Profitable Tools (Legacy)

This One Is Different… SEO First (then GPT3) – Copywriting Series

11 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

In this comprehensive review, we explore INK, a unique AI-powered copywriting tool that stands out from the crowd. Unlike other AI writing assistants, INK takes an SEO-first approach, combining artificial intelligence with powerful search engine optimization features. This video is part of Dave’s AI copywriting series, where he evaluates various tools to help content creators and marketers enhance their writing process.

INK offers a fresh perspective on AI-assisted content creation by prioritizing SEO optimization alongside its GPT-3 powered writing capabilities. Throughout this review, we’ll delve into INK’s features, user interface, pricing, and overall effectiveness in producing high-quality, search-engine-friendly content. Whether you’re a seasoned content creator or just starting your journey in the world of AI copywriting, this in-depth analysis will provide valuable insights into how INK can potentially revolutionize your content strategy.

Join Dave as he explores the ins and outs of INK, comparing it to other tools in the market and offering his expert opinion on its strengths and weaknesses. By the end of this review, you’ll have a clear understanding of how INK stands out in the crowded AI copywriting landscape and whether it’s the right tool for your content creation needs.

What is INK? [00:46]

INK is a unique player in the AI copywriting arena, offering a blend of artificial intelligence and SEO optimization tools. Unlike many of its competitors, INK takes a different approach by focusing on search engine optimization first, then incorporating GPT-3 powered writing assistance.

Key Features of INK

  • Standalone application: INK is primarily a desktop app, available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  • Web dashboard: While the main functionality is in the app, there’s also an online dashboard for additional features.
  • SEO-first approach: Originally designed as an SEO assistant, INK has now integrated GPT-3 for AI-powered writing.
  • WordPress integration: INK offers a WordPress plugin for seamless content publishing.

INK’s Evolution

  • Started as an SEO assistant tool
  • Recently added GPT-3 integration (about two weeks before the review)
  • Combines SEO optimization with AI writing capabilities

Unique Selling Proposition

  • INK stands out by offering a comprehensive solution for content creators
  • It addresses both the writing process and search engine optimization
  • The tool aims to help users create high-quality, SEO-friendly content efficiently

Target Audience

  • Content creators looking for an all-in-one solution
  • Bloggers and marketers focused on SEO performance
  • Writers who want AI assistance without sacrificing SEO optimization

Potential Benefits

  • Streamlined workflow for content creation and optimization
  • Improved search engine rankings through built-in SEO tools
  • Time-saving features for both writing and SEO tasks

INK Site [02:15]

The INK website serves as the primary touchpoint for potential users, showcasing the tool’s features and capabilities. However, Dave’s review of the site reveals some areas for improvement in terms of marketing effectiveness.

Homepage Analysis

  • Lacks clear benefits-focused messaging
  • Heavily feature-oriented rather than benefit-oriented
  • Comparison to Jarvis (a competitor) shows room for improvement in messaging

Key Sections of the Website

  • AI co-writing and SEO assistant features highlighted
  • Distraction-free editor prominently mentioned
  • Testimonials from users (though not from well-known brands)

Marketing Effectiveness

  • The homepage doesn’t effectively communicate the value proposition
  • Fails to answer the “so what?” question for potential users
  • Misses opportunities to showcase unique benefits of using INK

Notable Features Mentioned

  • AI-generated content capabilities
  • Promise of higher rankings and increased traffic
  • Distraction-free editor (which Dave found impressive in practice)

Community Engagement

  • Daily live Q&A sessions offered
  • Facebook community page (though with fewer members compared to competitors)

Target Audience Sections

  • Founders, experts, and copywriters mentioned as ideal customers
  • Lack of clear headlines to define audience segments


  • “Get started for free” prominently displayed
  • Three-step process: create an account, download INK, use INK to overcome writer’s block

INK UI [04:40]

The user interface (UI) of INK plays a crucial role in the overall user experience. Dave’s review provides insights into both the strengths and weaknesses of INK’s UI design.

Web Dashboard

  • Clean and minimalist design
  • Easy access to key features and settings

Desktop Application

  • Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux
  • Offers a distraction-free writing environment

Key UI Elements

  • Sidebar for template selection and SEO tools
  • Main writing area with formatting options
  • AI writing assistant integration

UI Strengths

  • Intuitive layout for easy navigation
  • Distraction-free editor for focused writing
  • Seamless integration of AI and SEO tools

UI Weaknesses

  • Some issues with template descriptions being cut off in the sidebar
  • Occasional glitches in AI tool selection

WordPress Plugin

  • Allows for easy syncing of content to WordPress
  • Maintains formatting and images when transferring content

Search Functionality

  • Robust search bar for finding templates and features quickly

Customization Options

  • Dark mode and light mode available
  • Typewriter mode for a more immersive writing experience

Product Description [05:13]

In this section, Dave tests INK’s AI capabilities by generating a product description for his “Profitable Tools Insiders” course. This practical example showcases the tool’s strengths and weaknesses in creating marketing copy.

AI-Generated Content

  • Multiple variations of product descriptions generated
  • Quality of output varies between attempts

Content Analysis

  • First output: Decent copy, addressing key points about the course
  • Second output: Missed the mark, didn’t align well with the input
  • Third output: Better quality, but with some inconsistencies

AI Accuracy

  • Some outputs showed misunderstandings of the input (e.g., confusing “Profitable Tools” with “Pro Tools”)
  • Occasionally produced generic or irrelevant content

User Experience

  • Easy to generate multiple variations
  • Option to save preferred outputs

Comparison to Other Tools

  • INK’s output quality is inconsistent compared to some competitors
  • Useful for overcoming writer’s block, but may require more editing

SEO Integration

  • Product descriptions include SEO considerations
  • Suggestions for improving search engine visibility

Customization Options

  • Ability to modify and refine AI-generated content
  • Options to rewrite or expand on specific sections

The Rest of the UI – Part 1 [07:42]

Continuing the exploration of INK’s user interface, this section delves into additional features and functionalities that set the tool apart from its competitors.

Template Library

  • Extensive collection of writing templates
  • Categories for various content types (e.g., blog posts, social media, ads)

AI Writing Assistant

  • Integrated throughout the UI
  • Options for generating, expanding, and refining content

SEO Tools Integration

  • Real-time SEO suggestions as you write
  • Keyword optimization features

Content History

  • Ability to save and access previous generations
  • Easy retrieval of past work

Collaboration Features

  • Options for team collaboration (in higher-tier plans)
  • Sharing and commenting on content

Performance Metrics

  • Analytics for content performance
  • SEO score tracking

Content Export Options

  • Easy export to various formats (e.g., PDF, Word)
  • Direct publishing to WordPress

Pricing [08:56]

INK offers a range of pricing options to cater to different user needs and budgets. Understanding the pricing structure is crucial for potential users to determine the best plan for their requirements.

Free Plan

  • Limited access to features
  • Up to 10 articles per month with SEO tools
  • No access to AI writing features

Pro Plan

  • $35 per month
  • 1,000 points for AI generation
  • Full access to SEO tools

Pro Unlimited Plan

  • $99 per month
  • Unlimited AI generation
  • Includes 3 user accounts

Key Features Across Plans

  • SEO optimization tools
  • AI writing assistance (except free plan)
  • WordPress integration

Comparison to Competitors

  • Competitive pricing for the features offered
  • Unique selling point: combination of AI and SEO tools

Value Proposition

  • All-in-one solution for content creation and optimization
  • Potential for cost savings by combining multiple tools


  • Option to switch between plans
  • No long-term contracts required

AIDA Framework [09:53]

The AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) framework is a classic marketing model used to create compelling copy. Dave tests INK’s ability to generate content using this framework, focusing on the Attention and Call-to-Action sections.

Attention Section Generation

  • Multiple attempts to create attention-grabbing headlines
  • Varying quality of outputs

Call-to-Action (CTA) Generation

  • Several CTAs generated for comparison
  • Analysis of effectiveness and persuasiveness

Quality Assessment

  • Evaluation of relevance to input information
  • Comparison to human-written copy

AIDA Implementation

  • How well INK understands and applies the AIDA framework
  • Consistency across different elements of the framework

Customization Options

  • Ability to refine and adjust generated content
  • Tools for improving specific aspects of the AIDA structure

SEO Considerations

  • Integration of SEO best practices in AIDA-based content
  • Keyword placement within the framework

The Rest of the UI – Part 2 [11:53]

This section continues the exploration of INK’s user interface, focusing on additional features and tools that enhance the content creation process.

Content Editor

  • Rich text formatting options
  • Inline SEO suggestions

Plagiarism Checker

  • Built-in tool to ensure content originality
  • Integration with external plagiarism detection services

Readability Analysis

  • Flesch-Kincaid readability score
  • Suggestions for improving content clarity

Keyword Research Tools

  • Integrated keyword suggestion feature
  • Competitor keyword analysis

Content Optimization Sidebar

  • Real-time SEO score updates
  • Actionable suggestions for improvement

Image Optimization

  • Tools for adding and optimizing images within content
  • Alt text suggestions for better SEO

Content Goals Setting

  • Ability to set specific goals for each piece of content
  • Progress tracking towards SEO and readability targets

Long-form Editor [13:57]

INK’s long-form editor is a standout feature, designed to facilitate the creation of in-depth, SEO-optimized content. This section explores the capabilities and user experience of the long-form editor.

Editor Interface

  • Clean, distraction-free design
  • Easy access to formatting tools and AI assistance

AI Integration

  • One-click AI writing for paragraphs and sections
  • Options to expand, rewrite, or simplify content

SEO Optimization

  • Real-time SEO suggestions as you write
  • Keyword density and placement recommendations

Content Structure Tools

  • Outline creation feature
  • Easy organization of headings and subheadings

Collaboration Features

  • Ability to share and collaborate on long-form content
  • Version history and change tracking

Export Options

  • Direct publishing to WordPress
  • Export to various formats (e.g., PDF, Word)

INK App UI [14:11]

The INK app’s user interface is designed to provide a seamless content creation experience. This section delves into the specific features and design elements that make the app stand out.

Layout and Design

  • Minimalist, clutter-free interface
  • Intuitive navigation between different sections

Customization Options

  • Dark mode and light mode
  • Adjustable editor settings for personal preferences

AI Writing Assistant Integration

  • Easy access to AI tools throughout the interface
  • Context-aware suggestions and generation

SEO Tools Sidebar

  • Always-visible SEO score and suggestions
  • Quick access to optimization tools

Template Library

  • Extensive collection of content templates
  • Easy search and selection process

Performance Analytics

  • Content performance tracking
  • SEO improvement suggestions based on analytics

SEO Tool [16:17]

INK’s SEO tool is a core feature that sets it apart from many other AI writing assistants. This section explores the capabilities and effectiveness of the integrated SEO optimization features.

Keyword Analysis

  • In-depth keyword research tools
  • Competitor keyword analysis

On-Page SEO Optimization

  • Real-time suggestions for title, meta description, and headers
  • Content structure recommendations for better SEO

Content Scoring

  • Overall SEO score for each piece of content
  • Breakdown of individual SEO factors

Readability Analysis

  • Flesch-Kincaid readability score
  • Suggestions for improving content clarity

Link Optimization

  • Internal and external linking recommendations
  • Anchor text suggestions

Mobile Optimization

  • Mobile-friendly content checks
  • Suggestions for improving mobile SEO

Blog Post – Title [17:06]

Creating an effective blog post title is crucial for attracting readers and improving SEO. This section examines INK’s capabilities in generating and optimizing blog post titles.

AI Title Generation

  • Multiple title variations generated based on input
  • Analysis of title effectiveness and SEO potential

Title Optimization

  • Character count and word count recommendations
  • Emotional value and clickbait analysis

Keyword Integration

  • Suggestions for incorporating target keywords
  • Balance between SEO and readability

A/B Testing Features

  • Ability to compare different title variations
  • Performance predictions based on AI analysis

Customization Options

  • Tools for refining and adjusting generated titles
  • Manual editing with real-time SEO feedback

Title SEO Score

  • Individual SEO score for the title
  • Specific recommendations for improvement

Blog Post – Outline [18:41]

A well-structured outline is the foundation of a successful blog post. This section explores how INK assists in creating comprehensive and SEO-friendly outlines.

AI-Generated Outlines

  • Ability to generate full blog post outlines
  • Topic and subtopic suggestions based on main keyword

Competitor Analysis

  • Insights from top-ranking articles on the same topic
  • Suggestions for covering all relevant aspects

Outline Customization

  • Easy drag-and-drop reordering of outline elements
  • Option to add, remove, or modify sections

Keyword Integration

  • Suggestions for incorporating target keywords in headings
  • Balance between keyword usage and natural flow

Content Gap Analysis

  • Identification of topics not covered by competitors
  • Suggestions for unique angles and perspectives

SEO-Optimized Structure

  • Recommendations for H1, H2, and H3 heading usage
  • Optimal content structure for search engine visibility

Blog Post – Content [22:37]

The heart of any blog post is its content. This section examines INK’s capabilities in generating, refining, and optimizing the main body of a blog post.

AI Content Generation

  • Paragraph-by-paragraph content creation
  • Options for expanding, rewriting, or simplifying sections

Content Quality

  • Analysis of generated content for relevance and accuracy
  • Comparison with human-written content

SEO Optimization

  • Real-time suggestions for keyword placement and density
  • Recommendations for internal and external linking

Readability Improvements

  • Suggestions for simplifying complex sentences
  • Tools for improving overall content flow

Fact-Checking and Accuracy

  • Integration with fact-checking resources
  • Suggestions for adding credible sources and citations

Tone and Style Adjustments

  • Options for adjusting content tone (formal, casual, etc.)
  • Consistency checks for maintaining brand voice

Blog Post – SEO Optimization [26:31]

SEO optimization is crucial for ensuring your blog post reaches its intended audience. This section explores INK’s features for maximizing the search engine visibility of your content.

On-Page SEO Analysis

  • Comprehensive checklist of on-page SEO factors
  • Real-time scoring and improvement suggestions

Keyword Optimization

  • Tools for optimal keyword placement and density
  • Suggestions for related keywords and LSI terms

Meta Data Optimization

  • Assistance in crafting SEO-friendly meta titles and descriptions
  • Character count and preview features

Content Structure Analysis

  • Recommendations for heading usage and content organization
  • Suggestions for improving content hierarchy

Image Optimization

  • Tools for adding and optimizing images
  • Alt text suggestions for better SEO

Mobile Optimization

  • Mobile-friendliness checks
  • Suggestions for improving mobile SEO performance

Relevant Topics [31:38]

Covering relevant topics is essential for creating comprehensive, authoritative content. This section examines how INK helps identify and integrate important topics into your blog posts.

Topic Research

  • AI-powered suggestions for relevant subtopics
  • Competitor analysis for topic coverage

Content Gap Analysis

  • Identification of topics not covered by competitors
  • Suggestions for unique angles and perspectives

Keyword Clustering

  • Grouping of related keywords and topics
  • Recommendations for comprehensive topic coverage

Trend Analysis

  • Integration of current trends related to the main topic
  • Suggestions for timely and relevant content angles

User Intent Matching

  • Analysis of user intent behind search queries
  • Recommendations for addressing different user needs

Authority Building

  • Suggestions for demonstrating expertise on the topic
  • Recommendations for citing authoritative sources

Final Thoughts [33:37]

In this concluding section, Dave shares his overall impressions of INK and how it compares to other AI copywriting tools in the market.

Strengths of INK

  • Unique combination of AI writing and SEO optimization
  • Comprehensive toolset for content creation and optimization
  • User-friendly interface with distraction-free writing environment

Areas for Improvement

  • Inconsistent AI output quality compared to some competitors
  • Some UI glitches and limitations in the web tools
  • Room for enhancement in the marketing messaging on the website

Comparison to Other Tools

  • Stands out with its SEO-first approach
  • Offers a more comprehensive solution than some AI-only tools
  • Potential for better long-form content creation with built-in SEO optimization

Ideal User Profile

  • Content creators who prioritize SEO alongside AI assistance
  • Bloggers and marketers looking for an all-in-one solution
  • Writers who want to improve their SEO skills while using AI

Value Proposition

  • Combines AI writing capabilities with powerful SEO tools
  • Potential for improved search engine rankings and content quality
  • Time-saving features for both content creation and optimization

Future Potential

  • Room for growth and improvement in AI capabilities
  • Possibility of becoming a leading tool with further refinements
  • Potential for integration with more platforms and services

Key Takeaways

INK presents a unique approach to AI-assisted content creation by prioritizing SEO alongside artificial intelligence. This comprehensive review has explored the tool’s features, user interface, pricing, and overall effectiveness in producing high-quality, search-engine-friendly content. Here are the key takeaways from our in-depth analysis:

  1. SEO-First Approach: INK sets itself apart by focusing on search engine optimization as a primary feature, integrating AI writing capabilities into an already robust SEO toolset. This approach offers a more holistic solution for content creators aiming to improve their search engine rankings.
  2. Comprehensive Toolset: The combination of AI writing assistance, SEO optimization tools, and a distraction-free editor makes INK a versatile solution for content creation. From generating ideas to finalizing SEO-friendly content, INK provides a wide range of features to support the entire content creation process.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Despite some minor glitches, INK’s user interface is generally intuitive and easy to navigate. The distraction-free editor and customizable settings enhance the writing experience, allowing users to focus on creating high-quality content.
  4. AI Capabilities: While INK’s AI writing capabilities show promise, the output quality can be inconsistent compared to some competitors. However, the tool proves useful for overcoming writer’s block and generating ideas, especially when combined with human editing and refinement.
  5. SEO Optimization: INK’s strength lies in its robust SEO tools, offering real-time suggestions, keyword optimization, and competitor analysis. These features can significantly improve the search engine visibility of created content.
  6. Pricing and Value: INK offers competitive pricing, especially considering its combination of AI and SEO tools. The range of plans caters to different user needs, from individual content creators to small teams.
  7. Room for Improvement: There’s potential for enhancement in areas such as AI output consistency, UI refinements, and marketing messaging. As the tool continues to evolve, these improvements could solidify INK’s position in the market.
  8. Ideal for SEO-Conscious Writers: INK is particularly well-suited for content creators who prioritize SEO alongside AI assistance. It offers a valuable solution for those looking to improve their search engine rankings while streamlining their content creation process.
  9. WordPress Integration: The ability to seamlessly sync content with WordPress, maintaining formatting and images, is a standout feature that enhances INK’s appeal for bloggers and website owners.
  10. Future Potential: With its unique approach and comprehensive feature set, INK has the potential to become a leading tool in the AI copywriting space, especially if it continues to refine its AI capabilities and user experience.

In conclusion, INK offers a promising solution for content creators seeking to balance AI assistance with SEO optimization. While there’s room for improvement in some areas, its comprehensive toolset and SEO-first approach make it a worthy contender in the AI copywriting market. As the tool continues to evolve, it could become an indispensable asset for writers, marketers, and SEO professionals looking to create high-quality, search-engine-friendly content efficiently.

For those interested in exploring INK and other tools mentioned in this series, be sure to check out Dave’s resources:

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These platforms offer additional insights, discussions, and updates on the latest trends in AI copywriting and digital marketing tools.

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