AI assistance.
  • The reviewer expresses surprise at the lack of AI-generated suggestions for the introduction.

Comparative Analysis:

  • The reviewer notes that other tools, like Copysmith, automatically generate introductions.
  • The manual approach is seen as a potential drawback, especially for users looking to save time.
  • The absence of an AI-generated intro option is noted as a missed opportunity for the tool.

Quality of User-Generated Content:

  • The reviewer shares the manually written introduction, which addresses the importance of sales pages for online courses.
  • The content aims to engage the reader by highlighting the potential consequences of not having an effective sales page.
  • While the introduction is coherent and relevant, it represents the user’s effort rather than the AI’s capabilities.

Implications for AI Assistance:

  • The manual introduction process raises questions about the extent of AI assistance in the long-form content creation.
  • It suggests that Writesonic may rely more heavily on user input than some of its competitors.
  • The reviewer implies that this approach may not fully leverage the potential of AI in content creation.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Integration of AI-generated introduction suggestions could enhance the tool’s value proposition.
  • Offering both manual and AI-generated options could cater to different user preferences.
  • Improving the workflow to align with user expectations of AI assistance in content creation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writesonic’s approach to article introductions relies on manual user input.
  • This method diverges from the typical AI-assisted content generation process.
  • The manual approach may be seen as a limitation for users seeking full AI assistance.
  • The tool potentially misses an opportunity to showcase AI capabilities in crafting engaging introductions.
  • This stage of the process highlights a significant difference in Writesonic’s approach compared to other GPT-3 tools.

Long-Form Content: Article Outline [18:39]

Moving forward in the long-form content creation process, the review examines Writesonic’s ability to generate article outlines. This crucial step sets the structure for the entire piece and provides insights into the tool’s organizational capabilities.

Outline Generation Process:

  • Writesonic uses the previously entered article title and introduction to generate outline suggestions.
  • The tool produces five different outline options for the user to choose from.
  • Each outline is generated using a single credit, offering a balance between variety and resource usage.

Analysis of Generated Outlines:

  • The reviewer notes that the number of outputs (five) is fewer than some competitors like Copysmith and CopyAI.
  • The quality and relevance of the outlines are scrutinized, with the reviewer looking for a step-by-step guide to building a sales page.
  • Some outlines are criticized for focusing too much on technical aspects rather than persuasive copywriting elements.
  • The reviewer identifies one outline as more aligned with the intended topic, covering aspects like creating compelling copy and presenting course benefits.

Quality and Relevance:

  • The outlines show varying degrees of relevance to the topic of creating a sales page for an online course.
  • Some outlines include irrelevant sections or miss key elements of sales page creation.
  • The reviewer notes that while not perfect, some outlines provide a good starting point for article structure.

User Interface and Functionality:

  • The tool allows users to select their preferred outline from the generated options.
  • At this stage, users can edit the outline, providing an opportunity for customization.
  • The reviewer notes the limitation of having no more than 10 sections in the outline.

Comparative Notes:

  • The number of generated outlines is compared to other tools in the series, with Writesonic offering fewer options.
  • The quality of outlines is implicitly compared to user expectations and industry standards for sales page creation.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Increasing the relevance and focus of generated outlines to better match the intended topic.
  • Offering more outline options to provide greater variety and increase the chances of a suitable match.
  • Improving the AI’s understanding of specific content types (e.g., sales pages) to generate more targeted outlines.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writesonic’s outline generation provides a mix of relevant and off-topic suggestions.
  • The tool offers fewer outline options compared to some competitors.
  • While some outlines are useful, others miss key elements of the intended topic.
  • The ability to edit outlines is a positive feature, allowing for user customization.
  • This stage reveals both strengths and limitations in Writesonic’s ability to structure long-form content effectively.

Long-Form Content: Generate Article [22:31]

The final stage of Writesonic’s long-form content creation process involves generating the full article based on the selected outline. This section provides a comprehensive look at the tool’s ability to produce coherent, detailed, and relevant long-form content.

Article Generation Process:

  • The tool uses the selected outline to generate a full article.
  • Credit usage is based on the number of sections, with one credit consumed for every two sections.
  • The process is estimated to take about 30 seconds per section, totaling around 5 minutes for a 10-section article.

Analysis of Generated Content:

  • The reviewer examines the layout and formatting of the generated article.
  • The text editor provides proper formatting with H1 and H2 tags for headings.
  • Line length is noted as reasonable, though still wider than the reviewer’s preference.
  • The tool correctly formats headings for SEO purposes, using H1 for the main title and H2 for subsections.

Content Quality and Relevance:

  • The reviewer reads through the generated article, providing insights on its quality and usefulness.
  • Some sections are criticized for containing irrelevant or inaccurate information.
  • The AI’s tendency to fabricate details (e.g., attributing quotes to non-existent people) is highlighted as a concern.
  • Overall, the content is deemed better than some competitors but still requiring significant editing and fact-checking.

User Interface and Functionality:

  • The article editor allows for easy navigation and editing of the generated content.
  • Export options include text file and Word document formats.
  • A feature to regenerate individual sections is available, potentially improving specific parts of the article without full regeneration.

Comparative Notes:

  • The quality of the generated content is compared to previous tools in the series, with Writesonic performing better in some aspects.
  • The editing and regeneration features are noted as positive elements compared to some competitors.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Enhancing the AI’s ability to generate accurate and relevant content without fabrication.
  • Improving the coherence and flow between different sections of the article.
  • Implementing more robust fact-checking mechanisms to prevent the inclusion of false information.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writesonic’s article generation produces formatted, structured content based on the provided outline.
  • The quality of the generated content varies, with some sections being more useful than others.
  • The tool’s tendency to fabricate information highlights the need for careful editing and fact-checking.
  • Features like section regeneration and easy editing enhance the user’s ability to refine the content.
  • While improved from earlier versions, the tool still requires significant human intervention to produce publishable content.

Plagiarism Test [27:38]

To ensure the originality of the content generated by Writesonic, the reviewer conducts a plagiarism test. This crucial step provides insights into the tool’s ability to create unique content and its suitability for professional use.

Plagiarism Check Process:

  • The reviewer uses Copyscape, a well-known plagiarism detection tool, to analyze the generated article.
  • The entire 1,581-word article is pasted into Copyscape for a comprehensive check.
  • The plagiarism test costs 17 cents, a relatively small investment for ensuring content originality.

Results of the Plagiarism Test:

  • Copyscape finds no instances of plagiarism in the 1,581-word article generated by Writesonic.
  • This result indicates that the content produced by the AI is indeed original and not directly copied from existing sources.

Implications for Content Creation:

  • The lack of detected plagiarism suggests that Writesonic is capable of generating unique content.
  • This result is crucial for content creators who need to ensure their published material is original and free from copyright issues.
  • The originality of the content adds value to Writesonic as a tool for creating publishable material.

Comparative Context:

  • While not explicitly stated, this result aligns Writesonic with industry expectations for AI writing tools to produce original content.
  • The plagiarism-free output is a positive feature that meets a basic requirement for professional content creation tools.

Considerations for Users:

  • Despite the positive plagiarism check, users should still be aware of the need to fact-check and edit AI-generated content.
  • The originality of the text doesn’t guarantee its accuracy or quality, as noted in previous sections of the review.
  • Users should view the plagiarism-free result as one aspect of content quality, not the sole determinant of usability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writesonic successfully generates content that passes a standard plagiarism check.
  • The tool’s ability to create original text is a significant positive feature for content creators.
  • While free from plagiarism, the content still requires human oversight for accuracy and quality.
  • The plagiarism test results add credibility to Writesonic as a professional content creation tool.
  • This feature aligns Writesonic with industry standards for AI writing assistants.

Pricing and Value [28:06]

The review concludes with an analysis of Writesonic’s pricing structure and overall value proposition. This section provides crucial information for potential users considering the tool for their content creation needs.

Pricing Structure:

  • Writesonic offers various plans, including a free trial with 10 credits.
  • The Starter Plan is priced at $11.25/month (annual billing) or slightly higher for monthly billing, offering 75 credits.
  • A Professional Plan with unlimited credits is available at a higher price point.
  • The Business Plan, priced at $200/month (regular $449), offers 1200 credits per month.
  • A pay-as-you-go option is available, starting at about 50 cents per credit and decreasing with bulk purchases.

Plan Comparisons:

  • The review distinguishes between marketing plans and writing plans, each with different features and credit allocations.
  • Marketing plans include access to all tools, including AIDA and PAS formats.
  • Writing plans focus specifically on article and blog post creation, offering more credits at a lower price point.

Value Analysis:

  • The reviewer notes that Writesonic’s pricing is competitive, especially with ongoing promotions.
  • The distinction between marketing and writing plans allows users to choose based on their specific needs.
  • The unlimited credit option in the Professional Plan is highlighted as potentially valuable for high-volume users.

Feature Accessibility:

  • Different plans offer varying levels of access to advanced features like the article writer.
  • The Business Plan provides the most comprehensive access to all tools and features.

Comparative Notes:

  • While not explicitly comparing prices to other tools, the reviewer implies that Writesonic’s pricing is in line with market standards.
  • The variety of plan options is noted as a positive, allowing users to scale their usage as needed.

Considerations for Potential Users:

  • Users are advised to consider their specific content needs when choosing between marketing and writing plans.
  • The credit-based system requires users to estimate their usage to select the most cost-effective plan.
  • The reviewer suggests that the writing plans may offer better value for those focused solely on blog post creation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writesonic offers a range of pricing options to suit different user needs and budgets.
  • The distinction between marketing and writing plans provides flexibility for various use cases.
  • Ongoing promotions make the tool more accessible, though users should be aware of regular pricing.
  • The credit-based system requires careful consideration to ensure cost-effectiveness.
  • While competitively priced, the value of Writesonic depends on individual usage patterns and content requirements.

Final Thoughts [30:43]

In the concluding section of the review, the reviewer provides a comprehensive summary of Writesonic’s performance, highlighting its strengths, weaknesses, and overall position in the GPT-3 writing tool market.

Overall Assessment:

  • Writesonic is described as “not a terrible tool” but falling behind competitors in several aspects.
  • The reviewer acknowledges significant improvements since earlier versions but notes that other tools have also advanced.
  • The tool is positioned as not quite meeting the standards set by leading competitors in the GPT-3 writing space.


  • Plagiarism-free content generation
  • Improved output quality compared to earlier versions
  • Competitive pricing structure with various plan options
  • Functional long-form content creation process


  • Limited basic features compared to competitors (e.g., copy-paste functionality, link sharing)
  • High duplication in generated outputs, especially in idea generation
  • Reliance on manual input for some stages of content creation (e.g., article introductions)
  • Inconsistent quality in generated content, requiring significant editing

Areas for Improvement:

  • Enhancing the diversity and creativity of generated ideas and content
  • Implementing more user-friendly features for content manipulation and sharing
  • Improving the AI’s understanding of specific content types and industry-specific knowledge
  • Reducing the occurrence of fabricated information in generated content

User Recommendations:

  • Potential users are advised to consider their specific needs and compare Writesonic with other tools in the market.
  • The reviewer suggests that while functional, Writesonic may not be the top choice for those seeking the most advanced or user-friendly GPT-3 writing tool.
  • Users focused primarily on blog post creation might find value in Writesonic’s writing-specific plans.

Future Outlook:

  • The reviewer expresses hope for continued improvement in Writesonic’s capabilities.
  • The ongoing series of GPT-3 tool reviews is mentioned, promising more comprehensive comparisons in future videos.

Call to Action:

  • Viewers are encouraged to subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for upcoming reviews of additional GPT-3 writing tools.
  • The reviewer promises a final summary video to help viewers make informed decisions about which tool best suits their needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writesonic shows potential but currently lags behind industry leaders in several key areas.
  • The tool’s value proposition is strongest for users with specific, limited content creation needs.
  • Significant improvements have been made, but further enhancements are needed to compete with top-tier GPT-3 writing tools.
  • Prospective users should carefully evaluate Writesonic’s features against their specific requirements before committing to a plan.
  • The rapidly evolving nature of AI writing tools suggests that Writesonic’s position in the market could change with future updates and improvements.

In conclusion, while Writesonic demonstrates capabilities in AI-assisted content creation, it currently falls short of being a top contender in the GPT-3 writing tool market. Users seeking a functional tool with competitive pricing may find value in Writesonic, but those requiring advanced features and consistently high-quality outputs may need to look elsewhere or wait for future improvements to the platform.

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