Profitable Tools (Legacy)

Admin 2020: LIVE DEMO (A Complete WordPress Redesign)

8 min read
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Introduction [00:00]

WordPress has been a cornerstone of website creation for over a decade, but its backend interface has remained largely unchanged. While this familiarity is comfortable for seasoned users, it can appear outdated and uninspiring to clients accustomed to modern, sleek interfaces like those offered by platforms such as Squarespace. Enter Admin 2020, a game-changing plugin designed to revolutionize the WordPress administrative experience.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how Admin 2020 transforms the WordPress backend, offering a fresh, modern look without sacrificing functionality. We’ll delve into its key features, including a redesigned dashboard, enhanced media management, and user-specific customization options. Whether you’re a WordPress developer looking to impress clients or a site owner seeking a more intuitive interface, Admin 2020 promises to breathe new life into your WordPress experience.

Join us as we take an in-depth look at this innovative plugin, examining its impact on user experience, workflow efficiency, and overall website management. From its sleek design to its powerful features, we’ll uncover how Admin 2020 is setting a new standard for WordPress administration.

Demo [01:15]

As we dive into the demo of Admin 2020, it’s immediately apparent that this plugin is a game-changer for the WordPress backend. The transformation is striking, turning the familiar, somewhat dated WordPress interface into a modern, streamlined experience that’s both visually appealing and highly functional.

Initial Impressions

  • Instant Transformation: Upon activation, Admin 2020 immediately overhauls the WordPress interface, demonstrating its power to refresh the admin area without complex setup procedures.
  • Clean Design: The new interface boasts a cleaner, more minimalist design that reduces visual clutter and focuses on essential elements.
  • Customized Branding: One of the first noticeable changes is the ability to incorporate your own logo in the upper corner, adding a professional touch and reinforcing brand identity within the admin area.
  • Simplified Navigation: The plugin reorganizes menus and sidebars, creating a more intuitive navigation structure that’s easier for both experienced users and clients to understand.

Enhanced Functionality

  • Powerful Search Feature: Admin 2020 introduces a global search function, accessible via a magnifying glass icon. This feature allows users to quickly find pages, posts, plugins, and other elements across the entire WordPress backend, significantly improving workflow efficiency.
  • Responsive Layout: The redesigned interface is fully responsive, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience across various devices and screen sizes.
  • Customizable Dashboard: While not explicitly mentioned in this section of the transcript, the plugin likely offers options to customize the dashboard layout, allowing users to prioritize the information most relevant to their needs.

User Experience Improvements

  • Reduced Cognitive Load: By simplifying the interface and removing unnecessary elements, Admin 2020 reduces the cognitive load on users, making it easier to focus on content creation and site management tasks.
  • Modern Aesthetics: The updated design brings WordPress in line with contemporary web applications, potentially increasing client satisfaction and perceived value of WordPress-based projects.
  • Seamless Integration: Despite the significant visual changes, the plugin maintains core WordPress functionality, ensuring that users can still access all the features they rely on.

The demo section clearly illustrates how Admin 2020 addresses common criticisms of the WordPress backend’s dated appearance. By modernizing the interface without sacrificing functionality, it offers a compelling solution for developers and site owners looking to enhance their WordPress experience. The plugin’s ability to transform the admin area so dramatically with a simple activation process is particularly impressive, showcasing its potential to quickly elevate the perceived quality of WordPress-based projects.

Media Library [02:17]

The Media Library is a crucial component of any content management system, and Admin 2020 brings significant improvements to this often-overlooked area of WordPress. The enhancements to the Media Library not only make it more visually appealing but also introduce powerful organizational tools that can streamline workflow for content creators and site managers.

Revamped Interface

  • Multiple View Options: Admin 2020 offers both list and grid views for the Media Library, catering to different user preferences and use cases. The grid view provides a visual-centric approach, ideal for image-heavy libraries, while the list view offers more detailed information at a glance.
  • Clean and Modern Design: The redesigned Media Library interface aligns with the overall aesthetic of Admin 2020, presenting a cohesive and contemporary look that enhances the user experience.
  • Improved Visual Hierarchy: The new layout emphasizes important information and actions, making it easier for users to navigate and manage their media files efficiently.
  • Responsive Design: The Media Library maintains its functionality and aesthetic appeal across different screen sizes, ensuring a consistent experience for users on various devices.

Folder Organization System

  • Hierarchical Structure: One of the standout features is the introduction of a folder system, allowing users to create a hierarchical organization for their media files. This is particularly useful for sites with extensive media libraries.
  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Users can easily move files between folders using intuitive drag-and-drop actions, simplifying the organization process.
  • Custom Folder Creation: The ability to create custom folders (e.g., “logos” as mentioned in the transcript) enables users to tailor the organization system to their specific needs and workflows.
  • Improved File Management: With the folder system, users can quickly locate and manage related files, reducing the time spent searching through a potentially vast collection of media.

Advanced Filtering and Sorting

  • Media Type Filters: Admin 2020 introduces quick filters for different media types, including images, audio files, videos, and PDFs. This feature allows users to quickly narrow down their search to specific file types.
  • Visual Indicators: The plugin uses icons to represent different media types, making it easy to identify file types at a glance.
  • Enhanced Search Capabilities: While not explicitly mentioned in the transcript, it’s likely that the plugin includes improved search functionality within the Media Library, complementing the global search feature.
  • Sorting Options: Users can likely sort media files based on various criteria such as date uploaded, file name, or file size, further enhancing the ability to manage large media libraries efficiently.

The improvements to the Media Library demonstrate Admin 2020’s commitment to enhancing both the aesthetics and functionality of WordPress. By introducing features like the folder system and advanced filtering options, the plugin addresses common pain points in media management, especially for sites with large and diverse media collections. These enhancements not only save time but also contribute to a more organized and professional backend experience, which can be particularly valuable when working with clients or managing complex websites.

Dark Mode [03:07]

In an era where user experience and accessibility are paramount, Admin 2020 takes a significant step forward by introducing a Dark Mode feature to the WordPress backend. This addition not only caters to personal preferences but also offers practical benefits for users who spend extended periods working in the WordPress admin area.

Activating Dark Mode

  • Easy Toggle: Admin 2020 provides a simple way to activate Dark Mode through the user profile settings. This user-centric approach allows individual administrators to choose their preferred interface style without affecting other users.
  • Instant Application: Upon activation, the Dark Mode is applied immediately across the entire WordPress admin interface, showcasing the plugin’s seamless integration with core WordPress elements.
  • Persistent Setting: While not explicitly mentioned, it’s likely that the Dark Mode preference is saved on a per-user basis, ensuring that the chosen mode remains active across sessions.
  • Accessibility Consideration: The inclusion of Dark Mode demonstrates Admin 2020’s commitment to accessibility, catering to users who may have light sensitivity or prefer working in low-light environments.

Visual Changes

  • Color Palette Shift: Dark Mode typically inverts the color scheme, replacing light backgrounds with dark ones and adjusting text and UI elements for optimal contrast and readability.
  • Reduced Eye Strain: The darker interface can significantly reduce eye strain, especially when working in low-light conditions or during long editing sessions.
  • Maintained Readability: Despite the dramatic change in color scheme, Admin 2020 ensures that all text, icons, and UI elements remain clear and easily distinguishable in Dark Mode.
  • Consistent Branding: The Dark Mode likely maintains any custom branding elements, such as logos, ensuring a cohesive look that aligns with the site’s identity.

User Experience Benefits

  • Enhanced Focus: Dark Mode can help reduce distractions by minimizing the amount of light emitted from the screen, potentially improving concentration and productivity.
  • Battery Savings: For users working on laptops or mobile devices, Dark Mode can contribute to battery savings on devices with OLED or AMOLED screens.
  • Versatile Working Conditions: The ability to switch between light and dark modes allows users to adapt their working environment to different lighting conditions throughout the day.
  • Modern Aesthetic: Dark Mode adds a contemporary feel to the WordPress admin area, aligning it with modern design trends and user expectations.

The introduction of Dark Mode in Admin 2020 is more than just a cosmetic feature; it’s a thoughtful addition that enhances the overall user experience of WordPress administration. By providing this option, the plugin caters to diverse user preferences and working conditions, potentially increasing user satisfaction and productivity.

Moreover, the implementation of Dark Mode showcases Admin 2020’s attention to detail and commitment to creating a fully customizable WordPress experience. It’s features like these that set Admin 2020 apart from standard WordPress installations, offering a level of personalization and user-centric design that can make a significant difference in daily website management tasks.

Key Takeaways

Admin 2020 represents a significant leap forward in WordPress backend design and functionality. This innovative plugin addresses many of the long-standing criticisms of WordPress’s administrative interface, bringing it in line with modern web applications and user expectations. Here are the key takeaways from our exploration of Admin 2020:

  1. Modernized Interface: The plugin dramatically transforms the WordPress backend, replacing the traditional, somewhat dated design with a clean, contemporary look. This refresh not only improves aesthetics but also enhances usability, potentially increasing client satisfaction and perceived value of WordPress-based projects.
  2. Enhanced Media Management: Admin 2020 revolutionizes the WordPress Media Library with the introduction of a folder system, multiple view options, and advanced filtering capabilities. These improvements address common pain points in media organization, especially beneficial for sites with large media collections.
  3. User-Centric Customization: The ability to customize the admin experience, including features like Dark Mode and personalized branding, demonstrates Admin 2020’s commitment to user preferences and working conditions. This level of customization can lead to improved productivity and user satisfaction.
  4. Improved Navigation and Search: The introduction of a global search function and streamlined navigation enhances the overall usability of the WordPress backend. These features can significantly reduce the time spent on administrative tasks, improving workflow efficiency.
  5. Seamless Integration: Despite the substantial changes to the interface, Admin 2020 maintains compatibility with core WordPress functionality and third-party plugins. This ensures that users can enjoy the benefits of a modernized interface without sacrificing the features and flexibility that make WordPress popular.
  6. Accessibility Considerations: Features like Dark Mode and the cleaner interface design show that Admin 2020 takes accessibility seriously, catering to users with different needs and preferences.
  7. Potential for Client Relations: The polished, professional look provided by Admin 2020 can help developers and agencies impress clients, potentially leading to increased trust and better client relationships.
  8. Workflow Optimization: Through its various features and design improvements, Admin 2020 has the potential to streamline administrative tasks, saving time and reducing frustration for WordPress users of all levels.
  9. Customizable User Roles: The ability to hide certain menu items based on user roles adds an extra layer of control and security, allowing administrators to tailor the WordPress experience for different team members or clients.
  10. Continuous Improvement: While Admin 2020 already offers significant enhancements, the plugin’s developers seem committed to ongoing improvements, as evidenced by the suggestion for additional features like custom user roles.

In conclusion, Admin 2020 offers a compelling solution for WordPress users looking to modernize their administrative experience. By addressing common criticisms of the WordPress backend while maintaining core functionality, it strikes a balance between innovation and familiarity. Whether you’re a developer seeking to impress clients, an agency looking to streamline workflows, or a site owner wanting a more enjoyable administrative experience, Admin 2020 provides a comprehensive suite of improvements that can transform how you interact with WordPress.

As WordPress continues to evolve, plugins like Admin 2020 play a crucial role in pushing the platform forward, ensuring it remains competitive and relevant in an ever-changing digital landscape. While it may not be necessary for every WordPress installation, for the right projects and clients, Admin 2020 can provide that extra polish and functionality that sets a website apart.

For those interested in exploring Admin 2020 further or staying updated with the latest developments in WordPress tools and strategies, consider joining the Facebook group at Additionally, you can follow updates and discussions on Twitter at or visit the official website at for more information and resources.

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