Profitable Tools (Legacy)

The Best Pop-up Builder For Ecommerce

13 min read
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In the world of e-commerce, pop-ups play a crucial role in capturing leads and driving conversions. With up to 40% of e-commerce revenue coming from email lists, finding the right pop-up builder can significantly impact your business’s success. This article explores four popular pop-up builders: ConvertBox, OptiMonk, Elementor, and Convert Pro. We’ll dive deep into their features, usability, and effectiveness in recreating a real-world pop-up from the wedding dress e-commerce brand, Revelry. By comparing these tools, we aim to help you make an informed decision on which pop-up builder best suits your e-commerce needs. Whether you’re looking for a hosted solution, a WordPress plugin, or a lifetime deal, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the pros and cons of each option, helping you optimize your website for lead generation and increased revenue.

Convertbox [01:30]

ConvertBox is a popular hosted solution for creating pop-ups that integrates with various platforms. Its key features and characteristics include:

  1. Wide compatibility: ConvertBox works with most website platforms, including Shopify, WordPress, and Squarespace.
  2. Lifetime deal: Users can purchase a one-time license for $500, which allows usage on up to 10 websites with 250,000 page views per month.
  3. User-friendly interface: ConvertBox is designed for ease of use, making it accessible for non-technical users.
  4. Advanced marketing features: The tool offers A/B testing and integrations with many email service providers.

Pros of ConvertBox

  • One-time payment for lifetime usage
  • Easy to use for beginners
  • Integrates with numerous platforms
  • Built-in A/B testing functionality

Cons of ConvertBox

  • Limited design customization options
  • Lack of advanced styling features
  • Restricted font choices
  • No option for button outlines or hover effects

Use Case Scenarios

  • Small businesses looking for a cost-effective, long-term solution
  • E-commerce stores needing quick and easy pop-up creation
  • Marketers prioritizing A/B testing and integration capabilities
  • Multi-site owners seeking a single tool for multiple websites

Pricing Comparison

  • ConvertBox’s $500 lifetime deal can be more economical in the long run compared to monthly subscription models
  • For new businesses, the upfront cost might be a drawback compared to free or low-cost monthly options

Optimonk [02:11]

OptiMonk is a hosted solution similar to ConvertBox but offers a monthly subscription model. Key features and characteristics include:

  1. Flexible pricing: OptiMonk provides a free plan for single sites with up to 3,000 page views per month, with paid plans starting at $29/month.
  2. Scalable options: As your business grows, you can upgrade to higher-tier plans that accommodate more websites and page views.
  3. Advanced design capabilities: OptiMonk offers more customization options compared to ConvertBox.
  4. Comprehensive integrations: The tool integrates with numerous email service providers and marketing platforms.

Pros of OptiMonk

  • Free plan available for small websites or beginners
  • More advanced design and customization options
  • Flexible pricing structure for scaling businesses
  • Preview feature showing pop-ups on your actual website

Cons of OptiMonk

  • Monthly recurring cost can add up over time
  • Branding on lower-tier plans
  • Steeper learning curve due to more advanced features
  • Some features like A/B testing only available on higher-tier plans

Use Case Scenarios

  • New e-commerce stores looking to start with a free option
  • Businesses requiring highly customized pop-up designs
  • Marketers needing detailed analytics and A/B testing capabilities
  • Companies with multiple websites requiring different levels of pop-up functionality

Pricing Comparison

  • OptiMonk’s monthly model allows for lower initial costs but may exceed ConvertBox’s lifetime deal price over time
  • Higher-tier plans can be costly for small businesses but offer more features and capacity

Elementor [03:13]

Elementor is primarily a WordPress page builder that includes pop-up building functionality. Key features and characteristics include:

  1. WordPress-specific: Elementor only works with WordPress websites.
  2. Dual-purpose tool: It can be used for both website building and pop-up creation.
  3. Cost-effective: Pricing starts at $49 per year, making it cheaper than some dedicated pop-up builders.
  4. Limited pop-up analytics: Elementor lacks built-in analytics specifically for pop-ups.

Pros of Elementor

  • Affordable yearly pricing
  • Familiar interface for WordPress users
  • Can be used for entire website design, not just pop-ups
  • Access to all Google Fonts and ability to upload custom fonts

Cons of Elementor

  • Limited to WordPress websites
  • Lack of dedicated pop-up analytics
  • Some design limitations compared to specialized pop-up builders
  • A/B testing requires third-party tools

Use Case Scenarios

  • WordPress website owners looking for an all-in-one solution
  • Designers who prioritize overall website design flexibility
  • Budget-conscious businesses needing basic pop-up functionality
  • Users already familiar with Elementor for page building

Pricing Comparison

  • Elementor’s yearly cost is significantly lower than ConvertBox’s lifetime deal or OptiMonk’s higher-tier plans
  • Consider the long-term value if you need Elementor for overall website design, not just pop-ups

Convert Pro [03:57]

Convert Pro is a WordPress plugin focused specifically on lead generation and pop-up creation. Key features and characteristics include:

  1. WordPress-specific: Like Elementor, Convert Pro only works with WordPress websites.
  2. Dedicated pop-up builder: Unlike Elementor, Convert Pro is designed specifically for creating pop-ups and lead generation forms.
  3. Flexible pricing: Offers both yearly subscriptions and a lifetime license option.
  4. Advanced features: Includes A/B testing, analytics, and numerous integrations.

Pros of Convert Pro

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface
  • Extensive customization options
  • Built-in analytics and A/B testing
  • Wide range of integrations with email service providers

Cons of Convert Pro

  • Limited to WordPress websites
  • Some users may find the interface occasionally frustrating
  • Requires separate add-ons for certain features (though included in the package)
  • Learning curve for utilizing all advanced features

Use Case Scenarios

  • WordPress website owners needing advanced pop-up functionality
  • E-commerce stores requiring detailed pop-up analytics
  • Marketers focusing on extensive A/B testing and optimization
  • Businesses looking for a balance between customization and ease of use

Pricing Comparison

  • Convert Pro’s yearly subscription is competitive with Elementor
  • The lifetime license option provides long-term value similar to ConvertBox
  • Consider the added value of dedicated pop-up features compared to general page builders

Copying Assets [04:44]

Before recreating the Revelry pop-up in each tool, it’s crucial to gather the necessary assets and information. This process involves:

  1. Inspecting the original pop-up using browser developer tools
  2. Identifying and downloading required images (main image and background patterns)
  3. Noting the dimensions of the pop-up
  4. Analyzing typography, colors, and other design elements

Key Steps in Asset Gathering

  • Use browser inspection tools to find image files
  • Download main images and background patterns
  • Measure pop-up dimensions for accurate recreation
  • Use tools like WhatFont to identify typography details

Importance of Accurate Asset Copying

  • Ensures faithful recreation of the original design
  • Allows for fair comparison between different pop-up builders
  • Helps identify limitations or strengths of each tool
  • Provides a consistent baseline for evaluating each builder’s capabilities

Tips for Effective Asset Gathering

  • Organize downloaded assets in a dedicated folder
  • Note down exact color codes and font details
  • Consider creating a simple style guide for reference
  • Pay attention to subtle design elements like button styles and form field appearances

Building in Convertbox [05:42]

Creating the Revelry pop-up in ConvertBox reveals both its strengths and limitations:

  1. User-friendly interface: ConvertBox offers a straightforward process for adding elements and basic styling.
  2. Limited customization: The tool lacks advanced design options, making it challenging to recreate pixel-perfect designs.
  3. Preset templates: While helpful for quick setups, these can be restrictive for custom designs.
  4. Integration focus: ConvertBox prioritizes marketing functionality over design flexibility.

Challenges Encountered

  • Unable to remove padding around pop-up edges
  • Limited font options and typography customization
  • No option for button outlines or hover effects
  • Restricted form field styling options

Workarounds and Solutions

  • Utilize available Google Fonts to approximate desired typography
  • Leverage inherit font option to match website’s existing font family
  • Focus on overall layout and functionality rather than exact design replication
  • Use ConvertBox’s strength in integrations and A/B testing to compensate for design limitations

Time and Effort Considerations

  • Quick initial setup due to user-friendly interface
  • Additional time needed to work around design limitations
  • Consider time saved on integration setup and A/B testing configuration

Convertbox Results [07:11]

After attempting to recreate the Revelry pop-up in ConvertBox, the results highlight both the tool’s strengths and weaknesses:

  1. Ease of use: ConvertBox proves to be user-friendly, allowing for quick setup of basic pop-up elements.
  2. Design limitations: The tool falls short in recreating pixel-perfect designs due to restricted customization options.
  3. Marketing focus: ConvertBox excels in providing advanced marketing features like A/B testing and integrations.
  4. Template reliance: While helpful for beginners, the reliance on templates can be limiting for custom designs.

Aesthetic Comparison to Original

  • Overall layout resembles the original, but lacks precise styling
  • Unable to remove padding around pop-up edges, affecting the full-bleed design
  • Font options don’t match the original exactly, impacting typography accuracy
  • Button styling limited, missing outline and hover effects

Functionality Assessment

  • Form fields and submit button work as intended
  • Easy integration with various email service providers
  • Built-in A/B testing functionality readily available
  • Tracking and analytics features easily accessible

User Experience Considerations

  • Intuitive interface makes it easy for non-designers to create pop-ups
  • Limited design options may frustrate users seeking exact design replication
  • Quick setup process beneficial for rapid deployment of marketing campaigns
  • Focus on marketing features aligns well with e-commerce conversion goals

ConvertBox Pros [10:04]

Despite its limitations in design customization, ConvertBox offers several advantages that make it a compelling option for many e-commerce businesses:

  1. User-friendly interface: The tool is designed for ease of use, making it accessible to non-technical users.
  2. Lifetime deal: The one-time payment option provides long-term value and predictable costs.
  3. Multi-platform compatibility: ConvertBox works across various website platforms, offering flexibility.
  4. Built-in A/B testing: This feature allows for easy optimization of pop-up performance.

Marketing-Focused Features

  • Seamless integration with numerous email service providers
  • Advanced targeting options for personalized pop-up displays
  • Easy setup of multi-step pop-ups and funnels
  • Comprehensive analytics for tracking pop-up performance


  • One-time payment eliminates ongoing subscription costs
  • Ability to use on multiple websites increases value for multi-site owners
  • No need for separate A/B testing tools, saving additional costs

Time-Saving Aspects

  • Quick pop-up creation process ideal for rapid campaign deployment
  • Pre-designed templates speed up the initial setup
  • Intuitive interface reduces learning curve and setup time
  • Automated A/B testing saves time on manual optimization efforts


  • Supports up to 250,000 monthly page views, suitable for growing businesses
  • Can be used across multiple websites without additional costs
  • Easy to create and manage multiple pop-ups for different campaigns or products

Building in Optimonk [10:26]

Creating the Revelry pop-up in OptiMonk showcases the tool’s advanced design capabilities and user-friendly features:

  1. Flexible canvas: OptiMonk allows for easy resizing of the pop-up canvas, though it lacks precise pixel measurements.
  2. Advanced image handling: The tool offers both floating and regular image options for versatile design.
  3. Extensive typography options: OptiMonk provides a wide range of fonts and custom font upload capabilities.
  4. Detailed element control: Users can adjust padding, margins, and alignment for each element individually.

Design Process Highlights

  • Drag-and-drop functionality for easy element placement
  • Ability to adjust column widths and padding for precise layouts
  • Advanced options for button styling, including hover effects
  • Detailed control over form field appearance, including individual border styling

Customization Capabilities

  • Option to upload custom fonts for exact typography matching
  • Ability to adjust overlay color and opacity for background images
  • Fine-tuned control over element spacing and alignment
  • Advanced options for responsive design adjustments

Challenges and Solutions

  • Initial learning curve due to numerous options and settings
  • Workaround required for some specific styling effects
  • Time investment needed for precise recreation of complex designs
  • Balancing between using pre-built templates and custom designs for efficiency

Time and Effort Considerations

  • More time-intensive than ConvertBox for initial setup
  • Additional time required to explore and utilize advanced features
  • Potential for faster iterations and design changes once familiar with the tool
  • Time saved in the long run due to extensive customization options reducing the need for compromises

Optimonk Results [14:38]

After recreating the Revelry pop-up in OptiMonk, the results demonstrate the tool’s strengths in design flexibility and customization:

  1. Design accuracy: OptiMonk allows for a much closer recreation of the original pop-up compared to ConvertBox.
  2. Customization depth: The tool offers extensive options for tweaking every aspect of the pop-up design.
  3. Responsive design: OptiMonk provides robust features for creating both desktop and mobile versions of pop-ups.
  4. Integration capabilities: Like ConvertBox, OptiMonk offers a wide range of integrations with email service providers and other marketing tools.

Aesthetic Comparison to Original

  • Achieved a very close match to the original pop-up design
  • Accurate typography replication, including font styles and sizes
  • Precise control over layout, including proper spacing and alignment
  • Successful recreation of button styles, including hover effects

Functionality Assessment

  • Form fields and submit button function as intended
  • Easy setup of radio button options and field validation
  • Smooth integration with various email marketing platforms
  • Built-in A/B testing capabilities for performance optimization

User Experience Considerations

  • More complex interface may require a learning curve for new users
  • Extensive customization options provide flexibility for designers
  • Preview feature allows for easy visualization of pop-up on actual website
  • Responsive design options ensure consistent appearance across devices

Limitations and Workarounds

  • OptiMonk branding on lower-tier plans may be undesirable for some users
  • Some advanced features locked behind higher-tier plans
  • Occasional interface quirks when fine-tuning element positions
  • Monthly pricing model may be less appealing for long-term use compared to lifetime deals

Building in Elementor [15:41]

Creating the Revelry pop-up in Elementor highlights the tool’s strengths as a versatile WordPress page builder with pop-up capabilities:

  1. Familiar interface: Users of Elementor for page building will find the pop-up creation process intuitive.
  2. Quick setup: Elementor allows for rapid pop-up creation, especially for those familiar with the platform.
  3. WordPress integration: The tool seamlessly integrates with WordPress, allowing for easy use of existing assets and styles.
  4. Font flexibility: Elementor provides access to all Google Fonts and allows for custom font uploads.

Design Process Highlights

  • Drag-and-drop functionality for easy element placement
  • Ability to use existing Elementor widgets in pop-up designs
  • Easy application of global styles from the main website to pop-ups
  • Quick adjustment of responsive breakpoints for mobile optimization

Customization Capabilities

  • Access to full range of Elementor design options
  • Ability to add custom CSS for advanced styling
  • Use of Elementor’s built-in form widget for easy form creation
  • Integration with WordPress theme customizer for consistent styling

Challenges and Solutions

  • Limited pop-up-specific features compared to dedicated pop-up builders
  • Workarounds needed for some advanced pop-up behaviors
  • Lack of built-in A/B testing requires third-party solutions
  • Balancing between using Elementor’s general features and pop-up-specific needs

Time and Effort Considerations

  • Quick initial setup for users familiar with Elementor
  • Additional time may be needed to replicate advanced pop-up features
  • Efficient for WordPress users already utilizing Elementor for site building
  • Potential time savings by leveraging existing Elementor templates and styles

Elementor Results [17:07]

The results of recreating the Revelry pop-up in Elementor showcase both the strengths and limitations of using a general page builder for pop-up creation:

  1. Design flexibility: Elementor provides a good range of design options, allowing for a reasonably close recreation of the original pop-up.
  2. WordPress integration: The seamless integration with WordPress themes and plugins is a significant advantage.
  3. Speed of creation: For users familiar with Elementor, the pop-up creation process is quick and intuitive.
  4. Limited pop-up-specific features: As a general page builder, Elementor lacks some specialized pop-up functionalities found in dedicated tools.

Aesthetic Comparison to Original

  • Achieved a close approximation of the original pop-up design
  • Typography options allowed for accurate font matching
  • Layout and spacing control provided good overall structure
  • Some limitations in precise styling of form elements and buttons

Functionality Assessment

  • Form fields and submit button work well within the WordPress ecosystem
  • Integration with WordPress forms and user data is straightforward
  • Lack of built-in A/B testing for pop-ups is a notable drawback
  • Limited analytics specific to pop-up performance

User Experience Considerations

  • Familiar interface for existing Elementor users reduces learning curve
  • Consistent design experience between website and pop-ups
  • Responsive design controls ensure proper display on various devices
  • Potential for performance impact if using complex Elementor features

Limitations and Workarounds

  • Need for third-party plugins to achieve advanced pop-up behaviors
  • Limited options for targeting and triggering pop-ups compared to specialized tools
  • Workarounds required for some specific styling effects, like centering text in form fields
  • Additional coding may be necessary for advanced customization

Building in Convert Pro [18:14]

Creating the Revelry pop-up in Convert Pro demonstrates the tool’s strengths as a dedicated WordPress pop-up builder:

  1. Intuitive positioning: Convert Pro allows for precise element placement on the canvas without relying on complex padding or margin adjustments.
  2. Flexible canvas: Users can easily resize the canvas and specify exact pixel dimensions for the pop-up.
  3. Advanced styling options: The tool offers detailed control over element styling, including borders, backgrounds, and hover effects.
  4. WordPress-specific features: Convert Pro integrates seamlessly with WordPress themes and plugins.

Design Process Highlights

  • Direct manipulation of elements on the canvas for intuitive design
  • Ability to set exact dimensions for the pop-up and individual elements
  • Detailed control over form field styling, including individual border adjustments
  • Easy implementation of hover effects and transitions

Customization Capabilities

  • Option to inherit global font settings from WordPress theme
  • Advanced background controls, including overlay options
  • Precise control over element spacing and alignment
  • Built-in responsive design features for mobile optimization

Challenges and Solutions

  • Occasional interface quirks when fine-tuning element positions
  • Learning curve for utilizing all advanced features effectively
  • Some limitations in styling options for close buttons
  • Balancing between using pre-built templates and custom designs for efficiency

Time and Effort Considerations

  • Quick initial setup for basic pop-up structures
  • Additional time required to explore and utilize advanced features
  • Efficient for creating multiple pop-ups with consistent styling
  • Time saved in the long run due to extensive customization options reducing the need for compromises

Convert Pro Results [22:03]

The results of recreating the Revelry pop-up in Convert Pro highlight the tool’s capabilities as a specialized WordPress pop-up builder:

  1. Design accuracy: Convert Pro allows for a very close recreation of the original pop-up, rivaling OptiMonk in terms of design fidelity.
  2. WordPress integration: The tool’s seamless integration with WordPress provides advantages in terms of consistency and ease of use.
  3. Advanced features: Convert Pro offers a robust set of features specific to pop-up creation and lead generation.
  4. User-friendly interface: The tool strikes a balance between powerful features and ease of use.

Aesthetic Comparison to Original

  • Achieved a highly accurate recreation of the original pop-up design
  • Precise control over typography, including font styles and sizes
  • Exact matching of layout, spacing, and alignment
  • Successful replication of form field styles and button effects

Functionality Assessment

  • Form fields and submit button function seamlessly within WordPress
  • Easy setup of custom form validations and submissions
  • Smooth integration with various WordPress-compatible email marketing platforms
  • Built-in A/B testing and analytics for performance optimization

User Experience Considerations

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface for easy element placement
  • Preview feature allows for visualization of pop-up on actual website
  • Responsive design controls ensure consistent appearance across devices
  • Familiar environment for WordPress users

Limitations and Workarounds

  • Limited to WordPress websites, not suitable for other platforms
  • Some advanced features require separate add-ons (though included in the package)
  • Learning curve for utilizing all advanced features effectively
  • Occasional interface quirks when fine-tuning element positions

A/B Testing [22:38]

A/B testing is a crucial feature for optimizing pop-up performance. Here’s how the four tools compare in terms of A/B testing capabilities:

  1. ConvertBox: Offers built-in A/B testing functionality out of the box.
  2. OptiMonk: Provides A/B testing features, but only on paid plans starting at $29/month.
  3. Elementor: Lacks native A/B testing for pop-ups, requiring third-party tools for this functionality.
  4. Convert Pro: Includes A/B testing capabilities, though it requires a separate add-on (included in the package).

ConvertBox A/B Testing

  • Integrated A/B testing available on all plans
  • Easy setup process for creating test variations
  • Automatic traffic distribution between variants
  • Built-in analytics for tracking test performance

OptiMonk A/B Testing

  • Available on paid plans only
  • Comprehensive testing options for various pop-up elements
  • Advanced targeting and segmentation for tests
  • Detailed performance analytics and reporting

Elementor A/B Testing Limitations

  • No native A/B testing functionality for pop-ups
  • Requires integration with third-party WordPress plugins for testing
  • Potential compatibility issues with some testing plugins
  • Additional learning curve for setting up and managing tests

Convert Pro A/B Testing

  • Robust A/B testing features available as an add-on
  • Seamless integration with WordPress environment
  • Ability to test multiple variations simultaneously
  • Detailed analytics and conversion tracking

How To Decide Which Is Right For You [23:20]

Choosing the right pop-up builder depends on various factors specific to your business needs and technical requirements:

  1. Platform compatibility: Ensure the tool works with your website platform (WordPress, Shopify, etc.).
  2. Integration needs: Check if the pop-up builder integrates with your email service provider and other marketing tools.
  3. Design requirements: Consider the level of design customization you need for your pop-ups.
  4. Budget considerations: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of each tool based on your long-term usage plans.

Key Decision Factors

  • Website platform: WordPress users have more options, including Elementor and Convert Pro
  • Design flexibility: OptiMonk and Convert Pro offer more advanced design options
  • Ease of use: ConvertBox provides a user-friendly interface for quick setups
  • Analytics and A/B testing: Consider the importance of built-in testing and performance tracking

Use Case Scenarios

  • Multi-platform business: ConvertBox or OptiMonk for wide compatibility
  • WordPress-focused site: Convert Pro or Elementor for seamless integration
  • Design-centric approach: OptiMonk or Convert Pro for extensive customization
  • Marketing-driven strategy: ConvertBox or OptiMonk for advanced targeting and integrations

Budget Considerations

  • Long-term use: ConvertBox’s lifetime deal may offer the best value
  • Scaling business: OptiMonk’s tiered pricing allows for growth
  • WordPress-specific: Elementor or Convert Pro provide cost-effective options
  • Trial period: Utilize free trials or lower-tier plans to test before committing

Final Thoughts [24:01]

After comparing ConvertBox, OptiMonk, Elementor, and Convert Pro, it’s clear that each tool has its strengths and ideal use cases:

  1. ConvertBox excels in ease of use and offers great value with its lifetime deal, making it suitable for businesses looking for a straightforward, cost-effective solution across multiple platforms.
  2. OptiMonk provides the most extensive design customization options and is ideal for businesses requiring highly tailored pop-ups and advanced marketing features.
  3. Elementor, while primarily a page builder, offers a good balance of functionality for WordPress users who need basic pop-up capabilities alongside website design tools.
  4. Convert Pro stands out as a dedicated WordPress pop-up builder, offering a great mix of design flexibility, integration capabilities, and marketing features.

Key Takeaways

  • Platform compatibility is crucial: Ensure the tool works with your website before committing.
  • Design needs vary: Consider how important pixel-perfect design is for your pop-ups.
  • Marketing features matter: Look for tools that offer robust integration and A/B testing capabilities.
  • Budget for long-term use: Consider lifetime deals vs. monthly subscriptions based on your business growth projections.

Final Recommendations

  • For multi-platform use and ease of setup: ConvertBox
  • For advanced design and marketing features: OptiMonk
  • For WordPress users needing an all-in-one solution: Elementor
  • For WordPress-specific, advanced pop-up creation: Convert Pro

Remember, the best pop-up builder for your e-commerce business depends on your specific needs, technical requirements, and long-term goals. Consider taking advantage of free trials or lower-tier plans to test these tools before making a final decision.

By choosing the right pop-up builder, you can significantly enhance your lead generation efforts and ultimately drive more revenue for your e-commerce business. Keep in mind that pop-ups are just one part of a comprehensive marketing strategy, and their effectiveness should be regularly evaluated and optimized.

For more insights on e-commerce tools and strategies, visit ClientAmp or join the discussion in our Facebook group. Stay updated with the latest tips and tricks by following us on Twitter.

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