
WordPress Plug-in

CartFlows allows one-click upsells and ClickFunnels like mapping of WooCommerce products, while keeping your customer inside of your WordPress site.

Add CartFlows to your website

Add CartFlows to your software stack included at no additional cost with an existing server management plan.

To learn more about CartFlows, visit their official website.

Key Features:

  • Easy Setup for New Sellers: CartFlows allows new sellers to start taking orders in as little as 20 minutes, making it easy to set up an online store quickly.
  • Conversion-Optimized Templates: CartFlows offers a wide variety of high-converting templates for various sales flows, such as checkout pages, landing pages, and opt-in forms, designed to increase conversion rates.
  • Upsells and Order Bumps: CartFlows enables you to create one-click upsells and order bumps, allowing you to increase the average order value and revenue by offering additional products or services after the initial purchase.
  • Dynamic Offers: CartFlows can display highly relevant offers based on customer data, allowing you to create unlimited conditional order bumps and upsells to maximize revenue.
  • Frictionless Checkout: CartFlows replaces the complicated checkout process with an optimized checkout flow, reducing distractions, streamlining the process, and decreasing cart abandonment rates.
  • Modern Checkout: CartFlows offers a modern checkout experience with features like real-time account validation, autofill address fields, field management, and express checkout options.
  • Checkout Takeover: CartFlows allows you to replace the default WooCommerce checkout with a fully customizable and conversion-optimized checkout page.