Profitable Tools (Legacy)

The Best Host For A Business Site Running WordPress [WPME 2/16]

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In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of WordPress hosting for business websites. As part of a series on WordPress basics by Dave from Profitable Tools, this article delves into why WordPress is so popular, how to get started with your first WordPress installation, and most importantly, how to choose the best hosting provider for your business site. We’ll cover the importance of selecting a reliable and secure host, compare different hosting options, and walk you through the process of setting up your WordPress site on a recommended platform. Whether you’re new to WordPress or looking to upgrade your existing setup, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions about your business website hosting.

What is WordPress [01:00]

WordPress has become the go-to platform for millions of websites worldwide, but what makes it so popular? Let’s dive into the key features and benefits that have contributed to WordPress’s widespread adoption.

Open Source and Free

  • WordPress is an open-source content management system, meaning its code is freely available to anyone
  • Users can download and install WordPress on a properly equipped web server without any cost
  • The open-source nature allows for customization by those with the technical know-how
  • This accessibility has contributed significantly to WordPress’s widespread adoption and community support

Extensibility: The Key to WordPress’s Success

  • Extensibility is perhaps the most crucial factor in WordPress’s popularity
  • Users can add features to the core WordPress platform through plugins and themes
  • Think of WordPress as a free app, with plugins acting as “in-app purchases” that extend functionality
  • This modular approach allows websites to be customized for nearly any purpose or business need

The WordPress Ecosystem

  • A vast ecosystem of developers, designers, and service providers has grown around WordPress
  • This ecosystem offers solutions for almost any website functionality imaginable
  • The availability of both free and premium plugins and themes caters to various budget levels
  • The extensible nature of WordPress makes it suitable for small personal blogs to large enterprise websites

WordPress as a Web Application

  • WordPress is essentially software that runs on a web server, similar to how other applications run on Windows or macOS
  • Web servers are computers with specialized operating systems designed to display websites
  • These servers are always on and connected to the internet, ensuring 24/7 accessibility for your website
  • Understanding this concept is crucial for grasping the importance of choosing the right hosting provider

Choosing a host [02:17]

Selecting the right hosting provider is a critical decision that can significantly impact your WordPress website’s performance, reliability, and security. Let’s explore the factors to consider and some recommended options for business-class hosting.

The Importance of Quality Hosting

  • Hosting is the only initial cost required to get started with WordPress
  • Business-class hosting is recommended for professional websites and marketing campaigns
  • Proper hosting ensures faster load times, better security, and reduced chances of downtime or errors
  • Investing in quality hosting can prevent issues like slow loading times, security vulnerabilities, and 404 errors

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Host

  • Server specifications: Ensure the host provides adequate resources for your website’s needs
  • Reliability: Look for hosts with a strong track record of uptime and performance
  • Security features: Choose a host that offers robust security measures to protect your site
  • Support quality: Consider the level and availability of technical support provided
  • Scalability: Opt for a host that allows easy upgrades as your website grows
  • WordPress-specific features: Some hosts offer optimized environments for WordPress sites

Top Hosting Recommendations for Business Websites


  • Offers quality managed WordPress hosting
  • Pricing starts at $13 per month (annual prepayment required)
  • Features a custom web stack optimized for WordPress performance
  • Provides high-quality technical support


  • Premium hosting option with top-tier features
  • Single site hosting starts at $30 per month
  • Offers exceptional support and a highly customized server environment
  • Ideal for businesses requiring the best possible WordPress experience

Cloudways (Recommended Option)

  • Flexible hosting with pay-by-the-hour pricing
  • No long-term contracts or price increases after the first year
  • Starter server costs approximately $10 per month
  • Provides one-click WordPress installation and an intuitive server management interface

Why Cloudways is Recommended for Most Users

  • Flexible pricing model allows users to start small and scale as needed
  • No long-term commitments, making it easy to try without significant financial risk
  • User-friendly interface simplifies server and WordPress management
  • Competitive pricing without compromising on essential features
  • Offers a balance between affordability and performance for most business websites

Considerations When Choosing Cloudways

  • Support quality may not be as high as premium options like Kinsta or Flywheel
  • Users should be comfortable with slightly more technical aspects of server management
  • Ideal for those who prioritize flexibility and cost-effectiveness over premium support

Setup [03:34]

Now that we’ve covered the importance of choosing the right host and recommended Cloudways as a flexible option for most users, let’s walk through the process of setting up your WordPress site on this platform.

Creating a Cloudways Account

  • Sign up for a Cloudways account using the provided link (use coupon code “Dave Swift” for a $10 voucher)
  • Choose WordPress as your application during the setup process
  • Name your application and server to easily identify them later

Selecting Your Cloud Platform and Server Specifications

  • Choose your preferred cloud platform (e.g., Vultr, DigitalOcean, AWS)
  • Select the lowest server size to start conservatively
  • Remember that scaling up is easier than scaling down, so start small and upgrade as needed
  • Choose a server location close to your target audience for optimal performance

Spinning Up Your WordPress Server

  • Click to create your server and wait a few minutes for the process to complete
  • Once ready, you’ll have access to your WordPress installation

Accessing Your New WordPress Site

  • Navigate to your application in the Cloudways dashboard
  • Click on the “Application URL” to view your new WordPress site
  • Note that the initial site will have a default appearance and a randomly generated site name

Setting Up a Custom Domain

  1. Purchase a domain name if you don’t already have one (Namecheap recommended)
  2. In Cloudways, go to Domain Management and enter your domain name
  3. Locate your server’s IP address in the Cloudways dashboard
  4. Update your domain’s DNS settings with your registrar:
  • Create an A record with @ as the host and your server’s IP as the value
  • Optionally, create a second A record for www subdomain

Installing an SSL Certificate

  • Wait for your domain to propagate before proceeding
  • In Cloudways, navigate to SSL Certificate settings
  • Enter your email address and domain name
  • Click “Install Certificate” and choose to force HTTPS

Accessing the WordPress Admin Panel

  • Return to the Application screen in Cloudways
  • Locate the Admin Panel section under Access Details
  • Use the provided login credentials to access your WordPress dashboard

Key Takeaways

In this comprehensive guide to choosing the best host for a business site running WordPress, we’ve covered several crucial aspects of getting started with your WordPress website. Here are the main points to remember:

  1. WordPress Popularity: WordPress’s widespread adoption is due to its open-source nature, extensibility through plugins and themes, and the vast ecosystem of developers and services supporting it.
  2. Importance of Quality Hosting: Selecting the right hosting provider is critical for ensuring your website’s performance, security, and reliability. Business-class hosting is recommended for professional sites.
  3. Hosting Options: We explored three top hosting recommendations for business websites:
  • Flywheel: Managed WordPress hosting with quality support and optimized performance.
  • Kinsta: Premium option with exceptional support and highly customized servers.
  • Cloudways: Flexible, pay-as-you-go option with a good balance of features and affordability.
  1. Cloudways Recommendation: Cloudways is suggested as the best option for most users due to its flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and user-friendly interface. It offers a great starting point for businesses of all sizes.
  2. Setup Process: We provided a step-by-step guide for setting up a WordPress site on Cloudways, including:
  • Creating an account and selecting server specifications
  • Accessing your new WordPress installation
  • Setting up a custom domain and SSL certificate
  • Logging into the WordPress admin panel
  1. Scalability: Starting with a smaller server size and scaling up as needed is recommended to optimize costs and resources.
  2. Domain and Security: Properly setting up your domain name and installing an SSL certificate are crucial steps in establishing a professional and secure website.
  3. WordPress Dashboard: Accessing the WordPress admin panel is the final step in getting your site ready for customization and content creation.

By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to make informed decisions about hosting your business website on WordPress. Remember that choosing the right host is a crucial foundation for your online presence, impacting everything from site performance to security. While Cloudways is recommended for its flexibility and value, consider your specific needs and budget when making your final decision.

As you continue your WordPress journey, keep in mind that this is just the beginning. The next steps involve customizing your site, adding content, and leveraging WordPress’s extensive plugin ecosystem to create a powerful online presence for your business. Stay tuned for more insights and tips on making the most of your WordPress website in future articles in this series.

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