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Client Reporting For Digital Marketing Agencies – LTD From Oviond [AppSumo 2020]

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In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, agencies are constantly seeking efficient ways to manage and report client data. This review explores Oviond, a powerful reporting tool available on AppSumo, designed specifically for digital marketing agencies. Oviond offers a comprehensive solution for agencies looking to streamline their reporting process, provide white-label reports, and manage multiple client accounts with ease.

This article will dive deep into Oviond’s features, pricing structure, and user interface, comparing it to similar tools in the market. We’ll explore how Oviond can help agencies create professional, automated reports that showcase their work and provide valuable insights to clients. Whether you’re a seasoned agency owner or just starting out, this review will help you understand if Oviond is the right reporting tool for your business.

Oviond Overview and Pricing

Oviond is a reporting tool tailored for digital marketing agencies, offering a range of features to simplify client reporting and data analysis. Let’s take a closer look at what Oviond brings to the table and its pricing structure on AppSumo.

Key Features of Oviond

  • White-label support for customized branding
  • Custom domains for professional report sharing
  • Comprehensive integration options
  • User-friendly dashboard creation
  • Automated report generation

Pricing Structure on AppSumo

Oviond is available on AppSumo with different pricing tiers based on the number of clients you need to manage:

  • Single code: $49 for 20 clients
  • Double code: Price not specified, but includes 50 clients
  • Triple code: Price not specified, but includes 200 clients

Target Audience

While Oviond is primarily designed for agencies managing multiple clients, it can also be useful for individual businesses looking to consolidate their analytics in one place. However, the true value of Oviond lies in its agency-focused features.

Unlimited User Accounts

One standout feature of the AppSumo deal is the inclusion of unlimited user accounts. This allows agencies to invite team members and collaborate effectively within the platform.

Comparison to Similar Tools

When compared to other reporting tools like Vizel or Reports (previously available on AppSumo), Oviond stands out for its ease of use and comprehensive integrations. The reviewer notes that Oviond feels more intuitive and less technical than some alternatives, making it accessible for agencies of all sizes.

Platform Backend and Organization

The backend of Oviond is designed with user-friendliness and organization in mind. Let’s explore how the platform is structured and how it helps agencies manage their client accounts efficiently.

Folder Structure

  • All clients are organized in a main folder by default
  • Ability to create additional folders for better organization (e.g., PPC clients, SEO clients)
  • Facilitates easy access for different teams within the agency

Client Management

  • Each client has its own dedicated space within the platform
  • Easy navigation between different client accounts
  • Quick access to client-specific settings and integrations

Team Member Management

  • Located in the settings section
  • Unlimited user accounts included in the AppSumo plan
  • Simple process for inviting team members:
  • Enter name and email address
  • Specify client access permissions

Integration Setup

  • Integrations are set up at the client level
  • Wide range of integration options available
  • Some integrations are in beta or planned for future release

Dashboard and Report Creation

  • Two main types of views: Dashboards and Reports
  • Dashboards provide live analytics
  • Reports offer snapshot views that can be saved as PDFs
  • Option to set up automated report sending

Customization Options

  • Ability to resize and rearrange dashboard elements
  • Option to add custom widgets and data points
  • Templates available for quick setup

White-labeling Features

  • Custom domain setup available
  • Ability to change app title, logo, and color scheme
  • Customizable email templates for sharing reports

Available Integrations

Oviond offers a wide array of integrations to help agencies connect various data sources and create comprehensive reports. Let’s explore the available integrations and what’s on the horizon.

Current Integrations

  • Facebook: Insights, Ads
  • Google: Analytics, Ads
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Klaviyo (notable for e-commerce)
  • WooCommerce (in beta)

Upcoming Integrations

  • Google My Business (highly anticipated for local business agencies)
  • SEMrush
  • HubSpot
  • AdRoll
  • Amazon Advertising
  • SERPstat

Integration Process

  • Easy to connect accounts within the platform
  • Step-by-step guided process for each integration
  • Ability to select specific data points from each integration

Data Widgets

  • Customizable widgets for each integration
  • Options to display data in various formats (charts, graphs, tables)
  • Ability to combine data from multiple integrations in a single dashboard

Importance of Integrations

  • The effectiveness of a reporting tool heavily relies on its integrations
  • Agencies should evaluate if Oviond supports the platforms they use most frequently
  • Consider future needs and planned integrations when making a decision

Comparison to Other Tools

  • Oviond offers more integrations than some competitors in the same price range
  • Some unique integrations like Klaviyo set it apart for e-commerce-focused agencies

Tips for Choosing Integrations

  • Prioritize integrations based on your clients’ needs
  • Consider the depth of data available from each integration
  • Test key integrations before fully committing to the platform

Creating Dashboards and Reports

Oviond offers two main ways to present data to clients: Dashboards and Reports. Let’s dive into how to create and customize these features to provide valuable insights to your clients.


Dashboards in Oviond are live views of analytics that update in real-time. They’re perfect for giving clients an up-to-date snapshot of their digital marketing performance.

Creating a Dashboard

  • Click on “Add Dashboard” in the client’s section
  • Choose from pre-set templates or start from scratch
  • Select the “Social Media Dashboard” template for this example

Customizing the Dashboard

  • Resize elements by dragging the corners
  • Rearrange widgets by dragging and dropping
  • Add new data widgets from the right-hand sidebar
  • Choose data sources from connected integrations

Available Data Points

  • Facebook: Likes, reach, page views, actions on page
  • LinkedIn: Follower growth, engagement rates
  • Instagram: Followers, engagement, website clicks
  • Twitter: Followers, tweet impressions, profile visits

Saving and Sharing Dashboards

  • Save custom dashboards as templates for reuse
  • Share dashboards via a unique URL
  • Customize sharing settings and permissions


Reports in Oviond are more like snapshots of data at a specific point in time, ideal for periodic client updates or presentations.

Creating a Report

  • Click on “Add Report” in the client’s section
  • Choose from standard templates or custom templates
  • Select the “Social Media Report” template for this example

Customizing the Report

  • Add or remove pages as needed
  • Rearrange page order using the gear icon
  • Customize the cover page with your logo and branding
  • Add text boxes and media elements to provide context

Report Features

  • Interactive elements allow clients to explore data
  • Public sharing option with limited editing capabilities
  • Automated scheduling for regular report delivery

Cover Page and Thank You Page

  • Choose from pre-designed templates or create custom pages
  • Add your logo and branding elements
  • Customize text and layout to match your agency’s style

Tips for Effective Dashboards and Reports

  • Keep designs clean and easy to understand
  • Focus on key metrics that matter most to your clients
  • Use consistent branding across all reports
  • Provide context and explanations for complex data points
  • Regularly review and update your templates based on client feedback

White Labeling and Customization

One of Oviond’s standout features is its comprehensive white labeling capabilities, allowing agencies to present a professional, branded experience to their clients. Let’s explore the customization options available in Oviond.

Custom Domain Setup

  • Access white label settings from the main menu
  • Create a CNAME record in your DNS management (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap)
  • Submit a request to Oviond for domain verification
  • Once approved, your reports will be accessible via your custom domain

Branding Customization

  • Change the app title from “Oviond” to your agency’s name
  • Upload your agency’s logo to replace the Oviond logo
  • Customize color scheme:
  • Primary color
  • Secondary color
  • Background color
  • Preview changes in real-time before applying

Email Customization

  • Customize email templates for sharing dashboards and reports
  • Edit default email content to match your agency’s tone and style
  • Include your agency’s contact information and branding

Report Design Customization

  • Choose from various cover page templates
  • Customize thank you pages at the end of reports
  • Add your own images, text, and branding elements to reports

Dashboard Customization

  • Create custom dashboard templates for different client types
  • Save and reuse custom layouts across multiple clients
  • Add custom widgets with specific data points relevant to your clients

Tips for Effective White Labeling

  • Maintain consistent branding across all touchpoints
  • Use professional, high-quality logos and images
  • Keep design elements clean and aligned with your brand guidelines
  • Test the user experience from the client’s perspective
  • Regularly update and refine your branded elements

Pros and Cons of Oviond

After a thorough review of Oviond, let’s summarize the main advantages and potential drawbacks of this reporting tool for digital marketing agencies.


  • Comprehensive Integration Options: Oviond offers a wide range of integrations, including some unique options like Klaviyo for e-commerce.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is intuitive and easy to navigate, even for those who aren’t technically inclined.
  • Customizable Reports and Dashboards: Extensive options for creating and customizing both live dashboards and static reports.
  • White Labeling Capabilities: Robust white labeling features allow agencies to present a professional, branded experience to clients.
  • Scalability: With options for managing up to 200 clients, Oviond can grow with your agency.
  • Unlimited User Accounts: The AppSumo deal includes unlimited user accounts, facilitating team collaboration.
  • Automated Reporting: Set up automated reports to save time and ensure consistent client communication.
  • Competitive Pricing: The AppSumo deal offers good value, especially for smaller agencies just starting out.


  • Limited Template Editing: While templates are available, there’s room for improvement in terms of easy customization of cover pages and thank you pages.
  • Some Integrations Still in Beta: Key integrations like Google My Business are still in development, which might be a drawback for some agencies.
  • Learning Curve: While user-friendly, there’s still a learning curve to fully utilize all features effectively.
  • Dependency on Third-Party Platforms: As with any reporting tool, Oviond’s effectiveness is tied to the reliability of its integrated platforms.

Key Takeaways

Oviond presents a compelling option for digital marketing agencies looking to streamline their client reporting process. Here are the key takeaways from this review:

  1. Tailored for Agencies: Oviond is specifically designed with digital marketing agencies in mind, offering features that cater to managing multiple clients and presenting data professionally.
  2. Comprehensive Integrations: With a wide range of integrations available and more in development, Oviond allows agencies to pull data from various sources into a single, coherent report.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: The platform strikes a balance between functionality and ease of use, making it accessible for agencies of all sizes and technical expertise levels.
  4. Customization and White Labeling: Robust white labeling features allow agencies to present a professional, branded experience to their clients, enhancing their perceived value.
  5. Scalability: With options to manage up to 200 clients, Oviond can accommodate agencies as they grow, making it a potentially long-term solution.
  6. Value for Money: The AppSumo deal offers good value, especially for smaller agencies or those just starting out with client reporting.
  7. Room for Improvement: While generally positive, there are areas where Oviond could improve, such as more flexible template editing and faster development of key integrations.
  8. Automation Capabilities: The ability to set up automated reports can save agencies significant time and ensure consistent client communication.
  9. Comparison to Alternatives: When compared to similar tools like Reports or Vizel, Oviond stands out for its ease of use and comprehensive feature set.
  10. Decision Factors: Agencies should consider their specific needs, client base, and the platforms they use most frequently when deciding if Oviond is the right fit for them.

In conclusion, Oviond offers a robust, user-friendly solution for digital marketing agencies looking to improve their client reporting process. While it may not be perfect for every agency, its combination of features, integrations, and customization options make it a strong contender in the reporting tool market. The AppSumo deal adds additional value, making it an attractive option for agencies looking to invest in their reporting capabilities without breaking the bank.

For agencies considering Oviond, it’s recommended to take advantage of any trial periods or money-back guarantees to thoroughly test the platform with your specific use cases. Pay particular attention to the integrations you need most and how well Oviond’s reporting capabilities align with your clients’ expectations.

Remember, the right reporting tool can not only save your agency time and resources but also enhance your relationship with clients by providing clear, professional, and insightful reports. Oviond appears to be a strong contender in this space, worthy of consideration for agencies of all sizes.

To learn more about Oviond and stay updated on new features and integrations, visit their website at For discussions with other digital marketing professionals about tools like Oviond, join the Facebook group at You can also follow updates on Twitter at

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