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Create Campaigns & Broadcasts With Mautic

5 min read
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In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to effectively create campaigns and broadcasts using Mautic, a powerful open-source marketing automation platform. Mautic offers a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to streamline their email marketing efforts and engage with their audience more effectively. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up segments, creating email templates, building campaigns, and sending broadcast emails. We’ll also cover some advanced features and best practices to help you make the most of Mautic’s capabilities. Whether you’re new to Mautic or looking to enhance your existing knowledge, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you leverage this versatile platform for your marketing needs.

Setting Up Segments in Mautic [00:45]

Segments are a crucial component of Mautic’s email marketing functionality. They allow you to group your contacts based on specific criteria, enabling targeted and personalized communication. Here’s how to create and use segments effectively:

Creating a New Segment

  1. Navigate to the left-hand sidebar in Mautic and click on “Segments.”
  2. Click “Add New” to create a new segment.
  3. Give your segment a descriptive name that reflects its purpose (e.g., “PDF Downloaders”).
  4. Set up filters to define which contacts will be included in the segment.

Setting Up Segment Filters

  • Choose appropriate filters based on your segmentation needs (e.g., tags, form submissions, email engagement).
  • For example, to create a segment of contacts who downloaded a PDF guide:
  • Select the “Tag” filter
  • Choose “includes” as the operator
  • Enter the relevant tag (e.g., “opt-in”)

Best Practices for Segmentation

  • Create segments based on specific actions or characteristics relevant to your marketing goals.
  • Use multiple filters to refine your segments for more targeted communication.
  • Regularly review and update your segments to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

Importance of Segmentation in Email Marketing

  • Segmentation allows for more personalized and relevant communication with your audience.
  • It can significantly improve open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement.
  • Proper segmentation helps prevent email fatigue and reduces unsubscribe rates.

Creating Email Templates in Mautic [03:15]

Mautic offers two types of email templates: template emails (for campaigns and autoresponders) and segment emails (for broadcasts). Here’s how to create effective email templates:

Choosing the Right Email Type

  • Template emails: Used for drip campaigns and autoresponders
  • Segment emails: Used for one-time broadcasts to specific segments

Selecting a Theme

  1. Choose from Mautic’s built-in themes or upload your own custom theme.
  2. To upload a custom theme:
  • Click the gear icon in the upper right corner
  • Select “Themes”
  • Follow the prompts to install your custom theme

Designing Your Email

  • Use the email builder to create your content.
  • For plain text emails (often more effective for conversions):
  • Select the “Blank” theme
  • Use the full-screen editor for easier composition

Personalizing Your Emails

  • Utilize personalization tags (e.g., {contactfield=firstname}) to dynamically insert contact information.
  • Test your personalization to ensure it works correctly for all contacts.

Email Design Best Practices

  • Keep your design clean and focused on your main message.
  • Ensure your emails are mobile-responsive.
  • Use clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs).
  • Test different designs and formats to see what resonates best with your audience.

Building Email Campaigns in Mautic [07:30]

Campaigns in Mautic allow you to create sophisticated, multi-step email sequences based on user behavior and engagement. Here’s how to build effective email campaigns:

Creating a New Campaign

  1. Navigate to “Campaigns” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click “New” to create a new campaign.
  3. Give your campaign a descriptive name.
  4. Launch the campaign builder.

Setting Up the Campaign Source

  • Choose the segment that will trigger the campaign (e.g., “PDF Downloaders”).
  • This determines which contacts will enter the campaign flow.

Building the Campaign Flow

  1. Use the plus button to add new elements to your campaign.
  2. Choose between actions, decisions, and conditions to create your flow.

Adding Email Actions

  1. Select “Send Email” as an action.
  2. Choose the email template you want to send.
  3. Set the timing for when the email should be sent (e.g., 3 hours after joining the segment).

Implementing Decision Points

  • Use decision points to create branching paths based on user behavior (e.g., email opens).
  • This allows for more personalized and responsive campaigns.

Advanced Campaign Features

  • Use tags to further segment your audience within the campaign.
  • Implement wait periods between emails to avoid overwhelming your contacts.
  • Utilize conditions to create more complex, targeted flows based on contact data or behavior.

Campaign Best Practices

  • Start with a simple campaign and gradually increase complexity as you become more familiar with Mautic.
  • Regularly review and optimize your campaigns based on performance data.
  • Test different timing and sequences to find what works best for your audience.

Sending Broadcast Emails in Mautic [13:00]

Broadcast emails, or segment emails, allow you to send one-time messages to specific segments of your audience. Here’s how to create and send broadcast emails effectively:

Creating a Broadcast Email

  1. Go to “Channels” and select “Emails.”
  2. Choose “New Segment Email.”
  3. Select a template for your broadcast.
  4. Give your email a subject line and internal name.
  5. Choose the segment you want to send the email to.

Customizing Your Broadcast Email

  • Use the email builder to customize your content and design.
  • Ensure your message is relevant and valuable to the chosen segment.

Sending Options

Immediate Send:

  • Open the email and click the “Send” button.
  • Choose the number of emails to send in each batch.

Scheduled Send:

  • Set a publish date and time for your email.
  • Ensure you have the necessary cron job set up (covered in the next section).

Best Practices for Broadcast Emails

  • Use compelling subject lines to improve open rates.
  • Segment your audience carefully to ensure relevance.
  • Test different send times to find the optimal timing for your audience.
  • Monitor and analyze the performance of your broadcasts to improve future sends.

Setting Up Cron Jobs for Scheduled Emails [15:30]

To ensure your scheduled emails are sent at the specified times, you need to set up a cron job on your server. Here’s how to do it:

Accessing Your Server

  1. Connect to your server via SSH.
  2. Use the command sudo crontab -e to edit the cron jobs.

Adding the Mautic Broadcast Cron Job

  1. Add the following line to your crontab:
   * * * * * php /path/to/mautic/app/console mautic:broadcasts:send
  1. This sets the cron job to run every minute, checking for scheduled emails to send.

Saving and Applying the Cron Job

  1. Press Ctrl+X to exit the editor.
  2. Confirm to save the changes.

Importance of Proper Cron Job Setup

  • Ensures timely delivery of your scheduled emails.
  • Helps maintain consistent communication with your audience.
  • Allows for more strategic timing of your email sends.

Troubleshooting Cron Jobs

  • If emails aren’t sending as scheduled, check your server logs for any errors.
  • Ensure the path to your Mautic installation is correct in the cron job command.
  • Verify that your server has the necessary permissions to execute the cron job.

Key Takeaways

Creating effective campaigns and broadcasts in Mautic requires a solid understanding of the platform’s features and best practices. Here are the key points to remember:

  1. Segmentation is crucial: Properly segmenting your audience allows for more targeted and effective communication. Use Mautic’s powerful segmentation tools to create groups based on behavior, preferences, and other relevant criteria.
  2. Email template design matters: Whether you’re creating plain text emails or more complex designs, ensure your templates are clean, mobile-responsive, and focused on your main message. Utilize personalization tags to make your emails more engaging and relevant.
  3. Build sophisticated campaigns: Take advantage of Mautic’s campaign builder to create multi-step email sequences. Use decision points and conditions to create personalized paths based on user behavior and engagement.
  4. Leverage broadcast emails strategically: Use segment emails for timely, one-off communications with specific groups in your audience. Pay attention to subject lines, content relevance, and send times to maximize effectiveness.
  5. Proper setup is essential: Ensure your Mautic installation is configured correctly, including setting up necessary cron jobs for scheduled email sends. This ensures smooth operation of your email marketing efforts.
  6. Continuously optimize: Regularly review and analyze the performance of your campaigns and broadcasts. Use this data to refine your strategies, improve your content, and enhance your overall email marketing effectiveness.
  7. Balance automation and personalization: While Mautic offers powerful automation features, remember to maintain a personal touch in your communications. Use data-driven insights to create more relevant and valuable content for your audience.
  8. Stay compliant: Ensure your email marketing practices comply with relevant regulations like GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and others applicable to your region and industry.

By implementing these strategies and continually refining your approach, you can leverage Mautic’s capabilities to create highly effective email marketing campaigns that engage your audience and drive results for your business.

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