Profitable Tools (Legacy)

How To Increase Sales As A Freelancer Or Small Agency – Nusii Review / SkillJet Launch

14 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

In today’s digital landscape, freelancers and small agencies face fierce competition. The key to standing out and winning more clients lies in crafting professional, compelling proposals. This comprehensive guide delves into the world of proposal software, specifically focusing on Nusii, a powerful tool designed to streamline your proposal process and boost your sales. We’ll explore how Nusii can help you create stunning proposals quickly, track client interactions, and ultimately close more deals. Additionally, we’ll touch on the exciting launch of SkillJet, a platform offering valuable resources for digital marketing professionals. Whether you’re a seasoned agency owner or a freelancer just starting out, this guide will provide you with actionable insights to elevate your proposal game and grow your business

Intro [00:43]

In this section, we’ll set the stage for our deep dive into Nusii and its potential to transform your proposal process. We’ll discuss the importance of efficient proposal creation and how it can significantly impact your business growth.

The Power of Efficient Proposals

  • Time-saving benefits: Learn how streamlined proposal creation can free up more time for client acquisition and project execution.
  • Professional impression: Discover how well-crafted proposals can set you apart from competitors and instill confidence in potential clients.
  • Increased conversion rates: Explore the connection between high-quality proposals and higher client conversion rates.
  • Consistency in branding: Understand how consistent, branded proposals can reinforce your professional image across all client interactions.

SkillJet Platform Introduction

  • New course announcement: Get excited about the launch of a free course called “Closing the Deal” on the SkillJet platform.
  • Course content overview: Learn what topics the course covers, from sales calls to proposal creation and negotiation techniques.
  • Access information: Find out how you can gain access to this valuable resource, especially if you have an Astra agency license.
  • Complementary nature: Understand how the SkillJet course and Nusii software work together to enhance your sales process.

Nusii Dashboard [01:08]

The Nusii dashboard is your command center for proposal management. In this section, we’ll explore its key features and how they can help you stay on top of your sales pipeline.

Sales Revenue Tracking

  • Closed deals visualization: Learn how Nusii displays your successfully closed deals, providing a clear picture of your sales performance.
  • Historical data analysis: Discover how to use past sales data to inform future strategies and set realistic goals.
  • Revenue breakdown: Understand how to categorize and analyze your revenue streams for better financial planning.
  • Performance metrics: Explore key performance indicators that Nusii tracks to help you gauge your sales effectiveness.

Estimated Pipeline Revenue

  • Forecasting capabilities: Learn how Nusii calculates potential future revenue based on your current proposals and acceptance rates.
  • Pipeline health assessment: Discover how to use this feature to identify bottlenecks in your sales process and areas for improvement.
  • Goal setting: Understand how to leverage pipeline estimates to set ambitious yet achievable sales targets.
  • Resource allocation: Learn how to use pipeline data to efficiently allocate your time and resources across different opportunities.

Proposal Acceptance Rate

  • Performance indicator: Explore how this metric can provide insights into the effectiveness of your proposals and overall sales approach.
  • Improvement tracking: Learn how to monitor changes in your acceptance rate over time and correlate them with specific strategies or improvements.
  • Benchmarking: Discover industry standards for proposal acceptance rates and how to position your performance within your niche.
  • Actionable insights: Understand how to use this data to refine your proposal templates and sales techniques for better results.

Account Activity Monitoring

  • Real-time notifications: Learn how Nusii keeps you informed about client interactions with your proposals, such as opens, views, and signatures.
  • Follow-up opportunities: Discover how to use activity data to time your follow-ups perfectly and increase your chances of closing deals.
  • Client engagement analysis: Explore ways to interpret client behavior based on their interactions with your proposals.
  • Proposal effectiveness: Understand how to use activity data to assess which parts of your proposals are most engaging to clients.

Why use a Dedicated Proposal Tool? [02:47]

In this section, we’ll address the common question of why a dedicated proposal tool is necessary when many businesses already use CRM systems. We’ll explore the unique benefits that specialized proposal software like Nusii can offer.

Limitations of CRM Systems for Proposals

  • Lack of specialized features: Understand why CRM systems often fall short when it comes to creating and managing professional proposals.
  • Comparison with project management tools: Learn how the relationship between CRMs and proposal tools is similar to that of project management tools and website builders.
  • Integration benefits: Discover how dedicated proposal tools can complement your existing CRM system rather than replace it.
  • Efficiency gains: Explore how specialized tools can streamline your proposal process in ways that general CRM systems cannot.

Unique Features of Dedicated Proposal Software

  • Template customization: Learn about the advanced customization options that allow you to create branded, professional-looking proposals quickly.
  • Dynamic content insertion: Understand how proposal tools can automatically populate client information and other dynamic content.
  • Tracking and analytics: Explore the detailed tracking capabilities that provide insights into how clients interact with your proposals.
  • E-signature integration: Discover how built-in e-signature features can expedite the closing process and improve client experience.

Impact on Sales Process

  • Faster turnaround times: Learn how dedicated proposal tools can significantly reduce the time it takes to create and send proposals.
  • Improved consistency: Understand how standardized templates ensure that all team members produce high-quality, consistent proposals.
  • Enhanced professionalism: Explore how polished, well-designed proposals can elevate your brand image and increase client trust.
  • Better collaboration: Discover how proposal tools facilitate team collaboration, allowing for smoother workflows and better results.

Return on Investment

  • Time savings calculation: Learn how to quantify the time saved by using a dedicated proposal tool and translate it into monetary value.
  • Increased win rates: Understand how improved proposals can lead to higher acceptance rates and more closed deals.
  • Client satisfaction: Explore how a streamlined proposal process can enhance the overall client experience and lead to more referrals.
  • Scalability: Discover how proposal tools can support your business growth by efficiently handling an increasing volume of proposals.

Proposals [03:55]

The Proposals section in Nusii is where all your hard work comes together. Here, we’ll explore how to manage your proposals effectively and leverage Nusii’s features to close more deals.

Proposal Organization

  • Centralized management: Learn how Nusii provides a single location to store, track, and manage all your proposals, from drafts to sent and accepted.
  • Status tracking: Understand how to quickly identify the status of each proposal, whether it’s in draft, sent, viewed, or accepted.
  • Filtering and sorting: Discover how to use Nusii’s organization tools to quickly find specific proposals or analyze your proposal pipeline.
  • Version control: Explore how Nusii handles revisions and updates to proposals, ensuring you always have access to the latest version.

Proposal Creation Process

  • Template selection: Learn how to choose the right template for each client and project, saving time while maintaining customization.
  • Content customization: Understand the process of tailoring proposal content to each client’s specific needs and pain points.
  • Pricing section setup: Explore how to create clear, professional pricing sections that highlight the value of your services.
  • Final review and polish: Discover best practices for reviewing and refining your proposals before sending them to clients.

Client Interaction Features

  • Proposal viewing analytics: Learn how to track when and how often clients view your proposals, gaining insights into their level of interest.
  • In-proposal communication: Understand how to use Nusii’s built-in communication tools to answer client questions and address concerns directly within the proposal.
  • E-signature process: Explore the seamless e-signature feature that allows clients to accept proposals with just a few clicks.
  • Follow-up reminders: Discover how Nusii can help you set and manage follow-up reminders to keep your sales process on track.

Proposal Performance Analysis

  • Acceptance rate tracking: Learn how to monitor and improve your proposal acceptance rates over time.
  • Time-to-close analysis: Understand how to measure and optimize the time it takes from sending a proposal to closing a deal.
  • Revenue forecasting: Explore how Nusii’s analytics can help you predict future revenue based on your proposal pipeline.
  • A/B testing: Discover how to use Nusii to test different proposal elements and refine your approach for better results.

Entering Clients [04:17]

Effective client management is crucial for creating personalized, impactful proposals. In this section, we’ll explore how Nusii streamlines the process of entering and managing client information.

Client Information Fields

  • Basic contact details: Learn how to input essential information like client names, email addresses, and phone numbers for easy communication.
  • Business specifics: Understand the importance of capturing details such as company name, website URL, and industry for tailored proposals.
  • Currency and language preferences: Discover how setting these preferences ensures your proposals are culturally appropriate and financially relevant.
  • Time zone settings: Explore how accurate time zone information can help you time your communications and track proposal interactions effectively.

Customization Options

  • Additional fields: Learn how to add custom fields to capture specific information relevant to your business or industry.
  • Default settings: Understand how to set default values for recurring fields to save time during data entry.
  • Data importing: Discover methods for bulk importing client data from other systems to quickly populate your Nusii database.
  • Integration with CRM systems: Explore potential integrations that allow for seamless data sync between Nusii and your existing CRM.

Client Profile Management

  • Updating information: Learn best practices for keeping client information current and accurate.
  • Proposal history: Understand how to view and manage a client’s proposal history for better relationship management.
  • Notes and tags: Discover how to use Nusii’s note-taking and tagging features to keep track of important client details and preferences.
  • Activity tracking: Explore how to monitor client interactions with your proposals and use this data to inform your follow-up strategies.

Privacy and Security Considerations

  • Data protection measures: Learn about Nusii’s security features that safeguard your clients’ sensitive information.
  • Access controls: Understand how to manage user permissions to ensure only authorized team members can view or edit client data.
  • Compliance with regulations: Discover how Nusii helps you maintain compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR.
  • Data backup and recovery: Explore Nusii’s data backup systems and how they protect your valuable client information.

Creating Templates [07:51]

Templates are the backbone of efficient proposal creation in Nusii. This section will guide you through the process of creating and managing effective proposal templates.

Template Structure

  • Sections overview: Learn how to organize your templates into logical sections for easy navigation and comprehension.
  • Header and footer design: Understand the importance of consistent branding elements in your template headers and footers.
  • Content blocks: Discover how to create reusable content blocks for common proposal elements like company introduction or service descriptions.
  • Customization areas: Explore how to designate areas within your templates for easy customization on a per-proposal basis.

Design Elements

  • Color scheme selection: Learn how to choose and apply a color scheme that aligns with your brand identity.
  • Typography choices: Understand the impact of font selection on readability and professionalism in your proposals.
  • Image placement: Discover best practices for incorporating images, logos, and other visual elements into your templates.
  • Layout options: Explore different layout configurations to find the most effective presentation for your services.

Content Creation

  • Value proposition: Learn how to craft a compelling value proposition that resonates with your target clients.
  • Service descriptions: Understand how to clearly and concisely describe your services, focusing on benefits to the client.
  • Case studies and social proof: Discover how to incorporate past successes and client testimonials to build credibility.
  • Call-to-action placement: Explore strategies for effectively placing calls-to-action throughout your proposal template.

Template Management

  • Version control: Learn how to manage different versions of your templates for various services or client types.
  • A/B testing: Understand how to create and test multiple template variations to optimize your proposal effectiveness.
  • Collaborative editing: Discover how to involve team members in the template creation and refinement process.
  • Template analytics: Explore how to use Nusii’s analytics to assess the performance of different templates and make data-driven improvements.

Dynamic Personalization [12:19]

Dynamic personalization is a powerful feature in Nusii that allows you to create highly tailored proposals efficiently. This section explores how to leverage this functionality for maximum impact.

Variable Fields

  • Client information insertion: Learn how to use dynamic fields to automatically insert client names, company details, and other specific information.
  • Project details: Understand how to create variables for project-specific details like scope, timeline, and deliverables.
  • Pricing information: Discover how to dynamically populate pricing tables and totals based on selected services or packages.
  • Custom variables: Explore how to create and use custom variables for unique aspects of your proposals or business model.

Conditional Content

  • Service-specific sections: Learn how to create sections that only appear when certain services are selected for a proposal.
  • Industry-specific language: Understand how to use conditional content to tailor your proposal’s tone and terminology to different industries.
  • Pricing tiers: Discover how to dynamically adjust pricing information based on the client’s selected package or service level.
  • Upsell opportunities: Explore how to use conditional content to present relevant upsell or cross-sell opportunities within your proposals.

Personalization Best Practices

  • Balancing automation and customization: Learn how to strike the right balance between efficiency and personal touch in your proposals.
  • Avoiding over-personalization: Understand the pitfalls of excessive personalization and how to maintain professionalism.
  • Testing and quality assurance: Discover methods for thoroughly testing your dynamic content to ensure accuracy and relevance.
  • Client feedback incorporation: Explore how to use client feedback to refine and improve your personalization strategies over time.

Advanced Personalization Techniques

  • Behavioral targeting: Learn how to use client interaction data to personalize future proposals or follow-ups.
  • Integration with external data sources: Understand how to pull in data from CRM systems or other sources for even more detailed personalization.
  • Multi-language support: Discover how to create dynamically translated proposals for international clients.
  • Personalized visuals: Explore techniques for dynamically inserting client-specific images or graphics into your proposals.

Creating Reusable Sections [13:29]

Reusable sections in Nusii are a game-changer for proposal efficiency. This section will guide you through creating, managing, and effectively utilizing these time-saving elements.

Identifying Reusable Content

  • Common proposal elements: Learn how to identify sections of your proposals that are frequently used across different clients or projects.
  • Industry-specific boilerplate: Understand how to create reusable content that addresses common concerns or requirements in your industry.
  • Company information: Discover how to create standardized sections for your company history, team bios, and other static information.
  • Service descriptions: Explore strategies for creating modular service descriptions that can be easily mixed and matched in different proposals.

Creating Reusable Sections

  • Section structure: Learn best practices for structuring reusable sections to ensure they fit seamlessly into various proposal templates.
  • Placeholder text: Understand how to use placeholder text within reusable sections to prompt for customization when necessary.
  • Formatting consistency: Discover techniques for maintaining consistent formatting across all your reusable sections.
  • Version control: Explore how to manage different versions of reusable sections as your services or messaging evolves.

Organizing and Managing Sections

  • Categorization system: Learn how to create a logical categorization system for your reusable sections to make them easy to find and use.
  • Naming conventions: Understand the importance of clear, descriptive naming conventions for your reusable sections.
  • Access control: Discover how to manage team access to different reusable sections, ensuring consistency across your organization.
  • Regular review and updates: Explore strategies for regularly reviewing and updating your reusable sections to keep them current and effective.

Implementing Reusable Sections

  • Drag-and-drop functionality: Learn how to quickly insert reusable sections into your proposals using Nusii’s user-friendly interface.
  • Customization on the fly: Understand techniques for efficiently customizing reusable sections for each specific proposal.
  • Combining sections: Discover how to effectively combine multiple reusable sections to create comprehensive, tailored proposals.
  • Performance tracking: Explore how to track the performance of different reusable sections to continually refine your proposal strategy.

Pricing Sections [15:48]

Pricing sections are crucial components of any proposal. In this section, we’ll explore how to create clear, compelling pricing sections that highlight the value of your services and increase the likelihood of client acceptance.

Structuring Pricing Sections

  • Clear hierarchy: Learn how to structure your pricing information in a clear, easy-to-understand hierarchy that guides clients through your offerings.
  • Package options: Understand how to create and present different package options that cater to various client needs and budgets.
  • Visual elements: Discover how to use visual elements like tables, charts, or graphics to make your pricing information more digestible and appealing.
  • Consistent formatting: Explore best practices for maintaining consistent formatting across all pricing sections to enhance professionalism and readability.

Pricing Strategies

  • Value-based pricing: Learn how to present your pricing in a way that emphasizes the value and ROI of your services rather than just the cost.
  • Tiered pricing: Understand how to effectively structure tiered pricing options to appeal to different client segments and encourage upsells.
  • Optional add-ons: Discover how to use optional add-ons or upgrades to increase the overall proposal value while giving clients flexibility.
  • Discount strategies: Explore how to strategically use discounts or special offers without devaluing your services.

Dynamic Pricing Features

  • Automatic calculations: Learn how to use Nusii’s dynamic calculation features to automatically update totals based on selected options.
  • Currency conversion: Understand how to implement automatic currency conversion for international clients.
  • Tax and fee inclusion: Discover how to dynamically include or exclude taxes and fees based on client location or project specifics.
  • Quantity-based pricing: Explore how to create pricing sections that automatically adjust based on quantity or scale of services.

Presenting Long-Term Value

  • Recurring revenue models: Learn how to effectively present recurring revenue models or retainer agreements in your pricing sections.
  • ROI calculations: Understand how to incorporate ROI calculations or projections to demonstrate the long-term value of your services.
  • Comparison with alternatives: Discover how to subtly compare your pricing with alternatives (like hiring in-house) to highlight your value proposition.
  • Future-proofing language: Explore how to use language that emphasizes the long-term benefits and scalability of your services.

Creating a Proposal From Your Template [18:39]

Now that we’ve covered the building blocks, let’s dive into the process of creating a full proposal using your Nusii templates. This section will guide you through each step, ensuring you create compelling, personalized proposals efficiently.

Selecting the Right Template

  • Client assessment: Learn how to quickly assess client needs and select the most appropriate template for their project.
  • Industry-specific considerations: Understand how to choose templates that align with specific industry requirements or expectations.
  • Proposal scope: Discover how to select templates based on the scope and complexity of the proposed project.
  • Customization needs: Explore how to evaluate the level of customization required and choose a template that offers the right balance of structure and flexibility.

Customizing the Proposal

  • Client information insertion: Learn how to efficiently populate the proposal with client-specific information using Nusii’s dynamic fields.
  • Project details customization: Understand the process of tailoring project descriptions, timelines, and deliverables to match the client’s specific needs.
  • Tone and language adjustment: Discover how to adjust the tone and language of your proposal to resonate with the client’s company culture and communication style.
  • Visual customization: Explore techniques for customizing the visual elements of your proposal to align with the client’s brand or project theme.

Incorporating Reusable Sections

  • Relevant section selection: Learn how to quickly identify and insert the most relevant reusable sections for each specific proposal.
  • Section customization: Understand how to efficiently tailor reusable sections to fit the unique aspects of each client and project.
  • Flow and coherence: Discover techniques for seamlessly integrating reusable sections to maintain a natural flow throughout the proposal.
  • Consistency check: Explore how to ensure consistency in messaging and formatting when combining various reusable sections.

Finalizing and Reviewing

  • Comprehensive review process: Learn best practices for thoroughly reviewing your proposal before sending it to the client.
  • Team collaboration: Understand how to effectively involve team members in the review process for different aspects of the proposal.
  • Proofreading techniques: Discover efficient proofreading methods to catch any errors or inconsistencies in your proposal.
  • Client perspective review: Explore how to review your proposal from the client’s perspective to ensure it addresses all their potential questions and concerns.

Account Settings [22:38]

Properly configuring your Nusii account settings is crucial for creating professional proposals and streamlining your workflow. This section will guide you through the key account settings and how to optimize them for your business.

Company Profile Setup

  • Branding elements: Learn how to upload and configure your company logo, colors, and other branding elements for consistent proposal design.
  • Contact information: Understand the importance of keeping your company contact information up-to-date and how it appears in your proposals.
  • Legal details: Discover how to include necessary legal information, such as company registration numbers or tax IDs, in your proposals.
  • Team member profiles: Explore how to set up and manage team member profiles for collaborative proposal creation.

Default Proposal Settings

  • Currency and language: Learn how to set default currency and language options to streamline proposal creation for your typical clients.
  • Terms and conditions: Understand how to create and manage default terms and conditions that can be easily included in your proposals.
  • Expiration settings: Discover how to configure default proposal expiration settings to create a sense of urgency and manage your pipeline effectively.
  • Approval workflows: Explore how to set up approval workflows to ensure all proposals meet your quality standards before being sent to clients.

Integration and API Configuration

  • CRM integration: Learn how to connect Nusii with your CRM system for seamless data flow between platforms.
  • Payment gateway setup: Understand the process of integrating payment gateways to enable direct payments through your proposals.
  • Email integration: Discover how to configure email settings for proposal delivery and notification management.
  • API access: Explore how to set up and use Nusii’s API for custom integrations with your other business tools.

Security and Permissions

  • User roles and permissions: Learn how to set up different user roles and permissions to control access to sensitive information and features.
  • Two-factor authentication: Understand how to enable and manage two-factor authentication for enhanced account security.
  • IP restrictions: Discover how to implement IP restrictions to control from where your Nusii account can be accessed.
  • Activity logs: Explore how to use activity logs to monitor account usage and detect any unauthorized access or changes.

Final Thoughts [28:37]

As we wrap up this comprehensive guide to Nusii and proposal creation, let’s reflect on the key takeaways and consider how to implement these strategies in your business.

Nusii’s Impact on Proposal Process

  • Efficiency gains: Reflect on how Nusii’s features can significantly reduce the time and effort required to create professional proposals.
  • Consistency improvements: Consider the benefits of maintaining consistent branding and messaging across all your proposals.
  • Client experience enhancement: Think about how a streamlined, professional proposal process can positively impact your clients’ perception of your business.
  • Data-driven decision making: Contemplate how Nusii’s analytics can inform and improve your proposal strategies over time.

Implementing Nusii in Your Workflow

  • Transition planning: Learn how to plan a smooth transition from your current proposal process to using Nusii.
  • Team training considerations: Understand the importance of properly training your team to leverage Nusii’s features effectively.
  • Integration with existing systems: Discover strategies for integrating Nusii with your current CRM, project management, and accounting systems.
  • Measuring success: Explore methods for tracking and measuring the impact of Nusii on your proposal acceptance rates and overall business performance.

Continuous Improvement Strategies

  • Regular template updates: Learn the importance of regularly reviewing and updating your proposal templates to keep them fresh and effective.
  • Client feedback incorporation: Understand how to systematically collect and incorporate client feedback to improve your proposals.
  • Industry trend monitoring: Discover how to stay informed about industry trends and incorporate them into your proposal strategies.
  • Performance metric tracking: Explore key performance metrics to track and how to use them for ongoing optimization of your proposal process.

Future of Proposal Software

  • AI and machine learning: Consider how emerging technologies like AI might shape the future of proposal creation and customization.
  • Enhanced personalization: Think about the potential for even more advanced personalization features in future proposal software.
  • Mobile optimization: Reflect on the growing importance of mobile-friendly proposals and how this might evolve.
  • Virtual reality presentations: Contemplate how technologies like VR might be incorporated into proposal presentations in the future.

In conclusion, Nusii offers a powerful set of tools to streamline your proposal process, increase your win rates, and ultimately grow your business. By leveraging its features effectively and continuously refining your approach, you can create compelling proposals that set you apart from the competition. Remember to check out the SkillJet platform ( for additional resources to complement your proposal skills, and don’t hesitate to join our Facebook group ( or follow us on Twitter ( for ongoing tips and support. With these tools and strategies at your disposal, you’re well-equipped to take your freelance or agency business to new heights.

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